New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 16 Foreboding Interests

"Fascinating!!!" A graceful astonished voice swept in the living room.

"So you are indeed a Panda! How interesting, you have a digestive system of a carnivore but your diet is for herbivores!! Wow!!" Azayn, the most respectable elven doctor in the Silver dew forest was now like a child when in front of new discoveries and knowledge.

"Ehehehe, I know right?! I'm so fascinating!" Baobao replied with a cutesy tone.

"Waaaaah this is a koala? How cute! It looks like a bear but it is actually a.. Marsupial?" Azayn continued to marvel at the 'book' of rare beasts.

"Ohhh, It rears its babies in their pouch?! How awesome!"

"They have horns on their noses?! Rhinoceros are interesting!!!"

"Tasmanian devil? Why are they called devils???"

"The author of this book is so detailed and amazing! I wonder who Professor Earthling is?"

Eli on the other hand has been trying her best not to give herself a face palm. 'It was just a quick search of the most popular and iconic animals in earth with an endangered to vulnerable conservation status. I haven't even really verified if they even exist in Prasinos.'

Keeping her demeanor in check, she flatly replied, "He.. is my friend. An eccentric wanderer and researcher. He gave me this book once when I coincidentally helped him in the forest. The book fascinated me a lot.

"Wow, I hope to meet him someday! How I wish I could have more time to study this book," Azayn looked at Eli, with her eyes pleading like a puppy.

Meanwhile, Wisey and Eli had been discussing how to respond to her reactions and questions. They really had shot themselves in the foot. They never thought that the elven doctor would be the type to get interested in this matter. They just made up this story and book because they must justify Baobao as a rare beast, not a cursed one.

The lie became deeper and more complicated.

"Uhmm, how do we go about this, Wisey? Do you know a way to duplicate or print out the contents of this book? Is there magic that can do that?" Eli asked Wisey telepathically.

"We can do so if we unlock the print feature of the book of knowledge, but we need to feed it with papers of course… You didn't open your casting path yet so you cannot perform a [creation spell] yet." Wisey replied.

"The book of knowledge has a print function???! Argh of course it has, it is virtually a computer!!?" Eli almost face palmed because she didn't realize this.

"However, we have no sheets of paper here in the house!" She remembered.

Just thinking about that, she looked towards Azayn and finally responded, "I could ask Professor Earthling for permission to give you a copy of this book. However, it will take about a few weeks to receive his answer. I can give it a try if you want?"

Hearing that Eli will ask the author to give her another copy, Azayn was delighted, " Really!!! Lady Eli! Waaah please do try~~ I thank you so much in advance!"

"I'll do my best!" Eli replied with a smile. She couldn't just refuse a gorgeous face with a bright smile.

Soon the two women bid their goodbyes.

Eli was quite satisfied with her interaction with the elven doctor. She was actually nervous because of the fact that the elves prefer not to interact with humans. She guessed that although elves do not like human interactions, they were not actually callous.

"Thinking about it, just what actually happened that made them avoid humans?" Eli asked in contemplation.

She accessed the book of knowledge and searched the reasons why. However a notice popped up in the book's main screen saying -

"This information is classified by the Guardians. Accessing top class information is not allowed via this book of knowledge. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Oh.. there is something like this huh?" Eli was startled.

Wisey suddenly materialized in her spirit book guardian form and said, "Yes, secrets managed by the guardians are treated as heaven's secrets. The book of knowledge cannot give easy access as a rule."

"Well it makes sense, how terrifying it would be if I could even search random people's background through this book right?" Eli replied understandably. Her main purpose of asking this book is for her to prepare as much as possible in her new life of being a mom, not to snoop on people's history.

After this, the family of three went on with their daily routine.


Back in the Silver Dew Elven Village, Azayn appeared from the portal with all smiles on her face.

"Greetings Young Madam Azayn! Welcome home!" The sentries saluted in unison.

"Good work everyone!" Azayn returned their greetings with a smile. She then proceeded to report to the Chief's Hall.

The elven village looked magical with the marvelous forest and balanced sunshine lighting up the whole village. The elves' dwellings are amazingly enchanting tree houses connected with hanging bridges made of wood and vine ropes. These dwellings formed a circle surrounding a colourful meadow, generously lit up with sunshine. Butterflies, pixies and sprites freely interact with the elven children as they play around the meadows decorated with colorful flowers.

In the Chief's Hall lies in a massive tree. It was the most conspicuous elven dwelling in the village. With a pleasant mood, Azayn went towards the chief hall right away.

"Father, I am back!" She cheerfully announced herself as she entered.

In the center of the hall, an elder looking elf was seen sitting cross legged in front of a table, looking so focused on playing a board game. He has the look of an elf, with his silky long copper brown hair and green eyes. Although he looked like an elderly, his countenance is full of vitality and wisdom. He is none other than the Chief of the Silver Dew Elves, Eirllon.

"Ohhh, my daughter you're here. How was your excursion?" Hearing a familiar voice, Eirllion paused the game he was playing and greeted her daughter. Upon seeing her bright face and pleasant mood, he became very intrigued on what had happened, knowing that his daughter had just interacted with a human.

"Ohh, It was a very pleasant meeting with Lady Eli, the Protector's Favored one! She is indeed worthy of being favored by Lord Sylvain!" She said in a highly approving manner. While giving this answer she gave an affectionate hug towards her father. Then she warmly walked towards the person on the opposite side of the board game. Their forehead and noses affectionately touched each other, it is how the elven couples express their romantic affection in public.

Sitting opposite the table as her father's opponent is a male elf most probably of the same age as Azayn. He has a striking masculine feature with his chiseled face and pale yellow hair. His build is like that of a warrior's but his elven blood gave him an aura of a dignified battle champion. He is none other than Azayn's husband.

"Koehthar, my dear, you are here with father too!" She told her husband in surprise.

"We couldn't help but be nervous about you going out, so we basically just played a game to distract our minds." He tenderly replied.

"Indeed! We are actually afraid that you will meet other humans other than the Protector's Favored.." Eirllon seconded his son in law's explanation.

Chuckling due to the care and concern given by these two doting men, Azayn replied with assurance, "Rest assured, Lady Eli's dwelling is remote to the Silvertown Village. The place is seldom found by people."

"Ohhh, I have learned so much about my stay there! So many interesting things!" She excitedly said as she recounted her experience.

"Lady Eli is a beautiful, kind and intelligent human. In fact it is because of her that I now know the secret about the cursed bear!!! The cursed bear was not actually a cursed bear but a rare species of bear called the Panda!!" She continued her story telling.

"The cursed bear? You mean the polar bears that were plagued with black ominous looking fur? They are called Panda?!" The two men were also intrigued. It seems like elves really do have a strong interest when it comes to knowledge.

"Yes indeed, in fact she had one as her contracted beast! He was really doing well in taking care of his master!" She proudly replied.

"Heavens! A contracted cursed bear! Ahh, a panda!" Eirllon exclaimed in surprise.

"But I do not feel quite at peace knowing that people know the panda race as a cursed species. If people discovered this, it may bring Eli more threats that she already has…" Azayn said with concern.

"Threat? Will my daughter elaborate what is threatening Lady Eli now? Is it her pregnancy condition?" Eirllon asked in alarm. Although they avoid humans, Eli is known to be the tribe's exception as their Lord Sylvain had ordered so. They have to treat her with utmost respect and care.

"Sigh… Lady Eli.. seemed to be of Asani descent…" She nervously replied.

The two men in the room paused with their eyes wide open, taken aback. Eirllon however, immediately recovered after a deep contemplation.

"Alas! This is indeed threatening! We must do something to increase the Lady's protection!" Eirllon ordered. His eyes filled with worry of something uncertain.


Capital of the Sierende Empire.

In a marvelous bedroom, a solitary looking man walked towards the balcony. There, a shadow appeared behind the column of the balcony and discretely reported -

"Your highness, there has been a sighting of a woman of Asani descent in Silvertown. No information was extracted except that she just went to look for a magic item shop and disappeared."

The man looked towards the sky, the moonlight reflected on his crystal blue eyes and blood red hair.

"Prepare the men, We will head towards Silvertown." His cold voice ordered.

"Right away your highness!" The shadow saluted and immediately disappeared.

Alone in the balcony, the man once again gazed at the bright stars of the night. His cold voice, with a tinge of perturbation faintly uttered,

"Free Lady, where the in the world are you?"


A desolate place, in a remote area far from the Seirende Capital,

In a massively large hall with a long table, men wearing black cloaks and a black ominous mask were listening to a certain report.

"Reports say that an Asani woman was sighted in the Silvertown forest. Upon entering the magic shop, the Asani probably bought a disguised item and disappeared mysteriously."

Excited murmurings resonated in the hall. Until the cloaked man sitting on the head position silenced everyone and ordered.

"We must get that Asani! Send men to Silvertown!"


In Argentum, Grandpa Andi was talking to a certain person in a communication stone.

"Forces will soon come and inquire about the young lass. I think we need to strengthen the protection of both the Argentum and the young lady. I might need your institute's help. "

"Why go through such danger for an Asani, Andvari?" Another elderly looking grand mage was at the other end. His voice tinged with concern for his dear friend.

"She may be the last Asani.. No, she is the last Asani.. However, she may give birth to another one." Grandpa Andi replied with a grave expression.

"We must protect them at all costs."

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