No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 296: Disaster 2

Chapter 296: Disaster 2

The Lostbelt was activated and one of the largest provinces in China was absorbed into this artificial world.

Before this disaster happened, China's most powerful armed forces gathered in this city.

The current president mobilized the elite squads to prevent the Ichijo family agents from rescuing me, but this caused the elite squads to now be trapped in the Lostbelt. If those elite soldiers die, China will lose its main military force which will leave it defenseless in terms of geopolitics.

In addition to human soldiers, China's supernatural beings are also gathered here.

Under normal conditions, all that power would be enough to defend China and they might even be able to destroy the Lostbelt, that's the power of a world power.

The problem for the government was that there are several traitors within the government, army, and even among the cultivators.

Some idiots allied themselves with Shub-Niggurath's cult, other idiots signed contracts with Beast VII's emissaries. Those idiots thought this was their chance to gain the power needed to take over the world.

Due to the chaos and unpredictability of the situation, no one is sure what is going on. The uncertainty has created chaos and several powerful fighters have failed to work together, instead seeking to fight on their own which led to unfortunate defeats.

It seems that a powerful Higher Entity managed to infiltrate Gaia and is now rewriting reality.

The most obvious idea is that Shub-Niggurath caused this, but there are several irregularities.

Shub-Niggurath is an Outer God who has destroyed millions of Worlds, but she does not seek to conquer worlds or cause genocide, she is only interested in spreading carnal pleasure without control. Unlimited orgies and endless depravity are what destroy the Worlds.

Because of this, some of Shub-Niggurath's cult members have suspicions that their god really wasn't the one who caused the Lostbelt and it's all a hoax, but those people were silenced to prevent the other cult members from starting to doubt.

In general, everything goes smoothly.

Qin Shi Huang became the king of this Lostbelt so he has the necessary authority to suppress supernatural beings. It is the same authority that a Territory Administrator has, with the difference that Qin Shi Huang is the only administrator in this entire artificial world.

On Gaia, the Lostbelt only encompasses one province of China, but within the Lostbelt, Qin Shi Huang's empire spans the entire planet.

To defeat the emperor, it is necessary to face an entire planet without receiving help from the Will of the World.

Stopping a world invasion without receiving help from the Will of the World is almost impossible for the natives of a World, for this kind of situation the only hope is a Hero, but hey, my title of Hero is false.

The interesting thing is that if China's forces were able to work together, they would be able to destroy the Lostbelt, but would be unable to defeat Qin Shi Huang. The first emperor could invade the real world causing massive genocide across the planet.

The Lostbelt can be said to be Qin Shi Huang's greatest strength, but at the same time, it is a cage that prevents him from attacking the real world.

As if that wasn't enough, Qin Shi Huang has several Servants and two extremely powerful gods under his control.

In theory, Servants aren't much of a deal as they are mere copies of true historical figures and are only powerful when facing foreign entities, but here is the most important part of Beast VII's plans.

The Servants summoned by Qin Shi Huang are not copies, they are the true souls within their real bodies. They can wield complete power even against the natives of Gaia.

Beast VII found a way to steal the Servants from the Throne of Heroes, though she is unable to get the Servants out of Gaia so she gives them to her subordinates. Those Servants may have their full powers, but they lack free will.

Worst of all, this place is a time cage so, in the real world, people will only notice the Lostbelt when it's too late. Alaya won't have time to send her Guardians and Servants, the only thing that can stop the Lostbelt from expanding is the people already inside this place.

Considering that the soldiers of modern China lost their high-tech weapons, there is only one possible outcome. The Lostbelt will destroy all of China.

Normal citizens are being captured by Qin Shi Huang's soldiers. Those people will be taken to re-education camps, where they will be brainwashed into being loyal to Emperor Qin.

Soldiers, gang members, martial artists, protagonists, cultivators, demons, and other fighters are facing the enemies, but they are easily subdued as they are unable to work as a team, furthermore, Qin Shi Huang's soldiers have too advanced weapons.

Qin Shi Huang's soldiers not only have the best technology the humans of Gaia can produce, but Beast VII also provided technology from other worlds for the Lostbelt's creation.

Despite everything, this is not the end of the world.

The Lostbelt was designed to fail, in fact, it has one stupid weakness too.

To destroy this place it is necessary to kill Qin Shi Huang.

To destroy this place, it is not necessary to destroy the entire world, nor is it necessary to search for the core of the Lostbelt, it is only necessary to kill Qin Shi Huang. The emperor doesn't know this, he thinks that the core hidden in his palace is what makes the Lostbelt work, but in reality, he is the core.

I have a theory that Beast VII is waiting for a group of protagonists to unite, then they will become strong against the emperor's troops, and finally, they will succeed in assassinating Qin Shi Huang.

Years ago Umaru showed me some video games. I didn't pay much attention to her as it seem like a waste of time, but I saw that, in the game, she usually collects experience by killing enemies, so she gets stronger and she can defeat the final villain.

That's the same strengthening method most system users use, and it also seems like the same method Beast VII uses.

According to BB, Beast VII is a narcissistic woman who sees life as a strategy video game, so it's no exaggeration to say that she set up the Lostbelt as a video game.

Anyway, I will follow that script, although I will make some changes for my benefit.

For now, I am in a cave together with Yu Mei-ren.

Something I like about this woman is that, with her, I don't need to pretend that I am an idealistic hero who seeks to protect innocent people, I can show that I am a selfish man and will only fight when necessary.

Before helping the stupid Monkey King, I attacked some enemy squads to get resources.

Fortunately for us, the enemies had the necessary materials to summon Servants. Yu Mei-ren is a smart woman, but she didn't suspect this coincidence since Qin Shi Huang is also summoning Servants, so it's normal for soldiers to carry these materials.

To summon a Servant, a space gate must first be formed through a magic circle drawn on the ground. This allows the mage to connect to the Throne of Heroes to summon a Servant.

The space gate is one way to prevent a wizard from invading the Throne of Heroes, so I'm curious as to the method Beast VII used to steal the Servants.

System Goddess is the most intelligent woman in my group when it comes to analyzing rituals, spirit formations, and artifacts, but she still doesn't understand how this ritual works.

Beast VII is awesome. If I can't make her my ally, I'll extract her mind and turn her into a puppet...

The summoning ritual normally doesn't require that many unique materials, but this is the ritual designed by Beast VII to steal Servants.

Alaya is useless, she doesn't even realize that her greatest treasures are being stolen... I need to talk to that idiot.

Yu Mei-ren finished preparing the ritual, but she didn't activate the ritual right away, instead looking at me with slight discomfort.

"The catalysts in this place only serve to summon Servants from China's history, but in this Lostbelt, Qin Shi Huang has the authority to control the Servants from China…" - Yu Mei-ren sighed with concern.

"And only now does it occur to you to tell me?" – I pretended to be upset.

"There is a way…" – Yu Mei-ren sighed. – "You have a high status in Japan so I can make adjustments to the ritual to call a Japanese Servant, if one of your ancestors is a historical figure then that Servant will appear, but if you do not have a historical lineage, then a Servant will appear that has better compatibility with you"

I understand that Servants are affected by their achievements in life, mythical legends, and how people perceive them.

Although I was born in America, my identity as Seiji makes me famous in Japan, so it's more likely that a Japanese Servant will appear.

The problem is that there is something called a territory advantage. Chinese Servants are strongest in China but are weak in countries that have historical hostility towards China.

Due to Japan's war history, the country of the anime is the villain of this continent in historical terms, especially for China.

The events of World War II generated a strong feeling of hatred and racism that continues to this day.

In the short time I was in China, every day I heard nonsense that the Japanese are devils and the like.

Due to these stupidities, the Servants of Japan will be weakened in this territory, even if they are summoned with their real bodies. Because of that, Yu Mei-ren looks worried.

Well, I don't care, it'll actually be good for my plans if I get a useless Servant to serve as cannon fodder. If the Servant is destroyed, I will have an excuse to see Alaya and punish her for all the stupid things she allows.

I sighed. – "A weak ally or a strong ally is still an ally, we do not have many options"

Yu Mei-ren nodded. She keeps looking at me uncomfortably since she doesn't want to be my wife, but she doesn't think to go back on her promise either.

I used [Mythomania] to modify my blood to prevent the Throne of Heroes from detecting my black blood.

I took out a knife and cut my hand, spilling a couple of drops of red blood on the magic circle.

Yu Mei-ren began the ritual by causing white light to fill the cave.

"Abby" – I talked to the little pancake eater. – "Can you feel the spatial coordinates of the Throne of Heroes?"

"I can't do it… The spatial coordinates were distributed among multiple layers of alternate realities, to find the Throne of Heroes I will first need to figure out how parallel realities work in this world" – Abby replied sadly. – "Sorry for not being able to help you…"

Why are there so many depressive brats around me?

"Abby, you are always helping me" - I spoke kindly to her to improve her mood. – "Abby is a good girl"

"Ehehe" – Abby smiled adorably and forgot her sadness.

"Senpai can't resist the urge to spoil depressed lolis~ Senpai is to go to prison~"

"Hey Listen! Fill the loli's mouth with your lollipop!"


Abby, don't blush as you look at me expectantly...

"Luis, I'm worried that more and more girls are sexually interested in you…" Tsubaki sighed.

I share that concern, this is a nuisance.

Come to think of it, the summoning ritual is starting, but I have a bad feeling...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' has prevented the title 'Lolimancer' from influencing the skill 'Lucky Pervert'. The skill 'Paranoia' has synchronized the skill 'Motherfucker Dimensional' with the skill 'Lucky Pervert']

… [Paranoia], you are a wonderful ability.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' uses its hands to cover its face while saying that it will do its best to help the user]

"NOOOOO! Senpai should be true to his pedophile instincts and get a Servant loli, not a milf!"

"Hey Listen! Team Oedipus has triumphed muahahahahaha!"

"Well, getting a Milf can also bring a loli as a gift..."

"Shut up you idiot otaku! I want to see senpai having to put up with the stupidities of the perverted magical girl!"

… Who?

No, I don't want to know.

I ignored the idiots and looked at the magic circle.

The light began to fade and in the center of the magic circle was something interesting.

Well, I admit it, my stupid title [Motherfucker Dimensional] isn't complete rubbish...

"Hello, my dear Wizard. Servant, Saber... Oh? Hey? I'm not a Saber... Oh, dear. Erm... Oh? I don't have a certain class? Eeeehh?! This is my real body?!" – The female Servant showed disbelief as she looked at her own hands.

[Name: Minamoto no Raikou

Origin: Fate/Grand Order

Categories: Woman. Servant. Mystery/Monster Slayer. Milf. Stepmother. Soncon (Agrippina Complex)]

Is Minamoto no Yorimitsu female?!

…Damn Japanese authors, stop sexualizing everything…

I wonder if the Shuten-dōji is also a beautiful mature woman… No, with my luck, that ogre will be a little girl…

..... Shit.

"Pffff ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Give up idiot, your destiny is to be the new Oedipus!"

"It's mom Raikou!" – Nyaruko shouted with joy inside my mind. – "She did not appear in the last banner, but now she is here! Yay!"

…If I remember correctly, Fate/Grand Order is Nyaruko's favorite mobile game…

While it's important to get some information, I don't want to ask about the identity of every historical figure, or I have a feeling I'll want to hit those who designed that game.

"Ahem, as I was saying…" Raikou stopped looking at his hands and smiled at Yu Mei-ren. – "As I said, I am Minamoto-no-Raikou. Although I still have a long way to go, I will be counting on you from now on, okay?..... oh...."

Yu Mei-ren was unable to reply as the woman's attention was focused on another target, me.

Although Yu Mei-ren is Raikou's Master, she was summoned with my blood and abilities so she feels a special connection with me, especially because of [Dimensional Motherfucker].

Obtaining women so easily is still boring, but I don't have time to complain.

"Oh, my boy, how cute!" – Raikou hugged me tightly and began to caress my hair as if I were her son or a dog…

She's a bit taller than I am, so her large breasts are pressed against my chest and the underside of my chin.

Although the firmness of her mature body is nice, I found the woman's reaction very strange.

Although I have passive skills that generate obsession in women who love me, Raikou is acting like a caring wife even though we just met...

With [Reader's Reading] I was able to see into the woman's mind and what I saw was a mess.

Schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, borderline disorder, bipolarity, possessive obsessions, inability to feel empathy, delusions, beginnings of a sociopathic personality... This woman is a cocktail of mental disorders.

Due to [Reader's Madness] and [Crazy Psychiatrist], I am a treasure for people with mental problems, especially for women...

Well, the Throne of Heroes was not wrong, this woman is the ideal Servant for me, I only dislike her incestuous fetish, although it seems that she is not a pervert, but is unable to separate family love from romantic love.


I sighed and looked at Yu Mei-ren who was looking at me coldly. – "You cannot blame me for this, you invoked her"

Yu Mei-ren sighed. – "Womanizers are disgusting"

First the Harem King and now the Hero of Harmony, she had bad experiences with womanizing idiots so her attitude is understandable.

"I remember you were the one who insisted on being my wife" - I smiled wryly.

"…" – Yu Mei-ren looked at me with disgust.

"… Wife?" – Raikou stopped rubbing my hair and her voice seemed emotionless.

"Another yandere…" - Tsubaki sighed with disappointment.

Yu Mei-ren did not seem scared despite Raikou's growing killing intent. That girl has a lot of courage and decent willpower.

Raikou's mind is too unstable, so I sighed before she did something stupid. – "She is my wife and it was thanks to her that you were summoned with all your power, but you are still not free from the contract with the Will of the World, you are still a Servant, and in case you have not noticed, we are in a terrible situation because of what we need to work together"

Raikou's expression changed and he stopped hugging me. She went from being a psychotic wife on the verge of committing murder to a deadpan soldier.

"How many enemies?" – Raikou spoke without emotions, she became a war machine that only knows how to destroy the enemy.

The personality of a loving wife, the personality of a possessive psychopath, and the personality of an emotionless soldier… This woman's mind is interesting.

I started talking to Raikou about the situation.

I managed to convince her to work together with Yu Mei-ren to destroy the enemy.

While Raikou has overwhelming destructive power, she alone cannot take on all the enemy Servants, especially since those Servants were strengthened with the technology provided by Beast VII.

Raikou is quite a possessive woman and in a very unsubtle way, she made it clear that she wants to kill any woman who is too affectionate towards me.

I didn't lie to tell her that I have a harem, which almost makes her want to stab me, but her motherly side prevented her from hurting me, so she had a little panic attack.

I thought to destroy her mental defenses, then rebuild her psyche, but some idiot can't shut his fucking mouth.

"Hey Listen! A man can have many women, but he will only have one mother!... Oh, wait...The idiot already has a crazy sexy mother! Ahahahahahahaha!"

".........…" – Raikou's look is worrying. – "My child… I would like to meet your… your… I would like to talk to that woman"

Raikou can't even say that another woman is my mother, she is a completely irrational woman.

Now Yu Mei-ren seemed genuinely concerned. Although Raikou is strong, her mind is too unstable and she can turn hostile at any time.

I shrugged. – "Of course, I will introduce her to you when we finish with this place, first there is a mission that we must fulfill"

Raikou nodded, she was highly motivated to destroy the Lostbelt.

"Luis, your sister won't be happy if you allow this woman to kill your mother…" - Tsubaki sighed.

"I will not let that idiotic woman die" - I smiled internally. – "Although losing one or two limbs should not be a problem…"

"..." - Tsubaki sighed. – "You need to see a mental health professional"

"I'm a psychiatrist" - I answered with irony.

"Your Crazy Psychiatrist title doesn't count!" – Tsubaki shouted with exasperation.

"There are psychologists and psychiatrists who practice without titles" – BB shrugged. – "Unlike physical health, mental health is a subject that is largely forgotten by society, so any idiot can practice it, there are even idiots who think they are psychologists because they watch psychology videos on YouTube"

"Don't forget the coaching" - Nyaruko smirked. – "Now any idiot can sell mud and say it is gold"

"Hey Listen! Let's make a self-help book to sell to idiots with no self-esteem to raise money!" – Navi cannot be missing in any stupid conversation…

"So you want money?" - I sighed internally. – "You are literally a parasite that receives free food and accommodation"

"Hey Listen! I like money! The money generated from fooling idiots is the best! Vote for me!"

Why is Navi dressed like a politician on the campaign trail?

Maybe I'm too tired and now I hallucinate stupid things...

Finishing the Lostbelt, I'll take a break.

I even want to go back to school to make a monotonous, repetitive, and predictable arc.

"I already told you that I am not going to take your son away from you!"

While I was conversing with the stupid voices in my head, Raikou was bullying Yu Mei-ren.

"You want to take my child away from me!"

"I already told you that our relationship is not what you think! Stop pointing your bow at me!"

"Are you saying that my boy threatened you to be his wife?! You disgusting woman, I will not allow you to defame my cute boy!"

"He didn't threaten me!... It's complicated... Wait! That sword looks dangerous!"


Whether it's around me or inside my head, my life is full of noisy people...

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