New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 24 Lovely Rosemary

*Best read when you listen to the piece*

Eli gracefully stood with the violin on her shoulders and elegant bow hold.

She closed her eyes and thought of a piece she wanted to play. Her ears can hear the lively sound of the busy market place. She remembered the beauty of the town, the building structures, the different and lively color around, and the charm it gives.

"Schön Rosmarin.. by Fritz Kreisler.."

She gently whispered while taking a deep breath and played the first note. The afternoon sunshine shone on Eli's fair cheeks.

A playful melody suddenly resonated in the marketplace. Eli projected the violin's sound in the most suitable way for outdoor playing. Everyone around went to a sudden pause and looked towards the source of the beautiful music.

The piece had a very simple and recognizable melody that will make the listener's spirit be uplifted and happy. The playful, ever changing tempo, paired with Eli's controlled bowing created a warm and cheerful atmosphere. It made everyone nearby in awe and be in a good mood.

Then all of the audience saw a vision of their respective lovers, and even the imaginary ones, for those who aren't betrothed yet. They saw how lovely their respective lovers were while gracefully waltzing in the melody Eli was playing. As if no one was around, only them, their lover and Eli's beautiful music.

Soon the middle section started, the happy playful melody shifted to an emotional and romantic mood.

In the audience' vision, as they started to realize how beautiful their lovers were and how much they love the person, they felt like they wanted to profess their affection towards their beloved ones.

They wanted to say it out loud, how deeply and hopelessly they were in love with them!

'Oh how lovely they were!'

Was what the audience thought and felt towards the imagery they see, towards the loveliness they see.

Everyone then saw an imagery of blue, pink, purple, and white flowers freely floating in their surroundings, dancing while basking in the afternoon light.

On the final section of the piece, the melody then went back to the playful and cheerful notes. However this time, with the a hint of the romantic and emotional theme like the middle section of the piece.

The audience was so immersed with Eli's performance and with the image she painted on every listener's mind, that they stayed in a trance even after the piece was completed.

Two minutes of beautiful music went by so fast...


"Wonderful piece!"

"Such an amazing player!


Nobody knew who started to speak, but then the crowd was so overwhelmed that they started to cheer, clap and praise the wonderful performance.

Baobao, the music loving panda, was so amazed by another beautiful music from his master, that he adorably clapped his teddy paws and laughed like a silly bear.

Wisey on the other hand, had a very proud look on her countenance, as if she was already expecting Eli's superb performance. Her small parrot body stood so dignified, nodding while her eyes were confidently half closed, as if she was the one who trained Eli.

The young lady selling the violin had an awestruck expression on her face. She had a gleaming sparkle on her eyes that felt like she wanted to worship Eli.

The silver haired man still had his stoic demeanor, but a slight lift on the corner of his lips can be seen. He clapped along with the crowd as he stared towards Eli with eyes hinting of approval.

Amongst all the listeners, only one person was displeased by Eli's performance, it was none other than Illia. She couldn't accept the fact that she herself was put into the same trance as all of the audience did.

She initially planned to make Eli a laughing stock to people, because she had thought that this woman would continue not to defend herself, just like how she had acted patiently earlier.

How could Illia have predicted that Eli would fight back and slap her face in this roundabout but most shameful manner?

She never felt so embarrassed in her life from swallowing the arrogant and indignant words she uttered earlier. Swallowing it whole! It was very painful.

Visibly irritated, she turned her back and said, "It seems like you really did know how to play a tune or two. Very well, I'll forgo buying this violin. It's just a block of wood anyways!" Then she hurriedly retreated to nowhere, eager to hide out of shame.

Giving a shrug, Eli then gently bowed towards the people, as a basic etiquette after a musician's performance. Then she turned her attention towards the young lady.

Smilingly she said, "Finally, we can finish our transaction! Young lady, how should I address you?"

"My name is Lainie! Milady, it's my lifetime honor to meet a generous and amazing musician like you!" Lainie gave cheerful greetings as if she was meeting her idol. She gave a bow towards Eli.

"It was nice meeting you Lainie, just call me El… Liza. This violin was beautifully made, I commend your father's craftsmanship!" Eli reciprocated Lainie's greetings, halfway through she almost uttered her name, fortunately she remembered the silver haired man, still patiently waiting for the two to finish like a 'dutiful husband'.

She must not reveal any hint of her identity.

Eli took her space pouch and took out several bank notes worth a hundred thousand Shinies. However, she hesitated to hand it openly in public as she was afraid that some thief would target Laine after witnessing the scale of their transaction.

"How should I pay you while ensuring that you won't be targeted by thieves." She ignorantly asked Lainie, while looking down at the bank notes she was about to give.

"Ah this? This.." Lainie also scratched her head. She obviously did not think through this point because she never expected that someone would really buy her father's violin at fair market value.

Seeing the two women in a predicament, the silver haired man reached out of his cloak pocket and pulled out a blank bronze card. Then he then straightforwardly asked Eli,

"Do you have a Central Bank Card?"

"Central bank card?" Eli gave a questioning look at the silver haired man. But after seeing the bronze card, she then took her space pouch again and pulled out her crystal card saying, "Is this a central bank card?"

The silver haired man took an unnoticeable pause, staring at the crystal card, he replied, "Yes, indeed, that is a central bank card."

Holding the bronze card upright with his thumb and index finger, he then phlegmatically asked Lainie, "Full name?"

"Lainie Yseult of Silvertown, Sire!"


"Eighteen, Sire!"

"A drop of your blood."

"Right away, Sire!"

While this was happening, Lainie and Eli then saw a trace of blue mana coming out of the silver haired man's fingers, then the information about Lainie's identity was slowly engraved by the blue mana into the card. Afterwards, Lainie placed a drop of blood into the bronze card, as if activated, the engravings in the bronze card glowed with a blood red light.

Checking the card one last time, the silver haired man turned towards Eli and instructed in a less stoic tone, "Tap your crystal card towards this bronze card while verbally saying the amount you wanted to pay her."

Nodding, Eli obediently did as instructed, "A hundred thousand Shinies!"

After saying this, the crystal card shone in white light, gently passing through the bronze card. In turn the characters engraved in the bronze card shone in a light of assorted colors, the same crystal rainbow colors as Eli's card. At the back of the card, a string of numbers appeared, "One hundred thousand Shinies, Status: Pending"

"Hmm, the transfer is almost complete." The silver haired man nodded. He then handed the bronze card towards Lainie and instructed sternly,

"You must go to the Seirende Central Bank branch in Silvertown to have this card verified personally. After that, you are able to claim the amount she transferred for you. No one other than you can claim it with these mana engravings."

"Even if that card was stolen by someone and tried to withdraw it to the bank, it would not work. For your information has been personally authenticated by me through this mana, and only you can withdraw this amount directly through the bank."

"As you have instructed, Sire!" Lainie respectfully bowed and took the bronze card. When she saw the amount engraved to the bronze card, her eyes widened in shock and she trembled in bafflement.

"Milady, Liza, this amount was more than the price of the violin…" She turned towards Eli with uncertainty in her eyes.

Shaking her head, Eli smiled in an understanding tone,

"No no, that amount is the payment for the violin, the rest you can consider as my investment to your father's recovery. If he recovers, he could create even more wonderfully made violins!"

As if seeing the bright future, the smile on Eli's face became much brighter, "I can't wait to see more from you and your father's works! I sincerely pray for his recovery."

"Milady… I couldn't thank you enough, I am so grateful!" Lainie, after hearing Eli's intention suddenly felt that the bronze card was heavier than usual. With Eli's grace, and her hope for her father's well being, she trembled in so much emotion that she couldn't help but cry in joy and relief.

"My, my, don't cry don't cry.. Go on now, go and bring home the good news!" Eli coaxed Laine, and encouraged her to set home early as she was afraid that stubborn thieves will pester her.

As to why Eli was adamant in supporting Lainie, it was because she saw herself in Lainie's eyes. A daughter ready to do everything just not to lose her parents, only Eli could understand how desperate Lainie's situation was. Now that she had wealth, she wouldn't hesitate to use it for this purpose.

Seeing Lainie's joyful and excited figure, hurriedly rush home she felt like a wound in her heart was slowly healing. She may not be able to do this to her own mum, but she thought, 'Mum would be proud of me now right?'

She then asked herself, maybe the Great One arranged for the gems as her source of wealth to help other people in this way?

The transaction was finally wrapped up and Eli gently placed the violin in her space pouch. Very excitedly thinking that she will finally practice her violin skills when they go home, she started to hum a tune. However, she suddenly heard a deep cold voice at her back saying,

"So my lovely dear 'wife', shall we settle OUR family matters?"

Shivers crept down slowly on Eli's back, 'Oh My Glissando! He knew me all along!!!!"

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