No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 2: A King's Way Is That of a Scum

Chapter 2: A King's Way Is That of a Scum

--- (Lin Ruoxi Perspective) ---

Why did I do this?

I hate myself so much, this year I turn 20 but I acted like a stupid child.

I was upset with my dad for getting engaged to a perverted jerk who only looks at me like a piece of meat to fuck, my mom tried to talk to my dad to convince him to cancel the engagement but she only got slapped.

I am a disgrace, my mother suffers because of me and I can not do anything to help her.

Why does this have to happen to me?

I want to be free, run a business and show that I am not just a pretty face that only serves as a trophy.

Am I just serving to be the prize of some idiot with rich parents?

It hurts, my chest hurts a lot. The pain does not let me breathe and my eyes burn.

I don't want this, I want to cry and scream because of how unfair the world is but I know it won't do any good, no one will help me and I can't save myself on my own.

I tried to change my destiny with my own hands but I could only act like one stupid child.

Sleeping with a random guy I met at a bar? I am pathetic.

The boy is handsome despite having some cut marks on his arms and face, they make him look tough. One advantage of attractive people is that they look good even with those kinds of brands.

He was the most attractive man in the bar so I figured if I was going to give my virginity to a stranger it should at least be someone nice to look at.

Thought rationally, I could have been kidnapped or used as a toy by some idiot if I chose the wrong man.

Fortunately, I did not choose wrong and he was gentle and felt good, maybe too good.

It makes me think that he is too used to dealing with female bodies but I am not complaining, I can say that despite how much I hate myself right now, I enjoyed my first time.

The way he kissed and tasted every part of my body, his mouth running over my breasts and neck while his hands caressed my waist and legs ...

Hell, I'm getting turned on just remembering it!

I am a failure to become such a perverted woman with just one night of intimacy.

It is surprising how despite being penetrated by such a thick member in my first time, the passionate way in which he did it to me could make the pain turn into pure pleasure ... I hope I did not develop an addiction.

Heh, it's ironic. I'm complaining about being engaged to a perverted idiot but I just slept with a stranger on my initiative.

I pretended to be drunk so I could justify my actions and be able to get away from the stranger after finishing the act. I am aware that my appearance attracts a lot of unwanted attention so I made preparations in case the subject wanted to form a relationship with me.

I'll tell him it was a one-night mistake and that we wouldn't see each other again, if he gets aggressive I have my cell phone on speed dial to call the police.

Despite everything, a part of me wants to see what kind of person this young man is. He looks between 18 or 19, he looks slim but his muscles are well marked which is only noticeable when he is naked. His height is between 1.77 meters and 1.80 meters so he is tall to be Japanese, the wounds on his body and his bare hands give the feeling of a hardworking man, although also problematic.

A gang member maybe? No, it does not give the feeling of being a criminal and is more like a dedicated and responsible worker, it may be a worker.

Last night he was quite nice to me, even though I was the one who approached him he did not try to force me to do something that I did not want, on second thought this boy is probably the first person to treat me as an equal.

I have to be obedient to my parents, in my company I always have to act like a cold and distant woman so that others do not try to take advantage of my status as a young woman who recently graduated from university.

I have a couple of friends but even with them, there is a certain distance that separates us.

I think there is something wrong with me, maybe all my effort is worth nothing and I should just accept my destiny to be just some idiot's toy with money.

I am tired, I have had insomnia problems and headaches for a few months. Sometimes I have thought about suicide but maybe the headache will kill me sooner.

At least I slept well today, I think it was the best rest I have had in years.

Since my appearance has become so outstanding I have been receiving all kinds of nasty looks, even my father has looked at me like that a few times which makes me wake up in the middle of the night in fear of someone entering my room.

Well, ha, a stranger took my virginity! Fuck you perverted idiots who wanted to be the first to take me for a prize!

You can all go to hell!


I ... Maybe if I want to die after all ...

I feel tired despite having slept well.

I don't even know the name of the guy who took my first time, although I didn't give him my name either, I think that's a fair deal.

I woke up when the man got out of bed. Although it was the best rest I have ever had, the nightmares of being forced make me a light sleeper so I wake up easily.

While the man went to the bathroom, I pretended to sleep. I wanted to know what to do next.

Would he go on his own?

Would he see how I feel?

Would he try to build a relationship?

Would he try to see if he can have sex with me again?

The first option would be the best while I would like the second option to pass, despite not wanting to have a formal relationship with this man it would be nice to feel the warmth of being treated with care and some affection. Even though my mother is loving to me, she doesn't give me any feeling of security.

After he came out of the bathroom he stood still while muttering to himself, I don't know what he's doing because my back is to him, I can't hear him either so I can only think he's reflecting on last night.

After a while, the man finally approached me. I was feeling nervous, my cell phone was on the nightstand next to the bed, if something happened I could take it and call the police in an instant, I just hope that the man who took my first time is not a complete scum.

"She seems to be tired, I should have been nicer to her ..." - The man sighed as he began to gently stroke my hair.

It was a pleasant sensation and I felt that my headache lessened a little making me form a small smile, fortunately, the man could not notice it and began to use his hands to brush my long hair, it felt nice.

The man sat on the side of the bed and was brushing my hair, the sensation of his fingers passing through the strands of my hair was so relaxing that I could fall asleep at any moment, however, I did not want to be helpless with a man I did not I know nothing despite how much I have enjoyed your touch.

I resisted falling asleep and began to stretch while acting as I had just woken up.

After yawning I turned to look at the man. His eyes are blue like the relaxing sea, brown hair a bit long with strands that covered part of his face, his skin is not very light or very tanned which gives him a masculine and attractive appearance, there are small cuts on his face but only they are noticeable if you look at it carefully so they can be overlooked.

This man with whom I had shared the bed only a few hours ago was now looking at me with an expression of concern and care, that look full of warmth moved something inside me but I'm not sure what it was.

"Good morning… Em, how are you feeling?" - It seemed that the man did not know what to say in this situation, it is a bit cute how he looks embarrassed.

"I'm fine, just a little tired" - My voice is cold and my tone is indifferent.

Acting like an unattainable ice queen has become a habit that I can't take off what has isolated me from people.

"I'm glad you're okay, would you like something to eat?" - The man had a wry smile as if he did not expect my attitude after what we did, but his expression of care did not disappear.

Receiving this kind of care doesn't feel bad, I could get used to this… No! This was a mistake that cannot be repeated!

"I'm not hungry, I hope you understand that this was a one-night mistake" - My cold voice makes people put a distance from me, and apparently it had an effect on this man, however, there was no discomfort or disgust, only sadness.

The sad look of the man-made me feel guilty but my problems were enough to get me involved in an affair with someone I just met.

"I see, do you have someone who can pick you up, or do you need a ride?" - The man asked with concern.

Even with my horrible attitude, he keeps trying to help me ...

"I don't need anything, it would be nice if you left since I need to get dressed" - Why is my attitude so horrible?

He just wants to help me but I keep treating him as a nuisance. I am a horrible person who does not deserve to be treated with this affection and care.

"I see ... So here is my number, if you need something, anything, you can call me, I don't have much to help but my arms are a bit strong hahaha ..." - Even when he's so uncomfortable with my attitude he remains so kind.

I don't want to push it away.

I don't think I would have fallen in love, but I want to have him close.

It is the first time that someone cares for me so much, someone who cares about me, someone who wants to help me while looking into my eyes, someone who does not look at me like a piece of meat and treats me like a person ...

I ... I want to keep watching.

When the man left the room I felt an emptiness in my chest, it was as if I had just lost something important. I wanted to cry.

"I didn't ask her name…" - My murmur was all I could say before starting to sob.

--- (Luis Santos Perspective) ---

"Hey Listen! As expected of my partner, that was a great performance!" - Navi had been bothering me while talking to that woman named Lin Ruoxi.

It was hard to focus on acting as a golden heart guy, but the result was good. Right now I can hear Lin Ruoxi's sobs on the other side of the door.

Someone said that the two best methods of getting to know someone else are a fight and sex.

Since we went to bed I could see that Lin Ruoxi is a tragic woman on the verge of despair, I would not be surprised if she ended up committing suicide in a few days because of some family problem or some stupidity like that.

I don't like to play with women's feelings as I don't even enjoy forming relationships, one night stands are better.

I learned some tricks from various acquaintances who love to be casanovas, I never expected to end up using those tips and I had only learned them to warn my little sister not to fall for the tricks of some idiot who wanted to take advantage of her.

Do I feel guilty for what I did? The truth is, no, I don't care what happens to Lin Ruoxi and I do this just for the mission.

My brain is not bad as I learned to read and write on my own, however, it doesn't matter how smart I am if I couldn't even finish elementary school, plus I have a questionable record after being taken to juvenile hall for a fight that got out of control when he was 14 years old. It's because of that kind of thing that I won't be able to get a stable job, although I also admit that I have personality problems, especially in anger management, that doesn't matter for the moment.

The point is that I need money to be able to buy a house and have a more peaceful life, I will do whatever it takes to ensure a better future for me and my sister, if I have to be scum then I will be the worst type of scums.

I don't know what kind of problems Lin Ruoxi might have but from what I understood about her, it must be something related to her family.

I can say that she is a girl with a lot of money but she does not act as the daughter of someone influential or successful. That leaves two options, her family just got rich or she earns her money herself, it could also be that her family has educated her well, but remembering the resentment she showed last night when I told her to call me 'daddy', tells me that she has problems at home.

If I am going to follow this path I think I should go back to the library to read more about female psychology, so far all I know is by self-study since I am surrounded by idiots who are not capable of teaching anything useful.

Perhaps the only thing I learned from my family is to bake cakes on my mother's side and stay away from gambling on my father's side.

As I was thinking about the shitty life I have, the stupid blue fly started to get my attention. - "Hey Listen! Although I don't understand everything you just did, I can say that it is somewhat surprising!" - Praising myself won't make me hate you less.

"Just shut up, I'm late for work" - King of the Harem or not, I'm still a construction worker and I need to make a living.

"Hey Listen! Don't forget to open your system introduction pack!" - Navi started flying in front of me so I can't ignore him, wait, is it him or her? It will be awkward if a man watches me having sex.

"First of all, are you a man or a woman?" - Navi stopped and backed away.

"I have no gender so forget your sick fantasies, we are companions but I will not enter your harem" - Navi spoke with a tone of contempt.

"My tastes are normal, don't treat me like a degenerate!" - I hit Navi like a ping pong ball.

Ignoring Navi's claims, I opened the starter pack.

[Starter Pack: Beginner Dimensional Travel Ticket x1, Access to Energy with Higher Affinity: Rasen no Chikara (Spiral Power) (1%), Manual: Ryusui Gansai-ken (Fist of Water Flowing Crushing Rock), Ability: Lucky Pervert (1%)]

Ugh, my head hurts ...

A series of instructions to train a strange martial art similar to Tai Chi appeared in my mind.

My chest started to ache as I felt my blood start to burn from a type of energy circulating under my skin.

I hurried out of the motel and ran into an alley to hide. I am used to preventing others from seeing me in a state of weakness, which has saved my life many times.

"They are going to fire me for missing work ..." - Little by little I lost consciousness while muttering my complaints, if I survive this shit I will hit Navi.

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