New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 101: Final Line (2)

Chapter 101: Final Line (2)


My mind was unable to think about my friend as I was forced to concentrate on surviving every blow that Ares sent my way. His attacks were nothing like the last time we had clashed, every strike pushing me back.

Even if I tried to disengage and create distance, the S-rank closed the newly-created space immediately, using his momentum to punish me for my escape attempt. There was no running from him, my entire body being forced to continue fighting a battle that I couldn't win.

I dashed forth, waiting for Ares's strike. He slashed outwards, my body vaulting over the attack instinctively as I landed behind him gracefully. The spear within my hands shattered immediately as I extended my arms towards Ares.

A beam of glacial frost shot out, shooting right towards the back of the S-rank. Ares turned around as an invisible aura of earth surrounded his palms. He put his free hand forth, absorbing the attack and wielding his spear in the other.

I increased the amount of bind I was drawing from my surroundings, the low hum of the beam becoming heavier and heavier as more power seeped into my palms.

Soldiers approached me from all angles, noticing my vulnerable position.

"Stay back!" roared Ares, his eyes gazing right into mine. "Do not interfere."

I clenched my jaw, further boosting the potency of my bind. My eyes radiated with a cold cyan glow. My vision became slightly blurry as I began to experience the consequences of bind overexertion.

Ares's strong belief in honor was the only thing currently keeping me alive, and I had to quickly end the battle before he killed me with his own hands. I suddenly pulled my hands back, briefly pausing the beam of energy before bringing my palms together.


A heavy mist enveloped my surroundings as I leaped back and froze the ground beneath me. I slid along the ice, my increased speed allowing me to regroup with a small battalion of Dragon soldiers.

"General! The Princess has been severely injured and is currently on the retreat, what are your orders?!" shouted the captain of the regiment, his eyes clouded with worry.

I looked around, realizing the fact that I had wanted to ignore. Within only a few hours of fighting, the Dragon forces were being pushed back, and maintaining our positions was only causing unnecessary deaths.

If Asthia was really unable to lead due to the injury she had suffered, then that meant I was currently in command of the entire army. A single order could save thousands of lives, or it could sacrifice many in hopes of miraculously attaining victory.

Time froze around me as I debated on the two options presented before me:

Save lives and let the Western Front fall? Or sacrifice soldiers in an attempt to secure some sort of defensive line along the West?

I pictured the floating islands that lay a few thousand mels away from our current position, the children blissfully enjoying a fake peace as they ran through the endless gardens of joy. Ignorance drove them forward, unaware of the massive threat that was currently clashing with their people.

It was an irrealistic notion, one that, even if it carried hints of truth, was simply an image that had implanted itself within my mind. A beautiful picture of innocence that every soldier currently fighting the enemy wanted to protect, and would willingly give their lives to keep.

To shield the ones they loved back home.

If those waiting in Lares were to learn that their family was forever shattered because of my decision, would they resent me? Would they say I made the wrong choice? Or would they comfort me and say that it had to be done?

Asthia treasured the lives of her people more than anything.

Jay prioritized victory over the morality of his actions.

Which one was right? Which path was the correct one?

I scowled, summoning another spear in my hand. Ice swirled around me as I gave out my order as General of the Dragon army.

"We have to fight. We have to defend this line at all costs."

The captain simply smiled, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Understood, General. We'll follow you."

I slashed through Dwarven soldiers without remorse, my thoughts wondering whether or not I had made the right decision. My eyes glanced back, attempting to verify Asthia's position.

I gasped, seeing a brigade of Dwarves militia that had smashed through the line of defense swarming the Princess's bloody body, only a few soldiers dressed in black supporting her.

"I'm going after the Princess," I said, shooting back immediately.

An aura of power began to surround me as approached my destination.


I concentrated the bind into my spear, preparing myself for an outwards slash with the weapon.

"Glacial slash," I muttered, swiping outwards violently as a stream of ice that mimicked my spear's movement shot out towards the soldiers.


An eruption of frost froze some of the soldiers, the others having sensed the oncoming attack and shifting their attention accordingly. I leaped over the slightly stunned Dwarves, landing right in front of Asthia.

A beastman stood before me, his brown hair and chestnut ears catching my attention immediately. Beastmen were extremely rare nowadays, with only a few thousand families remaining within the three separate kingdoms that ruled Auroria.

The adventurer ignited his fists with vivid red flames, the fire creeping upwards as it surrounded both of his arms. Steel plating could be seen on his knuckles, immediately alarming me.

Brawlers were considered to be the most dangerous fighters up close, their dominating offense making up for their lack of defensive capabilities against weapons. I readied myself, the Dragon soldiers behind me preparing to support my attack.

The presence of their General had lifted their hopes slightly, but we all knew what kind of enemy we were up against. The adventurer had hundreds of Dwarves at his disposal who could act as living shields, allowing him to focus solely on obliterating his opponents to ash.

"Mia?" whispered Asthia, her mind barely aware of what was currently happening around her. I looked back, smiling warmly.

"I'm here, Asthia."

I refocused my attention on the brawler as an eruption of bind exploded before me, his orange eyes bellowing with power. I readied myself, fully aware of the current situation at hand.

I only had a few minutes to defeat the small battalion in front of me. If I took too long, then the unrivaled S-rank that was currently engaged with the Dragon soldiers would soon wipe out our entire force, and we would lose both the defensive position and the lives of our troops.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. A blue mist escaped my eyes, the irises were completely overtaken with a light cyan aura.

The brawler extended his arm forth, pointing right at me and addressing his soldiers with a deep voice.


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