New Life as a Futanari Tentacle Girl

Chapter 46: Mia

Chapter 46: Mia

A few hours later Thea woke up again. It wasn't the next day, but it was late and the sun was almost setting.

She was lying next to a fire and her mother was sitting next to her. The girl was sleeping opposite the fire, physically fine.

"Are you alright? Even though it must have been hard on you, I needed to show you the world can be much uglier than you think." Lily said somberly.

When Thea heard this, she realized why her mother had that look when they first encountered the group, she then asked a question she was hoping the answer was no to.

"Did you know that girl was in there?" Thea asked pointing at the sleeping stranger they had saved.

"No," Thea sighed in relief when she heard that but Lily continued.

"I was expecting something like it though. In Duca slavery and enslaving people isn't illegal, this does not mean anyone can do it though. You or your parents can sell yourself, if you don't disagree, into slavery if they go into debt or if you have committed any illegal activities. It is illegal however to kidnap people like what I'm guessing happened to this girl. Normally slave traders buy these slaves though a back channel and train them before selling them." Lily said seriously but with a calm tone. Thea though knew Lily wasn't as calm as she showed and underneath, she was furious.

Thea gave Lily a hug, as she felt they both needed it. They sat there in front of the fire, holding each other, looking at the girl sleeping and noticed the girl had started to squirm around, while whimpering.

"Alright lets wake her up, it seems she's having a nightmare." Lily said affectionately.

Thea and Lily stood up and walked around the fire. As they sat next to the girl, waiting until she would wake from her nightmare, Thea noticed something long and black on the floor. She reached out to it and touched it, she felt a soft plush sensation and picked it up.

In her hands was a long, black fluffy object. She was holding the tip and the other end lead to somewhere else, she trailed it and found that it ended where the girls rear end was.

"A tail?" Thea accidently said out loud.

"You didn't see before? This young girl is a cat-kin my dear." Lily said while smiling.

Suddenly a surge of excitement spread through Thea. This was the first beast kin she had seen besides her mother and it was one of the iconic cat-kin! Overwhelmed by curiosity, Thea got on top the girl and looked at her head and there it was.

Cat ears! Two black, furry triangular ears on the top of her head. Thea curiously reached out and started feeling the ears. She rubbed them, stroked them and fiddled with them, the soft hairs she felt in her fingers were many times softer than the tail she had held earlier.

"Am I in heaven?" Thea heard a soft voice from under her snapping her out of her trance.

She looked down and saw the cat girl looking up at her with large, light brown eyes and a slight blush on her cheeks.

Thea removed her hands from the girls ears and stroked the short black hairs away from her face.

"No, we happened to walk by a carriage that was being attacked and temporarily saved the group that was guarding it. That was when we found and rescued you." Thea said seriously but warmly, trying to comfort the girl.

"'Sniff, sniff' so my family really is dead? And you're not an angel?" The girl said tearing up.

Thea unsure of what to answer, looked at her mother for help.

Lily saw the distress in Thea's eyes and giggled before saying something.

"Thea, although I know you like girls, you should probably get off of her, you have spent enough time playing with her already." Lily said teasingly, grinning when she saw both girls blush.

"And child what's your name?" Lily said, looking at the girl, Thea was getting off of.

"Mia, and I'm not a child anymore, I had my enlightenment a few days ago when I turned 16." Mia said, gaining a little more confidence.

"I see now well congratulations." Lily said.

Thea was a little surprised but accepted it quite quickly, the girl was about 1.65 and had a pair of B-cup breasts with a perky butt. She had short hair and although she was a cat-kin, she only had a tail and ears, no fur covering her body. From what she could see.

Then a question she wanted to ask, popped up.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me interrupting, you are an adult when you turn 16?" Thea asked.

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