Nine Venoms Sect Founder

Chapter 74: Man's Struggle Against Man

Chapter 74: Man's Struggle Against Man

In the last 15 years, the Dark Stone Country's political, economic and social situation had fallen to a catastrophic level. Overnight, the atmosphere dried out while the temperature shot up. Dehydration, asthma, skin irritation and other health hazards hastened by an overly dry air promptly followed. Rain went AWOL, and across the following decade, entire farms collapsed.

It is important to note that the Mountain Edge World numbers 120 billion mortal lives evenly split between the Six Ranges. Of the First Range's 20 billion, about 1.6 called the Dark Stone Country home. That immense population required tremendous food supplies, making the Dark Stone Country exceedingly reliant on agriculture. Imports deals with other grand nations were non-existent, as all faced the same problem. Farms were those countries' cornerstones. A pity that farmers didn't understand their own worth.

As clever as he might be, Mehran, the Dark Stone High King, couldn't challenge nature's whims, and though he foresaw the first signs of the drought, strengthened the stockpiles and imposed rationing, his best efforts couldn't prevent the inevitable. Only celestials could use Weather Spells and formations to clash with nature. But thanks to his repeated offenses against the First Range's top three sects, Mehran couldn't request the assistance of any Celestial-level expert.

Now, from villagers to high-ranking officials, all that experienced this ruinous climate and didn't see hope in the future, blamed Mehran for his "rash deeds." Even without propaganda, ill-sentiments against the monarch grew at an alarming rate. No one cared that this drought was most likely man made. They just wanted it to stop, and if for that they needed Mehran's head on a pike, then behead him they would. Organized and disordered rebellions broke out throughout the Dark Stone Countries' 26 provinces. Even the capital saw looting and arson caused by warring aristocratic families, all eager to snatch whatever they could from their peers and secure their positions.

The Hisyar royal clan had all but given up on Mehran and plotted alongside the dissatisfied factions to force his abdication. If not for his 100 avatars, shifting location and solid cultivation, they'd have made their move already. Impatient, they contacted the top three sets, and promised complete surrender of the country's vast mineral resources as long as they stopped the drought and assisted them in overthrowing Mehran. The precise division could come afterward.

Harun learned all this from the Vermilion Brides, whose information network outpaced the Immolation Blade Sect and Soul Refining Hall. And to top it all off, in the last 10 years, one million kids mysteriously vanished. Most from commoners backgrounds, but even some from the aristocracy. Rumors that Mehran kidnapped those children, aiming to refine them to boost his cultivation base, freely circulated. Of course, that was a big load of bullshit. But when did that ever matter?

"You'd think that with the ongoing peace treaty, celestials would be more careful in casting spells on mortal countries, especially one of this size. But then again, for this level of damage, it's not like the big shots will bother investigating," Jiyan said. The peace treaty forbade large-scale extermination, but unless a glaring transgression occurred, or some factions' benefits were endangered, the World Association wouldn't investigate.

Be it though the Divine Path or Elemental Fusion Bridge, many could cast Weather Spells. Perhaps even the Truth Scrying Grotto's Dream Seer Bridge enabled them. Weather Spells didn't leave clear traces. With so many suspects, only Divination Magic could uncover the truth. But when even Holy Lands didn't have many such experts, what were they going to do? Ask the Truth Scrying Grotto and its branches for assistance? If they were involved, wasn't that tantamount to asking the thief to catch himself? Might as well let the problem solve itself. Or so the World Association reasoned.

"As you just said, those that matter won't bother meddling, so they are being as careful as they need to be. The Scorching Sun Mantra is the traditional spell for this kind of setting. But as I recall, a single Celestial Kin cannot cast it on an entire country. It'd take at least 100 Celestial Kin, or a Celestial Guard. Even then, the list isn't small. Mehran won't be able to stay in hiding for much longer, or they'll declare him dead and demote him in absentia. Handled well, this is an opportunity. Even if for now I only want the Attachment of a portion of the Dark Stone Capital's citizens. If we can outright take over the country, it'd make a lot of things easier. The best-case scenario is to have Mehran work for us," Harun replied.

Country management was the type of hurdle he never wanted to deal with. There were too many variables to take into account, and too many lives to think for. Some people, most people, weren't qualified for that job, and Harun didn't think that he belonged to the gifted few. Sensing his thoughts, Jiyan leaned closer and asked:

"Were the roles reversed, what would you have done?"

"First, how about not antagonizing three sects whose every member can wipe out my state?" Harun tilted his head toward Jiyan, but seeing her roll her eyes, he pursed his lips and went on, "Alright, from the start, I'd surrender the resources to the Soul Refining Hall, curry their favor, and officially join them as a disciple. Then over the next 1,000 years, work on my growth and position. If talent and chance allow it, I'd aim for the Sect Master position and regain full control of the state. If not, I get the best deals I can, then move on," Harun seriously replied.

"So you'd betray the country?" Jiyan asked in a jesting tone. For the Dark Stone Country, rare mineral resources such as Black Titanium represented their only source of wealth and bargaining chip on the international scale. Granted, they didn't have the skills to use them at maximum potential, just by controlling the mines, they decided the price and supply of rare weapons in the First Range. Friends could trade with them, enemies could kiss their ass, and they kept enough supplies that their country's armies remained a step above other grand nations.

Once they lost those mines, nothing prevented their allies and enemies from invading and seizing their farm lands, plus whatever the top three sects didn't plunder. Within a decade, they'd launch a combined assault. The World Association wouldn't intervene, as it didn't concern itself with mortal conflicts...unless they threatened mighty factions' benefits, of course. Knowing that, unless he was willing to see his country occupied by eager wolves, Mehran couldn't surrender to the three sects.

"As a wise man once said, I'd rather betray men, than have men betray me. And in this case, it's one or the other." Harun, however, had no such considerations.

"How about you?" He asked Jiyan.

"Abdicate and disappear as soon as possible."

"Sensible girl."

But as the two bantered, the carriage's speed shot up, throwing them off balance. Immediately, both spread their Divine Senses and spotted the source of the commotion, a nearby merchant caravan being raided by masked brigands.

This was a common occurrence on the Dark Stone Country's roads. Below the Nihility Realm, all suffered hunger and thirst. The 15 years of drought spared no one, and desperados gathered in gangs to plunder all carriages and caravans that crossed the roads. Typically, such a matter wouldn't get Harun's attention.

But when their Divine Senses locked on the warring parties, Jiyan and he frowned.

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