New World - A New Beginning

Chapter 94: Cruelty of War

Chapter 94: Cruelty of War



The attack crashed onto the girl, dark red flames swallowing the soldiers around the point of impact as they wailed in agony.


I leaped off my wyvern, a bolt of divine energy piercing its heart as the beast slammed into the ground, dead. I vaulted in the air, attempting to find a landing position. This was no time to mourn the death of the wyvern that had been my partner ever since my coronation as Empress, my main focus being the blonde-haired Fei as her body emerged from the smoke.

An intricate and dignified longbow lay in her hand, the string seemingly being made out of pure neutral bind. She positioned herself, drawing back the white cord as a golden projectile appeared, and took the shape of an arrow.

I gritted my teeth, putting my hands forward in an attempt to block the oncoming bolt of bind. Flames erupted from my palm, a petal of raw energy blooming before me as the arrow of golden energy struck my defense.


I landed on the ground safely, the thick smoke clearing and presenting the two fighters as they looked at each other with fierce determination.

"Let's finish this," echoed Rena, the S-rank readying her weapon as her lime-green eyes glared at me.

I nodded, preparing myself. Our initial clash had resulted in my victory and had allowed our army to force a stalemate that had proven to be long-lasting. Rena was now determined to push through our line of defense, and the first step to doing so was taking down the Dragon's leader.

I quickly looked around the battlefield, spotting Irox as his eyes met mine. I smiled, overtaken with joy that my husband was still alive. The weight of doubt slowly lifted off my shoulders, my body beginning to burn with infernal energy as I pulled a gleaming greatsword from a small rift.

Rena unleashed an arrow right at me, signaling the beginning of our fight. I lifted my weapon above my head, swinging downward as a jet of flames followed its movement and disintegrated the projectile.

I launched myself at Rena, using the momentum of my slash and converting it into another strike. My body spun around, dragging the massive weapon along with it. The Fei leaped over gracefully, quickly letting loose three more arrows at point-blank range.


I stumbled back from the impact, immediately feeling Rena's next attack rapidly approaching me. The bind around me ignited into a roaring inferno, shielding me from the arrow.

Rena Vye was ranked fourth amongst the S-ranks, but it was clear that the rankings were now outdated. Being the eldest of all the S-ranks, and with the extended lifespan of the Feis, Rena had managed to surpass those who were considered her equals, and she now easily rivaled the likes of Amelia and Jean.

A huge explosion caught my attention momentarily, my eyes glancing at Irox as he struggled to keep up with his opponent: Lio Rye.

The two siblings were extremely powerful alone, but it was impossible to beat them when they worked together. Irox and I had managed to keep them separated by distancing ourselves and forcing them to split, but even fighting them one on one was beginning to prove difficult.

I could tell my husband was already exhausted, the uncountable number of corpses around him proving my earlier theory. He had been specifically targeted, and Lio was now trying to finish him permanently.

Rena retook my attention as she began to float into the air with an upwards gust of wind, a massive golden circle of holy bind forming behind her and facing me. The girl pulled back her string, raw energy flowing into the newly-formed arrow as the circle supplied her attack with bind.

Time seemed to slow as the Fei aimed her bow right at me, my body unable to move faced with this enormous power. The battlefield stopped, Rena's arrow glowing with the radiance of the sun.

"Divine arrow," she muttered, releasing the attack as a low rumble boomed across the valley.

My vision filled with overflowing light, my time alive in this world slowly coming to an end as each passing second felt like a lifetime. I tried moving my body but to no avail, my mind completely disconnected from any physical activity.

A shadow appeared before me, the dark silhouette shining from the blinding brilliance of Rena's spell. My eyes widened at the realization of what was happening, my cry being consumed by the deafening roar of the attack.

"Sorry, Selena."


My vision darkened from the impact, the terrifying power of an S-rank turning the tide of the battle instantly. My head seemed to be trapped deep underwater, the murmurs all around me barely reaching me as I felt my body being dragged away before my conscience ultimately faded.


"I swear that's not how-" I started, the joy and embarrassment of my private discussion with Mia in the woods suddenly vanishing as I dropped to my knees, the power and strength I once possessed leaving my body.

"Asthia? Asthia!" yelled Mia, rushing to my side.

A dark void opened up within me, my soul being wrenched apart from the inside as tears began flowing from my eyes. A beam of light shot upwards in the far distance to the East, the signaling of the end of one of the royal Dragons.

"Dad..." I croaked, not believing the feelings that were tearing my heart into pieces.

Mia seemed to realize what had happened, pulling me into her arms as I began to cry out in anguish. The girl didn't say a word as her shoulders became moist from the tears, simply clutching my head with all of her strength, letting me know that she was still there with me.

I opened my eyes, a glowing figure appearing behind Mia, his gentle eyes looking at me with pride and joy.

"I love you very much, Asthia. Please, save our hometown," he said before vanishing in a stream of golden particles. My hands dug into Mia's back, sorrow consuming me as my mind refused to think any longer.

How? Why?!

I hadn't managed to see my Dad in his final moments, and in one instant, he had been killed by the enemy.

There was no build-up, no final goodbye... the cruelty of war had struck again, and with no prior warning, Irox Darck had been slain.

"Why..." I muttered, seeking an explanation.

"I don't know," whispered Mia, not knowing how else to respond. "I'm so sorry, Asthia, but I don't know."

I cried, not knowing what else to do. My soul wept, not knowing how else to react. My mind went blank, not knowing how to think any longer.

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