No Game No Life

Vol 6 2

Chapter 2 – 1x1=Aimless

My name is Riku, 18 years old, a virgin——....What? Can’t I


mess and questions are piling up messily, but for now——calm

Even though I can’t comprehend what is going on, but I’m

Firstly, prioritize my heart’s question——what happened, what

Confirm the state of the [Lock]....No problem. Regardless of

always stay locked. Then, grasp the present situation in a

".....[Investigate]....Organizing current situation...."

straddling my body. However, I have no means of escape even

I must accelerate my thinking——to a speed where even time

Riding on a horse, Riku headed to the ruins mapped out by the

It was an Elven city destroyed by an attack from a Flügel.


collected was insufficient.

battlefield; they could simply cast magic without a medium to

But on the way, the falling of the Black ash became more

distress——there, he came into contact with a [Different race].

of a normal naked young girl——an [Ex-Machina].

problems if she wasn’t provoked. That was supposed to be the

Riku intended to ignore her and continue moving.

He was pressed onto the ground while the surrounding Black

Although he couldn’t comprehend what just happened....Riku

Facing against Riku whose upper body was stripped naked, the

"Nii, I can’t resist it anymore. Turn me into a woman."

....Did I lose my memory?


things as if in a narration, and then, my chast.i.ty——my first

....I seemed to have grasped onto everything. That was the first

Continuing on to question two——just when I’m about to think


out. She was emotionless, expressionless and like a machine.

He used his knowledge and reason to suppress his spinal reflex

Which means he suppressed his urge to yell out [I’m the one


they were an extremely special race.

compare against their coordination and movements as a

That means——an individual’s find means the entire

to the entire race.

special race was due to their way of fighting.

the type of attack in less than a second, before quickly firing it

Regardless of whether it was an Elf’s magic, the attack from a

replicated and fired back.

could be theorized that the Ex-Machina——are the most brutal

However, they had another special property.

They would retaliate if they were under attack, but they

Therefore, the data that the dwarves recorded down——[A

——the knowledge above, forced Riku to shut his mouth.

entire human species will be destroyed.

this guy!!"

out in his heart.

on——which spiralled into an awkward scene between the

Even after he had organised all his information correctly, Riku

where there was no instigation.

"——because the setting to fulfill this condition,

This question was phrased as if a speculation has failed——

Human beings are dead. They cannot exist so they cannot be

"....Let’s not care about likes and dislikes first. On whose

"No"———she replied using [Human language].

While this fact in itself would bring s.h.i.+vers down a human’s

ignore or reject her now, she would possibly declare humans as

———Don’t act rashly before grasping the situation.

continued speaking expressionlessly with a nonchalant tone.

like you. Accident, yes this is an accident]"

[Nii] from before. This caused Riku’s mind to blank out.

"......... Person’s temperature, pulse, genitals, did not

physiological reactions?"

a troublesome situation cried out.

The possibility of being deemed a hostile target after [Lying]

As if understanding Riku’s heartfelt worries, the Ex-Machina

" Speculated that human’s carnal desires would

"...That is so, yah. The answer would vary from different

——he cannot lie. But her purpose can’t be understood either. He

If she could read physiological responses, then Riku’s fear



While thinking——a brave question was thrown at him,

causing Riku to feel dizzy.

Facing against a disaster that would bring forth genocide upon

question that would trouble a human being——also the fact

....After some determination, Riku carefully observed the ExMachina

——she looked similar to a ten-year-old human girl. In contrast

undoubtedly a beautiful girl

out her body.

arouse me, the best would be someone from the same race.

...How was this answer. Neither lie nor deny——as a virgin,

Riku felt a sense of accomplishment, but the Ex-Machina girl

" Without experience, still want to choose the


began to see the current [Situation].

this doubt was correct——


question, but.

there was a crisis more serious than this.


humans." "....Independent language?"

with his predictions.

mechanically said. "

the independent language that requires skin

[Heart]. Imitating movements, judged that this machine can


gave a bitter smile. Being wrestled like this, the intention to

Able to speak human’s language, able to speculate out human’s

human’s physiological responses.

feeling self- depreciative.

already seen through long ago.

long ago.

message, then humanity wouldn’t be worried anymore."

actions akin of going into a deep thought——

confusion from before. No matter the reason, the Ex-Machinas

spied on.

their entirety was understood by the Ex-Machinas.

spied on by the Ex- Machinas, regardless of their intentions.

watching them

——what should I do? Nothing, just go with the norms.

more Placing my hand onto my chest, I start to chant a spell as

But this time, there was a slight difference——sealing it. ——

Drive off the memory that this hateful Ex-Machina can wipe

Whether feelings, memories, horror, shaking, anxiety, remove

There were two motives. Find out all intention, and then

Proceed with deep breaths. I have a [Friendly relation] with

Deceive your physiological responses. Deceive your memory.

Can it be done? Of course it can be done [Riku]——if it’s you.

then she does not possess a——[Heart].


a natural human sc.u.m all along.


heavier than the usual, Riku opened his eyes.

[She] finished her long thoughts and solemnly narrated about

"...... Skins.h.i.+p is metaphor for procreation——

"Un. I refuse——it should be said like this right?"

be considered having hostile intention.

judgement. No problems. Furthermore——

species other than humans to have s.e.x. And compared to that—

——squeeze out the information needed.

the cl.u.s.ter right. I’m sorry but I don’t have exhibitionism."


It was predicted beforehand that this would happen. But these

"Oh, why?"

Even though the reason I speculated should be close.

had [Heart], [Self] or [Soul]."

" Failure of theories caused constant contradicting


Finally, Riku confirmed the reason why this Ex-Machina was

——no, she is broken.

uneasy, this was slightly better than the other worse

Come, [Riku] with [Friend relations]? The next step should be

"....Oh, which means....You."

but the [Young girl] nodded her head in exaggeration.

against this machine. Although there isn’t, hole."

Maintaining her expressionless face, she nodded and declared.

allowed to slowly ravage."


For other colonies other than the humans, they could be

——this in itself was obvious.

hide the matter with the colony.

But regardless of which, it wouldn’t turn into a problem. As a

It was in order to allow her to create the [Role] she was looking

This was what she was looking forward to——it appears to

As if being unaware towards Riku’s heart, the young girl

" Because this machine’s charm cannot be felt,

"Ah——, you don’t understand at all..."

Riku who was freed straightened his body while the young girl


——game to be carried out." ".....What?"

Saying so, from the hand of the young girl——no, from the

From the void, rays appeared to form an outline of a board——

——this was instantiated, looking at Riku whose eyes were

the young girl quietly said.

machine back to colony, carrying out reproductive behavior."



if she proposed a great idea, Riku couldn’t help but shout out.


require a change in the conditions."

combination of complex strategies was instantly formed.

would be enough to turn the tables around and make this

Come, to what extent can I fulfill this. It’s time for you to show

"If I win, I request that you release me and not follow me back

Winning in this game was [Impossible].

and parsing—— having good calculation like a machine, then

So, the young girl nodded and replied.

remain the same for this machine, no change."

there]. "Nono, your victory conditions must change too."

"If you want to understand the thing known as [Heart], blindly


was clear and thinking.

To calmly state the facts——or for other purposes, to cause a

Although her motives were unclear, from the way she accepted

If she had other motives, she would definitely say that she

plan is ruined.

However, the Ex-Machina maintained her

"—— How to understand?"

Unless——what she really said was all true——?

suspicion in people

What she said was all true, using clever deception——seal her

"If you win, until the moment you understood [Heart], I will

"...... Understand [Heart], possible if stay by your

Allow the intellectual machine to understand, using the best

"[Heart] isn’t a material." "......."

is something only understood with mutual-understanding.

never leave my side——you would understand after

connect to others spiritually."

The Ex-Machina girl continued her silence and watched Riku’s

Seeing her red pupil, Riku was convinced——he was being

But it was useless. I didn’t utter a lie out.

Then begin the game."

possibility of avoiding it is high.

fearlessly smiled——then.

you help me replace it?"

With his snot freezing, Riku pleaded while his teeth chattered.

——the game was simply one-sided.

It was all according to plan.

[Colony] to fulfill the conditions."

was impossible for Riku who could only predict the next move.

one losing. "....."

forgetting to show an expression of regret.

according to plan.

for her to play with a human using such complicated strategies.

that other Ex- Machinas didn’t have a tinge of interest towards

eyeing onto the humans.

binding force, any negligence wasn’t allowed to——


His [Act] of being regretful was seen through, Riku couldn’t

this was supposed to be impossible.

interpretation. Up to now even Riku himself couldn’t

if his [True thoughts] were seen through, then—

should be nothing reflected in those pitch-dark eyes.

is value to continue a.n.a.lyzing."

However, the Ex-Machina girl, looked as if she showed a

"...Ah, speaking of which, I haven’t introduce myself yet."

faced in succession, he had completely forgotten about it.


" This machine’s individual identification number—

"...No, if you want to understand a human’s heart in the colony,

This sentence caused the little girl to be shrouded in a deep

individual?" "Well——there is such a thing."

Suddenly, she wrapped her fingers in her hair and announced


Dismissed with the above three reasons——calling yourself

Riku readily rejected her proposal. But, it seemed to be an


Said free to choose yet revised....

Riku always wondered, the girl looked as if she was protesting

——it must be my illusion, Riku once again came down with this

"Okay, I’ll tidy up for a while then I’ll take you to the colony—

Bending one of his finger, he said.

heart. Is because they fear it, they are scared of having mutualunderstanding."

Seeing the Ex-Machina who was named ShuVi nod her head,

"So aside from changing the name, could you change the tone


ShuVi’s gaze rose, and she started to have an expression as if

"You’re kidding, rejected."

add unnecessary tone. Riku flat out rejected this.

"I already have a sister, so this setting cannot be accepted."

suits the situation."

began to seriously think.

for five days. Under these circ.u.mstances, Riku brought a girl

——the best setting would be——

war." ".........————"

out, so don’t say too much. And stop using the speech pattern

ShuVi intently paid attention to what Riku said with her heart.

Just a full 10 seconds.

ShuVi, nodded.

In her originally inorganic expressionless face, shadows started

She quietly——opened her mouth.


it resembled a genuine human, Riku was momentarily stunned.

It was as if there was a new person.

been fooled thinking that she was human.

made no sense

head and replied.

tracing....People.." Riku didn’t understand the meaning behind

But in that case she wouldn’t be recognized as an Ex-Machina.

"Okay, firstly, you need to put on some appropriate clothes."

language are disguised, a human girl wouldn’t walk outside

"Hide the machinery parts up. A hood would be enough to

anyone to see your body oh?"

".....Un. Absolutely, only allow Riku....."

"Although I have a subtle feeling that something is wrong,

count on you then."

of commotion when he returns home.

the thought and started the return trip back to the colony.

"....Riku, are we, there yet...?" "Ahhh. Really. I can’t believe

——the one brought back was Riku.

it in a few hours

Arriving near the colony, ShuVi placed Riku down.

stunned by this unreasonable race.


to...Ex- Machinas."

was done without using any armament.

——but first, place the extra-dimensional speech aside .

ShuVi’s appearance.

hide the non- removable ears and head from being exposed.

"The problem is the tail that is protruding out, right."

Gallery...." "Well, regardless of that, can you roll it into a ball

ShuVi was unsupportive of that action, but those two lively

".....No....This....ShuVi’s....Power source....This explanation, is

Initially, it was intended for ShuVi to dress-up as a human, the


particles within the colony.

hide it....

Elemental Gallery——ShuVi was moving because of it.

[Ingesting] instead of using Elemental particles.

—but the tail in this case was exposed.

"...No matter, at this point, we’ll just insist that it is a

it will be impossible to understand the [Heart] ok? Resolve

"....Un, understood....."

through a narrow tunnel.

He was going to greet Riku loudly, but Riku’s panicky hand

"It, it’s been tough on you.....Everyone was worried about you,

The young guard who quietened down his face, noticed ShuVi

Hush, Riku once again used the same gestures to shut him up,

Seeing how Riku erased his breathing and slowly crept up the

"...Riku, is afraid....Because of ShuVi?"

Riku was going to say it out when he suddenly stopped. To


At the same time as the shout came.

Coron who appeared in front of Riku, gave him a malicious

Riku who didn’t have time to moan collapsed onto the ground,

Coron continued by pulling the chest area of Riku’s s.h.i.+rt and

"YOUUUUU!! Are you satisfied for leaving home for five

Riku started foaming at his mouth due to Coron’s intense

——at this time.


She tossed Riku aside and hugged ShuVi.

who was coughing vigorously.

to pick up a new bride ♪"

this troubled world for five days——"

Coron attacked with her elbow and continued.

thing is life, the second is food! Third fourth and fifth are life

——then what about you!

swallowed it back.

absolutely won’t hinder you too, so both of you enjoy your


Riku hugged his head upon seeing how Coron placed her


survivor of a destroyed colony?"

She suddenly asked with a mysterious look.

Finis.h.i.+ng his words, Riku felt that the situation was a bit bad—


".....After interpreting the Dwarves’ map, you should know that

for a horse to travel. There was a small colony near that area—

————not lying.

to the exchange with the Demonia and the Dwarves.

But in this colony, the only person who knows Dwarven

But Coron possibly couldn’t agree just because of this——

Riku expected that the refute would be this, he shook his head

"There would be more risks if there were more people. But if I

"Getting prohibited would of course be natural!! This kind of

some consideration to your sister and allow me to give your

Coron looked at Riku with dependent eyes.

heavier than before.

for him——even so, he couldn’t tell the truth.

inquiring ShuVi.

misfortune....What’s your name?"

According to plan, according to the setting.

Unun, Coron nodded her head while smiling and replied.

did you get to know Riku ♪"


was to comfort ShuVi who lost her colony, a feeling akin to

For ShuVi who did not follow up with the conversation, Riku

But——as an Ex-Machina, she couldn’t interpret this kind of

"....ShuVi..Kissed with Riku....Then strongly

——okay, here comes the problem.

who approached Riku for reproduction behavior].

footsteps. "That kind of thing——"

that could potentially pierce through his heart.

then it should be done——————————————!"

——Riku and the young survivor of a destroyed colony, recently

The speed this rumor traveled was even faster than the speed of

"No, Riku is correct. When it can be done, it must be done."

"No wait, you are saying as if he hasn’t gained the other party’s

"Forcing it is similar to commitment right? What else is there


The debate was strange. Reason being was the fact that no one

Everything was strange. Or was it himself who was strange?

people in this colony can’t take it anymore....

went through the colony into his room.

who was strolling beside him.

Not understanding what she did wrong, ShuVi tilted her head

"Speaking of which, you want to understand my [Heart] right?

He suddenly got reminded of the time when he was called

If that was the case, this situation wouldn’t have happened.


"Why don’t you just say that I’m a lolicon. I love fascinating—

Swiftly interrupting his words, ShuVi continued.

reproductive behavior....None."

Because of an Ex-Machina’s judgement, he got identified as a

And including the matter about Coron citing the evidence out,


own personal preference——"

for a young body, no room for discussions."

The Ex-Machina who wasn’t supposed to have emotions,

probably an illusion.

like to breed with younger girls....just, facts."

Burdened with all kinds of stares directing at his direction,


probably an illusion to Riku too.

Risking one’s life to search for something, and the result was—

Giving a strange look towards Riku’s room, an Ex-Machina girl

"Are you scared of it because it’s too shabby?" "....Its

Even an Ex-Machina can say flattery and ironic words, Riku

Probably prepared by Coron——Riku reached out for the food

Right now, all Riku wanted was to finish his meal and sleep

"Although its not important to Ex-Machina-sama, humans

Riku casually said while tiredly eating the food with his fork.

properly, I guess." "....Un, I understand......Do, something

After the girl confirmed Riku’s map, measuring tools and

".....Riku, play a game together......Okay?" "——why?"

pointed at the bookshelf.

when his home was destroyed.

replied with disgust.

only used by bored kids to play."

"Because reality is not as simple as games." Without rules,

Alive, or dead. Nothing more. In this world——

and we don’t have the energy to do this."

Unconsciously, ShuVi had already placed the chess pieces on

".....If you beat ShuVi....Then I’ll give....The intel Riku wants."

"....Such as the origins of the Great war, the reasons...The

On the spot, Riku rejected this suggestion. "Ha... this is

The reason why the Great war started? The factors to end it?—

knowing the truth about the Great

Moreover, the factors to end it? If it could be achieved, then it

If those people who destroyed the world can’t accomplish it,

So——Riku refused. It was useless even if he knew. Futile

The Great War would end someday, because there wasn’t any

there was [Hope].

with those words

damaged and destroyed world.

wiped with a blow. So——

know——" Pointing his fork at ShuVi, Riku squinted his eyes

"It would be means of surviving, nothing more."


technology——if I win, you have to give all these to me."

survive, it would be for tomorrow——not for [Today].

ShuVi nodded with an expression of slight regret, Riku

As machines that are full of calculations, there must be

ShuVi bluntly replied in response to Riku’s wry smile and

ShuVi continued while gazing straight into Riku’s black eyes.

intelligence....of Riku’s understanding of the [Heart].

with rights, this must be what you mean right?"

require..Effort to have mutual-understanding with ShuVi....."

Saying this, Riku placed his food aside, and sat in front of the

......He stared at the board. When was the last time he seriously

Faced against the computing power the Ex-Machinas possesses


heart, leading to these feelings of failure.

factors that computing can’t solve].

However, psychological factors and strategies——the


who was easily caught in it was checked.

But ShuVi who discovered the mistake immediately took

The same trap wouldn’t work the second time——it was as if


changing strategies.

could be utilized was——[Unlimited].


was extremely intense, suddenly——


his eyes and gently touched his mouth.

fact, Riku’s eyes widened even further.

the chess game. "...Riku, in games...Isn’t"

shouted all these out in his mind, but——


biological point of view...Is unusual.."



Riku’s body.

———————————something, was sounding out. "Ar, are you


lifting ShuVi’s head up with his fingers using a crus.h.i.+ng force.

watched Riku with her crystal-like eyes.

you, are not aware of your position?" Until now, Riku finally

Before meeting up with this killing machine, he tangled his


hatred hatred hatred hatred hatred hatred hatred pain, etc——

He hung up the [Lock], towards his forcefulness, his chaotic

——finally, because of being overwhelmed, the sound of things

A rational questioning——what is this? Ahh, it was one of the

Feelings were also questioned——in the face of this thing, how

Ahhh yes——haha——how can one calmly think when in this

"Blindly killing us, taking away my everything, continuously

what kind of mood are humans]? Haha, a human’s [Heart],

"YOU ALL CAN GO TO h.e.l.l!!"

might shatter.

results would one gain from doing this.

to shut up. "———

How can one not laugh in this situation. Because this was the

Like this, concerns are not needed. Even if his fingers break,

"Because of your reasons, how many people died, do you


ShuVi softly comforted, in contrast to Riku’s shouting.

to retort this out, ShuVi started stroking Riku’s cheek and said.

horrible, then, speculation..."

Riku glared at ShuVi who was stroking his cheek, her hands

"Grasping....Riku’s....[Heart].....Want to kill ShuVi...." ShuVi’s

was.....removed from the link..."

about the other Ex- Machinas knowing.

complex packaged, light-emitting part——

Perhaps she was aware that there was some sense of violation

"?....Die.....Not, biological.....Permanently stop————repair,

She was overly specific. Naturally, she continued.

[Heart].....So.....Ca,n oh....." ShuVi talked, as if it was natural.

the teenager that

".....Complying with inner thoughts...To kill off.....ShuVi?"

——this isn’t right, Riku.

how low of a jerk do you want to stoop to.

ignited the [Great war].

Dilo, Sirius, Addo, Daler, Deven, Lucus, Wayne, Eric, Charlie,

Arthur, Morton, Kimi, Dutton, Cilson, Sandy, Wally, Kay,

Ben, Yale, Kelvin, Ahmad, Bell, Harrod, Berrod, Mariah,

——and also, Ivan.

It was none other than——Riku!!

Riku loosened his hands and ShuVi sat down on the floor.

turned his body. ".....Time to sleep."

"....Why...Didn’t you kill me...?" Came ShuVi’s doubtful yet

understand, a.s.shole!! SO CAN YOU

Why didn’t I kill you? There were reasons.

——like how the dead can’t be revived.

He could list all these rhetorical arguments if he wanted to.

so. He does not possess the rights to talk about the dead.

to their death. But personally, he didn’t kill anyone. He was this

"....I’m sorry...."

misunderstood Riku’s intentions.

Riku was once again struck by a deep feeling of self-loathing.

things are happening....

the colony...." "...Un....I know...."

weighing down on him even more.

Although he tried to ask these questions, Riku felt that he

the answer.

Regardless of the intentions, Riku had one of the Ex-Machinas

——since he successfully suggested that he had [Friendly

——then, he himself wasn’t a human anymore right.

was worried, he himself felt that——he was the one who was

Currently, he was continuously [Calculating] her.

——but there were too much uncertain factors. It cannot be

——up till the end, could she be killed. A lie —was there the

But, Riku asked himself.

No. Only——he felt something wasn’t right. However, he

If he had to say it——it was everything. Whatever he felt, was

"You say the human [Heart]?.....That kind of thing, I’m the one


Fatigued, the sleep demon easily s.n.a.t.c.hed Riku’s

——*bang bang*, the knocking on the door brough awareness to


"——Ohhhya❤ So sorry! Nee-chan is too dense, so please

Immediately afterwards the door was closed, and the sound of

——what happened?

going on, Riku made an effort to open his heavy eyelids.


other’s eyes, with ShuVi on his body.


already——no, the few hours was fine.

was this guy planning on doing——

Riku...Closed his eyes...." So. ShuVi while looking a bit


words, presumably......Speculated, [vicinity where one Riku is

"——oh? And then?"

judged as [Aware of]...."

ShuVi who didn’t have a [Heart] had a look as if asking Riku to

praise her for studying the abstract intentions of humans.

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