New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 90: Unsettled Bet

Chapter 90: Unsettled Bet


I watched as Amelia explained our situation to the guards in her joyous voice, granting me access to the royal castle with ease. I sighed, extremely glad that the girl was accompanying me.

"Thank you for doing this," I whispered as we passed through the entrance. Amelia smiled, clearly satisfied with her performance.

"You're very welcome, young Dragon!"

I chuckled at the sarcastic naming.

"I'm still half-human, you know?"

"I know. But still, a half-breed, huh? That's pretty cool," said Amelia, her voice sincere. I felt at ease knowing the woman beside me didn't mind my race, even if I was still part-human. The fear of rejection from my past friends was something I was always afraid of, and the thought of confronting my family was just depressing.

What would they say? Would I still be welcome?

Not only had I lied about who I was, but I had also gone and taken the lives of countless civilians in the name of the Dragons. Would Jane and Bruce still accept that kind of individual as their son? What would Alice think about her older brother now?

I shook my head, erasing the thoughts as we approached Jean's quarters. I could feel Amelia's worried gaze, her instincts telling me I was deeply troubled by my own thoughts, but I pretended to not notice.

"Are you sure she's here?" I asked, approaching the intricately ornate door.

"She should be. I haven't seen her leave the castle much," responded Amelia, already backing away. I smiled, meeting her longing gaze.

"You can come in too, you know?"

The woman brimmed with happiness at my words, springing back to me as she waited beside me. I sometimes questioned this girl's age...

I knocked softly on the door, a gentle voice answering.

"Come in."

I creaked open the door, entering the luxurious room. Jean stood up, casual clothes replacing her usual divine battle gear. A light blue shirt and short pants contrasted with her golden hair, the usual flower clip nowhere to be seen.

"J-Jay?" she stuttered, surprised by my sudden visit. I could tell she had hesitated momentarily at my name, her first instinct probably having been to call me Two. "What are you doing here?"

"I've come to convince you to support the war," I said, Amelia, sighing at my bluntness. Jean didn't flinch, her mind also unable to understand the intricacies of complex human interaction.

Jean frowned, her eyes averting mine.

"I've already told you my goal, Jay. I won't do anything that might put my family at risk. It's clear that Eloria isn't the Dominion's forces' main target, and I intend to keep it that way."

"So you'll let the Dragons perish?" I asked. There was no hidden attack within the question, my mind simply wanting to know if Jean was willing to let a civilization die at the cost of keeping her family safe.

"If that's the only way to protect them, then yes."

She met my gaze, burning determination roaring in her eyes. I could tell she was completely serious, her desire to protect her loved ones stronger than her desire to save the Dragons.

I couldn't blame her, though, the thought of something happening to the family that had given birth to me and supported me throughout my existence in this new world sending shivers down my spine.

"You don't trust the strength of the Dragonkin, do you?" I asked, Jean, looking up in surprise. The girl squirmed uncomfortably, realizing her thoughts were extremely easy to understand to an individual who had a similar mindset as her.

"Jay. The Dragons don't possess any S-ranks. Amelia and I would be forced to the three others."

I smiled, her answer exactly what I was hoping it would be.

"Then fight me. If I can beat you, then surely we can defeat the other S-ranks together, right?"

"Do you honestly think you can win? It didn't go so well for you last time," said Jean, letting out a smug smile. I chuckled, realizing she wasn't taking me very seriously.

"I do. It seems to me like you're out of practice."

"Oh? Very well, then. Let's see what you're capable of, Jay."


I strode through the endless hallways of the castle, thinking about the current situation of Auroria. All of my friends were currently facing thousands of trained soldiers, fighting for their very existence, and all I could do was walk around a castle behind the safety of Eloria's massive walls.

A small glint of light brown hair caught my eye, my head turning as I recognized Jay walking alongside Amelia.

"Jay?" I muttered as I ran over, afraid that I might miss the opportunity to talk with him. "Jay!"

The boy turned around, his long brown hair accentuated by his clothes. His legs were covered in dark armor, the black material unknown to me. The battle armor continued to his lower ribcage, golden highlights glinting with a heavenly sparkle. His upper-body, however, seemed completely unprotected, a simple black t-shirt covering his chest and a small portion of his arms.

I noticed a black metal shoulder pad with a red Dragon symbol engraved on his right shoulder as he turned around, smiling.

"Hey, Diana."

Was this his outfit of war? He appeared skinny when compared to the armor on his lower-body, but it was clear that he was extremely fit.

"Why did you come here?" I asked worriedly, immediately regretting my choice of words. My question had come out aggressive, a tone that opposed the relief I felt for seeing the wellbeing of the boy.

Jay remained unfazed by the tonality of my question, responding in his usual neutrality.

"I've come to request the support of Imania."

I looked down, ashamed that my nation wasn't aiding the Dragons in their defense.

"I'm sorry, Jay. My father won't listen to me, no matter how hard I beg him to send reinforcements."

Don't worry," he responded, "you've already done so much. Now it's my turn."

I smiled unconvincingly, still unsatisfied with my performance.

"When will you be returning to the frontlines?" I asked curiously.

"In a few days at most. I have a small bet I need to settle here, first."

"I see," I muttered, thinking about my words, "when you return, can you please take me with you?"

The boy raised his eyebrows in surprise, slightly taken aback by the question. I noticed Amelia was equally startled by my request, but I trusted that she wouldn't share my intentions with my father.

"I would, but I think you're better off here," he said finally. I opened my mouth, ready to defy his comment. He immediately followed up, realizing there might've been room for misunderstanding: "it has nothing to do with you being weak. I know just how powerful you are, Diana. But when the time comes for Imania to step in, someone will need to lead the armies. You're the only one I trust to do that properly. Even this woman can't do it right," he said jokingly, pointing at Amelia.

The S-rank laughed hysterically, grinning in delight at the joke.

"Not bad, Jay. That caught me off-guard!" she exclaimed, attempting to retain her laughter. I was slightly surprised by how close those two had gotten to each other, but I focused my attention on Jay's explanation.

"I-I understand," I said. If he phrased it like that, how could I possibly say no? Even if Jay was known for being socially awkward, he sure did know how to manipulate and sway individuals with words.

"Thanks," he said cheerfully, turning around as he started walking away. "We'll see each other again soon, Diana."

I sighed. Whatever his plans were to somehow convince my father, I really hoped they worked out.

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