New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 121: New Monarch

Chapter 121: New Monarch


I said nothing as all of Pandora kneeled before me, every citizen accepting its new ruler through the decree of power. I found it slightly surprising that the law applied to those who weren't citizens, but I decided to not question anything.

Typhon looked up at me, small traces of fear visible in his eyes. I made no attempt of comforting him, understanding that those negative emotions were the only things that would keep me in power. Respect was the leading concept that determined a successful reign, but I had no intention of ruling over Pandora.

All I needed was their willingness to fight for me.

"Stand, Typhon."

The minotaur obeyed, returning to his towering height.

"I'll accept your pledge, but I will not be the one who leads you to victory."

The silence that already plagued the arena seemed to worsen, everyone misunderstanding my words.

"Asthia Darck, Royal Princess of the Dragonkin. She will be your queen. She will lead you," I announced, my voice spreading throughout the magical cave as the wind carried my vocals. "Her power is equivalent to mine, and her protection will be necessary if you are to live above ground."

"You do not wish to rule over Pandora?" asked Typhon.

"A leader without compassion toward his own people is no leader at all. As King, I only ask that you trust me and follow me into the fire above, but once it is over, a more fitting ruler will take over."

"Very well. If you believe that to be the right course of action, then we have no choice but to obey."

My relationship with the people of Pandora was not one of admired leaders and treasured people, but one of terrifying monarchs and slaves of power. As long as I retained power, the people of Pandora would follow me. That was what they lived by, and it was a system that worked all too well.

Earth was proof of that.

I turned around, heading back to the center of the village. The velvet cape swayed behind me, its significance boosted by my new position. The minotaur followed my lead as healers began treating the fallen lizardman.

"Prepare your warriors. If you want to live on the surface, then you will need to fight for it."


"Be careful out there," said Asthia, her hands grabbing mine in an effort to comfort me, but it felt as if she was comforting herself. I smiled gently.

"Don't worry. We'll be seeing each other soon."

"Well, that depends on your speed."

"I hope you're not doubting me, Princess," I said, smirking. She laughed, shaking her head.

"Of course not. I'll see you in a few days."

I nodded, letting go of her hands and turning around to face the thousands of soldiers awaiting my command. A mix of black and white armor contrasted within the large army, Dragons and Humans all under the command of the same individual.

Two giant wyverns landed on either side of the army, their black scales and glaring orange eyes radiating with power. They were beautiful creatures, but the devastation they could unleash on the battlefield was nothing short of terrifying. Both Dragon riders nodded as I met their gaze, preparations complete.

"Let's go. We head North-East," I ordered, my words spreading across the ranks as the army cheered. The wyverns let out deafening roars, the bellows reinforcing the courage of the Dragonkin while a large majority of humans tensed up.

Head North-East in preparation for a Dwarven invasion and flank them when the inevitable attack occurred. Scouts had reported that a small force of Dominion soldiers still remained stationed in Freem, and taking them out would only reinforce our position.

Five thousand soldiers began marching across the land, the resonating sound of metal rising through the air. Our projected course would encircle around the Dwarves' predicted line of sight, allowing us to slip through undetected and deal a devastating blow to their flank when their army came charging in at full-force.

Asthia, alongside Diana, would attempt to stall Ares long enough for Jay's arrival, and if everything went according to plan, the Dwarven forces would be surrounded on three fronts, and ultimately be defeated.

I turned back one final time, the Dragon Princess standing tall on the hill that we had just departed from. Her eyes met mine one final time, a confident look sparkling in her gaze. I turned my back one final time, knowing full-well what my task was.

Even with the multiple lines of defenses that had been created using Earth bind, the main clash on the frontlines would decide the fate of the Dragons. If Ares were to take down our Commanders, he would be able to smash through every pitiful attempt at slowing him down.

The S-rank would be surrounding by higher-ranked adventurers, but if he was not neutralized in this fight, then the future that awaited the Dragons back in Lares was one of destruction and death.

"Lady Mia, we're estimated to arrive at our destination in three days," said Marc Xym, the young dragon captain that had been assigned as my subordinate for this expedition.

"Thank you, Marc."

I looked ahead at the rhythmic advance of my army of roughly five thousand men, both wyverns soaring right above them as they picked up speed and ascended above the clouds. The sight was both beautiful and horrifying. Everyone here knew full-well what we were up against, and the chances of returning home alive were close to none.

We didn't know when the attack would come, and for all we knew, it could take the Dwarves weeks to engage, but we had to be ready. Supply lines had also been established between our different fronts, and now we had to play the waiting game.

It felt as if we were dancing in the palms of our enemy.


"Your Highness, do you know what will happen after all this is over?" asked Commander Surge, his bulking figure approaching me. He kneeled once he was in proximity, his question lingering in the air.

"The war?" I asked, not sure why the question had come up.

"Yes. If we were to come out victorious, would the Dragons not just take over the land like they did all those years ago?"

I said nothing, realizing that the Commander was beginning to doubt our intervention in the war. He had watched countless of his soldiers fall victim to the small skirmishes launched between Dragons and Dwarves, both sides attempting to gain or defend small bits of land and favorable positions.

Surge had yet to witness the full power of an S-rank adventurer unleashing hell upon the regular militia, and something told me it could potentially break him. Even if he was rough around the edges, he was a man who cared deeply about every soldier within his army, considering them to be his own brothers.

"Times have changed, Surge. We must understand that the Dragons who live today are not guilty of the sins of the ones you are referring to," I explained calmly, attempting to persuade the commander.

The man remained kneeled, biting his lip slightly in anger. He took a deep breath, calming himself before answering.

"I understand."

With that Surge stood up, thanked me for my time, and exited the tent. My eyes followed him as he walked down the path. His opinion was most likely shared by lots of Imanian soldiers who were unsure as to why they would risk their lives for the Dragons, only doing so because of the orders from their King.

But orders could not control people forever. Sooner or later, fear would take over. If fear took over... who knew what could happen.

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