New Game+

Chapter 46 - A Humbled Seeker Carlean

It was total humiliation.

As soon as her team reached Seeker, they were met with Lynd's tank version of Blade. Yet despite the slow movements of this build, they could barely attack Lynd as he moved precisely on time using minimal movements to dodge the attacks.

Blade used the AOE attacks to disrupt the team from moving forward. Seeker's player, Edge, was seen sniping them at a short distance behind Blade and kept shooting stun attacks. Though it had an 8-second cooldown, every shot would hit them squarely. And Seeker knew who to attack, and when to attack. Dara was the first to fall.

In fact, every time she would engage the opposing team, a similar scenario would play. She would receive the stun attacks from Seeker, get smacked with all the attacks that Blade had and lastly, Meryl's agile Piercing: Dagger build would strike at the most critical of moments. Dara was undoubtedly the most useless player in that battle. Of their team's total damage percentage, Asterisxx had 67 percent, Danny took the remaining 33 percent. Dara did not manage to do a single attack on Seeker's team.

Danny was laughing his head off after the battle. Being humbled by Arthur caused him not to worry about these trivial stats. But beyond this numb sensation to losing, was the most embarrassing stats he has ever seen from the profile of a Pro. A post-battle score of zero percent damage contribution. Danny kept laughing at Dara because of this.

Not even fighting against Arthur would give her this kind of score. This train of thought led Dara to consider one possibility.

During the battle, she realized that Seeker's attacks were all timely and on the mark. Meryl's attacks were terrifying, reckless and executed perfectly that she didn't even manage to do a single strike. This was how people described LordChokeMeSenpai.

She argued with Danny and Asterisxx that it wasn't Seeker, Lynd and Meryl they were fighting, but Seeker, Arthur, and Kristine.

Edge was played by Arthur who made precise control and memorized the timing of all attacks and knew when to disrupt them! Meryl was definitely Kristine! And Seeker, being a renowned evasive player would easily fit into as Blade!

Danny and Asterisxx did not agree as there was a clear difference in their playstyle.

But an innocent sigh drove Dara of the edge when Danny murmured that he had to date Meryl now. It was there that Dara realized that she has lost the bet.

Her dreams would no longer come true. Their date on the Sky Garden, the couples massage room plans she dreamt, the wine, candles, and whips. It was all gone.

The most frustrating thing to ever experience is to see a giant ray of hope that you thought you would have, only to disappear as the clouds of reality cover these rays of hope.

This great frustration turned into anger. And so she did the only thing she could do. She took out her phone and used her secret weapon.

"Dad. I need your help."

"Dara? What happened?"

"It's this newbie that joined our team. He humiliated me and even replaced me as the main roster for the 5-on-5 battle!"

"WHAT?!" The voice in the other line took a sudden angry tone.

"It's that Casual Carlean! He managed to trick us all and replaced three of the main roster. Even Danny's off the team!" Dara complained.

"Even Danny? No way. The fans will go crazy! And Arthur knows that! Why isn't he doing anything?"

"Probably blackmail! Arthur is definitely being used! Daddy do something! My career is on the line!"

"I'll see if I can talk with Feltrick. He had his misgivings towards this Seeker person. I'm sure he'll find a way to kick him out of the team."

"It's impossible! Arthur won't agree to it! I'm sure! He's even using Doctor Lindmitt to seduce Halley!"

"Doctor Lindmitt's there?!" A surprised voice continued.

"Yes! I have this strange feeling that Seeker has been blackmailing him. And now he's doing that to Arthur! You have to do something!"

"I'll call Feltrick. He should be on his way right now!"

"Tell him to hurry. That Seeker's on to something! I'm sure of it!" Dara abruptly ended the call. The anger in her eyes had not disappeared.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Seeker had just updated their new found ally of the current situation.

"I see. So you aim to start a Continental war. This could lead to a world war you know." Arthur was deeply pondering the situation.

"Impressive. What gave you that impression?" Seeker smiled. He expected Arthur to predict this move.

"War is the only avenue for you to be able to sneak in and meet high-ranking officials. If you're going to try to meet people like my father, then no doubt you will need to travel to enemy countries. War's the perfect cover. Also, no doubt that you will use this opportunity to gather more resources and pilfer technology from the various armies across the world."

"Exactly. Since a world war will soon happen, I'll just cause one. Besides, whatever I am doing, it has to disrupt the Aragarian's plan. A Continental war should be big enough to surprise the Aragarians. If that could disrupt their plans even by a few months, then it can give us even more advantages.

"But you're diverting too much from the original timeline, things won't go according to your memories."

"It's alright. Those high-ranking people that I need to meet are potential Overcomers. Several of the World Champions have often voiced out their lament when these 'peers' of theirs died during the early stages of the war. If we gain three to four new overcomers, then it's definitely worth the trouble."

"If these Overcomers are anything like my father, then I'd risk that change even for just one addition. However, you caused quite a ruckus with your actions tonight." Arthur stared straight at Seeker.

"What? Why?" A confused Seeker stared back.

"Dara. She's the problem. Your overwhelming victory was too showy. She would never believe that you three fought against them. She probably thinks that Kristine and I played instead of Meryl and Lynd. Also, considering her loss to a bet that would have fulfilled all her wildest fantasy, she's bound to do something... immature."

"Eh? I'm too bored with a little child's game. I'll fix it just like I did Alean." Seeker shrugged.

"Seeker! She's a child!"

"You know that it is written, Doc. Spare the rod, spoil the child." Seeker gave a malicious reply.

"I'm not talking about her. Her father is well affiliated with one of the Board members of our company. And that board member's a scrooge. He was initially against you joining our team considering your demanded salary."

"Eh? It's alright. I've blackmailed a corrupt General back in Phil-Pangea. I can handle this corporate scrooge."

"That scrooge is Feltrick Ung-glaive. His secret background is the head of an internationally wanted criminal syndicate and weapons dealer. You cannot intimidate him." Arthur spoke plainly.

Seeker frowned.

Even Charles felt his palms sweat. This background was not something they could easily mess with.

"I can do my best to water down the trouble. He won't kick you out of the team, but he'll do his best to intimidate you. Even my father refuses to cause problems towards his organization as it would lead to quite a troublesome task."

Seeker was in deep contemplation. So this was an organization that even an Overcomer wouldn't casually mess with?

"I swear I know that name. Ugh. Alright. I'll keep it low-key." Seeker sighed.

A knock was heard.

"Arthur! Feltrick is here!" Halley spoke with a worried tone.

Seeker frowned.

"Speaking of the devil. I'll deal with him. He will insult you and even resort to physically hurting you. You have to act humble. Don't even dare to intimidate him, Seeker. He has full authority to kick you out of the team. It will cause too many problems for you and even more so for me." Arthur glared.

"Alright. I promise I won't intimidate him." Seeker sighed.

The group went out to see a slightly chubby man with a strict face. He wore a brown tux and had a large walking stick. Surrounding him were his bodyguards. But everyone in that room knew they were Feltrick's henchmen.

"So… You are the arrogant one who's causing problems in my organization." The fat man walked arrogantly towards Seeker.

Dara's smile was beaming. This was quite a sight for her eyes.

"Out of respect to Doctor Charles, I won't make it difficult for you. Confess to whatever crimes, Seeker. Blackmailing Arthur Humphrey and even cheating on your fights to win here. If you confess now, it will be simple. We will announce that you met a freak accident and that you fractured your arm. Outwardly, you will be treated as a part of the Covenant so as not to break our contract. Do we have a deal?" Feltrick's smile was a wicked one.

"Mr. Feltrick, with all due respect, Seeker didn't cheat. I was there in the room and witnessed it. He is as good as the rumors have him to be."

"Arthur. It's alright. You don't have to put up with his nonsense. We can get you out of this contract legally. Think of what your poor father will do if he finds out you are caught in the bad end of this deal." Feltrick gave a 'sincere' smile.


The elevator opened a happy pair of teens walked out of the door.

"Hi, guys! We're back! Alean's downstairs fixing up Charles room." Meryl walked over. She looked at the fat man and immediately recognized him.

"Oh my! You're Mr. Feltrick! I recognized you on the big picture on the lobby! It's a pleasure, Sir! My name is Meryl!" Meryl happily approached the fat man with a hand extended forward.

Without warning, Feltrick suddenly threw a strong slap towards Meryl.

Meryl was about to evade the slap then she noticed Seeker shaking his head as he gazed straight at Meryl's eyes. The confused Meryl stopped evading and allowed the slap to reach her.


Meryl stumbled sideward as the slap echoed through the room. Seeker gripped his fist tightly. He had to control it.

"He's someone even Lennox wouldn't touch... He's someone even Lennox wouldn't touch..." Seeker chanted under his breath.

Dara was laughing happily. This made Seeker clench his fist tighter.

"Don't think you can fool me with all your acts! " Feltrick screamed angrily. He walked towards Meryl and was about to deliver another kick while she was on the ground when Seeker suddenly appeared at the gap.

"Mr. Feltrick. There is no need to use violence in resolving this." Seeker spoke righteously.

Feltrick gave an angry stare at Seeker.

"You faked your skills, blackmailed our team captain and you're even trying to turn my team against each other! Get out!" A sharp slap was made against but Seeker stood firmly in his spot.

The slap echoed throughout the room. Lynd was gripping his fist in anger. Charles glared angrily at this fat man. Dara laughed again.

Seeker, however, stood firmly with his eyes full of surprise.

Seeker stared deeply into the eyes of Feltrick and an unusual wave of anger surfaced in his face. Everyone could see that Seeker was trying his best to contain his anger.

"What are you looking at?" Feltrick moved closer, challenging the scornful gaze of Seeker.

"I'm sorry for the angry stare. It was… instinct." Seeker spoke slowly.

"To prove my humility, my master always told me, that when I am slapped on the right cheek, I should turn the other way to offer my left cheek." Seeker turned and offered his left cheek.

"My pleasure!" The fat man stepped back and poised to slap Seeker. A powerful slap was then sent towards Seeker's face. The large chubby hands moved with speeds that exceeded his first slap.

Seeker stood firmly determined to meet the velocity of this slap.


The strong slapped echoed once more.

Seeker stood undaunted from the slap. He turned his eyes towards Feltrick's.

"What? You want more?" Feltrick angrily readied his slap, but before he could throw it, Seeker extended his right arm. A small glass-like blade extended from a small stick Seeker carried.

The next second, Feltrick's arm was seen flying in the air as Seeker slashed mercilessly.

"Don't worry Arthur. I won't intimidate him. I'll just kill him. Charles, Lynd, Meryl. Kill the guards.." Seeker announced as an overpowering pressure filled the room.

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