No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 288: A Normal Day for a Protagonist

Chapter 288: A Normal Day for a Protagonist

The last 4 days became a repetitive and simple routine.

In the mornings I go to school, I sleep with some heroines, I have to beat up and/or kill the stupid protagonists who want to kill me, in the afternoons I spend time with my wives, and finally, in the evenings, I dedicate myself to gathering cultivators in my sect while in my free time I kidnap criminals to modify their bodies and thus create more superhumans that generate chaos in society. A simple routine.

Koyanskaya has been an excellent help to my plans. Not only has she finished the preparations for the war that will occur in a couple of days, but that attractive woman even managed to contact the cult that worships Shub-Niggurath.

BB used my skill [Mythomania] to impersonate the black goat and now that cult is working together with the traitorous cultivators to make the Lostbelt perfect for my plans.

When that alternate world is activated, a quarter of China will be destroyed. Most importantly, the Lostbelt will not only destroy the China of this layer of reality, but the Lostbelt will influence all of China's alternate worlds and alternate timelines so that Abby will have the opportunity to study the workings of Gaia.

If I can understand the structure of this World, it will be easier to check what are the problems in the barrier to prevent more troublesome idiots from invading this world.

Tens of millions of innocent people will die, but this is the greater good.

The most ironic thing is that my actions will technically help improve Gaia's defenses so in the big picture I'm saving the World, so instead of Negative Karma, I'm gaining Positive Karma.

Anyway, everything is going well and today or tomorrow I will be kidnapped to start the end of this arc.

The most significant thing that happened during these four days was that one of the main deities of China contacted me indirectly.

Tongtian Jiaozhu made my cell phone connect to China's exclusive deity chat room so I was able to contact deities like Sun Wukong, Chang'e, Ao Kuang, and the Jade King.

Apparently, the Jade King used to be the Jade Emperor, but his title was demoted for supporting Gaia at the start of the war with Alaya. I honestly think that this is just stupidity invented by the author to justify his own stupidity by confusing names, but it doesn't matter.

Tongtian Jiaozhu introduced me as his ally in the human world, and since most gods respect his wisdom, they gave me a chance to socialize with them. Also, that deity researched my achievements and shared them with the other Gods which gave me the respect of various deities, especially fight-addicted idiots like Sun Wukong who always insists that we have a friendly fight.

Anyway, in these four days, I managed to make friends with most of the deities.

At first, they were suspicious of my arrival and some showed outright hostility upon learning that I am a human but became friendly when they learned that I am a Hero as Heroes prioritize the safety of the World over human welfare.

Despite that, the Jade King is still hostile towards me since he has a real hatred towards humans, but to his bad luck, there is a deity who became very friendly with me, maybe too friendly...

[Queen Mother of the West: Oh, my poor boy, you must be tired from all the work. Why don't you take a break? I can take you for a walk to the Heavenly Peach Garden, that might help you calm your mind and relax your spirit]

Why does the Jade King's wife treat me like her son?

Simple, she is a kind and motherly woman so she was the first deity to treat me kindly. She became especially kind knowing that even though I'm only 17 human years old, I've already saved 3 Worlds and even faced an Ancient One.

Apparently, Tongtian Jiaozhu managed to access the information from the Vatican agents and thus learned of the war in the Buddhist sect where I faced Cthylla (Chiyo).

On a separate note, there are two groups sent by the Vatican. One group wishes to eliminate Luis because they hate the Ichijo family, while the other group wishes to help me since they are loyal to Paradise and see me as a trustworthy partner.

I had to manipulate the second group as my plans will fail if they decide to protect me from the alliance that wishes to destroy the Ichijo family. Afterward, I will look for the opportunity to visit the Vatican as the current Pope is a follower of the idealistic Paradise faction.

[Monkey King: I'll go too! Centuries have passed since I tasted the peaches of immortality, nothing is better than those fruits with a good wine hahahahaha]

[Queen Mother of the West: Dirty monkey, stop trying to corrupt the cute boy with your dirty alcoholism, also, don't forget that you are exiled for life from the Heavenly Peach Garden]

Actually, I'm already a recovering alcoholic...

[Monkey King: Tch, you humorless old hag, I just made a little joke]

[Queen Mother of the West: Who are you calling an old witch?! You are courting death! I will call Buddha to put you back under the Five Element Mountain!]

[Monkey King: Guahahaha! Try if you can old hag! The golden idiot won't be able to stop me from stealing all the peaches in the world hahahaha!]

Why are there so many Navi in ​​the multiverse?

What a bummer.

[Moon Goddess has logged in]

And now my number 1 fan has arrived...

[Moon Goddess: Big brother Luis! Little Jade ate the rice crackers you gave me!]

Chang'e, the supposed most beautiful goddess in Chinese mythology has the attitude of a weeping brat... Life is disappointing.

China's deity chat room has a function to send items so I took advantage of my food to win the favor and friendship of the deities.

I sighed internally, I really feel like an elementary school teacher taking care of a bunch of idiot kids.

[Hero of Harmony : Don't worry Chang'e, I just finished a new cookie recipe so I'll send you some]

[Moon Goddess: Really?! You're the best! <3 ]

Her love is worth a few cookies, how cheap.

[Monkey King: Heh, Hou Yi will vomit blood seeing his wife's love stolen with a few cookies]

"Hey Listen! I like the monkey!"

I expected it.

[Queen Mother of the West: Damn monkey, shut your mouth]

In case anyone still has doubts, yes, that goddess is developing feelings for me. She thinks it's just motherly love, but deep down she's developing romantic love for me.

On the one hand, her motherly side makes her abnormally attracted to me, on the other hand, I took advantage of the fact that the Jade King is too busy with her work and doesn't have time to talk to his wife.

Xiwangmu is a kind and understanding woman who doesn't hate her husband despite the lack of attention he gives her, but deep down, she is in a deep depression for not having her husband's attention. She even started to develop an inferiority complex thinking that her husband ignores her since she is not attractive.

That's why Wukong's teasing hurts her deeply. I haven't stopped the monkey since Xiwangmu's emotional weakness helps me seduce her. In a way, I owe that idiot monkey a favor.

[Monkey King: Oh? Why does it smell like vinegar? Could it be that our imposing ruler is about to wear a green hat? Heh, old cow looking forward to eating young grass~]

…I can't let this idiot make friends with Navi…

[Queen Mother of the West: MONKEY, YOU ARE CROSSING THE LINE!]

[Monkey King: Okay, calm down old hag or you'll get wrinkles… The point is that little Chang'e found her predestined love~]

[Queen Mother of the West: Cut it out, you're just making the children uncomfortable]

[Monkey King: Hey, you two answer to organize the wedding hahaha]

[Hero of Harmony: Wukong, keep up the jokes and I won't send you any more food]

[Monkey King: …. Heartless monster! I thought we were sworn brothers but you're willing to betray me just to please an old hag! Do you want to fight, damn traitor?!]

This idiot gives me a migraine...

[Moon Goddess: …]

[Hero of Harmony: Chang'e, don't listen to the monkey's nonsense, I'll send you the cookies in a bit to make you feel better]

[Queen Mother of the West: Little girl, you don't need to be nervous, we all know that the monkey only spits nonsense]

[Moon Goddess: … >///<]

[Moon Goddess has logged off]

[Monkey King: Pffff ahahahahaha! Good job brother, you completely conquered the heart of the moon maiden ahahaha!]

[Queen Mother of the West: …If you'll excuse me, I have a problem to attend to…]

[Queen Mother of the West has logged off]

[Monkey King: Ahahahahahahaha!]

… Well, that was easy.

"I love simplistic comedy~" – Nyaruko was hugging my back as she put her head on my shoulder to watch the conversation on my cell phone.

I put my cell phone away and shook my head. – "Let's leave the nonsense for later, we have work to do"

"You're a workaholic, you certainly have Japanese genes" – Nyaruko smirked.

It's depressing that I can't deny that, although there is a real problem right now.

We are currently in a secret area of ​​my sect. In front of me is the entrance to a Pocket Dimension built by Abby and strengthened by all of my wives' skills to prevent the massive corrosive power of Madness from destroying the world.

I entered the Pocket Dimension to deal with the current problem.

In the center of the place was a strong confinement spirit formation, and inside the array was the calmest, but the most troublesome girl in my group, Gogh.

A couple of hours ago I was in a Pocket Dimension. Currently, my priority is to design a countermeasure so that the Madness bearers in my party are immune to Anti-Madness weapons.

Using my wives' time-warping techniques, I've been researching a method to resist the Paradise Concept of Justice and the cultivators' Mantra for about 5 years, but I haven't managed to make a single breakthrough.

The combination of [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen] helps to somewhat resist those weapons by using probability creation and reality manipulation, but my lack of complete mastery of both energies has been the biggest obstacle in my experiments.

While I was concentrating on my experiments, my skill [Lucky Pervert] activated, and in a totally absurd way, I ended up kissing Gogh.

That wasn't really a problem since I usually show affection to that girl to keep her mind stable, the problem is that at that time my body was covered with [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen].

So far I have not allowed Gogh to touch both spiral energies as that would be the same as turning an atomic bomb into a totally unstable hydrogen bomb.

The silver lining is that in the time we've been together, Gogh has kept her mental instability in check so she didn't go completely insane from touching the spiral energies.

The problem is that Gogh fell asleep and I can't check her condition as her 'Distortion Madness' is blocking any kind of analysis.

My only consolation is that the wedding ring specially designed for her confirmed to me that Gogh's life is not in danger, but her mind seems to be occupied with something incomprehensible.

"Calm down senpai" – BB patted my shoulder when she noticed my impatience. – "That girl is literally the strongest creature in the multiverse, she will be fine~"

Although I am aware of this, I cannot help but be concerned for Gogh's well-being.

Stupid feelings of attachment.

I wanted to say something, but I noticed that Gogh moved a bit.

Quickly, System Goddess prepared the spatial warping spirit formations. Although I care about Gogh's well-being, if she really loses her sanity I can only send her to another World to destroy it until she can calm down.

Gogh opened her eyes and although she seemed confused, I can see that her mind is stable, or well, stable by the standards of the most unstable Outer God.

Gogh looked at me and smiled. – "Gogh found what you were looking for… Gogh is useful"

What is this girl talking about?

For now, I sighed and signaled to the System Goddess to deactivate Gogh's wards, though emergency measures remain in place should Gogh's mind lose stability.

I got close to Gogh while my soul was hidden in my conceptual sea of Madness, this way I will survive even if she goes berserk and tries to destroy my existence.

"Good girl" - I patted Gogh's head.

"Ehehehe" – Gogh smiled tenderly, then extended his hand and showed me a piece of… Something, I think…

What's that?

"I think that's a piece of space…" – System Goddess spoke uncertainly. – "There is something strange with that thing, it looks like spatial coordinates, but there is something very strange attached to the fragment of space…"

I have a feeling what that thing is, but that should be impossible.

"Oh shit…" – BB walked over to us and looked at the thing in Gogh's hand.

It seems that she has the same idea as me.

The object was similar to a transparent crystal that represented space both in a conceptual sense and in a physical sense.

That was not so strange since that is how space coordinates are usually seen, in fact, these kinds of "crystals" are sold as valuable items to find new Worlds.

The real problem is that glued to the crystal was something that should not be possible to exist in physical form, words of the author.

"Senpai, I think she ripped off a piece of the fourth wall…" – BB sent me a mental message so that other women couldn't hear us.

Nyaruko, Abby, System Goddess, and the other women don't seem to be able to see the words in the crystal, they just feel a strange and unknown form of energy. Only BB and I can see that because we are aware that our reality is a fictional story for another reality.

"Won't it be a disaster if we break the fourth wall?" – I sighed internally, [Paranoia] is freaking out as it yells that this thing is dangerous.

"Well, I have no idea" – BB didn't understand what was going on either. – "It is the first time I see something like this and honestly, that thing is scaring me"

I looked at Gogh's innocent smile and sighed, this girl is a ticking time bomb.

For now, I just have to see if I can fix this thing before something troublesome happens.

"Gogh, where did you get this?" – I asked with a kind smile so that Gogh doesn't feel that she did something wrong or she will be depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts.

"Gogh felt the location of the colored energies and tried to go to that place, but Gogh doesn't want to get away from you so Gogh brought a piece of the place to track it" - Gogh smiled innocently.

So she found the [Rasen] Home World so she tried to go to that place, but Gogh doesn't know how to handle space skills so she used brute force to rip out a piece of space from that World to give me the spatial coordinates.

The problem with this is that Gogh's strength increased as she came into contact with the spiral energies so she not only shattered space but ripped a piece of reality...

This girl is the final boss of the multiverse.

For now, let's stabilize this thing.

I used [Sadism] on myself, then used [Masochism] to strengthen [Anti-Rasen].

With the purple energy, I formed several chains of energy to wrap around the words attached to the fragment of space.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says to move your hand away immediately]

I quickly released the chains of energy.

Fortunately, I was quick as the energy was totally destroyed without a trace...

It was something similar to the effect caused by the teeth of Gogh and Ortro, absolute destruction.

So that's what happens when a character tries to break through the fourth wall… Absolute destruction.

Now that I see it, Gogh's hand is constantly being destroyed by the fourth wall, but her regeneration ability is faster than outright destruction...

I sighed, this is going to be a headache.

I asked for help from Abby, Daedalus, BB, Chiyo, Nyaruko, Kuuko, Haachama, Aotian, Gogh, Goddess of the System, Ortro, Tsubaki, Kon, Coco, Rushia, Flare, Fauna, and Kanata. It was only with the combination of the strongest beings in my group that we managed to stabilize the fourth wall, even Navi had to stop saying stupid things to help us.

It's a good thing that all of us have biological immortality since this took us a long, long time... I even lost count of how long it was...

Fortunately, Madness prevented us from getting desperate or bored with the passage of time, in addition, the Pocket Dimension remained outside the concept of time, so in Gaia and in my personal world not a single second passed or it would be difficult to explain why I disappeared a couple of Centuries, maybe it was millennia… How annoying.

I held the space crystal and sighed. Damn troublesome thing.

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has generated the title 'Editor']

[Editor: Stupid author, now I have to do your job…

When creativity fails, reality breaks down. To fill in those plot holes, the editor shapes the author's stupidities.

When the user detects an error in the continuity and plot of reality, it is possible to correct the error with the use of Destiny Energy.

Warning: Making modifications to the structure of the writings that make up reality can be too exhausting for the soul, body, and mind so there is a high risk of damaging the user's very existence]

I'll have to experiment to understand this skill since the description is too ambiguous...

"Ejeje" - Gogh was still smiling since all this time I held her hand so she didn't think the situation was problematic, on the contrary, she was happy to spend every second together.

All the aforementioned women were lying around us, they were totally exhausted so most of them fell asleep, only Ortro and Aotian were able to stay awake, although they needed a long time to recover from mental fatigue.

Even Navi is fast asleep as he mutters nonsense about running for president, lying about cutting fuel prices, then stealing money from citizens, and then escaping to a Caribbean island...

Anyway, I'll give them some time to recover, when they get their strength back then we'll go to the World where the [Rasen] was born, I want to see what the fuck is that prevents me from using 100% spiral energy.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' suggests that the user take a break as the user's mind is about to break due to fatigue and stress]

Great, even my mental disorder thinks I'm a workaholic...

I sighed and hugged Gogh, then pulled out a huge bed and scooped up my wives to comfortably accommodate them while they sleep. I lay down in the center of the bed and used Tsubaki's legs as a pillow.

I lost the ability to sleep so I can't fully rest and that's the main cause of my migraine, but resting while surrounded by beautiful women helped lessen my headache.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I need a little break.

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