New Game+

Chapter 42 - Meeting The Covenant

A sudden pressure enveloped Cliff which further increased the weight of his body. However, unlike the previous sensation, this time, Cliff could now somehow control his body. Time slowed down as he stared at the terrifying ax head. Cliff stared at it and turned to look at his puny spiked club. It was like an ant compared to the two-meter-long halberd with a large sharp edge. The familiar sensation of fear enveloped him but this time, Cliff knew, somehow he could move.

He could see it more clearly. In fact, somehow he thought he could see the immediate environment around him. He could see his body standing and Seeker right in front of him who was about to attack him. He has had similar sensations and experiences on the previous sessions, but this time, Cliff felt that he could move.

Cliff forced his feet up and finally managed to jerk it awake. He took a sidestep and the sharp ax head crashed down on his previous location. The amount of force that Cliff exerted somehow catapulted him as if he exerted all his strength to jump. Cliff crashed on the ground to the side. Sweat was dripping all over Cliff's body. From the perspective of others, Cliff made a ridiculously fast dodge on the last second of the hit.

Everyone stood amazed at the sight.

Cliff clutched his foot as he could feel he somehow sprained his muscles. However, he realized something and a happy smile surface.

"I did it! I saw it! I could see it!" Cliff shouted excitedly.

"Not bad. Looks like this training is effective after all." Seeker smiled.

Cliff laid back down in relief. He finally managed to do the impossible.

"Let's continue." Seeker said as he dashed towards Cliff with the ax head held up in the sky.

"WAIT!" Cliff wailed in fright as he saw Seeker not giving him any moment to breathe.

The session continued for ten more minutes.

Cliff was trembling in fear as he lay flat on the back. His sweat spilled forth from his clothes and made the immediate dry pavement beneath him covered in his sweat.

"Next," Seeker ordered.

No one took the initiative to step forward.

"Fine. I'll choose." Seeker immediately dashed on towards Charles who also ran towards the nearest weapon shack.

The round robin of repulsion continued until everyone had their session with Seeker. Like Cliff, everyone managed to adapt to the situation and make basic evasive maneuvers. However, an unexpected surprise was seen when it was Lynd's and Meryl's turn.

Alean and Cliff stared in shock at how the two teens managed to easily adapt despite the increasing harshness of Seeker's training regime.

Meryl managed to continue evading Seeker's attack for a full three minutes. It was only when Seeker attacked her with harsher techniques did she finally manage to succumb to the fear. Lynd's battle was even better. Unlike everyone else, he managed to defend against Seeker's attack and even had the opportunity to attack. However, he also received the most beatings from Seeker as a result to this.

Charles was impressed. Future World Champions do have such terrifying potential.

"Monsters." Charles shook his head as he voiced out unintentionally.

Alean who heard Charles sigh gave the two a meaningful stare.

"So that's why Seeker keeps them." She mumbled to herself and decided to look at these two in a different light.

Seeker and Lynd continued on with Lynd escaping and doing an occasional attack. Suddenly Seeker dove in and abandoned his weapon. His speed increased to a point that although he could see Seeker's approach, he couldn't do anything. Seeker ducked down and gave Lynd a strong punch at the stomach and as Lynd bent over on Seeker's shoulders, Seeker immediately did a shoulder toss. Lynd crashed on Charles and Alean.

"Now it's time for the group session." Seeker announced. He walked towards the side and dropped the halberd. He then eyed a magnificent silver broadsword. Seeker smiled before picking it up. He then turned to his friends and started marching towards the group who was still recovering from Lynd's crash. The sudden change of events gave the group quite a panic as they ran to grab whatever weapons they could manage.

A scene that can only be explained as a massacre occurred. Only in this massacre, no one was dying. They were just being beaten up. Seeker who carried a blade that bigger taller than the wielder was a very intimidating scene for the group.

The night continued with a set of round robin followed by a group session. There were relatively no other improvements other than Lynd and Meryl being able to keep up on the relentless attacks of Seeker.

While the night of terrors passed by for the group, the world was celebrating the rise of yet another world-famous figure that was birthed in the humble islands of the Phil-Pangea nation.

Seeker's stream continued to circulate around the world as media groups covered and talked about this phenomenon. It created such a huge impact on the world's culture that strange trends started. Experts on various fields of sports, arts and other odd jobs would stream themselves getting a massage while instructing a random Joe to perform the very skills that they were good at. The phenomenon was known as "Carleaning."

The term Lyndiculous found its way to the Internet and became a popular meme. Lyndiculous was used to describe a miraculous event or performance from the most unexpected person. Lynd's image started to circulate around the globe as well. A random stranger who defeated the last boss with severe disadvantages such as weak weapons, low-leveled character, and no prior practice.

It was Monday and a group of four walked out of the Arrivals bay in the airport. There were several guards who walked in front of them to prevent others from running towards them. Most of the people would scream the name of the adult of the group.

"Charles! Marry me!" Several berserker cries from crazed fan-girls were made. Others spotted the team right behind them. And recognized them immediately. They have been circulating all over the news and net. Some of the gamers among the crowd ran immediately and wanted to get a picture of the most famous and highly paid pro-gamer. The Casual Legend, Seeker Carlean had arrived on Malay-Pangean soil.

A group of well-dressed professionals awaited their arrival and began to wave. They were the escort service hired to get the group.

At the very front of the group stood a tall, blonde woman. She was shocked to see Charles Lindmit together with Seeker.

"Dr. Lindmitt! What a nice surprise! I didn't know you'd be going together with Seeker!" A tall woman with blonde hair and a very stylish sense of fashion walked forward to shake Charles' hand.

"It a last minute decision. So I didn't bother to announce it." Charles replied with humility.

"Please don't worry. We'll be sure to accommodate you with the finest service. We insist! It would be our pleasure to serve a Pangean hero." The woman smiled.

"Then I guess I'd have to trouble you." Charles smiled.

"And of course, the Legend himself. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Carlean, Mr. Indigo, and Ms. Mikado." The woman greeted.

"The pleasure is ours." Seeker stepped forward and shook the hand of the woman.

"I am Halley Vagrant. The team manager of the Covenant of the Strongest. It's a pleasure to have you on board."

"Nice name. I bet people call you the Wandering Comet." Seeker chuckled.

"Oh not at all." The woman laughed.

"I've had other names, but that probably is the best one yet." She smiled.

"You aren't related to Stanley Vagrant of WarFreakz are you?" Seeker asked.

"Actually, I am. He's my nephew." She smiled.

"Huh. Small world." Seeker smiled as he entered the car.

The trip took them around the many famous sites around the Malay-Pangean area. Lynd and Meryl stared excitedly as they gazed on the many sites. It was there first time visiting a neighboring country.

Seeker had a nonchalant attitude but was secretly impressed at the beauty of this country. It looked beautiful considering it wasn't a wasteland of fallen tanks as he remembered in his memories. The tall buildings would be halved buildings and surroundings would be littered corpses or body parts.

"Are you a fan of the WarFreakz? With your status, I'm sure you can join them. They would probably be happy to have an Arthur-level player join them." Halley smiled.

"Nah. I don't want to be too busy. I'm doing all these for the fun of it after all. But I do want to meet him. The famed General himself." Seeker smiled.

"Casual as ever I see." Halley laughed.

The group eventually arrived at a very tall rotating building with a very eccentric design.

"The Gorde Tower. The first Malay-Pangean building to adopt a Supra-Modern design. Impressive." Seeker smiled as he saw the unique tower.

"Our office is on the 35th floor. Arthur and his group should be waiting. More than the initial meeting with you, several of them want to have a one-on-one battle with you."

"I am as well. I am hoping that my friends here can humor them and display their own talent in the game."

"Of course! Mr. Indigo made quite an impact!" Halley smiled.

The group immediately arrived at the 35th floor and the elevators where opened.

"Nutterballs!" Lynd cried out in excitement.

The gaming area where the Covenant would practice, study and basically live was an impressive room. It had several bathrooms, state-of-the-art computers, a very high-tech ambiance in the room. The room was even better than most 5-star hotel rooms.

As the doors towards the office were opened, they were greeted with a group of seven teens. Arthur and Kristine stood at the middle. Surrounding them was the remaining members of the covenant.

The most good-looking youth stood at the far right. He was Danny. The most famous member of the Covenant and the only one who used his real name as his game-handle. Next to him stood a plain-looking man. He was the most silent member of the Covenant, the Range Master, Asterisxx. The official tank of the team stood next to him, a petite woman with a very heavy amount of make-up. She was the famed tiny warrior, MaliciousUnicorn. The last member of their group was an odd looking youth with buckteeth. His face was as odd as his name. Strawberry_Sit-ups.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the newest addition to our team. Seeker 'the Casual' Carlean." Arthur announced blankly.

"Wait! Is that Charles Lindmit?" Kristine exclaimed.

The members of the Covenant immediately rushed towards Charles excitedly. The petite woman even went to hug Charles intimately as there was unexplainable fanaticism on her eyes.

"Haha. Calm down. I'll be hanging around here for a long time. Miss Halley, is it possible for me to request a room somewhere near this floor? I do need to keep an eye out for Seeker." Charles was politely trying to get the crazed woman off her sides.

"No need. Doctor Lindmitt can stay with me." The petite girl gleefully announced.

"Dara. Please calm down." Kristine frowned.

"No way. You're just saying that because you want to be together with Doctor Charles."

"Oh? Not at all. If anything, I'd rather have Seeker in my room." Kristine gave a soft giggle.

Lynd was blushing to the extreme.

"You're interested in him?" MaliciuosUnicorn laughed.

Seeker gave a confused look.

"Let me tell you something newbie. I made my way up this ladder giving everything I have. I conquered pros after pros until I reached this place. And now, someone like you could just pop out of nowhere and become a Covenant?"

"I understand. You reached these heights through your skill. So you look down on me for my method of getting here. Well, don't worry. Like you, it is also because of my skills. In fact, its skills that far surpass yours." Seeker smiled.

"What are you saying, newbie?" Dara glared.

"How about a bet? You, and two other members except for Arthur, versus me my friends.." Seekers trademark devilish grin appeared once more.

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