New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 36: The Return of Unity

Chapter 36: The Return of Unity

It had taken us a few weeks to walk all the way back to Eloria, and I could only imagine what awaited me upon return.

The sudden surge in people never ceased to amaze me, but I sensed an immediate irregularity in the atmosphere. I shook the thought out of my head, making my way towards the adventurer's guild.

I slowly opened the door, silence sweeping across the room like a candle flame being lit out. I felt the gaze of dozens of adventurers, all of them eyeing me.

I had expected this. The story of an A-rank defeating an AA-rank boss. An impossible event turned reality. I didn't blame the other members for letting the story slip, and I hadn't exactly told them I wanted it hidden.

"Stay here," I told Katherine before entering the hall, the girl obeying me without questioning.

My steps echoed across the room, the hushed whispers beginning to arise around me.

"That's him."

"The mysterious A-rank."

I ignored the comments, heading towards the main counter and giving the clerk my identification card, as well as Katherine's. I had swiped it from her belt before entering, wanting her to now return here to redeem her own contract. The skinny human on the other side of the counter turned around, beginning the process of finalizing a contract.

Ill-intent was beginning to arise around me, some individuals unhappy with the sudden spotlight I was given.

"Hurry up," I told the clerk, the man nodding. He understood I wasn't threatening him, the hostility becoming apparent as it slowly increased.

I felt a presence approaching behind me, the individual clearly not looking to commend me.

"Here you go," whispered the clerk, handing me the cards along with a bag of coins. I grabbed them and turned around, coming face to face with a woman.

Her flaming red hair immediately intrigued me, the color, unlike anything I had seen before.

"Oh? So this is the hero, the boy who took down an AA-rank alone?" she mocked, emphasizing the term 'boy'.

I noticed a large battleax strapped to her back, a weapon commonly used by attackers. I sighed, realizing that the attention I had attracted was going to be problematic.

"Are you going to move?" I asked simply, completely concealing my own aura to avoid conflict.

"Why? I have business at the counter," she replied smugly. Two other adventurers stood behind her, blocking my passage. I nodded, understanding the situation. There was no way I would pick a fight in the middle of the guild's main hall, much less so in the center of Eloria.

I willed bind into my body, instantly appearing behind the group and heading towards the exit.


The woman turned around in disbelief, realizing she was unable to even follow my movements. I stopped, turning my head just enough to place the attacker within my field of vision.

"Thank you."

I stepped outside, not a single murmur escaping from the room as I closed the door. Katherine smiled at me.

"Good job."

"Here," I said, tossing her the identification card. She looked at it and gasped.

"D-did you-"

"Steal it? Yea. Now, let's get out of here," I explained, the girl merely shaking her head in disbelief and following me through the streets of Eloria. I looked at my own card, realizing that the letter 'A' in the rank section was glowing.

I was eligible for a promotion?

I had learned that an extra test was required to break through the A-rank, considering the ranks above it were extremely rare and needed confirmation of an individual's strength. I decided to ignore it, for now, heading towards the center of town.

"Darck, I'll be going to see my family. Let me know when you're ready to go back out," said Katherine as she slowed down her pace. I looked back and nodded, watching her take a right and exit my vision.

I should probably visit mine too, I thought.

There was a certain excitement in the central plaza that seemed to be calling me, the murmurs escaping into the air like a cloud of thin smoke.

I pushed through the overwhelming crowd, realizing that they were all looking up at a massive marble podium. A figure appeared on the stage, everyone around me bowing before his presence.

King Roy.

I kneeled as well. I didn't feel any loyalty towards the King of Eloria, but I recognized his power, and not paying my respects would only lead to repercussions.

He raised his hand, calling for the people's attention. I looked up, analyzing the individual. He wore a fiery red robe and a cape made of white fur, a golden crown sitting atop his head. His slightly messy dark brown hair and maroon eyes defining his well-built face.

Two guards clad in silver and gold armor followed him, longswords and shields at their side.

"Hello, citizens of Eloria," he boomed, wind magic carrying his deep voice across the entire city. "Today marks a historic day for all of Auroria, and I would like all of you to listen carefully. We have made contact with a civilization long-thought dead, a people that would like to become apart of our kingdom, and our triple alliance."

He paused, letting the build-up settle so that the crowds would be somewhat prepared for the two words that followed. I held my breath, realizing what he was about to say and bracing for the explosive reaction that was sure to follow.

"The Dragonkin."

Everyone was speechless, all of them waiting, expecting the king to correct himself as if he had made some kind of mistake. The King read the situation, immediately adapting.

"Before you say anything, I would like to explain myself," he said, putting his hand up before commotion arose.

He was good at controlling crowds. I respected his calm composure amidst such a controversial announcement, his cool-head clearly allowing him to divulge the information in the best way possible.

"The conflict between the alliance and the dragons is history, a past that we have moved on from. Tell me, if not for evolving and moving forward, what else is history for?" he asked, the crowd slowly realizing this was no longer a joke. Hushed murmurs of worry spread across the city like wildfire, the king immediately clearing his throat and seizing control.

"We must acknowledge our differences, but we must also embrace our similarities. The Dragons want a place to live, a place to raise their young, a place to belong. If we were to refuse such a heartfelt request, who would the enemy really be? Would it still be the Dragonkin?"

Small shouts of understanding arose from the crowd, but the rest remained unconvinced.

"Auroria is heading towards a new age, and we must take it upon ourselves to lead this revolution. Lead those who are looking for an answer, lead those who are in need of aid!"

The cheers began to rise, people's hearts being swayed from the outstanding charisma that King Roy possessed.

"A new era has begun! An era that will forever change our futures, an era of unity, an era of a new beginning!" roared the King.

What followed was no longer a singular cheer. My ears boomed as a massive roar erupted all across Eloria, the shouts of the people spanning across the entire continent. Fei, Dwarves, Humans... All united, all of them rallying under a single notion.

I smiled.

This really was a new beginning.

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