New Game+

Chapter 30 - Enter The Dragon

Several military vans were parked in a factory at the outskirts of the city. The military base was miles away from this place, yet the soldiers guarded this place as if it was a fortress that guarded several military secrets.

The high wall surrounding this factory stood at over 10 meters tall. And posted on certain key points of the wall stood several soldiers that guarded it at the dark of the night.

A car was stealthily parked a few blocks away from this factory.

A group of teens and one adult stood and were whispering quietly.

"Are you sure she didn't see you follow her?" Seeker asked.

"No. I was sure. She really looked disturbed. So I doubt that she noticed." Cliff responded with a bit of frustration.

"Because if she did see you, you'd probably get killed tonight." Seeker laughed.

"Are you really going to attack their base?" Meryl looked with a doubtful expression.

"Yes, Meryl. For the thousand times, yes."

"But how?" I don't think they'd let you in."

"That's why I asked the good doctor to lend me his stuff." Seeker smiled.

Lynd got excited.

"Cool! What is it? Grappling hooks? Hi-tech wall-climbing gears? A hover pad?"

"I brought a pair of mountain climbing pickaxe." Charles sighed.

Lynd's mouth was wide open.

"What are you going to do with that?" Lynd barely managed to contain his frustration.

"Scale the wall." Seeker smiled.

"Now stay here and be good kiddies. I'll call you when it's over." Seeker smiled.

Meryl and Lynd gave a worried look. Seeker insisted that they didn't need to come but they wouldn't take no for an answer.

Seeker started to dash off towards the factory. His sudden movements would be compared to a ninja who knew how to utilize the darkness and was soon out of sight from Meryl and Lynd's.

"Amazing. He just disappeared like that." Cliff couldn't help but comment.

"See? I told you there's nothing to get all worried about. Seeker could easily handle this situation." Charles gave a comforting pat to Meryl.

"Are you serious? We didn't come here because we were worried you know? We were curious and we wanted to see a good show." Meryl scoffed.

Seeker finally reached a shaded area near the tall wall. He positioned himself right on the bottom where several guards were stationed on a platform on top of the wall.

Seeker, observed for the soldier's line-of-sight. When the soldier moved to observe a different area, Seeker dashed towards the wall.

Seeker executed a very complex wall run which pushed him high above the 3-meter mark. He smashed the two pickaxes to cling to the wall. Strangely the penetration of the pickaxe was very discreet as it only penetrated barely an inch from the surface. This however managed to provide Seeker support. Without wasting any time, Seeker kicked his two legs to propel him higher as he unhooked the pickaxes and smashed it once more on a higher area of the wall. Seeker repeated this movement and in just less than 10 seconds, he reached the top of the wall. His pickaxes were now hanging on the edge of the wall. Thankfully, the darkness of the night wouldn't make the hangings pickaxe visible if viewed from afar.

Seeker paused for a bit and closed his eyes. He could feel the soldier walking nearer towards his location as the muffled sounds may have attracted him.

Seeker immediately kicked once more and jumped to reach the top of the wall. Seeker immediately thrust the pickaxe to the surprised soldier's throat.

The blunt top of the pickaxe struck the soldiers throat who was now choking. Seeker immediately proceeded to deliver an intense uppercut knocking the soldier unconscious.

Seeker stealthily dashed towards the stairs leading to the bottom and took note of the building which had several lights lit on.

Soldiers were caught off guard as Seeker would attack them from their blind spots. Seeker used a variety of tricks to ensure they wouldn't let out a sound whenever Seeker would attack them.

Three soldiers were just being pummeled by Seeker when another guard walked in and immediately pulled the gun out of his holster.

"Idiot. Your safety's on." Seeker shook his head.

The soldier immediately turned his gun sideways to check his gun. This one-second gap was enough for Seeker to throw his pickaxe to disarm the solider and deliver a crushing kick on the soldier's throat.

Seeker sighed.

"Why does this trick always work?" Seeker wondered and started to rush on towards the main building.

Seeker stood right outside the door and closed his eyes.

"Seven huh?" Seeker sighed once more.

Seeker immediately opened the door and dashed inside. There were seven soldiers on this area each doing their own thing.

Seeker was dashing towards the nearest guard but turned his attention to another guard on the other end of the room carrying a gun with a silencer equipped. Seeker threw his pickaxes as if they were boomerangs and started to dash towards the soldier with the silencer.

The other soldiers hadn't even noticed Seeker come into the room due to the speed that Seeker was moving. Time was very slow in Seeker's perspective. He reached the soldier, who was still in the process of reaching for his gun holster, and penetrating punch to the stomach was delivered.

It was as if the stomach acid was rising up his throat. The soldier was about to vomit whatever spit or food out when another terrifying punch shocked his jaw. He was out for the count.

The trajectory of the pickaxe flew in a curving motion which evaded several obstacles. The blunt end of the pickaxe smashed towards the heads of two unwary soldiers.

Seeker immediately reached for the silencer and started to shoot around. He aimed for all the triggers of the guns that the soldiers were currently holding as he was running towards another surprised soldier.

In less than 10 seconds all the soldiers in the room were defeated with no one managing to shoot a single bullet.

In a dark room inside the main building, a huge man stood carrying a large whip.

"Tell me what I need to know, and you can leave." The man ordered.

Bounded in a chair in front of him was an Asian man who had a lot of burn wounds in his eyes.

"I don't know anything! I am blind! Why would you think that I have it?"

The huge man whipped the blind man. Blood was coming out of the blind man's teeth.

"Wrong answer. Blind my ass. You took out those three soldiers right?"

"I really don't know! All I heard was some commotion and then you guys suddenly jumped on me! It wasn't me! I swear!" The blind man pleaded.

The huge man tore the shirt of the blind man.

"You know what I'm going to do?" The huge man laughed.

The blind man had a sudden strange expression but immediately tried to look afraid.

"Mark, tell him what we are going to do with him?"

"We're going to dress you up like a cute Barbie doll." A sneering voice returned.

The huge man laughed.

"That's right. We're going to… Wait... what?" The huge man turned and met a strong high kick which dislocated his jaw.

Before the man could lose his balance, the assailant grabbed his head as a knee strike smashed to his face. The huge men fell down unconscious. Behind the assailant, there laid an unconscious soldier that could only be Mark.

The blind man nervously listened.

"Who's there? What's going on?"

The blind man kept tossing and turning.

"Interesting." A causal voice spoke as this figure started to walk around the blind man. Seeker gazed at a peculiar tattoo on the left side of the bounded man's chest. It was a faint dragon coiling which formed a circle. In the middle of this dragon was a dark red sun.

"I'm almost sure that that's the mark of the Dragon. Do you work for him? I don't remember you." Seeker had met all of the Dragon's best subordinates. This one wasn't in his memories.

"What? I don't understand?" The blind man answered back as he struggled in fear. He kept following where the voice was calling.

"Please help me! Get me out of this place! I was brought here by mistake!" The blind man called out.

Seeker chuckled.

"Yeah right. You are." Seeker ignored the helpless cries of the bound man but continued to observe him. After a few seconds Seeker shrugged off the thought of this person being a top warrior in the Dragon's army.

"Sorry. I don't want to put my nose where it doesn't belong. If you don't work for him then I must have guessed wrong. I thought you were Mister Meng's subordinates." Seeker shrugged off as he walked towards the door.

Just then, Seeker stopped and turned around and clapped his hand to block an arm thrust.

The blind man was no longer bounded and his thick arms were immediately struggling to move. Seeker managed to block the arm just on time. The blind man frowned.

"Oh. So I was right. This is annoying." Seeker sighed dryly.

The blind man moved with quick and precise actions as he tried to use his bare hands like a sword and continued several thrusting attacks.

Seeker would either dodge or parry the attacks and would even use his arms to redirect the attacks.

"I am not your enemy." Seeker sighed as he kept evading the flurry of thrust.

As the attacks started to increase with intensity, Seeker suddenly jumped back and stood a few meters away from the blind man. Some parts of Seeker's clothes were torn. And a very rare sight was seen. Seeker Carlean had a small wound on his right arm.

The blind man was furious. He used the best of his abilities and could only scratch this young teen.

"Listen, pal, I'm busy. I don't have any intentions to blow your cover. Keep this up and I'll give you a beating so bad that you'd wish you were facing the Dragon instead of me." Seeker spoke angrily.

The blind man took a readied stance. His enemy was worthy of hi utilizing all his martial prowess on.

"I do not know who you are, but you must die. You have jeopardized my mission."

"Taking advantage of your long reach huh?" Seeker sighed once more. This encounter was causing more trouble than he had originally bargained for.

The blind man ran forward and aimed a punch towards Seeker.

Seeker concentrated and time started to slow down. A second felt like seven.

Seeker stared at the approaching arm thrust. He could see the unnatural hardness of the blind man's fingers.

The thrust slowly approached Seeker. But just then, Seeker clenched his fist with his middle finger slightly protruding. Three punch were immediately delivered on the forearms of the blind man. The flurry of fists was so fast that the blind man couldn't see the punches.

The blind man immediately backed away and was clutching his right arm as if he was in pain.

"As Meng would always advice. When facing someone with a longer reach, then it's simple. Aim for his hands." Seeker smiled.

The blind man frowned and dashed once more. But as he drew closer a crushing sensation gripped his heart. He stopped attacking and immediately knelt down on one leg.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize you are Master's student." The blind man respectfully answered. His hands and legs were shivering in fear.

Seeker, who just released his indomitable aura, had a very peculiar look on his face.

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