New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 127: The Battle of a Thousand Cries (2)

Chapter 127: The Battle of a Thousand Cries (2)


"Begin the assault," I ordered, the three words being transmitted across the ranks of soldiers as they roared with enthusiasm. I knew the cry was an attempt at suppressing the terror that every individual felt when faced with the overwhelming auras that were originating from the battlefield, but I joined in.

A low boom echoed in the air as both wyverns flapped their wings, taking to the sky and shooting off into the distance. I could already hear the sounds of massacre and death coming from the battlefield, constant explosions ringing in my eardrums.

A sudden horn blew across the area, catching my attention. My eyes widened in horror at the sight in front of me.

An entirely separate regiment stood between us and Asthia's forces, wicked smiles spread across their faces as they knew exactly what this blockade meant for the Allied troops. I became unable to think, failing to comprehend how the Dwarves had been able to send an entire division of troops, along with multiple high-ranked adventurers, to our position in time to block us.

I could just barely make out the white flashes of hair that belonged to the Dragon Princess, her body a mere flash of energy as she zipped between multiple adventurers simultaneously. Eruptions of flames kept them at bay, allowing the girl to deliver strike after strike as the three Dwarves began to crumble.

I was well-aware that Asthia's power was incredible, and way over the power levels of an AA-ranked adventurer, but what I feared was the number of soldiers supporting her. The tides were beginning to turn.

Just as Asthia had predicted, I was able to clearly see the contrasting robes of the Archmages in the backlines of the Dwarven army, a chain of destructive spells being unleashed onto the overwhelmed Dragons and Humans.

My eyes returned to the thousands of troops standing before me. Their goal was obvious by the way they were completely ignoring the bloodbath behind them: prevent us from reaching Asthia's group.

I felt my face morph with the horrifying realization that began to settle; we had been betrayed. There was no way Ares could've seen our oncoming force and mobilized such a huge number of soldiers in that small amount of time.

This portion of the army had been specifically set aside to block us. The Dwarves were expecting our arrival from the East! The Dragons and Humans around me began to understand the situation, their minds coming to the same conclusion as mine.

I summoned two glacial daggers in my hands, raising one of my arms in an attempt to grasp the attention of my troops. Disparity risked being created between the Allied divisions as both sides would think that the other had betrayed them to the Dominion...

"Our friends are in dire need of our assistance, and only one thing lays in our path: the Dwarves. Fight as one, and push through!" I yelled, initiating the fight by dashing straight into the wall of shields that had been set up.

My cry managed to snap the soldiers out of their doubtful thoughts. I smiled, feeling the ground beneath me rumbling from the oncoming stampede of my soldiers following my lead.

I managed to vault over the large wall of defense created by the blockade, enhancing my speed as I began slashing in large arcs around me. Blood showered the areas that I passed through as dozens of Dwarves fell to my blades, the cyan weapons cutting through even the thickest of armor with ease.


I turned towards a sudden source of energy, raising my blades in a defensive cross right as a flaming ax came slamming down onto me.

The two daggers managed to absorb the majority of the surprise attack, allowing me to recover my balance. I willed two new weapons to replace the shattered blades, my eyes finally identifying the source of the attack.


I readied myself, feeling the presence of allied soldiers around me as they continued to clash with the thousands of Dwarves that remained.

My duty in this fight was to eliminate the enemy's leaders, and in this case, he was standing right in front of me. A dwarf with long blond hair and a towering ax stood before me, engulfed in flames. I could feel the confidence surging within my opponent as he understood the elemental advantage he had over me.

It was true that ice was innately weak against fire, but it all still came down to the skill and the abilities of the individual. As long as I was the superior fighter, I would come out victorious regardless of my element of choice.

I dashed towards my opponent, preemptively dodging his horizontal slash. I winced from the pain of the flames, a searing trail having shot forth from the adventurer's ax and gliding right above me.

"Ice petal," I muttered. I sprang upward, releasing a powerful spell right after evading the first attack. I pivoted in the air with my arms outward, creating a beautiful spiraling trail of ice that following my two blades.

The Dwarf raised his ax, managing to deflect a large portion of the strikes. I vaulted over the adventurer right after the completion of my first spell, landing firmly and dashing toward my opponent once more.

"Flame crash!" roared the Dwarf as he raised his ax, bringing it down as he readjusted his position and faced me. The silver blade glowed a bright red right before smashing into the ground.


The explosion sent me flying back onto a pile of corpses. I groaned, using the bodies of dead soldiers to help me regain my footing. I managed to glance at the identity of the dead, realizing they were a mix of Dragons, Humans, and Dwarves.

Nobody was safe from death.

I summoned numerous ice shards around me. Dozens of icicles shot toward the Dwarf, each of them containing the explosive power of a comet.


Explosions of frost erupted around the AA-ranked adventurer, allowing me to catch a quick breath before preparing myself. The cloud of mist cleared, revealing the frozen corpse of the Dwarf as he lay impaled by multiple icicles.

I sighed, indulging in the smallest of breaks before feeling another presence. I turned around, realizing how many Dwarves still stood in my way. Two more adventurers took the lead, both of them roughly on equal terms as the Dwarf I had just killed.

I ignored the aching in my body. I knew what was demanded of me. Feeling tired after one engagement was unacceptable.

I didn't know how many hours I'd continue fighting. A simple order repeated itself in my head, pushing me to continue onward, forcing me to destroy anything in my path:

Annihilate the enemy.

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