New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 110: Old Times

Chapter 110: Old Times


A triumphing roar boomed across the valley as the Dwarves retreated. I let out a sigh of relief at the victory. A burning pain within me was spreading through my body, originating from the location where Ares had plunged his foot into me.

The blue-eyed princess approached me, her spotless armor shining in the bright sun.

"You've been in better shape," she said, smiling. I chuckled, an action I immediately regretted as the pain rose.

Diana extended her hand, stopping right before touching my chest. She closed her eyes, a golden glow radiating from her palm as I felt a new kind of warmth spreading through my body.

"Thanks," I said after the process was complete. The princess smiled at my gratitude.

"I'm glad you guys are okay."

"Things could be worse. At least now we'll have enough manpower to hold the entire front."

"We should've arrived sooner. I'm still not sure why we took so long," muttered Diana, a worried look on her face.

"Well, you did bring thousands of soldiers with you. We couldn't have expected you to arrive within a few days," said Mia as she approached us.

"Yeah, maybe I underestimated how long it would take to begin with."

"Let's continue this elsewhere. I'd like to get back to camp as soon as possible," I said. Both girls nodded without asking for details, something I appreciated deeply.

It was true that the Imanian forces had taken an abnormal amount of time to arrive. I wanted to believe that it was caused by natural obstacles that arose when traveling with thousands of soldiers and supplies, but something told me it wasn't.

Well, I wasn't surprised that my instincts were doubting the loyalty of those around me. Constant doubt was the only way to survive back on Earth, and even if my previous life was drifting further and further away, the primal instincts that kept me alive for eighteen years would always be ingrained within me.

My eyes immediately glanced over towards the general direction that the royal tent was located upon arriving back at the camp. If there really was a threat within our ranks, then the most direct way to crush the Dragons would be assassinating the political leaders of their society.

My position as an S-rank had been cemented in Imania as soon as I defeated Jean in combat, but not many people were aware of Asthia's power. There was no doubt in my mind that the girl could probably be considered a weaker kind of S-rank, but that was only if she was utilizing her full potential.

If we were to take into account her current mental and physical state, then she was definitely vulnerable to an attack.

"You two go on without me. It might be a good idea to show her around, Mia. I have something I have to take care of, first," I announced. Mia looked at me, nodding as if she understood my thoughts.

"Sure. Follow me, Diana."

I diverged from the two girls, making my way through the endless maze of tents. The constant buzz of chatter could be heard all around me as the camp began expanding to make room for the massive force that had just arrived.

"Marc," I called out, approaching the royal tent. The boy straightened up at my arrival.

"Yes, sir. Congratulations on your victory," he replied.

"Thank you. How's the Princess?"

"The Princess seems to be fine. I haven't been called for."

"I see," I muttered, using my link to check in on the girl.

Ah, she's asleep.

I decided not to wake her. The best thing she could probably do right now was rest, and I was glad she had managed to fall asleep through the massive amounts of stress and pressure from her friends being out on the frontlines.

"Come with me, Marc," I ordered, lowering my voice a bit. I looked to the right before heading off, making a small gesture to one of Marc's personally chosen soldiers to keep watch.

I wasn't sure whether or not to trust the Dragon captain, but he had executed everything I had asked of him flawlessly. From clearing domains to watching over the Princess without disturbing her, there didn't seem to be any hidden intention behind his actions.

"I want you to keep an eye out for suspicious activity around Princess Asthia's tent," I whispered as we casually walked through the camp, attempting to not draw in any unwanted attention.

"Are you wary of the new arrivals, sir?" asked the captain, adapting to my hushed tone.

"You could say that. Either way, I need you to continue watching over her tent."

"Of course, sir."

"Oh, and Marc," I added, resting my hand on his shoulder, "my previous order of entering still stands, understood?"

"...Yes, sir..."

"Good. Now, I have some things to tend to, but I'm sure you can be trusted to carry out this task," I said. Even if it was a lie, the words boosted the young captain's confidence as he stood strong, nodding with absolute determination.

"By the way, did we meet each other before?" I asked, the familiar aura once again sparking my curiosity.

Marc laughed at the question.

"A very long time ago, sir. I was a young Dragon who simply wanted to be my Princess's appointed knight. I see now though that others are more qualified for the job, and I also learned it firsthand."

Learned it firsthand?

An image flashed in my mind, a picture of a hooded figure trying to escape as I unlocked my lightning abilities for the first time.

"Were you the guy in the hood who overheard my conversation with Asthia?!" I asked suddenly, dropping all formalities.

"Haha, yea."

"Damn, I still remember zapping you into oblivion like it was yesterday."

"Sir, please don't make me relive that moment," muttered Marc, a small smile visible on his face.

"Call me Jay. I didn't realize we went way back!" I added jokingly.


We both chuckled, reminiscing about the small and seemingly unimportant moment we had shared all those years ago. Talking about the past like this was fun... way more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

The memories of my time as an adventurer flashed before me suddenly.

It would've been nice to talk about those times with someone...

The thought erased the small amount of happiness that had briefly taken over my mind, returning it to its neutral state.

"Thanks, Marc. Make sure you do what I told you to, okay?" I said, raising my voice. Our conversation appeared to be a casual chat between two Dragons, and that was how I wanted to keep it.

"Sure thing, Jay."

I made my way to my own quarters silently, my eyes looking downward at the path ahead. I approached the small bed upon my arrival, letting my body fall onto the mattress with a soft thump.

So many people had shared those years with me, and yet here I was, the only remaining individual who remembered those fleeting yet precious moments. I felt a small tear streak down my cheek, my hand immediately wiping it off as I sat up.

"What am I crying for..." I muttered to myself, forcing down the pain as I stepped out once more as the Supreme Commander of the Dragonkin.

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