No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 280: Existential Questions

Chapter 280: Existential Questions

I am in trouble…

I took the twins to Lin Ruoxi's house last night. Although my wife was furious at first, she eventually accepted the situation.

Su Ji was very jealous knowing that I have a harem, but she decided not to argue since she compared herself to Lin Ruoxi and Tang Wan. Whether it's beauty or status, both women are far superior so if she were to make me choose, the most logical choice is to stay with the two successful women.

Su Fei seems like a stricter woman, but in reality, she has a more flexible mentality and agreed to enter my harem with the only condition of not ignoring her since she is worried that I will forget her by being with more beautiful women like Lin Ruoxi.

I don't want to sound racist, but the urban cultivation plots make it seem like the women of this country are as submissive as puppets.

Anyway, things worked out for me, although the four women refused to have an orgy with me...

Well, I'll make it in the future so that's fine.

Luo De stayed in the territory of the defunct Shu Mountain Sect. It is now called the Raksasha Sect.

Due to the show of force in my fight with Nyaruko, the righteous sects have recognized that the Raksasha Sect won a seat in the

Association of the 8 Big Righteous Sect's Cultivators despite being a demonic sect.

In a single night, the news spread that there is a sect accepted by the government which accepts demonic cultivators, demonic beasts, and foreign cultivators.

For now, not many cultivators have approached our sect for fear of it being a trap set by righteous cultivators, but over time the sect will grow as there are many demon cultivators seeking shelter.

The Raksasha Sect does not deny the practice of demonic arts and acts of extreme cruelty, however, demonic arts must be supervised so as not to break the Laws of Gaia.

For example, it is forbidden to intervene in the reincarnation cycle, but it is not forbidden to use humans as alchemy materials as long as those humans are enemies of the sect or criminals marked by the government. As for the rituals that depend on the sacrifice of children and people with noble souls, those are secret deals.

Another rule is that it is forbidden to discriminate against other members of the sect either because of race, country, or social status.

Children of powerful families who try to abuse their power to harass other disciples will be skinned alive and forced to walk the sect on their knees until the bones in their legs break.

Finally, there is an unwritten rule that women seeking preferential treatment can request a private audience with the sect's ancestor, the Harem King.

For female cultivators, it's an honor to be the concubine of a powerful cultivator so it's only a matter of time before my harem grows.

The latter was totally Aotian's idea, I love that woman.

For now, I can put cultivator issues aside while I focus on a big problem that occurred in human society.

Last night many members of powerful families died suddenly causing chaos in the country's politics and economy.

Big families control most major companies so the sudden deaths of several CEOs caused an economic disaster that affected the whole world and not just China.

The cultivators and the government don't know what happened so they speculate that this is the work of Shub-Niggurath and her evil cult.

I learned my lesson, I should be more careful when using the 'Genocide' Concept... I even think that hundreds of normal people died in Japan and the United States...

Well, death is part of the cycle of life so it doesn't matter.

Lin Ruoxi, Tang Wan, and Kang Xia are very busy now as this disaster affected their companies as well.

The stock market fell so suddenly that if the government doesn't take drastic measures then the country may start a recession.

Poor people will get poorer while rich people will do whatever they can to lessen their losses, even if it increases the deaths of poor people. Nothing new.

Well, none of that is my problem.

The real reason I'm in trouble is that I'm on my way to school...

"Will we have a school arc?" – An idiot asked me happily.

"Just shut up" - I massaged my forehead.

I left a school in Japan to go to a school in China… Damn shit plot.

Lin Ruoxi convinced the Su twins to accept me at the Guangyuan International Economy Institute since, according to her, I had to leave my studies in Japan to take care of her in this country, so it is important that I do not lose my studies.

That's bullshit!

She knows that I see school as a waste of time and she did this as a form of passive revenge.

I was about to say no to this shit, but [Paranoia] said that this would bring me benefits so I accepted this stupidity.

[Paranoia], this better be worth it...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' ensures that this will be good, but there will be more benefits if the user removes the restrictions on the skill 'Lucky Pervert']

"Hey Listen! Do not be afraid of success!"

… Whatever.

[System Notification: The restrictions on the skill 'Lucky Pervert' have been reduced. The skill works up to 40%]

"Hey Listen! You cowardly bitch!"

I ignored the asshole and pulled the idiot's arm to my side. – "Hurry up or we will be late"

"Oh come on, it's the first time I can walk peacefully without people going crazy and dying around me" – Nyaruko smiled as she enjoyed seeing the surroundings.

We are on the way to school.

Nyaruko insisted on walking instead of using a car as she wants to experience something called 'cliche encounters with waifus'.

By the way, there are several government agents secretly watching us as it is now known that the Harem King (Nyaruko) sees me as his best friend so he insisted on accompanying me to school.

Lin Ruoxi's grandfather had to reveal my identity, and although Japan's current relationship with China is strained by the invasion of cultivators, the government decided to leave me alone since attacking me would cause the discontent of the monstrous system user.

I also had a phone argument with Mr. Ichijo since the Ichijo family is the natural enemy of system users, but he accepted my friendship with the Harem King since I explained that I just can't kill the system user as he is too strong an idiot while the Will of the World doesn't seem to recognize him as an enemy.

Mr. Ichijo said that I must be careful and it seems that he will contact someone who can help me in case a problem arises.

I still can't get used to that man's paternal affection...

Well, there are members of the government who want to recruit me to make me leave Japan and become part of China's special forces, but other politicians want to get rid of me.

Anyway, I hate politics so I'm going to ignore them and let Nyaruko kill every idiot who comes along to bother me.

I only have one complaint...

"Why did you choose that name?" – I spoke tiredly.

"That's a cool name!" - Nyaruko smiled proudly.

Maximus Optimus Megatron Ouroboros...

God, I want to hit this idiot.

I heard that most system users change their own names to choose stupid and exaggerated names, but this is just ridiculous.

"I'll call you Momo" - I smiled mockingly.

"…" – Nyaruko blushed. - "A nickname…"


I know that Nyaruko is actually a pretty girl, but seeing a boy making that gesture… I want to throw up.

I'm glad that from our current angle the government agents didn't see Nyaruko's expression.

"Senpai, now you're in a comedy duo where the stinky otaku is the boke while senpai is the tsukkomi so it's justified if you hit her~"

I looked at Nyaruko… The damn girl has an expectant look.

I ignored the disappointed Lovecraftian creature and kept walking. Even if I hate school, I dislike being late.

"Hey, how about we introduce ourselves in class in an epic way?" – Nyaruko walked by my side. – "We can do JoJo-poses~"

"Talking with Umaru makes me feel like my neurons are committing suicide and you talk like her" - I sighed.

"Always thinking about your little sister~ siscon" - Nyaruko smiled.

… Whatever.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says to look to the right]

We were about to cross the street when I noticed a rather flashy girl. She's a normal human with no special abilities or hidden bloodlines, but I can feel that she's related to my plot armor.

The most important thing is that her breasts stick out too much...

[Name: Wu Xin

Source: My Beautiful Teacher

Categories: Woman. Secondary heroine. Schoolgirl. Cow breasts. Qin Chao's Harem (Spoiler)]

… An appropriate description.

She's not an important part of the plot and she won't affect the development of my plans if I don't add her to my harem, but breasts like that should be a national treasure.

The girl looks like a distracted person so I approached her and gently grabbed her waist to move her back.

Wu Xin didn't have time to scream at my intimate act as a car passed in front of her at high speed. Behind the car was a police patrol in a high-speed chase.

This city is turning into chaos...

Wu Xin froze like a frightened bunny, she realized that without my help she would turn into hamburger meat.

I let go of the cute girl's waist and smiled softly. - "Are you fine?"

Wu Xin staggered as her legs were weak so I hugged her again.

The girl clung to my arm and looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment. – "T-Thank you…"

"Hey bro, don't leave me behind!" – The idiot ignored the atmosphere. – "Oh, what a cute girl… Hey, watch out for this bad wolf or he will devour you~"

This idiot...

"Bad Wolf?" – Wu Xin tilted her head in confusion. – "He doesn't look like a bad wolf"

"…" – Nyaruko looked blankly at the girl. – "She is so innocent…"

I smiled and patted the girl's head. – "Are you feeling better now?"

Wu Xin blushed slightly, but nodded with a smile. – "Y-Yes… T-Thank you"

I smiled kindly. – "We are new in the city and since you seem to go to the same school as us, I would appreciate it if you would ask to guide us so as not to get lost"

"Oh, gigolo tactic, I like it~" – Nyaruko sent me a telepathic message.

At least she knows when to talk in private...

Wu Xin showed a bright smile. - "Of course! I am also new in the city, but I know the way well so I can guide you"

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has detected a plot error.

Error: Wu Xin shouldn't be in this city]

This isn't necessarily a problem, maybe my excess plot armor is leading the heroines to this city to make it easier for me to add them to my harem...

[Paranoia], did you already know this?

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says that there was a 55% chance of this happening so it decided that the best course of action was for the user to go to the school to check the possibilities]

I internally smiled bitterly, in the future inform me of this kind of thing in advance.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' nods adorably]


I'll ignore the last part.

Nyaruko kept saying stupid things all the way so I had to hit her head while using a stronger version of [Sadism] so she couldn't enjoy it.

"Ugh, that's not fun…" - Nyaruko rubbed her head bitterly.

"They are brothers?" – Wu Xin asked us curiously seeing our foolish interaction.

"We're good friends~" – Nyaruko smiled and put her arm on my shoulder.

Nyaruko's current form is a bit taller than me so in looks of her she looks like the older brother, though in terms of attitude she looks like a stupid little boy.

"I'm this idiot's babysitter" – I replied apathetically and pushed Nyaruko's arm away.

Wu Xin smiled at our antics and thus we arrived at the Guangyuan Institute, but just as we were about to cross the street to go to the institute's entrance, I felt like cursing the author's lack of creativity.

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill says this is unavoidable due to excess plot armor]

In front of the school, there was a group of idiots arguing with a troublesome-looking girl.

The girl was an attractive 17-year-old. Judging from her clothes and temperament, she seems to be a spoiled girl from a rich family which is annoying.

The problem is that again, my plot armor is connected to the girl...

[Name: Liao Shasha

Source: My Beautiful Teacher

Categories: Woman. Secondary heroine. Spoiled princess. Tsundere. Businesswoman (Spoiler alert). Qin Chao's Harem (Spoiler)]

So she's from the same story as the Su twins and the demon woman Rosy...

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has detected a plot error.

Error: Liao Shasha shouldn't be in this city]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has succeeded in deciphering the cause of the plot error.

Error: Liao Shasha's father had a heart attack last night. He survived but was left in a very weak state so his business rivals started to pressure him to steal the company from him. To prevent his daughter from being in danger, he had his daughter move to this city this very morning. Wu Xin is Liao Shasha's only friend at school so the spoiled girl made her accompany her to this city to which Wu Xin agreed due to her submissive attitude]

…Oh, now [Paranoia] can summarize the information from [Reader's Perspective] without alerting other entities that I used that analysis skill… Thank you [Paranoia].

[System Notification: The 'Paranoia' skill gives a thumbs up while saying it will cover the user's back]

Wait, I don't know Liao Shasha's father so it doesn't make sense for him to be affected by my 'Genocide' Concept...

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill says that there is an 80% chance that Liao Shasha's father was an obstacle to getting one of 'My Beautiful Teacher' heroines so the plot armor marked him as an enemy ]

… Oh shit…

"The number of men on this planet has just been reduced... Good job senpai, you're making Beast VII's job easier~"

"Hey Listen! Total world domination! All women will moan the name of the lolicon!"

Well, only a few thousand people must have died so it doesn't matter.

Surely the governments of the world will cover up this supernatural phenomenon. It is possible that they say that these deaths were due to the pandemic that is starting in China, so in two or three days a global pandemic statement should come out.

As normal humans panic about the virus that killed thousands of people, different governments will investigate the matter.

I just have to leave traces to make them believe that these deaths were caused by a shadowy cult that practices human sacrifice to invoke Outer Gods.

For now, I must intervene since Wu Xin saw her friend in danger so she wanted to go help her.

"Can we see this cliche scenario?" – Nyaruko looked at me expectantly, she loves trashy entertainment.

"No" – I replied apathetically and approached the idiots who were looking at Wu Xin's breasts as if they were animals in heat.

From my backpack, I took out a notebook, ripped out a sheet of paper, and made small balls of paper.

Apparently, the leader of the group of idiots is the son of a rich family who had a conflict with Liao Shasha as she sneered at him and told him not to get in her way.

Both the boy and the girl are a couple of self-centered idiots so they started arguing.

Although the boy has her idiot group, he could see that Liao Shasha is from a rich family so he didn't dare to hit her in public so the discussion was only with words.

The verbal fight was stopped by the appearance of Wu Xin since she may have a body worthy of a porn actress, but her clothes and gestures show that she is a girl from a simple family so, according to the capitalist logic of this country, the group of idiots could abuse her and they would only receive a monetary fine.

Liao Shasha is an arrogant jerk, but at least she seems to value friendship. She did not hesitate to stand in front of Wu Xin to protect her when she noticed the lustful gazes of the group of idiots.

"Damn bunch of morons, don't look at little Wu like that! A bunch of asshole dogs like you guys should go to hell! Fucking group of losers with erectile dysfunction!" - Liao Shasha proved that a privileged education does not mean having good manners.

Although she is a spoiled girl, I start to like her...

"You!" – The leader of the idiots turned red with fury and was about to slap Liao Shasha.

"You don't know what to answer and that's why you use violence" - I sighed dramatically. – "Pathetic"

My words made the idiots notice me.

I don't feel like hearing bullshit about dogs and frogs so I put one of the little balls of paper on the pad of my thumb, then used my middle finger to tap on the ball of paper.

The little ball of paper hit the idiot's forehead and knocked him onto his back. He wasn't hurt, but now his head is dizzy so he was holding his mouth to keep from throwing up.

I did the same thing to the other idiots and now the group of idiots was struggling not to throw up.

I didn't even have to use any special abilities or supernatural energies, it was pure martial arts and a bit of strength even on human levels.

From Shigure, I learned that while special skills are important, hard-earned techniques can equal or even surpass some skills.

For example, before she met me, my wife was already able to break steel using wooden sticks and without applying Ki to it, it was just a pure technique to identify the weak points of the steel.

"Come on, we'll be late" - I sighed.

Liao Shasha snapped out of her shocked state and looked at me suspiciously. - "Who are you?!"

"Lu Su, nice to meet you" – I replied apathetically and made a gesture to Nyaruko to come with me. – "Idiot, hurry up or we will be late"

"Oh come on, I want to hit these idiots" – Nyaruko looked with amusement at the idiots who wanted to get away so that no one would see them vomit.

For entities that see humans as garbage, things like vomit are not unpleasant as it is just another extension of the human being. She just wants to torment those idiots.

I sighed and ignored Nyaruko.

I smiled at Wu Xin. – "I will see you later, I need to find my classroom"

"Oh, we also have to find our hall" – Wu Xin nodded and then smiled friendly at the spoiled girl. – "Shasha, he is Lu Su, just like us he has just arrived in the city, he is a good person"

"Ahahahahaha good person! If stealing wives is being a good person then the dog is the return of Christ hahahahaha!"

"Senpai is now the idealized romantic comedy lead cliche~ Come on senpai, use your kindness to seduce girls with low self-esteem~"

…Well, technically I've already done that…


Liao Shasha seems suspicious of me, but she still followed us into the classroom since totally predictably, we were in the same class.

As if the plot wasn't predictable enough, Su Ji is the teacher of the group I was assigned to.

"Cliché~" – Almeos Nyaruko is having fun.

And so my first day of classes in China began… I hope I don't have too many headaches.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' wonders if the orange fruit is called orange because of the color orange or if the color orange is called orange because of the orange fruit]



Now I also have that doubt...….



Author's Note:

Yesterday there was a tremor when I was on my way to college and I got stuck in the subway.

Did I mention that I have claustrophobia?

My life is a meme of "God, enlighten me or eliminate me"...

Anyway, a hug, and I wish you a nice week <3

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