No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 306: (4): The Attack of the Historical Figures

Chapter 306: (4): The Attack of the Historical Figures

How absurd does my life have to be to see being ambushed by a group of Servants as something normal?

Hungry lions looking at me like a juicy piece of meat, this became an everyday thing.

The most notable figures in history earn Alaya's recognition for inclusion on the Throne of Heroes, but I'm beginning to question whether one of the requirements for becoming a Heroic Spirit is having a high level of sexual appetite.

Due to the stupid affection system implemented by Alaya, the female Servants became extremely attached to me after knowing me for less than three days.

On one hand, my heroic attitude was intoxicating to Servants, on the other hand, my power and willpower were in line with the fetishes of some women with the mentality that only the strong survive.

The combination of my Hero aura, titles, and passive abilities turned out to be a love potion for female Servants.

When my system came into contact with Alaya's affection system, some kind of error arose that caused a case of obsessive love by the female Servants.

System Goddess analyzed this and discovered that the Throne of Heroes has traces of the energy of more than ten system users.

Apparently, Alaya has been using system users as materials to strengthen Servants' abilities, but my system has undergone too many modifications that it can't be considered a standard system.

First, it was the Beast VII's mod, then it was the Navi's mod, if that wasn't enough, the birth of Ortro caused a lot of bugs in my already broken system.

Although System Goddess managed to fix those errors, all those modifications have caused my system to have corrosive effects on other systems.

To give an example, my system is one of NASA's private servers that was invaded by a virus. Somehow, the technicians managed to prevent the virus from destroying the operating system, but if another computer connects to that server, that computer may have errors.

Technically this is very good for me, if a system user capable of stealing systems appears then his system and mind will be corrupted by my [Reader's Madness], but at the same time, if an allied system user tries to combine skills with me, then he or she will suffer a lot of errors in his or her system, soul and mind.

Basically, the combination of [Reader's Madness], [Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], Ortro, and System Goddess has turned me into an anti-system user.

Best of all, even if I lose my system, I will only lose the passive skills that favor me with women, but my combat abilities will remain intact.

My Madness based skills are connected to Ortro, which includes [Paranoia].

Yoko is the core of the [Rasen] and Nia is the core of the [Anti-Rasen], and since they belong to me, I am the current ruler of the two forms of spiral energy, even the Anti-Spiral is my subordinate, although it was himself who gave up his freedom.

Those three energies are the foundation of my skills, while my martial arts are something that depends on my own training and not on the system.

Finally, Tsubaki is my arsenal of weapons, so the system now only serves to attract women with my passive skills, but even without those skills, I could trick women into adding them to my harem, just like I did with Seraph. By the way, System Goddess unlinked Tsubaki from my system so I won't lose her even if my system breaks, I also don't need to do the forgotten mandatory quests.

Speaking of Seraph, I sent her a specially designed wedding ring to protect her from any Contracts, mind control skills, or space manipulation skills. I even used a part of my Stand to make her immune to the strongest restrictive skills.

Due to security issues, I can't use that ring to keep an eye on her, but in case of danger, Abby's skill will activate to kidnap Seraph and send her to my private world.

Anyway, I'll put the explanation aside and focus on the spectacle in front of me.

"I already said it, my family needs an heir and he is the best seed to form strong descendants" - A beautiful blonde girl between 15 and 16 was standing with her arms crossed and a haughty smile, although her look showed that she was having fun with the conflict her actions were causing.

She is Reines El-Melloi Archsorte, a character from the Fate franchise.

Reines is the heiress of a very important family of wizards, but power conflicts have led her family to ruin, even having a debt comparable to the gross domestic product of a small developing country.

When the wizards contacted the Harem King, she was one of the wizards in charge of capturing the Hero of Harmony, so objectively I should want to kill her, but hey, she's cute and her twisted attitude amuses me.

During the Lostbelt, Qin Shi Huang made her the vessel for Servant Sima Yi, one of the generals of the conqueror Cao Cao.

I interrupted the ritual at the most important time so Sima Yi's consciousness no longer exists, but Reines got great benefits in her personal power. Now she is an elite magician in the Clock Tower, which has caused the anguish and fury of many idiots.

Reines thanked me for saving her life, and as a token of gratitude, she offered me to bear my son and be a loyal wife.

This may seem like a good thing to me, but actually, she wants my support to restore her family's prestige, she even hopes that I can pay off the considerable debt on her shoulders.

Sure, part of her feelings are real, or rather, she has affection for me because of the affection system created by Alaya, but her cautious and rational side is superior to her emotional side so she wishes me for the well-being of her last name.

Honestly, that doesn't bother me.

I accepted her offer and now she is my fiancée, which caused even more anger among the idiots in the Clock Tower.

Those idiots sent me a letter asking me to agree to sign a Contract that affiliated me as a member of the Clock Tower.

Obviously, I ignored them, those idiots just want to put me on a leash to control me.

Anyway, until now I haven't slept with Reines and the other female Servants since I wanted to spend time with the Chinese women who fell in love with me due to my deceit and manipulation.

Fields harvested with care and effort produce more delicious vegetables than fields prepared with automated means and artificial chemicals.

Lin Ruoxi, Tang Wan, Su Ji, Su Fei, and other women with Chinese names. I enjoyed my time with them while the female Servants were ignored.

Obviously, this brought a problem.

Reines is a cunning woman who is used to using plans and manipulations to survive. After absorbing Sima Yi's spiritual core, she obtained an enhancement to her intellect, which she took advantage of to become the leader of China's female Servants.

Reines wanted to use that group to force me to impregnate her, but there is a woman who has gone out of her way to protect my 'innocence'.

"The only reason you're not dead is that my child appreciates you" – Raikou was emitting an intense desire to kill as she struggled to maintain her self-control. – "I will not let you treat my cute and adorable boy like a simple stallion, he is a cute boy who will not be manipulated by a disgusting woman like you"

The only reason the Chinese Servant group hasn't tried to kidnap me to **** me is that Raikou has the strength to stop them.

Although the Minamoto no Raikou myth depicts a warrior of great power, the woman with incestuous fetishes is ridiculously powerful. It seems that her author gave her favoritism.

Reines sighed in disappointment. – "The duty of a wife is to care, love, and give children to her husband, the fact that you do not understand something so basic only shows that you are not fit to be a mother"

"…" – Raikou gritted her teeth as her eye trembled.

Reines has a talent for annoying people.

I smiled and enjoyed the scene.

I am currently sitting on a couch while watching the show.

Troublesome women and Navi are still grounded, Gogh is sleeping peacefully inside my mind, Kon is taking care of her daughters who are about to revive, Rachel is making puppets, Ortro is trying to befriend Cerberus, and Tsubaki is training to be able to create weapons stronger than the weapons of Paradise.

The fact that she couldn't absorb the chainsword caused her fear, she feels that if she doesn't get stronger then it won't be a proper weapon anymore and she doesn't want to be an obstacle limiting my strength. She is a cute wife.

Before, I was used to loneliness, but the obsession-based bonding I've developed made me feel a bit lonely when there are no loud voices inside my head.

Despite my extreme emotional attachment, it's rare for me to have a moment of peace, so I focused on enjoying this moment.

For now, I kept eating snacks. The Servant group knows that there are lines that shouldn't be crossed so I don't need to intervene.

I grabbed some nachos with spicy guacamole and enjoyed the discussion between the women.

Asian food is balanced in nutrients and carbohydrates, but I personally feel that it lacks flavor.

I don't have a specific country that I like since each country has its specialties, but among the different types of gastronomy in the world, Latin American food is my favorite.

"How is this called?" -Yu Mei-ren grabbed an arepa curiously.

She's Raikou's Master so it's normal for her to be here, though she has no interest in the discussion so she sat down with me to eat.

"It's a cheese arepa, try it" - I smiled when I saw that Yu Mei-ren enjoyed the food.

She is usually stoic and moody, but she is cute when she smiles and shows her vulnerable side of her.

I watched the way Raikou tried to respond to Reines' taunts, but Raikou is a woman who uses strength rather than wits so it was a losing battle from the start.

"What's the matter? Why don't you talk?" – Reines had a mocking smile when she saw Raikou's frustrated expression.

My fetish for strange and twisted women is problematic…

Raikou seemed to think of something troublesome, her frustrated expression disappearing and her overly doting smile returning, which gave me a bad feeling.

"My dear child~" – Raikou turned to look at me. – "Do you remember our little deal?"

I sighed. - "Seriously? Now?"

Raikou nodded with a big smile. – "Now~"

When Raikou was summoned, she was not willing to work as a team, moreover, she not only wanted to monopolize me, she even wanted to kill Yu Mei-ren so that I would be her Master, which was a problem for the scenario I built.

I talked to her and we managed to reach an agreement.

She would work together with Yu Mei-ren and even accept the fact that I have a harem, but in exchange, there were two conditions:

1) She wants to have a talk with my mother. Honestly, I hope it's not civilized talk...

2) When things calm down, I will have sex with her while she plays the role of mother and I play the role of son.

It's not the first time I've done a mother-son sexual scenario. On several intelligence-gathering missions, I met all sorts of strange women, some of them with incestuous fetishes.

Still, just the thought of sleeping with a woman I have to call mother causes my body to develop 8 types of cancer.

I sighed as my body destroyed the tumors in my digestive system.

"Fine…" – I sighed heavily, then looked up with the expression of an innocent child with an Oedipus complex. – "Mommy♥"

"…" – Yu Mei-ren was so surprised that she dropped the teacup into her hand. - "You…"

I'm glad Navi and BB aren't here or their teasing would be endless.

"…Oh… my child…" – Raikou's nose was bleeding.

Nosebleeds from over-arousal could only be caused by a vascular malformation or heart defect, but it's something I've seen several times in Japan so I'm not surprised.

Before, I thought this was because the Japanese are genetically weak, but Nyaruko explained to me that it's an anime stupid cliché.

"It has to be a joke…" – Reines looked at me incredulously, although she seems to like my acting like an innocent child.

Not only her, but most of the Servants were also the same, even Yu Mei-ren seemed to want to hug me.

The contrast between my appearance as a cranky criminal and my attitude as an innocent child is liked by many women, it is the combination between the instinctive search for strong men and the taste for cute things.

I sighed internally. I have no pride or dignity, but this is disgusting.

Raikou was unable to control her sexual urges. Similar to a hungry wolf, she jumped at me.

Her action had been so impulsive that she had knocked over the sofa where I was sitting, which flung away Yu Mei-ren who was sitting next to me.

Although Raikou has a caring mother complex, she has the heart and mind of a bloodthirsty warrior so she didn't think that her actions could hurt me, she was only focused on her wishes.

Raikou's hands held my shoulders as her breathing became heavy.

She was sitting on my waist letting me feel the firmness of her buttocks. They're not as smooth as Shizuka's body or other women with erotic bodies in my harem, but Raikou's strong body has a wild charm that shows her strength and dedication.

Unconsciously, Raikou was rubbing her crotch with my current erection.

Being on the submissive side doesn't matter to me, so I showed an expression of innocent confusion. - "What is going on mommy? Are you sick? Your cheeks are red…"

"…" – Raikou had an orgasm just from my words, her sexual appetite is comparable to that of a succubus.

I couldn't keep acting like a brat as Raikou kissed my lips.

Her way of kissing lacked technique, she was just following her sexual instincts.

Although I can use my extensive experience in kissing to make Raikou orgasm, it would break my acting like an innocent child, and from what I see, she enjoys this scenario much more than mere sexual pleasure.

I let Raikou do what she wanted, I even made a scared expression as if I didn't understand what was going on.

Raikou's greatest desire is to be a loving mother, but her mental problems have given her a sadistic temper that she herself is unaware of.

When she noticed my scared expression, she didn't stop her actions, instead, her arousal increased. My innocence, fear, ignorance, and worry excited Raikou.

Whether it's men with little girls or women with little boys, pedophiles derive sexual pleasure from subduing a helpless and frightened creature, it gives them a sense of superiority and control, even if they don't realize it themselves.

Raikou was so excited that she ripped my shirt, then started kissing my face and licking my neck.

"M-Mom?" – I spoke with a trembling and sobbing voice, similar to a small scared animal.

"My child, only mine ♥" – Raikou gasped like a cocaine addict inhaling drugs, then bit my shoulder hard.

I pretended to suffer from the pain, even shedding a tear which made Raikou gasp.

When she saw my blood, she managed to calm down a bit.

The basis of her psyche is sadism and cruelty which is shown in her second personality, but she really fell in love with me. Those feelings of affection have suppressed her cruel nature, so the idea of hurting me scares her, but it also excited her.

A crazy and troubled woman...

I raised my hand and gently caressed her face while my expression continued to show fear and pain, but also showed sincere love. – "M-Mom, I'm fine, I just want you to be happy… if you want, you c-can continue…"

Raikou swallowed hard. I'm not sure, but I think her pupils turned into little red hearts.

Raikou didn't say a word and stood up, then grabbed my pants and ripped them savagely.

To save her time, earlier I made my underwear and shoes disappear so now I'm lying on the floor, completely naked and with a huge boner.

The women in the room stared at my dick.

My dick is not something from another world, I am within the standard measurement of westerners, but for these women, I am what they want the most.

Raikou's clothes are something like a spirit combat suit, she can take it off with a single thought so it only took her an instant to be completely naked.

Raikou's panting breath made her large breasts heave. Her breasts weren't the soft and supple type like Shizuka's, but Raikou's breasts had an excellent shape and firmness thanks to her arduous combat training.

Raikou spread her legs apart and stood on top of my body. Her feet were on the sides of my waist making her wet vagina rest on my erection, her arousal had reached the point that her genitals were letting out fluids that fell on my crotch.

Raikou lowered her waist and used her right hand to hold my hard dick, then began to rub the tip against the entrance of her wet genital region.

True to my professional hypocrisy, I showed an expression of nervousness and fear, but with a slight expectation and excitement. – "M-Mom…"

I'm basically acting like a teenager about to lose his virginity, although I can also be seen as a little boy about to be abused by a female pedophile. I prefer not to think about the latter or I feel that I will awaken a repressed trauma.

Raikou felt my words attack her heart causing her supposed maternal side to overflowing with lust.

Raikou lowered her hip forcefully making my dick fill her insides in an instant.

She had used so much force that any human without the strength of a Hero would have died from having his pelvis crushed. She is not suitable to love weak people.

Raikou moaned as she orgasmed intensely. Having my dick inside her had caused her the greatest pleasure, not because of the sexual stimulation, but because of the psychological factor of being united to the man (son) she loves.

Raikou placed her hands on my chest and her nails dug into my skin.

She didn't move her waist as the pleasure had overwhelmed her senses, right now she was trapped by excessive cognitive stimulation and both her mind and her body was frozen.

I feigned pain which made Raikou regain consciousness.

She quickly pulled her nails out of my skin and showed extreme concern, but my childish expression of pain and fear had made the inside of her vagina clench with pleasure.

I'm so used to pain that this is irrelevant, I just focused on enjoying the inside of Raikou. The inside of her is warm and her muscles are strong so it is quite tight.

She has excellent control of her own body, but she lacks sexual experience. With enough experience, she will be able to use her vaginal muscles to give me more pleasure.

Raikou began to make small circular movements with her hip.

Gradually those movements intensified, at the same time, she began to go down and up her waist.

Instinctively, she was making my crotch stimulate every vaginal fold inside her.

Raikou didn't try to contain her moans, she was panting hard as if she wanted to show off to the other women in the room.

Contrary to her gentle appearance, Raikou was acting like a perverted nympho.

She was moaning loudly as her left hand massaged her left breast and played with her nipple. Her right hand was on my face, her index finger caressing my cheek while her thumb was inside my mouth as if she wanted to hear my sounds of plea and pleasure.

With an expression of fear and excitement, I looked at Raikou's elated expression.

When she met my eyes, her gaze filled with a twisted, sick motherly love mixed with possessive lust.

Raikou stopped pinching her own nipples and used both hands to hold my face, then forced my head up to press my face into her big breasts.

She kept moving her hips while I was sitting on the floor so our position was awkward, but neither of us cared about that, our strong bodies allow us to do this kind of thing without feeling discomfort.

"My cute boy, here, drink mommy's milk ♥" – Raikou pressed her right nipple with my mouth, her actions were frantic, almost violent, but her voice was filled with an unpleasant maternal feeling.

Raikou wasn't lactating which was good for my non-existent sanity. Breastfeeding is one of the sexual fetishes I don't have, I even dislike it, although it's something I've done in my old job as a gigolo… I don't want to talk about it.

I sucked on Raikou's nipple while my right hand began to caress her left breast, at the same time, my left hand began to caress her buttocks.

Raikou's breasts were a true wonder. They weren't soft like marshmallows so my fingers didn't sink into them, but the firmness and texture were addictive.

It is impressive that a warrior has such soft and smooth skin. It seems that female Servants were made to be sexual objects... I'll have to investigate that.

Personally, I prefer buttocks and thighs over breasts, but Raikou's entire body was a work of art in sexual terms so I enjoyed every second our bodies stayed in contact.

When Raikou was about to have her fifth orgasm, I felt it was a good time for my first ejaculation.

I timed my orgasm with her so we both climaxed at the same time.

Raikou's eyes widened as she felt my semen inside her.

In physiological terms, the sensation of the semen inside the uterus causes the female body to increase its production of hormones to increase the possibility of fertilization, this generates greater sexual pleasure, but the real pleasure comes from the psychological aspect where the woman feels that she can form a family with the man she loves.

When you are in a romantic relationship, the psychological factor may be more important than the sexual aspects.

Raikou has an extremely strong mind, she won't frown even if her limbs are cut off or her organs are pierced, she is even able to put up a certain level of resistance against the orders of the Command Seals. Still, she has a great psychological weakness and that is her need for affection.

Raikou is capable of withstanding the shock of sexual pleasure and if our relationship depended solely on lust, then she could maintain intercourse for several days without rest, but the extreme happiness she felt upon receiving my semen made her mind overwhelmed.

Despite being covered in sweat and other fluids, Raikou passed out with a peaceful smile that made her look like an innocent sleeping princess.

A few days ago, she told me about her foster son and my new foster brother, the ogre (oni) hunter Sakata Kintoki.

Kintoki was something like Raikou's first love, although she herself is not aware of that, she only thinks that she treated him as her son.

Raikou had tried to show her 'love' to Kintoki, but he always ran away from her since he respected her as a teacher and mother. He never felt the slightest sexual interest in Raikou.

Then things happened that I honestly don't care about, so they both drifted apart until Raikou's eventual death,

From beginning to end, Kintoki never reciprocated Raikou's twisted love so she had an inferiority complex, she was even scared that I might reject her twisted motherly love.

Now that I accepted her feelings, she felt such overwhelming happiness that her mind couldn't process the rush of emotions, so she lost consciousness.

What's interesting is that, with [Reader's Madness], I could see that Raikou's two personalities were happy.

In a way, Ushi-Gozen and Minamoto no Raikou managed to create a state of balance.

Now I have to make Raikou gain mastery over her second personality, so she can use the full power of Ushi-Gozen without the need to go crazy.

I smiled with genuine affection seeing Raikou's innocent and loving smile. She is a grown woman and a violent warrior, but she is very adorable when she sleeps.

I carefully got to my feet while carrying Raikou, then arranged the sofa and arranged Raikou so that she could rest. Lastly, I took out a blanket from my inventory to cover her, which made her smile grow even though she was unconscious.

A golden light appeared in the wounds on my body leaving me in perfect condition.

I'm still naked, covered in Raikou's fluids, and with a boner.

Several gazes were still glued to my naked body.

In all the time I had been with Raikou, the women had been watching with different emotions ranging from embarrassment, excitement, jealousy, and greed.

Showing no shame at my pathetic act as a **** victim, I looked at the women in the room and smiled. – "Well, who's next?"

Yu Mei-ren and Reines had their mouths open in disbelief, they couldn't believe that I could act so cute and submissive despite my usual bad temper.

"My turn!" – A beautiful girl with purple hair rushed towards me before the other women could react.

She is the only Empress of China and the cause of some of the bloodiest moments in Chinese history, Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian is not a classy Servant like a mage or archer since she has her real body, so she has no class limitations.

I say this since Nyaruko mentioned that the current Wu Zetian is the Caster version instead of the Assassin version, which I really thank my luck since according to Nyaruko, the Assassin version is a brat while the Caster version is a woman.

I hope the stupid author stops giving in to group pressure to add brats around me, I prefer milfs.

Wu Zetian hugged me to press her well-developed breasts with my abdomen. She's using blatant seduction tactics, but that's unnecessary, today is my last day in China so I'll make sure to add every single female Servant to my harem.

Unfortunately for the readers, the author feels uncomfortable detailing sexual scenes, and that idiot reached his tolerance limit, so the orgy I had with the female Servants will not be described.

Among the entire group of women, the only ones who did not agree to join in the fun were Yu Mei-ren and Xuanzang Sanzang.

Xuanzang Sanzang is still a little depressed about Buddha's death.

She does not hold a grudge against me since, according to her, Buddha would have preferred death instead of becoming the weapon of tyrants, in fact, she is eternally grateful to me for freeing both Buddha and her.

I still hold a grudge against the Buddhists, but their doctrines are convenient.

Although Xuanzang developed affection and a certain level of dependency towards me, she has a conservative mindset towards sexual relations so it will take some time before she is willing to enter my bed. That seems ironic to me since her wardrobe is anything but conservative.

As for Yu Mei-ren, she fully agreed to be my wife and has devoted herself to me body and soul, but she dislikes debauchery. She said that she will only have sex with me when we are alone together and she will not engage in collective sexual acts.

I respect her choice so I let her watch as she secretly masturbates watching me in an orgy with other women.

Although she denies it, she does have a certain level of masochism.

In that way, I enjoyed the time with Wu Zetian, Jin Ke, Qin Liangyu, Huyan Zhuo, Xu Fu, and Miss Crane. They are all characters from the Fate franchise.

I found it absurd that Xu Fu was female, but it was interesting that Yu Mei-ren gave her the order to please me. Yu Mei-ren took her role of submissive and loyal wife very seriously.

Xu Fu didn't even try to refuse despite not being comfortable with me, her loyalty (obsessive love) for Yu Mei-ren made her totally obedient.

By the way, Xu Fu used to be a lesbian and I don't like the idea of someone else wanting to touch my wives, so I was a little rude to her.

Maybe, just maybe, I turned her into a masochist…

Another striking thing is that Miss Crane is the representation of an ancient tale shared by Japan and China. Basically, she's a crane with self-destructive tendencies who wishes to return the favors, even if it destroys her body.

Men who are actually women, beings from ancient tales... The requirements to be a Servant are stupid, but that makes me wonder.

There are many striking women in Chinese history so I feel that there should be many more female Servants in Chinese history, but the number of women Qin Shi Huang summoned is very small.

Qin Shi Huang had the traditional Chinese mentality, so perhaps he thought that women were useless and so he focused on summoning male Servants.

Another possibility is that Fate doesn't have many female Servants from China, but this world is a combination of several Stories so characters from other Stories should appear. For example, Xi Wang is from a video game called Dynasty Warriors.

Anyway, I'll investigate that later, the current female Servants are enough to give me a nice time, besides, they're what I need to get Alaya's attention.

I was with the women until night came.

They were resting with smug smiles, I made sure each of them had their fetishes satisfied so the Servants' affection system reached the maximum level.

Even Yu Mei-ren and Xuanzang were affected by it, and although they didn't join in the orgy, it's clear that they're looking forward to their own private moments.

Tomorrow morning I have to go to the airport so I have about six hours to relax, or so I'd like to say.

Raikou and the Servants with better senses widened their eyes and stood up while holding their weapons.

I smiled wryly and held up my hands for them to calm down. – "Calm down, it is not an enemy"

In front of the residence where I am, a magical energy signature appeared, slowly approaching us.

The energy trail was very obvious and moving slowly, the unknown entity seeking to get our attention to express ourselves that it was not here to fight but to talk.

I used [Rasen] to remove the female fluids covering my body, then took out a new set of clothes and dressed to meet Alaya's representative.

"We will accompany you" – Raikou spoke without emotions, her personality changed to combat mode.

I nodded, it's better if the Servants accompany me.

The women dressed and accompanied me to the entrance of the residence.

"Seriously?" – I sighed.

Wu Zetian had dressed, but she did not remove the strong smell of sex on her body.

Wu Zetian smiled cheekily. – "Kehahaha, now you are our husband so we must show it~"

She talks about herself in the plural and acts like a spoiled brat...

It's good that her appearance isn't that of a brat or it would be impossible for me to treat her like a woman.

I sighed and stroked her head.

"Good, that's a good way to praise us, keep stroking our head" – Wu Zetian smiled like a smug girl.

I sighed, why is my life full of spoiled brats?

My daughters are entering their teens and becoming rebellious…

Living is troublesome.




Author's Note:

Have a Merry Christmas <3

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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