No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 266: The plot armor is fucking ridiculous

Chapter 266: The plot armor is fucking ridiculous

Tang Wan is a woman who knows how society works and she knows that I am currently very well known since the video where I hit the idiot went viral.

Although I designed my face to be so normal that people will forget me in a matter of seconds, my ancient martial arts clothes are very eye-catching so people can recognize me by my clothes.

Monika has been monitoring social media and apparently, there are petitions on the internet to make me a celebrity or something stupid like that.

Although it sounds like a bad joke from people with too much time on their hands, Monika said that at least two TV stations have posted on social media that they are willing to seek me out for some interviews.

The internet is full of idiots...

The point is that Tang Wan is a smart woman and before any reporter can contact me, she decided to hide my identity to have more chances to convince me to be her bodyguard.

It may seem that this situation is very forced and she is making too much senseless effort, but everything has a reason and this is not only a cause of the author's lack of creativity.

While Tang Wan was arguing with the manager since the idiot mocked me saying that I am a homeless man who takes refuge behind a woman, a group of idiots entered the store to raid the place, but the raiders' weapons were too advanced for mere thieves so I used [Reader's Perspective] to understand what was going on.

It's not worth showing what I saw since it's stupid, the bottom line is that those idiots are faking a robbery at the clothing store to kidnap Tang Wan.

She belongs to one of the four important families in China, but she has tried to cut all her ties with the Tang family since they only see her as a tool.

An Asian country being macho, what a novelty...

The Tang family has great influence in politics and business, but currently that family is in a succession struggle and Tang Wan is a strong competitor since she formed her company almost single-handedly.

The problem is that the other heirs are jealous and seek to take control of Tang Wan's company. By the way, she is Lin Ruoxi's business rival and they both hate each other.

Tang Wan doesn't want to inherit the Tang family, but some people in her family want to force her to marry into another family for profit, so she is under constant stress.

To make the woman's stress worse, the Tang family started threatening her two days ago to give up the shares of her company or they will take action to take away her daughter from her.

This is because two of the cultivators I mutilated belonged to the Tang family so currently they are desperate for more power and prestige as losing two ancestors was a heavy blow to the status of that family.

Yes, basically this woman is on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of me… I live up to my role as a system user.

The current assailants are not random thieves, they are putting on a show to cover up a kidnapping as they are elite soldiers on a mission to kidnap Tang Wan.

Among Tang Wan's bodyguards, there is a spy who notified the Tang family that the milf's bodyguards are in the hospital so technically she is defenseless.

The spy was also sent to the hospital so he doesn't know I'm by the milf's side so again the plot favors me in a stupidly convenient way.

Considering the stress that Tang Wan is going through, if I help her then she will genuinely fall in love with me in the same way that Lin Ruoxi already sees me as her husband.

It seems that all the heroines of 'My Wife is a Beautiful CEO' are tragic women in need of affection...

"Put your hands up!" – Some idiot with his face covered by a balaclava pointed a semi-automatic rifle at us.

The manager did not hesitate to kneel as he begged for his life and pointed at Tang Wan saying that she has money and would be a more valuable hostage.

I won't lie, the idiot almost made me laugh.

Tang Wan was scared and as if it was an order from the plot, she unconsciously grabbed the corner of my shirt.

I'm currently wearing civilian clothes so I don't look like a martial artist anymore, just an ordinary boy of no importance.

"Raise your hands and kneel!" – The idiot pointed the gun at us.

Tan Wan was very scared despite having her jade bracelet so I smiled warmly at her. – "Don't worry, I told you that I will take care of you and I am a man of my word"

Tan Wan unconsciously grabbed my arm to reassure herself.

"Kneel down or you will die!" – The idiot was angry at being ignored.

Next to us was the counter of the store where there was a pen, I took the pen and threw it at the idiot's face.

Although the idiot was a soldier with excellent reflexes, the pen pierced his head and then stuck in the wall behind him.

The idiot fell to the ground as blood poured from the hole in his forehead.

I held Tang Wan's hand in a friendly way and smiled kindly at her. - "You see? Everything's fine"

"…" – Tang Wan looked at the dead man, then looked at me, then looked at the corpse, and finally saw my smile again.

Fear of seeing a murder, gratitude at being protected, and concern at my indifference to death, Tang Wan's mind made various calculations about the benefits and dangers of having me by her side.

Even though she is more rational and intelligent than Lin Ruoxi, she is in a vulnerable emotional situation so the idea of having someone protect her was very tempting, I just need to put a little more pressure and I will get a milf.

I slightly increased the power of my plot armor while Tang Wan continued to consider the options.

"What the hell?!" – An assailant approached the store and saw the body of his partner. – "Who murdered my brother?!

The manager was about to point me out, but there was another pen on the table so the second assailant was killed, but since he was outside the store the other assailants saw his partner's body fall.

They are a total of 10 raiders, a squad of elite soldiers serving the Tang family.

The remaining 8 soldiers did not attack directly but instead started shouting for us to come out with our hands up or they start killing civilians.

Maybe there are some pretty girls or attractive women, but currently, I have an interesting candidate for my harem in front of me.

"You're a little pale, do you want to get out of here?" – I spoke with concern. - "I can get you out of here without facing the enemies, or I can quickly deal with them, but I want to know what you prefer"

Tang Wan seems to have realized that the raiders are not mere thieves since she looked at the weapons on the two corpses.

"..." - The milf took a deep breath and held my hands firmly. – "I cannot leave here since that would endanger innocent people… Please deal with them"

She doesn't want to see murder and will feel guilty about causing the death of humans even if they are enemies with weapons, but at the same time, she seems excited at the thought of being able to oppose the authoritarian forces of her family.

I think that what motivates this woman the most is not her desire for her freedom but her love for her daughter...

I still dislike motherhood, but I don't dislike this woman.

I nodded with a smile and looked at the manager. – "Sir, do you have any more pens?"

"…" – The manager did not dare to look at me.

"Those pens are part of a luxury collection so this man is not willing to lose any more of his precious pens even if his life is in danger." – Tang Wan looked at the manager with contempt.

"I see" – I nodded without caring about the stupidities of materialism, then put my hand on the counter that was made of high-quality wood and should be worth a few thousand dollars. – "Then I will have to improvise"

Before the horrifying look of the manager, I destroyed the wooden cabinet to form some wooden stakes.

Tang Wan had a teasing smile, she seems like the type of woman who doesn't forget resentments.

"This should be enough" – I smiled innocently as if I didn't realize the manager's desperation.

That's the good thing about innocence born of ignorance, I can do stupid things without worrying about the consequences.

I didn't have to leave the clothing store, I just threw the wooden stakes in the direction of the remaining thieves.

People in the mall screamed in terror as the thieves fell to the ground with their hearts pierced by wooden stakes that came out of nowhere.

"Problem solved" - I smiled at the woman.

Tang Wan sighed with a subtle sense of guilt as the raiders died at her request, but the greatest feeling in her heart was the satisfaction of managing to oppose her family's forces.

I insist, the women in this country have too many family dramas.

The police in this country are quite efficient so they arrived a few minutes after the assailants threatened the civilians, but I easily killed the robbers so the policemen just had to calm down the civilians and remove the corpses.

Policewoman Cai Yan didn't show up as we are far away from the police station, but two policemen recognized Tang Wan so they let us go smoothly even though I killed the group of assailants.

Benefits of capitalism, money is more important than people.

The policemen let us go without questioning each other so we were able to avoid the annoying questioning, though now many people look at me with jealousy since Tang Wan is hugging my arm like a maiden in love. She made the decision to keep me by her side even though she didn't know my identity.

As we walked we began to talk about our lives as if we were on our first date.

I mentioned that I have lived on a mountain together with my grandfather, after he died I decided to enter civilized society as I am curious about the world.

Tang Wan told me about her business life, a bit about her family situation where she doesn't want to get involved with the Tang family, and the fact that she is tired of being afraid for her and her daughter's safety.

When she mentioned her daughter, she was very attentive to my reaction since Asian society does not look favorably on single mothers, especially those women who had children without being married, since these women are labeled as vulgar and promiscuous.

I smiled warmly. – "You have worked so hard so that your daughter can enjoy a life without problems, you are a wonderful mother"

Tang Wan trembled slightly, I managed to touch a very sensitive spot in her heart which made her look away to not let see that she almost shed a tear.

"I'm not a good mother…" – Tang Wan squeezed my arm. – "I am very busy with my work and I cannot keep an eye on my daughter… She began to be interested in illegal careers and I have only sent people to protect her, but I have not stopped her… I do not know how to set limits and she is becoming an unscrupulous girl, but every time I think about how she grew up without a father I become unable to stop her hobbies…"

The life of a single mother or father is complicated, fortunately for me, I just have to see that my daughters do not do something stupid while my wives take care of raising them.

With my free hand, I caressed her cheek and made her look into my eyes as eye contact is important to make words more impactful and believable. – "No one is perfect, but the best quality of humans is that we can learn from our mistakes to improve, if you feel that you are not paying enough attention to your daughter you can always make time at work to spend time with her, I am sure that your daughter knows how much you love her and that is the most valuable thing"

"Luis... sometimes you say very nice things" - Tsubaki smiled in my mind.

"So disgusting, senpai gives me diabetes"

"Hey Listen! Quit the cheap soap opera romance and fornicate with that Milf!"

That's why Tsubaki is so special to me, she's not a nuisance.

Tang Wan was moved by my words, but she had other concerns. – "But if I do not continue to make an effort in my company, then my family…"

The reason why she is so obsessed with her company is that company is her only shield to protect her own freedom and her daughter from the influence of the Tang family.

I smiled. – "If something worries you, just tell me, I am not very intelligent, but I trust my strength"

"Senpai stop! I'm going to die of cringe!"

Tang Wan hugged me while laying her head on my shoulder. - "Thank you"

As the beautiful milf hugged me, I felt something strange in the air.

We are in a park and since it is working time there are no people around, but something is bothering me…

"Tang Wan?! What are you doing hugging that stupid dog with no name?!" – An idiot looked at us and started shouting nonsense while four strong men walked behind him.

This must be plot armor effect, maybe he's a Tang Wan suitor or something, I don't really care.

"Yao Chengdong…" – Tan Wan stopped hugging me and looked at the idiot with a frown.

I ignored the stupid drama and talked to Abby. – "I have a bad feeling… Is there any distortion in space?"

"I can't feel anomalies in space, but somehow the surroundings feel unpleasant" - Abby frowned. – "It is as if a layer of dirt is covering the surroundings, but it does not seem like a spatial interference…"

This feeling is similar to the Authority of an Administrator, but at the same time it is different…

I can't analyze it as it's just a superficial sensation, it's something similar to smelling the smell of burning garbage, but due to the wind the smell is dispersing.

"Abby, prepare the space skills, it seems that something is surrounding us" - I began to make my preparations.

"All set" – Abby nodded.

I prepared my Stand to escape in case we are held inside a conceptual cage or some similar stupidity.

"You dare to reject my proposal! Ignorant woman who does not know the vastness of the heavens, you are offending the Yao family!" – The idiot yelled nonsense.

One moment.

The idiot is using an Authority to suppress my skills, he's an Administrator.

That doesn't matter, the problem is that it's not his Authority that's giving me the unpleasant feeling, there's something watching around us, but I can't find it exact location...

"Break the legs of that pig who dares to touch my wife!" – The idiot gave orders to his bodyguard.

Tang Wan held my arm worriedly. – "He is the heir to the Yao family, one of the four great families, it is better if we leave now since you will be in trouble if you attack him"

How cute, she doesn't care that I get hurt, but she cares that I get in trouble.

"A spatial distortion is forming, but it's not a pocket dimension… What is this? Reality fabrication?... Oh, a timeline superimposed on this reality, this is very interesting" – Abby was very curious, this little girl loves discovering new things.

"Oh, I know this feeling~" – BB smiled. – "Ne, senpai, it seems that you are about to meet the pawns of my old co-worker~"

…. Beast VII.

I smiled at Tang Wan. - "Do not worry everything will be fine"

Before she said anything I used acupuncture to make her sleep peacefully.

The bodyguards sensed that something was wrong with our surroundings so they didn't attack me, but surrounded the idiot to protect him.

The surroundings changed in an instant.

Mirror dimensions are copies of the real world designed for supernatural entities to fight without harming the real world.

The pocket dimensions are small worlds independent of Gaia where Alaya has no authority.

This place was different.

We are still in Gaia, we are still in China and we are in the real world, but the Authority of an Administrator does not work here...

I don't know what this place is, but it's interesting.

"Damn bastard! Where we are?!" – The idiot yelled at me like this was my fault so I ignored him.

Let's see, four people, none of them are fully human...

I sighed internally, it seems that I will have to sacrifice this cultivator identity.

I covered Tang Wan with [Anti-Rasen] to protect her, then removed the restrictions I put on [Body of Beast V].

I didn't directly use the skill, I just have to wait for the right moment.

"It's time for senpai to show the Dao of the cliff~"

…This girl can't take anything seriously…



Author's Note:

If there are any Fate/Grand Order fans, please don't kill me if I change the lore and timeline of the events, I'll also make some adjustments to the Servants since I don't know everything that involves Type-Moon.

I'll try my best not to make too silly changes, but I apologize in advance if I make mistakes in the lore.

Finally, a hug.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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