No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 272: [The skill 'Paranoia' says hello]

Chapter 272: [The skill 'Paranoia' says hello]

We had a long talk to figure out what stage setup we would do.

I will explain the plan in depth as events unfold as it will be too tedious to lengthen this explanation plus the stupid plot always forces me to make adjustments to my plans, the only thing worth mentioning is that I will focus on five main objectives:

1) Control the new government of China that will be formed after the Lostbelt destroys three-quarters of the country.

2) Eradicate most of the cultivator sects leaving only the sects that are useful to me since I can't stand the stupidity of cultivators.

3) Make it known that the Harem King is the reincarnation of Ortro so that Luis and Seiji can act outside of Gaia without drawing too much attention.

4) Make Beast VII believe that I'm working with her so she can give me bounties so I can start tracking her location.

5) Add the most interesting women in my harem.

For now, I used [Hero's Martyrdom], [Human Transmutation], and Auriel's blessing to repair Tang Xiu's body.

I had to use this combination of abilities as Aotian did an excellent job of making the protagonist unable to cultivate internal energy again.

With [Reader's Madness] I formed false memories so that Tang Xiu would forget about being kidnapped, he will think that Lin Ruoxi beat him in the negotiations so he threw a tantrum worthy of a cultivator and quietly left the room while acting like an arrogant idiot.

Tang Xiu has a very strong mind and he could identify false memories, but the technique I developed from the Samsara Cycle adapts to the victim's personality so this technique can only be avoided through depersonalization disorder, a disorder where the person doubts reality itself as if the person were trapped in a virtual simulation.

With this configuration, this technique is weak in depressed, paranoid, and mentally deficient people, but the important thing is that people with great willpower will be the most affected due to the confidence they have in themselves.

It is basically a trap designed to capture the strongest minds and to prevent someone from using this technique against me or my wives, having mental problems is the weakness of this technique.

This technique is still not perfect as it takes a long time to set up, but when I can instantly activate it then it will become a skill linked to [Reader's Madness].

On the other hand, this poses another headache.

Ever since I found out that Nyaruko can replicate any skill she finds fun I started developing countermeasures in case someone could use my skill against me, I'm even developing contingency plans in case an entity could shut down my system as System Goddess.

I did some experiments and hopefully, I won't be totally unprotected even if my system is disabled.

My martial arts are based on training and not skills so I can fight even without the system, though my overall strength will be greatly weakened since I can't use [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen] without the system.

System dependency is the second biggest weakness of a system user, only after innate stupidity.

My biggest life insurance is that my Outer God skills are no longer linked to my system but to [Reader's Madness], and that energy is also not linked to the system but to Ortro.

As long as Ortro lives I will not die as I can hide my soul within Ortro, at the same time, Ortro will not die as her existence is bound to my soul.

It can be said that I share with BB the position of the second hardest cockroach to kill in the multiverse. First place goes to idiot Navi.

In the event that I lose my system, I will be quite weak since I lose the spiral energies, but I can find other means to strengthen myself, for example, Auriel's blessing is not linked to my system so I can still act like a hero.

Anyway, putting aside my countermeasures to deal with my pessimistic paranoia, I finished repairing Tang Xiu's body.

According to the System Goddess's plan, I put spiders of 'Madness of Chaos' (Haachama's power) in Tang Xiu's mind and hid them with [Anti-Rasen].

Depending on the situation, Haachama can activate those spiders to destroy Tang Xiu's self-control and perception of reality which will make him such a fool that not even an emotionally needy woman will be able to love him.

Additionally, Tang Xiu no longer has his plot armor so his stupidity will be something disgusting instead of being seen as a reason for praise.

Gu Yan'er will feel hurt, disappointed, and betrayed to see her beloved teacher turned into a total jerk.

Cultivators' hearts are extremely fragile towards disappointments plus Gu Yan'er is emotionally dependent on Tang Xiu so disappointment will be heartbreaking for her maiden heart in love.

System Goddess does not want to hurt her adoptive sister, but this plan may bring Gu Yan'er to the brink of suicide...

Well, hypocrisy never bothered me so no problem.

We returned to the restaurant and Tang Xiu left after shaking his head a little from her. He seems angry that the woman named Kang Xia had turned down his job offer, but at least this protagonist isn't a complete jerk and decided to leave without causing a big fuss.

Now, Kang Xia is one of the heroines in the plot of 'Returning from the Immortal World' so she was destined to be Tang Xiu's lover.

Since I have the plot armor, Kang Xia will be attracted to me instinctively which will make it too easy to win her over… Well, she's an attractive and intelligent woman so I don't have many complaints.

I calmly waited for the women to finish their business.

Although I've learned a lot about business from Yuriko, I still hate business and politics so I'm glad I have talented and smart wives who do all the administrative work.

Paperwork was the worst creation of mankind...

In case anyone forgot, Yuriko is the businesswoman of the apocalyptic world and a character from Highschool of the Dead.

While we were waiting, I felt something interesting in my plot armor.

It seems there are two or more deities trying to track me down through the flow of destiny.

I have 100% of 'My Beautiful Teacher' and 'Returning from the Immortal World'. Also, I got 90% of 'My Wife is a Beautiful CEO' because Yang Chen is still unconscious and the plot continues to unfold without him.

In fact, if it wasn't for me using [Anti-Rasen] myself to avoid absorbing all of the plot armor, then I would already have 100% of the plot armor.

Although thinking about it...

Beast VII already knows me so I can steal all the plot armor and then justify that Hades tried to beat me up so I beat the crap out of him.

Beast VII will think that my system stole the plot armor while Yang Chen was unconscious so I won't have any problems...

It's nice to side with the predictable villains.

[System Notification: The titles 'Protagonist Netori' and 'False Antagonist' have stolen the plot armor of the protagonist 'Yang Chen'.

My Wife is a Beautiful CEO plot armor: 100%]

[Warning: Multiple entities have detected user actions. Eight Gaia deities, two Gaia Higher Entities, and one foreign Higher Entity have been identified]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has changed the user's information to hide the real identity. The entities acknowledge the existence of 'Harem King']

It seems that Yang Chen is a trouble magnet…

[System Notification: My Beautiful Teacher', 'Returning from the Immortal World', and 'My Wife is a Beautiful CEO' plot armor have been merged to form an urban cultivation plot armor. When the user hits an urban cultivation protagonist within Gaia, the user will steal all plot armor to increase one's own plot armor.

Warning: Too much plot armor will increase the dangers and one's own stupidity. (The last effect has been negated by the 'Reader's Madness' energy)]

I didn't mean to fuse the plot armors, but I have so much plot armor that stupid destiny is being altered by my presence.

The plot armor is like the mass of a planet, the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force which will attract more space debris...

This stinks of trouble.

"Hey Listen! Now you can seduce women just by breathing! Congratulations on becoming a pussy magnet!"

... Piece of…

I couldn't curse the asshole as my system kept opening notifications.

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has generated the skill 'Kleptomania 100%']

[Kleptomania: I accidentally stole my boss's wife...

Wallet, destiny, energy, skills, internal organs, ideas, waifus... If something is within your reach then you must steal it.

This skill does not ignore defensive abilities, but if the user can come into contact with the enemy, the user can steal other entities' belongings, be they physical objects, conceptual aspects, or metaphorical meanings. Anything not protected by barriers that exceed the user's strength can be stolen.

Warning: When using the skill there is a 20% chance to steal junk instead of the desired item.

Warning: Using this skill will cause addiction to stealing (effect negated by the Obsession stat)]

"Senpai takes his wife-stealing fetish very seriously~"

"Hey Listen! The horny dog turned into a thieving rat! Darwin was wrong about the evolution of the species!"

… Idiot.

[System Notification: The title 'Crazy Psychiatrist' has been synchronized with the skills 'Mythomania', 'Schizophrenia', 'Paranoia', 'Sadism', 'Dissociative Identity', 'Masochism', 'Kleptomania', 'Reader's Perspective' and 'Character Sheet'.

The 'Ortro' entity is the core of the skills derived from the 'Reader's Madness' energy. Choose a skill to act as assistant of core]

… What?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' stares at the user with expectations of being the assistant]

[System Notification: The skill 'Dissociative Identity' is hitting its head against a wall]

[System Notification: 'Schizophrenia' skill makes incomprehensible noises]

[System Notification: 'Kleptomania' skill tries to stand up]

[System Notification: 'Sadism' skill growls in disgust]

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' crawls on the ground]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' sighs in concern at the stupidity of the user's other skills]

… Being mentally ill is a fucking headache…

[System Notification: Entity 'Ortro' commands skills to stop doing stupid things]

[System Notification: Skills stopped moving]

"Thanks, Ortro" - I sighed internally.

Ortro nodded inside my mind and continued eating cookies.

I'm not really surprised that my skills develop basic awareness, it's normal for Madness wielders to have tens or hundreds of voices inside their heads.

These voices begin to devour each other and in the end, multiple personalities are generated and it is even possible to create a second entity.

Although Ortro is the embodiment of my mental instability, that does not mean that she represents all my mental disorders.

My skills based on mental problems are extensions of my deranged mind, but normally they shouldn't gain consciousness as they lack self-awareness like Orthros.

The problem is that my skill [Dissociative Identity] stores fragments of my consciousness in the form of Concepts, but apparently those Concepts influenced my other skills by giving them a low level of consciousness.

All of my mental problems have no intelligence of their own and are just instinctual thoughts so they don't matter too much, but [Paranoia] has a certain level of awareness since it's a skill that analyzes the flow of destiny, and to a certain extent, predicts the author's stupidities.

[Paranoia] isn't a living entity like Ortro, but it's becoming a nuisance.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill makes sad noises]

What a nuisance.

Whatever, [Paranoia] is my only skill with relatively stable awareness so it can work similarly to a virtual assistant.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has been selected as an assistant among the skills based on 'Reader's Madness']

[System Notification: The prediction, foresight, analysis, comprehension, reading, and interpretation abilities of the skill 'Paranoia' have been strengthened]

[System Notification: Skill 'Paranoia' claps with joy]

Ortro frowned. – "But I am the best friend of friend"

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' nods a little fearfully]

It's like watching an older sister bullying her younger sister...

"Now senpai will sleep with his own skills, senpai is insatiable" - BB sighed with false disappointment

"Well, most system users make their systems gain consciousness and a physical body to sleep with even though the system is an extension of themselves" - Nyaruko shrugged. – "Those who do that are narcissists since technically they have sex with themselves"

In the remote case that I have a physical relationship with Ortro, it would not count as masturbation since she is an independent entity, rather it would be something similar to incest between father and daughter...

That's still disgusting.

"Hey Listen! Those assholes increase the size of their penises to ridiculous lengths just so they can penetrate their own asses!" – Navi shouted with joy.

"Damn idiot, I just imagined it…" – Nyaruko seemed to want to throw up.

I thank God for my lack of imagination.

"Stop saying those things in front of little girls" – Tsubaki frowned. – "Seriously, sometimes I feel that instead of adults all of you are a group of noisy children…"

My poor Tsubaki is the caretaker of a nursery for little idiots, I pity her.

"You guys stop talking nonsense, you're being a nuisance" – Chiyo also frowned, she wants to be a good older sister.

I massaged my forehead, so much noise gives me a migraine.

"Something happens?" – Aotian asked me with indifference.

She is doing her best to pretend that she doesn't know me.

I sighed and shook my head. - "All in order"

We are standing in front of the entrance to the restaurant's private room. Although we are outside the venue, Aotian and I can easily hear the conversation.

Lin Ruoxi, Tang Wan, and Kang Xia are making an interesting business deal.

Apparently, Lin Ruoxi decided to offer a cooperation deal to Tang Wan which surprised the milf since both women had a hostile affinity for a couple of years.

Lin Ruoxi really doesn't want to cooperate with the milf, but she accepted the fact that both women are part of my harem and it's better to work together instead of trying to sabotage each other.

On the other hand, Tang Wan was not sure about accepting this deal so Lin Ruoxi seems to want to expose my identity to show that both women should work together, but at the same time, Lin Ruoxi is worried about exposing my secrets as she understands how dangerous is the supernatural world.

I opened in telepathic link with Lin Ruoxi. – "I will go in and show my identity"

"…Were you listening?" – Lin Ruoxi mentally sighed.

"I was worried that you two would start fighting to kill each other" - I answered with irony.

"I just want to hit your face" – Lin Ruoxi sighed again. – "But it would be nice if you explain the situation, just let me say goodbye to Kang Xia so we can talk to the woman surnamed Tang…"

She doesn't even want to say Tang Wan's full name...

"No need, Kang Xia can hear about my identity" – I answered calmly.

"Damn pervert! You don't even know her and you're already planning to sleep with her!" – Lin Ruoxi tried hard not to scream out loud.

I'm not going to deny it, but there is another reason.

"She is reliable" - I answered calmly.

With [Reader's Perspective] I not only analyzed Tang Xiu, but I also fully understood Kang Xia's personality. She is a loyal and determined woman who will never betray her allies.

Although such a mentality is stupid among business people, Kang Xia is a woman worth caring for and supporting as both her intellect and personal values are impeccable.

She is not a saintly woman who would give her life to save innocent lives, on the contrary, she is willing to ruin innocent lives to increase her profit while never backstabbing her friends.

While she doesn't possess any unique skills, sheer beauty, or unsurpassed intellect, she has the necessary traits to be an outstanding businesswoman.

Although money and authority are irrelevant to me, I have a great appreciation for intelligent women, especially if in addition to intellect, they have unquestionable loyalty and fidelity.

"Do what you want" – Lin Ruoxi sighed internally, although she already expected this so she is not completely mad at me.

I entered the room together with Aotian and Xiao Bai, then I closed the door and covered the room with [Anti-Rasen] in such a way that the women wouldn't notice the spiral energy, at the same time, Abby put up spatial barriers to prevent possible spies.

"Something happens?" – Tang Wan looked at me with confusion at my sudden entrance.

I smiled. – "Please have a seat, there is something I need to explain"

Tang Wan was confused, but she sat down in front of me.

Kang Xia had no idea what was going on and only Lin Ruoxi had an expression of exasperation mixed with resignation.

Before I started I talked to a certain noisy woman in my mind. – "Nyaruko, are you ready?"

"Yes!" – Nyaruko shouted with emotion. – "It will be the first time I pretend to be someone else, this will be exciting!"

In the future, there is a risk that someone discovers that Rey del Harem and Luis have the same lovers.

It will be unpleasant if someone thinks that I am willing to share my harem so with BB we prepare a scenario based on some predictable series with generic protagonists and no personality.

After Harem King is famous, there will be some flashy event where it is known that Harem King is actually a beautiful woman.

It will be known that the real reason the system user was willing to be Hero Luis's friend is that she fell in love with the Hero.

As for the system user's harem, it's actually Luis's harem.

When I first heard this idea I thought it was one of the stupidest things I had the misfortune to hear, but Nyaruko said that such scenarios are common among cultivators.

System Goddess stated this, it seems many women who practice cultivation disguise themselves as men to avoid harassment from imbecile young masters, then those women meet their fated love and reveal they're true identities.

I reaffirm my belief that the authors' heads have some kind of neurological damage.

The point is that Nyaruko will pretend to be a system user by taking advantage of her skill to use random skills.

While Nyarlathotep is known to be able to use the skills of other entities, everyone thinks that Nyaruko can only do this after displaying her 'Collector's Madness' energy.

In reality, Nyaruko can use her skills without proving to be an Outer God, it's just that she likes to show off.

In that sense, Nyaruko is the only Outer God who can pass himself off as a system user and manage to deceive the leaders of large organizations such as Lucifer or Auriel.

Nyaruko had never thought of doing this since she doesn't like acting, but BB managed to convince her that this was similar to doing a stage play while she cosplayed.

Nyaruko is excited at the idea of ​​pretending to be a generic and predictable system user.

Now I will be able to fight alongside Nyaruko without fear of becoming the enemy of the entire multiverse, this will give me a great advantage when facing the strongest beings in the multiverse.

Acting and hypocrisy are so useful that I am trying to develop both Concepts with [Dissociative Identity].

In short, the important thing is that thanks to me two of the largest companies in China will work together which will attract many enemies, and thus I will have a justification to start eliminating groups that will be an obstacle to my plans...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that this plan has a 40% chance of succeeding. To increase the chances of success it is necessary to add women from prestigious families to this business alliance. A list of possible candidates for the harem is being formed based on the information provided by the plot armor…]

"You may be the weakest Outer God in raw destructive power…" Nyaruko smiled bitterly. – "But in information gathering, you are the most dangerous entity"

"Senpai doesn't need to be strong, the best kohai in the world will kill every idiot who bothers senpai~" - BB smiled with red eyes.

"My little brother doesn't need to fight, I'll take care of everything" - Chiyo smiled affectionately.

"I… I can't do many things… but I'll help where I can…" – Gogh played with strands of her hair.

If Aotian hears that, she will want to hit both women since, in her mentality, the husband is the one who should protect the women.

Well, I come from a sexist environment so I think the same.

I'll have to find ways to make myself stronger since my wives outnumber me in destructive power.

Anyway, I'll think about that later, for now, I have to convince three beautiful women to work together.

Who knows, if things work out maybe I can go to bed with the three women, though Lin Ruoxi's look says that's impossible...

Well, [Rasen] is all about making the impossible possible.



Author's Note:

I have several projects in college and barely have time to breathe, sorry for slowing down posting chapters.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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