New Game+

Chapter 39 - The Two Skills Needed

The boss battle began. Seeker had already increased proficiency on many skills and the battle proceeded easily. As the boss health's decreased to zero, the cut-scene appeared. Bullet, who in the middle of fighting a brawny man with bright shining bracelets, suddenly took out one large handgun. He held that handgun like a tonfa. At the push of a button, a sharp curved blade protruded from the rear sight of the handgun and extended at an exaggerated length. Bullet, who held the handgun like a tonfa now had a short blade.

Bullet ran and thrust his rifle first which were then blocked by something that looked like force fields.

Bullet smiled and rammed the handgun's blade on the force field and pierced through it.

The brawny man evaded the blade but was met with Bullet's rifle.


The brawny man somersaulted backward and gazed angrily at Bullet.

"You have his weapon?"

"Why? It's not cheating. He's my brother. It's only natural I get to use it." Bullet smiled. He took a stance which indicated he was ready for another clash.

"Boring." The brawny man responded and a large force field emitted under his fist. The man was then catapulted to the air and successfully escaped.

"Coward." Bullet laughed as he took a look at the handgun.

"Ah screw it. He did give it to me. What's wrong in using it?"

The cutscene faded and the game continued.

Seeker then controlled Bullet to move at a fast speed. Along the way, Seeker would use new combos as he had a new weapon to play around with. A mixture of melee and simple ranged attacks appeared as Bullet was now dual wielding his weapons. One hand carried his trusted Rifle, and another held the unique handgun which could also be used as a blade. However, keeping true to his promise, Seeker didn't add any ranged skill attacks. However, he did occasionally use basic ranged normal attacks.

As Seeker continued to go along on his journey, the chat room was oddly quiet. Everyone was watching intently at what Seeker would do.

"There are two things that are necessary in order to beat this game at record speed." Seeker began to talk mysteriously.

The direction which he was traveling was going towards a very familiar base. It was the base which Piercing used as its main area for storing and developing weapons. Because of this, it was heavily guarded. Throughout the majority of the game, this base was a suicide zone for most players. It was impossible to attack the base. The damage of the enemies in this area was overpowered that for most of the game, one hit was enough to kill Bullet regardless of what armors that Bullet could wear. The entire base used Piercing ammunitions and complex tracking systems that would give headaches to every player.

"He's heading for the Main Base!" A viewer typed immediately as he realized Seeker's direction.

Arthur watched as Seeker continued to move. He was frowning. This was pointless. The base contained high-leveled enemies and even if Seeker did manage to kill one, it had an unlimited respawn rate. At this point, there is nothing to do at that base. The base was usually attacked late-game when Bullet's level would be high enough and missions would be completed to drastically lower the base's defense.

"The first thing that is necessary, is a calm mind that can keep track of the enemy's attack." Seeker announced as he finally reached the base area. Despite being far from the main entrance, some missiles and laser-like attacks were reaching his area. Seeker was able to casually avoid these attacks.

"This base has a total of 27 active enemies all of which, can kill me in one hit. Each has their own timing and attack pattern." On the far end of the screen, several enemy soldiers with a unique set of clothes were moving to the frontline. Piercing Fans immediately identified them as Pierce Soldiers.

The soldiers started to shoot at Bullet. The enemy used simple guns but the odd thing was, the bullet attacks had no animations to tell the players were the attacks where.

These soldiers were also the reason who no one dared to attack the base. Players would die at these attacks and couldn't even reach the base.

Seeker however smiled. His face slowly turned serious. Time began to slow down in his perception.

"Two more seconds, and that one attacks, that missile should be a low attack. Must evade to the left as the Pierce Agent should attack now." Seeker thought to himself.

Everyone who watched the screen could only see a blur of commands as if Seeker was randomly mashing his controller. However, on the screen, Bullet kept dodging the attacks cleanly.

Arthur gazed in surprise. He dared not blink as to skip even a second of Seeker's performance.

On another city, located at the heart of Australia, a group of teens gathered around one computer to observe Seeker's performance.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" A tall and very good-looking Caucasian with blue eyes shouted in surprise.

"How good is the boss?" A timid Asian woman asked by his side.

"He's as fast as I am!" The blue-eyed man responded immediately.

Seeker's approach was getting slower and slower. There were moments when Seeker had to retreat a couple of steps back in order to evade the attacks.

"The main turrets of the base fire two types of attack. One aimed to hit your current location and another to hit the area directly in front of you. The Pierce soldiers all shoot aiming at your current direction. The mortars either hit your current location or the area directly behind you. So you need to be able to count the attacks of all these soldiers. Now the troublesome attacks are the ones that the Pierce soldiers do. They attack almost randomly. Your only cue is to move once you see the gunshot. So the trick is to actually have them in your screens at all time." Seeker narrated as he focused on evading and moving.

Arthur frowned. He couldn't have replicated what Seeker was doing. The attacks were too diverse and its conditions too harsh.

"That is the second requirement is speed, accuracy, and control. Since the random attacks of all these Pierce soldiers come almost instantly, you need to be able to react immediately and push the right buttons. However, be careful to move in the right direction to avoid the turrets, missiles, lasers, and stuff. Evading in the wrong direction can get you killed."

'CHEAT! THIS IS DEFINITELY A CHEAT!" A chat appeared breaking the silence of the chat room.

"Are you an idiot? Can't you see everything happening real-time? This is pure skill!" a fan defended.

Seeker's movement of moving forward and backward took time. Eventually, nearly twenty minutes had passed and Seeker was nearing the actual gates of the base.

Everyone was hyped at Seeker's beautiful execution of skills. It was over twenty minutes of pure concentration and expert maneuvering.

"This was just like Precision and Cronus' battle back then!" Several chats comparing Seeker's actions with another well-known event were made. People were continuously excited. Many cringed at the near-deaths of Seeker. If any of these attacks landed, Seeker would immediately die.

As he drew closer. The attacks of the enemy were getting faster as the turrets and mortar attacks had very little distance to cover. Seeker pushed his Unlocking to the middle of the Proficient rank of the Unbecoming stage. Time was getting even slower than ever.

This allowed Seeker to think where to evade as he would calculate the attacks and of the following enemies.

Seeker controlled Bullet to jump backward and the very moment Bullet's feet would touch the ground, Seeker immediately pressed the button to make another jump to the left. A gunshot from a Pierce soldier could be seen so Seeker moved sideways and dashed forward as he saw an incoming missile.

All three attacks happened almost instantly. But Seeker managed to evade everything.

"That's impossible! How did he know where to jump! He must have definitely cheated somehow!" An angry viewer voiced out. Several were just about to insult this player but recognized his name and knew he was a pro player.

Seeker smiled. He turned to and looked directly at the camera. His focus was not on his screen. Even if it was Arthur, this reckless act of turning away from the screen for a second would mean death.

"And that's why you will forever be unable to defeat Arthur." Seeker smiled and turned his gaze back at the screen and easily maneuvered another set of jumping and dashing movements which evaded all attacks.

"I already told you the two skills needed to accomplish this. You say it's impossible? You are wrong. Two people viewing this stream has these two skills. The first one is Instant Calculation."

The Covenant of the Strongest gasped at Seeker's mention.

Arthur frowned. Instant Calculation was what he called his precise calculating skills. He could instantly calculate the time, speed, and even memorize the sequence or the enemies A.I at one look. This was what made him a king among many games.

"How did he know about Instant Calculation!" Kristine asked in an alarmed voice.

"Does he have it?" Another pro player asked the frowning Arthur.

"Yes. But not's all he has." Arthur concluded.

Seeker continued to control Bullet precisely dodging and evading the myriad attacks. People viewing his screen seemed to be getting dizzy at Seeker's movements.

"Calculating the attacks, however, is not enough at this case. Thanks to the presence of those five Pierce soldiers, we need Cronus' skill. Millisecond Reaction." Seeker smirked as he finally passed the area where the mortars and the turrets couldn't hit him any longer.

The remaining soldiers along with the Pierce soldiers started attacking Bullet with long and close range attacks. The blurring screen started to move faster.

Every time Seeker would evade a soldier would already be around him. Seeker would immediately jump to evade. It seemed fast but on Seeker's perspective, he was carefully looking at his avatar's body. The moment the foot would land; he would immediately do another jump or dash. Not a millisecond was wasted in Seeker's movements.

Cronus stared with mouths agape.

The Guinness record for the longest Piercing one-on-one fight came from the great Piercing Commando's event two years ago. Precision and Cronus faced off one-on-one in what seemed like an endless battle. None of each other's attacks worked. Even at the speeding attacks of Precision, Cronus managed to evade every single attack thanks to his skill which he dubbed as Millisecond Reaction.

Precision always maintained his distance, far from the reach of Cronus. Precision had the entire map on his mind. A cat and mouse battle which lasted over 2 hours until Cronus slipped up and got done in by Precision's combo. It was later revealed that Precision's arm was strained at overstressing himself. Had Cronus manage to hold on, Precision would have lost.

Cronus' eyes were focused on Seeker's hand.

"Precision has the eyes and can tell the exact second when an attack will hit and the precise angle he needs to take to avoid the hit. I, on the other hand, can react quickly. I can hit the right keys, at the right time to make the right moves. In short, Precision has the eyes, and I have the hands. But Seeker has both." Cronus explained.

Everyone on Git Godlike gazed in astonishment at Seeker's control.

Seeker controlled Bullet to run at the back area of the base. The discussion in the chat room shifted from Seeker's skill to Seeker's purpose of raiding the base. The base had nothing for Seeker. He couldn't enter, he couldn't fight any bosses.

Seeker then reached a hangar and started attacking the door of the hangar.

People were confused. These doors were of no surprise to them. The Piercing series used such doors to hide secret passages or was used to unlock secret weapons.

Seeker used the handgun and slashed at the door and suddenly he paused the game.

Everyone was confused.

"Now guys. Pay close attention. Once I'm finished with this I'll immediately be thrown late game.." Seeker smiled.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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