No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 293: Rescuing the Womanizer 3

Chapter 293: Rescuing the Womanizer 3

(Seishirou Tsugumi Perspective) (Nisekoi)

We didn't have much time to make preparations, so we carried out the rescue mission the same night we devised the plan.

China's deities cannot use 100% of their abilities as that would endanger normal citizens and that would violate the agreement with the Will of the World. Still, they can use enough power to prevent foreign forces from leaving the hotel they're staying at.

I don't fully understand what a Mirror Dimension is, but the Tongtian god Jiaozhu locked the magicians and Vatican agents in such a place so they can't attack us.

I got a combat class and various magic skills in the fantasy world, but I'm sure that god can kill me with a single breath so I'm relieved that he's on our side.

My hero skills will be canceled when we enter the military base, but I can use my magic items and abilities in the area outside the base.

We arrived at the most unprotected area of ​​the base, the problem is that it is too narrow a vent and only a small animal can enter the pipe.

Well, that's normal for a drain pipe.

I took out a leather bag and began to take out the artifacts that Luis gave me when we returned to Japan. He mentioned that in this world it is forbidden to smuggle magical artifacts, but there are almost no restrictions on the use of technology as long as said technology is not excessively advanced.

I can't bring the compressed plasma cannons, but I can use the carbon fiber suits that can spread the impact, protect from electromagnetic attacks, can fool thermal scanners, are resistant to fire, nitrogen, and poisonous gases, and have a function hibernation in case the person is seriously injured.

I have 100 of these suits and they can be tailored to any size so I gave one to each member of the rescue squad. I also took out the weapons that were adapted to have a perfect silencer, bullets that pierce armor, have no recoil despite the high caliber of the bullets, and even serve as a blunt weapon without damaging the barrel of the weapon.

"You have interesting toys" – Balalaika looked at the weapons with interest as she undressed to put on her suit. – "How about selling me some weapons? I can give you a good price"

The suit is designed very much like the ones worn by SWAT agents. I'm sure Luis did the design as he likes tactical designs.

"If you want the weapons you will have to rescue Luis, he gave me these weapons" - I answered blankly and finished equipping myself.

I didn't draw my weapons before reaching the base entrance as I was worried there might be some traitor among us and it would be dangerous to show them that I have a space storage bag full of weapons.

"Hey, what's that?" – The terrorist Minene Uryu showed her good terrorist instincts, what caught her attention the most was a black sphere the size of a golf ball.

"It's a plastic explosive, it has a button on the side, when you activate the explosive, you can throw it at a target and it will explode on impact" – I finally equipped all my weapons. – "It has a force comparable to a grenade, with the difference that the explosion emits enough heat to melt steel, it is useful for attacking armored trucks"

"Oh…" – The woman seemed to want to put the artifact away without me realizing it.

I sighed. – "You can keep whatever you want as long as you help me rescue Luis, I will also give you more weapons after we leave this country"

"Tch, that idiot spoils you too much" – Revy spoke in frustration and equipped several weapons.

Although she prefers thin clothes, this time she was willing to wear the combat suit as this mission is too dangerous.

With everything ready, we begin the rescue operation.

The entrance to the pipe was sealed with an armored steel alloy grating, even with my superhuman strength, it would be hard for me to break through that thing. Fortunately, I also got some tricks.

"Physical Strengthening" – I activated the most basic spell I know of and grabbed the grid.

Although I don't have the skills of Ojou-sama who specializes in physical combat and body strengthening, my basic spells are enough to rip the grid apart.

The water with residues came out when breaking the grid. It's not the first time I've done a mission among fecal waste, but I'm glad the suit helmet can also filter odors.

After breaking through the grate, I took out a shovel with a sharp edge and cut the pipe, then started digging through the reinforced concrete.

"Shit, did you get addicted to steroids?" – Revy spoke with disbelief seeing me break the reinforced concrete with ease.

I couldn't respond to her nonsense since I have to finish before the spell wears off.

I memorized the map so we arrived at the loneliest bathroom in the base. Just as I was about to break through the last door, my spell was canceled.

It looks like we've entered the area where supernatural skills are negated.

"Now what? Didn't you have a good breakfast and are you tired?" - Revy sighed with annoyance and mockery. - "Moron"

The stress of Luis being in trouble is wearing on my patience so I try hard not to hit Revy.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and pulled out what looked like a scalpel from my belt.

This is a cutter that uses high-frequency vibrations to break through armored materials. The problem is that it makes too much noise so I used the weakest power and just broke the hinges on the door to open it without alerting the soldiers in the base.

"Too interesting toys" – Balalaika seemed to be planning incomprehensible things, but it doesn't matter, I just hope it won't be a hindrance to the mission.

On my back, I have a backpack where I carry various tools. When we entered the base, I opened the backpack to take out a spray capable of eliminating any traces of dirt and odor. This is useful for leaving no traces and avoiding guard dogs.

What surprised me is that Miss Yui didn't seem disgusted that we moved through human secretions.

The women of this group are people who have crawled through blood and dirt so we can't be called refined ladies, even Paula has had to sleep surrounded by corpses and excrement.

The young leader of the Chinese mafia seems to know the battlefield and she is not just a lady who was raised in a greenhouse. It would be nice if she can become friends with Ojou-sama…

Inside the military base, we begin to advance to the deepest area, which is where the prisoners who are subjected to torture are kept.

I am mentally prepared to see Luis in deplorable conditions. My only relief is that his Hero magic should be able to heal any wound as long as he's alive, we just need to get him out of the military base to get his skills working again.

We moved carefully between the less guarded areas. We kept an eye on the camera movements to hurry up when the cameras couldn't focus on us and we were able to move easily until we got close to the underground area.

The surface area was in chaos due to the attack by the Moscow Hotel soldiers, moreover, Luis's subordinates were supporting our allies so most of the troops in the base went to fight on the surface leaving few people in the corridors of the underground area.

Before entering the underground area, my communicator received an unknown signal. I was about to give the signal to attack for fear that we had been discovered, but I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello~ It's been a while since we talked~" – The voice belonged to one of Luis's wives, a woman named Monika.

I'm not sure where Luis met that woman, but she's the one in charge of managing Luis's communications, and I also heard that she's a professional hacker.

"Monika? How did you connect to my communicator? It's supposed to be a safe frequency" – With my hand, I made a sign to indicate that we have to go somewhere to talk, then I pointed to the door of a warehouse that was guarded by two enemy soldiers.

Revy and I hurried over to the soldiers.

Before the first soldier could react, my left palm hit his forehead at the same time my right fist hit his chest.

Every day I continue to train in the martial arts that Luis taught me so my blow did not damage the soldier's bulletproof suit, but the force of my blows went to his internal organs which destroyed his heart and brain.

Since the soldier had a special helmet to avoid poisonous gases, the blood in his mouth did not spill on the ground.

Unlike me, Revy used two knives to attack the second soldier. Those knives have no magical powers but are made of a special alloy that can cut through the armor of a bulletproof vest.

The problem is that Revy has the same nasty habit as Luis. She decapitated the soldier at the same time that she stabbed through the soldier's heart.

Ever since we were kids, Luis and Revy always made sure the enemy had no chance of surviving even if it meant maiming and burning the enemy.

I never liked how bloody they both are, but Luis explained to me that it is better to eliminate a problem at the root without leaving opportunities for the enemy to come back for revenge, so I also strive to eliminate any possibility of the enemy surviving.

Regardless, it would be better if Revy didn't leave a big pool of blood on the ground...

I quickly pulled out another spray that could remove blood stains. I cleaned up the blood and dragged the corpses into the warehouse as the rest of the rescue party went inside as well.

I didn't have time to scold Revy for being so careless and continued talking to Monika.

"Nice hit, it seems you have been training the techniques my husband taught you~" – Monika spoke with amusement.

I have not met that woman, but I have the impression that she is the kind of person who hides a cruel side behind a friendly smile. Just the type of women that Luis associates with the most… Silly pervert.

"I can't access the other women's communicators, please put me on speakerphone to talk to all of you, and don't worry about discretion, I'm avoiding cameras seeing them and there are currently no soldiers near this location~" - It sounded like Monika was making fun of me.

Now I can notice it. We made it this far, but it wasn't just because of our luck and abilities, this woman was helping us… It makes me feel a little disappointed in myself, but more than anything, I'm grateful for her help.

I took off my helmet and put my comm on speaker so the other women could hear Monika. They also took off their helmet to be more comfortable since those things are a bit suffocating.

"Hello~ Nice to meet you, my dear husband's lovely wife~ I appreciate that you guys are risking your lives to save him, so I'll do my best to help you" - Monika sounded like a trustworthy friend, although from the few conversations I've had with her, I feel like she's a bit of a teasing and sadistic woman.

"Tch, that idiot really did form a harem" – Revy sounded frustrated.

We ignore Revy's anger and concentrate on listening to Monika. She told us in detail about the structure of the military base, Luis's location, the escape route, and most strikingly, she mentioned that a person in this base is secretly helping us. In fact, it was thanks to her that Monika was able to infiltrate the security system.

Revy stopped complaining and focused on Monika's explanation since the situation is more dangerous than we imagined.

Before I told Revy that Luis had changed, he became softer, he is willing to start a family and now he has the ability to feel genuine affection towards other living beings. Luis had become more human, although, at the same time, he seems to be more violent and extremist when it comes to solving problems.

Revy was surprised by this, but that surprise quickly turned to frustration and regret.

Since we were kids, she and Luis have been very close so it seems to bother her that Luis changed so much while she wasn't by his side.

Revy also told me that there were two reasons she sold the location to Luis's family.

First, Bee Hive Gang had threatened her that if she did not reveal the location and identity of the person who murdered two gang leaders, the government would mark her and Luis as terrorists, so the government special forces would hunt them down like animals.

That was almost four years ago so Luis was still a child and Revi was barely a teenager, so it was impossible to face the government's special forces, so Revy took the option where she and Luis could survive. Using Luis's family as a decoy for a chance to escape to another country.

The second reason was that we knew that Luis hated his parents and treated his sister like a nuisance, so Revy thought that Luis would be willing to sacrifice his own family.

Honestly, I thought the same. That is why we were surprised that Luis not only risked his life to protect his parents and sister, he even managed to escape from the United States to reach Japan.

Until now, all information about Luis had been hidden by the Ichijo family so Revy thought that Luis died. That made her go crazy and that's why she's been taking all kinds of suicide missions while she's making constant attacks against Bee Hive Gang.

Because of all this, Revy is worried that Luis wants to kill her, but I already explained to her that Luis changed and is no longer the same heartless psychopath that we used to know, now he is a loving and overprotective psychopath.

Revy still doesn't believe me, so she gets frustrated every time she hears about Luis's love life.

Going back to Monika's explanation, she mentioned that most of the soldiers in the underground area are pretty much useless cannon fodder, Revy could take them all out single-handedly. The real problem is that there are four elite agents guarding the room where Luis is being held.

I know the list of the best assassins and soldiers in the world, but I didn't recognize two of the agents Monika mentioned. Fortunately, Balalaika and Miss Yui have excellent intelligence-gathering services so they were able to recognize the enemies.

Lin Dongfang, one of the best doctors in the world and an assassin who is ranked 8th among the world's most dangerous men. This list is based on human society and not the supernatural world, although, in the supernatural world, he has a high reputation.

Yang Ming, the man who is ranked third of the most dangerous man in the world, although there are rumors that his strength of him is comparable to the best assassin in the world, the god of death Pluto. According to Miss Yui's additional information, that man is one of the strongest cultivators in China, and although he can't use his special skills here, his martial arts make him a dangerous enemy.

Lin Yi, the 11th most dangerous man in the world, and like Luis, he is a murderer with a hidden identity so I didn't recognize his name. He is also Lin Dongfang's adopted son and Yang Ming's disciple so it is possible that he is a cultivator as well.

These three men are extremely dangerous. Although we have superior weaponry than this country has, Luis has shown me that people who reach the pinnacle of martial arts are more dangerous than a heavily armed army.

As if that wasn't enough, the fourth man is the strongest government agent and someone ranked as the strongest cultivator in all of China, a man named Li Baishan.

There isn't much information about this last man and the records mark him as an unimportant disposable soldier, but Miss Yui mentioned that even the Four Great Families are afraid of that man. She doesn't know the details, but apparently, he is close to becoming something more dangerous than the gods, a Higher Entity.

"I'm out of here" - Minene turned to leave after hearing about the enemies we must face. – "If you want to die it is not my fucking problem"

This doesn't surprise me, the enemies are too dangerous so we have to make a plan of attack...

"Hey asshole" – Revy raised her gun and pointed it at Minene's back. – "There are only two ways for you to leave here, help me rescue Luis, or I will kill you, you have three seconds to choose"

"Damn bitch, did you go crazy?!" -Minene turned around and pointed a gun at Revy. – "You already heard the information, those damned bastards will not die with bullets and explosives alone! I already risked too much coming to this fucking place! I'm not going to sacrifice my life to rescue your stupid fucking boyfriend!"

Revy narrowed her eyes. I recognize that look, she is calculating how to kill Minene in the most violent and painful way.

"Lower your weapons!" – Miss Yui raised her voice causing a strange feeling to fill the warehouse.

Revy and Minene were trembling as they lowered their weapons, though their expressions showed that they were struggling against their own bodies.

"Miss Minene, I appreciate you coming here to help us, but I won't allow unpredictable variables to arise so I'll give you two options" – Miss Yui massaged her forehead as if she was dizzy. – "If you are willing to swear that you will help us without betraying us, I promise an excellent reward, enough money so that you will not have to work again in your life, but if you do not want to help us, you must swear that you will stay in this warehouse to prevent a treason"

I felt a chill.

Luis warned me that oaths are not something to be taken lightly. Something as simple as a verbal promise can become a slave collar that won't go away even when you die.

Revy seemed angry with those options, she prefers to murder every person she dislikes.

"Let's calm down" – Balalaika showed great charisma and spoke like a trustworthy older sister. – "Look, we are already here and surely the escape route has already been blocked so we can only follow the route marked by Miss Monika… Right?"

"Fufufufu~ So funny" – Monika's voice was filled with amusement.

I think there is something I do not understand...

"It's like you say, the entrance where you guys came in has already been blocked, the only way to get out of here is to rescue my husband, then I'll show you the escape route~" – Monika sounded like she was watching a funny show.

I sighed. – "Monika, did the enemies block the entrance, or did you?"

"Fufufu~ Does it matter?~" – Monika was still enjoying herself.

Now I'm sure that Luis has a fetish for troubled and mentally disturbed women...

Does that mean I'm crazy too?

It's better if I don't think about it...

"Heh" – Revy sneered. – "Imbecile, you have no choice, now move your ass and serve as a distraction"

Minene gritted her teeth furiously and didn't let go of her weapon, Revy has a talent for driving people mad.

"Oh? Do you really want to fight me?" – Now Revy seemed to be having fun.

Minene took a deep breath and put her weapon away in frustration. – "Shit, I should have imagined that this would happen if I worked with you… Fucking psycho bitch"

"Hahaha, come on, don't make that face" – Revy approached Minene and put her arm around Minene's shoulders as if they were friends.

Though my reflexes are superior to most humans, I didn't see when Revy jammed the barrel of the gun into Minene's mouth. – "Listen to me idiot, if you point a gun at me again, I am going to cut off your limbs and then I will take you to a group of bums to **** each of your fucking holes, I will even gouge out your eyes so that the bums have more holes to play"

…Revy, you are unpleasant…

Minene didn't seem scared despite having a gun in her mouth, she even glared at Revy with hatred and a desire to kill.

Both women kept stubborn looks, but Minene decided to give in so she looked away from her.

"Good, that's better" – Revy smiled and removed the gun from Minene's mouth.

Minene spat to the side and spoke hatefully. – "Damn crazy bitch"

"If you want to kill me, you can try, but first you have work to do" - Revy smiled without giving importance to Minene's attitude.

I sighed, Revy is a living chaos.

"You've known Rebecca since she was a child, was she always like this?" – The blonde woman from the CIA asked me with slight curiosity.

I sighed again. – "Yes, she and Luis always had a problem inside their heads, that is why they were very close"

"Tch, they are a couple of idiotic and violent animals" - Paula puffed out her cheeks with anger, she is jealous.

"We don't have time for this" - I shook my head and concentrated on the situation. – "We must make a plan to face the four growers and rescue Luis"

"Fufufu, how cute~ Now I understand why you are one of my husband's favorites~"


"Oh look at you, you're so adorable when you blush~ Fufufufu~"

There aren't even cameras here! How can she see us?!

"Tch" – Revy and Paula clicked their tongues and looked at me resentfully.

This is embarrassing, but I'm a little happy...

I already want to see Luis.

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