No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 290: Third call, the show begins

Chapter 290: Third call, the show begins

I opened my eyes and sighed with an unpleasant mix of emotions. Psychoanalysis says that dreams are projections of the unconscious. In Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of dreams, it is mentioned that these projections represent unfulfilled desires and repressed insecurities.

Although the interpretation of dreams is a large topic within psychoanalysis, I feel an inner conflict about the things I just dreamed.

Although the dream gods and nightmare demons have a deep understanding of dreams, the Outer Gods have the most contact with the Dream Realm, so for us, dreams are an alternate reality and not just fantasy.

The point of this is that my dreams remain simplistic despite the experiences I have experienced.

Just like the time I explored my repressed desires, my deepest dream is a peaceful life on a farm with my wives and daughters.

Again, my sister was still by my side, although without a romantic relationship, just brotherly love. On the other hand, my mother was not present so I am relieved that I do not have an unconscious Oedipus complex.

Idiots who want to see me in a relationship with my mother can go fuck themselves.

All in all, it was a good break.

Or so I would like to say...

I'm currently lying on a bed while Chiyo lets me use her thighs as a pillow. Around me are my wives who took care of me while I was unconscious.

In front of us was the humanoid figure that gave me access to the two spiral energies, the Anti-Spiral.

What seemed strange to me is that on the sides of the Anti-Spiral, there were two women. An attractive woman with red hair and large breasts, the other woman was a beautiful woman with pale blonde hair tipped with blue.

Both women were extremely attractive, but their expressions showed helplessness, anger, resignation, pain, and sadness.

I just woke up and I'm already into something troublesome...

"You succeeded where Simon and I failed, you repaired the hole in the fourth wall" – Anti-Spiral was still expressionless, but I think he has a subtle trace of joy. – "You have all my gratitude, but this achievement is not enough, there are still other holes that must be repaired"

The two women showed complex expressions upon hearing the name Simon, especially the blond-haired woman who seemed to feel a deep longing.

I sighed. – "Who are they?"

"Simon loved freedom and living beings, he fought to preserve life, but he made a mistake, he underestimated the greed and stupidity of thinking beings..."

"The spiral energy is a volatile and unstoppable power that can cause the destruction of millions of worlds..."

"A long time ago a system user was able to obtain this energy and used it to break the fourth wall..."

"Simon and I joined forces to stop him... We failed... Simon's soul was destroyed and the system user entered the real world which caused the destruction of him and his author..." - Anti-Spiral seemed to sigh.

"You like to talk too much" - I rolled my eyes. – "Just tell me who they are and why it seems that the redhead wants to hit me"

The redheaded woman snorted contemptuously and looked away which caused her big breasts to shake. Nothing bad.

"Spiral energy is similar to Madness, it has a strong impact on the Will of living beings… Rasen will make living beings yearn for freedom and evolution… Anti-Rasen will make living beings pursue control and order… Both energies are contrary, so they complement each other, but at the same time, they counteract each other…"

I think I'm understanding.

So far I haven't had much trouble with combining [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen] since, ironically, the restrictions placed by Anti-Spiral prevented both energies from becoming unstable.

To give an example, the [Rasen] is a lithium battery and the [Anti-Rasen] is a fossil fuel.

Depending on the car, both powers can make it work if one power source is used, but if both power sources are used in one car, the lithium battery will be overheated by the gasoline engine, and at the same time, the battery will ignite the fuel. In the end, the car will explode.

Now that I have both energies at 100%, there is a great risk that my body will be destroyed by my own power, especially since I have a volatile and unstable third energy source, [Reader's Madness].

"I see you understand, you are smarter than the average system user" – Anti-Spiral nodded. – "These two women are natives of this World and are a fundamental part of the original plot, so they have a deep connection with the two forms of spiral energy…"

"I have done many experiments to find a way to stabilize the two forms of spiral energy in a single body… What I discovered is that two cores with minds of their own are needed since the spiral energy feeds on willpower, desires, and the ability to overcome fears…"

"I have the records and control of the Will of this World so I can reincarnate most of the characters, with the exception of the ones that were destroyed by the system user..."

"The women around you mentioned that you are a superficial man who appreciates feminine appearance by human beauty standards, so I prepared these two women to be the cores of the spiral energy…"

"Yoko Littner... The Rasen energy core..." - Anti-Spiral pointed at the red-haired woman.

"Nia Teppelin... The Anti-Rasen energy core..." - Anti-Spiral pointed at the dull blonde-haired woman.

Both women had expressions of discomfort so I can imagine what happened.

"You revived them with their memories and personalities intact while you took away their free will" - I sighed tiredly, this will be a bother.

"That's right, I thought to modify their minds to make them totally loyal to you, but that Outer God said you prefer women with a will of their own" – Anti-Spiral pointed to BB. – "Although they keep their minds intact, I made sure they are obedient to all your orders… If they die, I just need you to give me their souls and I can revive them as many times as necessary"

"You're welcome senpai~" – BB smiled proudly as if she wanted me to congratulate her.

Now I understand why the red-haired woman seems to want to bite me to death while the blonde woman seems like a tragic maiden. BB must have said a lot of stupid things while I was asleep...

The red-haired woman named Yoko glared at me. – "If you dare to touch Nia, I will bite your filthy thing off!"

"Daoloth said that you are degenerate with a bondage fetish, that you enjoy sticking your member in women's mouths until they suffocate, and that you have a strange fetish for destroying women's anuses" – Nyaruko shrugged.


I put my hand on BB's head.

"W-Wait senpai! It was just a joke!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' has been activated]

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Shitty otaku, you fucking traitor! I'm going to erase your progress in Pokémon Red! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Tch, a degenerate who enjoys torturing women" – Yoko stood in front of Nia like a mother cat protecting her daughter.

Whatever, in some time I'll give her Stockholm Syndrome.

I released BB and left her convulsing on the bed, then stood up and stretched a bit. It was nice to get the ability to sleep back, even if it was for a short time.

In this place, there is no time so I am not worried about the flow of time in Gaia, now I must go back to finish the scenario in China.

I pointed to the two women who will be the cores of the spiral energies. – "Come here, we have to go"

Both women were dissatisfied with being turned into convenient tools, but I don't have time to take care of their emotions, I will seduce them as time goes on.

Both women reluctantly approached me, they can't disobey my orders.

I held the hands of both women and felt my soul resonate with the souls of both women. It was a pleasant sensation, similar to drinking a glass of cool water in the middle of the desert.

[System Notification: The entities 'Yokko Littner (Rasen Core)' and 'Nia Teppelin (Anti-Rasen Core)' are now owned by the user. Both entities have synchronized with the energies 'Rasen no Chikara' and 'Anti-Rasen']

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has used the skill 'Dissociative Identity' to generate the Concept 'Spiral'. The 'Spiral' Concept can be used passively while using other Concepts]

Oh, this is the first time I have a Concept that works passively, so far I can only use one Concept at a time, so this is a nice surprise.

I ignored Yoko's look of resentment and Nia's expression of discomfort. I sent both girls to my Core of Existence and tasked Tsubaki and Kon to take care of both women.

"Hey Listen! No man is safe from receiving NTR from the dog, not even the most beloved protagonists! The drill of this dog is the drill that will pierce the womb of the waifus!"

This idiot...

It was time to go back to China to finish the scenario of kidnapping, ransom, and war.

I wanted to take Anti-Spiral with me as he can be an excellent ally. While he is not as strong as the Outer Gods, his ability to suppress the opponent's strength is an excellent tool to take on overpowered enemies.

In a fight, Anti-Spiral can constantly weaken the enemy while I use [Rasen] to constantly strengthen myself. Additionally, Anti-Spiral has excellent defensive capabilities thanks to his ability to negate odds and reality.

Anti-Spiral was willing to trust me not only because I have the ability to repair the fourth wall, but more importantly, my obsession with protecting my harem is comparable to his obsession with protecting the multiverse.

In a certain way, we are both excellent allies since our goals are the same without having a conflict of interest, we both want to protect the stability of the multiverse. Best of all, he didn't care that Gogh was a threat capable of creating holes in the fourth wall, although he asked me to keep Gogh in check to prevent the destruction of the multiverse.

I can see that the Anti-Spiral is the kind of unyielding person who prefers to kill a million innocents in order to punish a single criminal, but his attitude is too lenient with me since, according to him, that is what Simon would have wanted.

I have no idea who that man was, but I am grateful to him for giving me such a helpful ally. As a thank him, I will take good care of his wife, Nia.

Even though I would have liked to take the Anti-Spiral with me, he refused as he still has a lot of work to do.

Apparently, this world is not the only place with a hole in the fourth wall. Anti-Spiral has spent an eternity looking for the holes to isolate them with his [Anti-Rasen] and thus prevent other Higher Entities from discovering these false doors to the real world.

Objectively, it would be better if the Anti-Spiral works together with Paradise since they will do their best to protect the multiverse, but the Anti-Spiral understands that sentient beings will be seduced by the possibility of absolute freedom.

The hole in the fourth wall is terrifying for BB and me since we know the separation between the real world and fiction, but for other entities, that thing seems like the door to freedom.

Nyaruko, Chiyo, and the other women in my group had been drawn to the hole in the fourth wall, but this temptation of freedom was suppressed by their love (obsession) for me. It can be said that the temptation of freedom is useless in mental patients with emotional dependency.

If the Higher Entity organizations discover these holes in the fourth wall, idiots will undoubtedly appear and try to access the real world which will only bring disaster. I will not allow that to happen.

For now, the Anti-Spiral will begin tracking holes in the fourth wall and reporting their locations to me so I can close them.

Anti-Spiral said that if I have a problem, I can call him and he will help me even if it costs his life, but he also told me that I shouldn't call him unless it's an absolute emergency since preventing the destruction of the multiverse is his only reason for living. All the rest are trivial problems.

I finally got a powerful ally who is not part of my harem. Anti-Spiral will make a good meat shield.

Before returning to China, I practiced my mastery of [Rasen] and [Anti-Rasen] as it would be foolish to use a power I can't control, especially since unpredictable dangers can always arise.

After a little practice, I discovered something important. The spiral energy is absurd.

Explaining the potential of both energies in detail would be too confusing so I'll put it in a simple example.

I finally managed to create a defense against the Anti-Madness weapons, and it only took me a week...

Officially, my group is the most dangerous doomsday squad in the multiverse.

Still, my paranoid and pessimistic tendencies prevent me from feeling calm.

I cannot be satisfied… I must continue to seek power… I must never let my guard down… only then can I protect my family…

Shit, I think the excessive suffering made me more mentally disturbed… Ah, whatever.

"Ne, senpai~" – BB had the smile of a pedophile looking at an unprotected daycare center. – "Why don't we go for a ride to Paradise or to the world of cultivators? It would be so much fun to cause enough chaos to destroy the balance of power in the multiverse~"

I sighed and shook my head. – "BB, war only serves to enrich the countries and companies that sell weapons, it is stupid that does not interest me, besides, doing something so stupid will bring us many enemies, and although we are strong, remember that your excess of self-confidence almost caused your death"

"…Tch" – BB clicked her tongue in disgust because he knows I'm right. If she wasn't so narcissistic, then Beast VII wouldn't have been able to destroy her body or mutilate her soul.

We were about to leave, but Anti-Spiral raised his hand to hand me a strange artifact.

"A magic wand for little girls?" – I raised an eyebrow, that thing looks like the toy that girls use in the television programs that my daughters watch.

"In my search for a solution to the holes in the fourth wall, I met a creature that shares my purpose, to keep the multiverse alive" – Anti-Spiral was still expressionless, it seems that he only shows emotions when talking about Simon. – "I tried to contact that creature to let him know that you can help us, but he does not answer me… If that creature is still alive, this will allow him to find you… That creature can be useful to you so take this artifact with you"

[Paranoia] said the artifact is harmless and System Goddess confirmed that the wand was a tracker with no conceptual trickery or other problematic bullshit.

For now, I put the artifact away, but I had Abby modify the spatial coordinates of the wand in case the unknown creature is actually an enemy and wants to use this thing to ambush me.

With everything ready, I returned to China.

What happened next was very simple.

Koyanskaya notified me that she finished preparations for my plans so I reverted to the identity of Lu San when I received a call from the police.

Apparently, the videos where I hit and killed the group of gang members caused a lot of disagreement among the citizens because they considered it unfair that the law could not judge me, even though it is obvious that I used violence in self-defense.

I have very influential women in my harem, but there are members of the government who want to catch me so my wives couldn't stop the police from coming to my door to question me.

In addition to this, several of the protagonists that I have been hitting had contacts with great political influence, so the number of influential people who want to see me imprisoned continues to increase every day.

Even Yang Chen joined the group of idiots who wish to destroy me at all costs. That idiot heard that I'm best friends with the Harem King, and since he can't beat the system user, his brilliant idea is to finish me off. Pathetic.

Another important point is that several anonymous complaints appeared where I was blamed for starting the current pandemic that is spreading through the northern area of ​​the country.

Those reports showed evidence of my actions, and while it wasn't enough to prove that I spread the virus, it was the perfect excuse for the police to take me to the police station for questioning before Lin Ruoxi's grandfather can protect me.

As a side note, that information was provided by Monika and not the protagonists.

So I was taken to the police station, but it was just a trap to capture me and take me to a secret base where the government used to torture foreign spies.

"Senpai is a masochistic pervert with a bondage fetish" – BB sighed with false disappointment while she had a sneer.

"My cute little brother… It hurts to see you hurt, but seeing you so helpless is… ah… ah… ah… exciting…" - Chiyo was panting.

I sighed internally as some idiot used steel tweezers to pull the exposed nerves from my hands.

"And you still don't scream, you're amazing" - An idiot sneered at me. – "You are a tough guy, but everyone has a limit… It doesn't matter how strong your willpower is, everyone gives in to pain"

My hands are nailed to a wooden chair. My tendons and ligaments were severed while my nerves remained intact, so I won't be able to move my limbs, but I will feel pain when my flesh is burned, cut, electrocuted, and subjected to other kinds of torture.

I kept an expressionless face, I'm currently using the silent and emotionless temperament of serial killer Kuro.

"You just have to be obedient and this hell will end" - The idiot smiled like a stolen car salesman. – "Is the Ichijo family more important than your own life? Understand it! They abandoned you! You're just a replaceable dog! You have been here for two days and nobody has looked for you! Nobody cares about you!"

… I want to yawn, this is boring.

I moved my lips, or what was left of my lips, I don't even have teeth.

The idiot approached me because he thought I'm speaking quietly because my body is so emaciated that I don't even have the strength to speak.

When the idiot's ear was close to my mouth, I bit his ear to rip it off. Although I have no teeth, the strength of my jaw allows me to break steel with my gums. It's similar to how a hippopotamus can crush human bones with sheer brute force.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" – The idiot screamed in agony when his ear was ripped off.

A security guard next to him was about to shoot me at the pieces of meat that used to be my legs, but that guard stopped when I spit the piece of the ear into his eye. The ear pierced his eye and reached his brain causing his death.

"You talk shit... You taste like shit... You're just shit..." - I spoke in a hoarse and rough voice since my throat is supposed to be injured from the many times I've been hanged.

"Oh, you're still causing trouble~ you're so stubborn, although that was expected of the heir to the Ichijo family" – The door of the torture chamber opened and a beautiful pink-haired woman entered the place while being accompanied by a cute girl with glasses and black hair.

Koyanskaya knows that she does not have the strength to kill me and that this is all just a play, but she is having fun while mutilating my body. That woman even cut off my genitals.

Well, she knows the line she shouldn't cross and she didn't try to insert objects into my rectum. That's the only kind of physical torture I'm not going to face.

Koyanskaya sneered at the idiot who was bleeding to death on the floor. – "Idiot, I told you not to get too close, this man is a Hero who has faced multiple world catastrophes, he is not an enemy that should be underestimated"

Behind Koyanskaya, Yu Mei-ren had a gloomy expression.

In the two days that I have been here, she is the only person who has shown me kindness, and on the sly, she has brought me food and water.

Yu Mei-ren knows that I have the strength to kill all the people in this secret base, but there is an artifact capable of suppressing Higher Entities' blessings, in addition, there are various spirit formations focused on suppressing supernatural skills.

Within this base, only Higher Entities and system users are capable of using supernatural abilities.

It is a good design to capture a rookie Hero, but there are many flaws so this type of structure will be useless to capture a veteran Hero.

Well, I can't expect much from idiots so I'm not disappointed.

A group of security guards carried out the earless idiot and the guard's corpse, leaving me alone with Koyanskaya and Yu Mei-ren.

"Well~ It's time to have fun~" – Koyanskaya took out a scalpel. – "I like your look so today I will take your charming eyes~"

She is really having fun.

Yu Mei-ren looked away as she despises senseless sadism, she only enjoys torturing people who insult or attack her. She is a vindictive but relatively kind woman.

When Yu Mei-ren looked away, Koyanskaya wordlessly moved her lips to give me a message.

It seems that my saviors will arrive tomorrow...

Actually, we can communicate by telepathy, but she enjoys this kind of spy games.

It's a way to kill boredom so I'm following the game.

Now I'm only curious about one thing, how many people will die tomorrow...

I hope there will be a lot of them, that way I will have a solid justification for taking over China.

"So, thank you for the gift~" – Koyanskaya had a euphoric smile with flushed cheeks as she used the scalpel to cut my eyelids, then she began to cut my optic nerves, and gently gouged out my eyes.

Surprisingly, this seems perfectly normal to me.

After all, this is my life.

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