No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 312: Infinite Stratos 3

Chapter 312: Infinite Stratos 3

(Umaru Perspective) (Himouto! Umaru-chan)

This is so relaxing...

"Come here, perverted idiot!"

"I already said it was an accident!"

"I'm going to castrate you!"

"Ahhhhh this shouldn't be like this!"

The Infinite Stratos waifus were chasing Hiroki, the hatred in the eyes of that waifus was so intense that they seemed to have seen Krillin die.

Today there was combat training so it was necessary for the women to go to the showers after training.

I hate showers, but Mirko forced me to take a shower even though my body doesn't stink. I couldn't fight her so I quickly washed my body and then got out of there.

My luck was very good as shortly after I got out of the showers, Hiroki climbed in through the window to look at the waifus' naked bodies. The only neuron in his stupid head is only good for thinking about sex.

Hiroki was discovered, but he pretended that he got there by accident while making an innocent and adorable childish face.

This had allowed Hiroki to avoid the displeasure of the waifus on multiple occasions, but this time, the power of the plot was not on his side.

The waifus didn't buy that stupidity and were furious, especially Medaka since Hiroki had seen every inch of her body naked from her while. The idiot was salivating like a loli addict looking at an elementary school.

Medaka proved that she is not a helpless maiden but a shonen protagonist. She kicked Hiroki's face so hard that the idiot smashed the wall with his body.

The fact that Hiroki wasn't put in a coma from that blow shows that the idiot is very strong, or well, he's as tough as a rom-com lead with violent waifus.

Hiroki's nose was broken and his perfect face now looked like a Pablo Picasso painting.

Despite the pain of having a broken nose, Hiroki managed to get to his feet to escape.

The waifus saw this so they covered their bodies with towels and chased after Hiroki to further smash his face.

Now I'm on the roof of the academy while watching the group of angry waifus.

"That kid's actions are getting more and more exaggerated, he seems to have realized that things are not progressing as he wants, so he is forcing unpleasant situations" - Next to me was a monster that eats human flesh, but that monster was enjoying a mocha donut. – "He is like a gambler who has lost all his money in a casino, but he decides to pawn his house under the belief that he can recover all his money… it is very funny"

My mouth twisted bitterly. – "My father did that… three times…"

"Your family situation is so unfortunate" – Although the words seemed kind, the tone of voice only showed amusement and mockery.

I sighed, I never imagined that I would make friends with a cannibalistic ghoul.

Eto Yoshimura, one of the villains of Tokyo Ghoul. She is a twisted person with a completely deranged mind, to say that she is crazy is an understatement, she goes beyond the usual meaning of mental illness.

My brother made me read at least one book a week because according to him, too much internet will only make me more stupid…. Silly brother.

I like reading manga, comics, web novels, and light novels, but I hate academic books. Even so, I learned several things about various subjects.

I don't know much about psychology since I don't like it, but I understand that Eto is an extremely dangerous psychopath since she can kill for mere fun, but she is also someone who can collaborate with the humans she hates in order to fulfill her own goals.

After Medaka stopped being affected by Hiroki's charm, I shared some food with the Infinite Stratos waifus and the chat room.

This not only proved effective in resisting Hiroki's protagonist charm, but I was also able to make friends with the waifus.

I don't know if they really want to be my friend, or if they just want my brother's food, but I really don't care, friendship and love are based on benefits, at least that's what my brother says.

Mirko and Medaka didn't think too much about the situation, they just think that Hiroki is too perverted which makes him unpleasant.

Unlike the heroes, the villains have scary analytical minds.

Eto, Esdeath, and Kiss-Shot noticed the change in their feelings. They analyzed the situation and realized that their personalities changed when they met Hiroki, and then went back to normal when they tasted my brother's food.

My low experience in social interactions has made me weak to peer pressure, so I confessed everything I know when they questioned me.

I mentioned that I could see Hiroki's stupidity from the first day we entered the chat room, but I realized that they were being too submissive towards Hiroki.

I had many theories, but I didn't know why I was special. It was only when I saw Medaka changing her attitude that I noticed the effects of my brother's food.

Although I hate Hiroki, I was honest in my speculations. I don't know if Hiroki did something to affect women, if it's a passive skill he doesn't know about, or if someone else is using Hiroki as a pawn.

I also mentioned that as far as I know, my world is normal without any trace of special skills or magical creatures, but it's possible that all of that exists in secret.

Most likely, my brother has some sort of magical or psychic skill that protects his mind, and he can share that skill through food.

I didn't mention that it only increases my anxiety. If my brother already found the cure for his dying body, then it's a matter of time before he gets involved in something dangerous, but if he still doesn't find a cure, then he will die in no time…

I want to become strong to protect my brother in the same way that he has protected me all my life.

Although it all sounded strange, the three waifus believed me which made me a little happy. Feeling that someone trusts me is very nice.

Although I expected that Eto and Esdeath would be interested in understanding the situation, it was unexpected that Kiss-Shot would be so interested in all of this, especially since she always seems apathetic and bored with life.

The three women analyzed the situation and determined that we still lack a lot of information, but for now, it is best to assume that Hiroki is not an ally, but not an enemy either, at least not for now.

At that moment, Kiss-Shot made a remark that chilled us all.

Can the person who tried to affect our emotions use the chat room to monitor us?

That wasn't impossible and that worried us, but then my new friend, Paranoia-chan, appeared.

Paranoia-cha said that everything was fine and the chat room was relatively safe, but I think she will give me some warnings in the future.

I explained this to the waifus, although they had several doubts.

Despite the doubts, we established a group to seek answers and, if necessary, eliminate Hiroki.

We also prepare a short explanation for Mirko and Medaka as it will be a problem if they suspect that we are planning something. We told them that some unknown creature or person was stalking us and wanted to use Hiroki, so we need to find information.

We didn't tell you all our guesses since Mirko is very impulsive and if she thinks Hiroki uses mind control to subdue women, she'll run to smash the idiot's face in, especially since she no longer sees Hiroki as an innocent shota, but as an adult posing as a child.

Although I would like to see the rabbit waifu beating up the fanfic protagonist, we are still lacking information and it is possible that Mirko will fall into danger if she acts impulsively.

On the other hand, Medaka's mind is full of happiness and rainbows, she will never accept that Hiroki is an enemy, it is even possible that she will try to protect him if he turns out to be an enemy that must be killed.

For now, Medaka and Mirko are more attentive to Hiroki's actions, although this also makes them very angry as they can see that Hiroki is a potential sexual abuser. Now Hiroki was excluded from the group, but he hasn't realized this because he was too busy harassing the Infinite Stratos waifus.

As for the villainous waifus, they don't trust Paranoia-chan and I understand it, if it wasn't for the feeling of familiarity she gives me then I wouldn't trust her either.

[■: Q-Q]

Don't worry, I trust you, you can see my thoughts so I can't lie to you.

[■: <3]

Although the waifus don't trust Paranoia-chan, they had no choice but to accept her since there are still many things we can't understand.

On the other hand, Eto theorized that maybe Paranoia-chan doesn't exist and that my theory of hidden powers is true. According to her, Paranoia-chan is a figment of my imagination, and Paranoia-chan's prediction abilities are actually my own ability to perceive future events.

This made Paranoia-chan angry, but I can't help but think that it's possible…

My mother has mental and emotional problems that make her lose track of reality, as well as being emotionally dependent.

My father is an alcoholic and gambling narcissist who tried to prostitute my mother and me…. I do not want to think about that.

My brother is a mythomaniac psychopath who started killing people before he was ten years old.

My whole family has mental problems, so it wouldn't be strange if I have some kind of schizophrenia or something.

It could even be that all this is a hallucination generated by the fear of losing my brother...

I never told my brother, but many times I had suicidal thoughts...

[■: <3 <3 <3 <3]

I'm fine Paranoia-chan, I just started to ramble.

[■: <3]

Although what Eto said made sense, I firmly believe that Paranoia-chan is real and she is my friend, although I have started to think that maybe, just maybe, she was sent by my brother to protect me…

You will not say anything?

[■: /ᐠ .ᆺ. ᐟ]

… Seriously? A cat?

[■: ^ↀᴥↀ^]

… My brother likes cats, although cats hate him… I miss him…

"Are you thinking of your brother again?" – Eto's voice took me out of my thoughts.

I sighed. – "I miss him a lot"

Eto shrugged with a smile. – "You will be able to see him when we finish the affairs of this world, don't be so hasty… on the other hand, I would like to meet your brother…"

Eto despises humans, but she doesn't totally hate Esdeath and me since we have no prejudice against ghouls or vampires, she even developed a small friendship with Kiss-Shot since they both have similar diets.

Although Eto has a great disgust towards humans, she developed a curiosity towards my brother.

This is not only because of all that I have talked about him, but my brother's food is too strange.

The food not only canceled Hiroki's charm, Esdeath mentioned that she had stopped hearing the incessant voices of her teigu (Akame ga Kill anime's main weapon).

Esdeath's weapon is called the Demon's Extract, a teigu created from the blood of a monster capable of controlling ice. That teigu is very powerful, but it has the defect of generating voices that will try to control the user's mind.

Esdeath had managed to subdue the voices thanks to her exaggerated willpower, but the voices have not stopped ringing inside her head. Esdeath said that she had already gotten used to the voices, but it was relaxing to have a clear mind, also, she seems to have increased control of her teigu now that the voices have disappeared.

My brother is a PowerUP…

Besides Esdeath, all the women in the chat room were curious about my brother.

Ghouls can't eat human food, but my brother's food turned out to be very nutritious for Eto. According to her, a single cookie was more nutritious than eating 1000 ghouls… That sounds very bizarre.

Like Esdeath, Eto felt that her strength had improved thanks to my brother's food, it is even possible that her kagune had evolved, although she has not checked it since it would be a problem if the people of this world find out that she is a human-eating monster.

Eto wanted my brother's food to help the ghouls in her world, but she didn't force me to give it to her instead she wants to meet my brother.

I don't know if she wants to learn how to cook like my brother, or if she wants to kidnap him to become the chef for the ghouls, but I'm not worried, the strongest person in the chat group also wants to meet my brother.

Kiss-Shot was very interested in my brother's food since, according to her, a single cookie had satisfied her endless hunger.

Kiss-Shot can eat human food, but her hunger for human meat is something that can't go away. She is able to control that hunger and she can go decades without eating, but the feeling of having an empty stomach causes her discomfort.

Kiss-Shot said that with just one cookie, she felt all her hunger disappear and it was the most satisfying feeling in her entire long life.

Kiss-Shot warned Eto that if she took her away from her precious food, then the ghoul would have to learn to live without limbs, eyes, and tongue.

My brother is a magnet for strange women...

Esdeath also got involved in this discussion and now three psychopaths want to meet my brother.

Even though this is dangerous, I know my brother well enough to know that he'll be fine, he has plenty of experience dealing with mentally disturbed women, though I'll need to get stronger just in case…

Mirko and Medaka also benefited from my brother's food, but the benefit was more subtle.

Medaka mentioned that her ability to analyze movements and combat techniques had improved.

Mirko felt her combat instincts strengthened, although she was the one who had the most exaggerated reaction to tasting the food.

Mirko's loud moan was unexpected, I even think she had an orgasm when she tasted the food.

Although Kiss-Shot has the better senses among us, Mirko has animal features and I don't know if that made her more sensitive to the taste of food.

There are many things I don't understand, so I need answers.

Infinite Stratos waifus also had improvements to their perception and concentration abilities.

Even though they all had benefits, I didn't feel jealous.

I didn't realize it before, but now that I think about it, my health and mental abilities improved a lot since my brother's cooking skills improved.

I'm used to staying up all night playing video games, but now I can play for two days straight and all my exhaustion washes away with a two-hour nap.

Although my physical abilities are those of a girl my age, my reflexes, memory, and analytical skills are way above normal people, it's just that I didn't realize that since I don't interact much with other people.

Although I hate exercise, I decided to ask Mirko and Esdeath for help in learning how to fight.

I immediately regretted it as I feel like I'll die after every training, but both waifus say that my learning ability is a prodigy and before long I'll be able to defend myself.

That doesn't make me happy, they're just having fun using me as a punching bag...

Despite the pain of training, my brother's food is capable of relieving all pain, it can even heal any injury I received while training, such as muscle inflammation or any scratch.

The mysteries of food only keep increasing so Eto brought a sample of the food to the smartest person in this world, scientist Tabane Shinonono.

Tabane was not very interested in analyzing food, but after taking some tests, she was also curious about food.

The ingredients were normal and the only remarkable thing was that there were no sugars, carbohydrates, or harmful fats, the food was totally healthy to the point that it did not even generate the urge to defecate.

That explains why I didn't need to go to the bathroom since I only started eating what my brother prepares, I thought I was constipated...

Although that was surprising, there was something more important. Food is an energy generator.

It's normal for food to generate energy through digestion, but the nutrients in the food my brother made could literally produce energy.

The most surprising thing is that food breaks the laws of conservation of energy. Even if a cookie is used as a battery, the energy inside it will not run out.

Although that sounds like something radioactive, it was actually healthy, which didn't make sense.

Tabane practically went berserk upon discovering this and said that my brother's food was the key to building a clean and inexhaustible source of energy.

The problem is that all this was only in theory since it was impossible to make electronic devices harness the energy of food. It was as if only intelligent beings could use food, while any other use was totally impossible.

Tabane has been locked in her laboratory since then, she is obsessed with creating an inexhaustible energy generator, but until now all her attempts have been useless.

The energy in the food seemed capable of adapting to anything with a consciousness, be it human, monster, animal, or machine. If something is not a 'person', then that something will not be able to harness the energy of food.

This food was made to feed any species, even artificial beings...

Brother… what the hell did you get yourself into?!

Sounds like he works at the SCP Foundation... My worries grow every day.

Now Tabane calls me from time to time to her laboratory to talk.

The identity the chat room gave me was that of an orphan, so people think I talk a lot about my brother because I haven't gotten over the trauma of seeing my family die in a car accident.

I accidentally said that the food was made by my brother, which made Tabane suspicious.

I had a discussion with the villains in the chat room and we came to the conclusion that hiding the truth will only cause misunderstandings.

We decided to tell the truth to Tabane and Chifuyu on the condition that they do not expose us to the government.

We didn't tell them that Eto and Kiss-Shot eat humans, or that Esdeath is the general of a corrupt dictatorship, but we did explain that we are agents of other worlds and our mission is to visit other worlds in search of abnormalities.

Tabane was curious about other worlds, but Chifuyu seems to be suspicious of us and is now watching us. She does think we're from other worlds, but she seems to think we're alien spies or something.

One good thing that came out of all this is that Tabane will make me a custom IS in exchange for more food samples, although she also wants to meet my brother.

I don't know if the chat room will allow Tabane to travel with me and then bring her back to this world, but Tabane was insistent even when I explained this to her.

Now Tabane is doing research on dimension travel in order to be able to replicate the space travel of the chat room. I wish her good luck, even though it's just a wasted effort.

If dimension travel was possible without a chat room, then anyone could go to other anime worlds.

I continued eating with Eto until lunchtime was over.

The bell signaling the end of break rang so I was about to go back to the classroom, but the chat room opened.

[Kiss-Shot: I think I found the abnormality]

Kiss-Shot is on a personal mission to be the first person to find the abnormality so she has been roaming the city day and night. She has the advantage of not needing to sleep.

[Kiss-Shot has started a video call]

Eto, Medaka, and I connected to the call. I think Mirko and Esdeath are still fighting since they both developed a strange rivalry, on the other hand, Hiroki must be doing stupid things.

I looked at the screen and what I saw was… what is that?

Kiss-Shot was in the warehouse area of a port.

On the ground there were several men with weapons and military clothes without logos, they seem to be mercenaries or spies.

[Medaka: Did you have to kill them all?!]

I smiled wryly, she's still too idealistic.

Someone willing to kill must be willing to die, those mercenaries do not deserve compassion since they chose that path.

Kiss-Shot ignored Medaka and pointed to a cage.

The scene was littered with blood and intestines, but all of that was forgotten when we saw the cage.

The cage was big enough to hold an elephant, but there was only one man or something like a man.

The creature was bound with chains that were connected to the ceiling, floor, and walls of the cage. Every one of his joints was chained so he couldn't move an inch, there were even tubes attached to his body which seemed to be administering sedatives.

"This thing was covered with a black blanket" – Kiss-Shot pointed to a thick blanket on the floor.

That blanket seems to have thermal insulation so the mercenaries must have been guarding the creature without seeing it.

This reminds me of horror games before the monster wreaks havoc...

"I've never seen anything like this" – Eto murmured with a mixture of curiosity and disgust.

I'm not sure, but I think there was a little fear in her voice.

I sincerely admire Kiss-Shot, she's able to stand in front of the creature even though I'm terrified just looking at her, it's like my body and mind want to turn off the chat room and run away as far as possible.

The creature seemed to be fast asleep.

His height was two meters, he has two legs and four arms.

His skin was black as petroleum, but it looked solid as stone. It was as if the creature's body was made of obsidian.

The creature had long claws, almost as long as my arms.

The creature's body was covered in long scars that didn't really look like injuries, it was as if they were eyelids.

In various places on its body, there were strange white-colored spines, although I think those spines look like human teeth.

The strangest thing was that the creature's face resembled a mannequin's head. It was a human head with no hair, ears, or facial features, just a long vertical scar down the middle of its face.

Although the creature has no eyes, the way it breathes is similar to a person in a deep sleep.

How does he breathe if he doesn't have nostrils?

No, for starters… What is that thing?

[Eto: Did you leave survivors for questioning?]

Kiss-Shot pointed to three people on the ground.

The three soldiers had their legs and arms broken, but they appear to be still alive, just unconscious.

"Esdeath is good with interrogations so I left some alive" – Kiss-Shot spoke with a lot of discomforts, she seems to want to get away from the creature as soon as possible, but she also shows curiosity.

[Medaka: D-Did that thing move?]

We looked at the creature, but there was no change, it was just breathing.

[■: !!!!]


[Medaka: Those things are her eyes!]

The creature's scars opened. I was right, those things were eyelids.

Dozens of eyes widened and stared at Kiss-Shot.

I don't know if that thing is looking at us, but I can't stop looking at those eyes.

They were black pupils, blacker than the vacuum of space.

The look in those eyes was lifeless and emotionless, but it was very different from Paranoia-chan's eye, it was a strange and disgusting look that caused deep fear, a fear that I can't describe. It was the fear of something that should not exist even in the darkest nightmares.

My head…. Hurts…

My head hurts…

But I can't close my eyes...

[■: ■■■■]

I don't understand… you know I don't understand… my head hurts…



[Umaru has received ■■■]

… The headache disappeared.

"Agh, damn it..." – Eto was crouched on the floor while she held her head, but her gaze was still glued to the screen of the chat room.

[■: C...c......c......c.........■]


[■: ^^]

I quickly took out a cookie and put it in Eto's mouth.

Eto chewed the food and her expression improved.

Taking a deep breath, she looked away from the chat room and gave me a strange look. – "I never thought to say this to a human… thank you"

I smiled slightly embarrassed, I'm not used to someone showing me gratitude.

I remembered that Eto was not the uncia affected and quickly sent a message to the chat room.

[Umaru: Eat my brother's food, that will nullify the mental attack!]

We were worried that Hiroki had some mind control skills so every waifu in the chat has four cookies in her personal inventory.

My food supply continues to dwindle, but now is no time to cry.

I saw Kiss-Shot taking out a donut to eat in one bite.

Kiss-Shot took a deep breath and exhaled with relief, she seemed to be the most affected by the creature's gaze.

Kiss-Shot craned his neck from her and then looked at the creature with a hateful glare. – "I'm going to kill this damn thing"

The creature seemed to have no emotions or thoughts, the hundreds of eyes just kept staring at Kiss-Shot.

[Umaru: Wait, we don't know if it's dangerous to touch it]

[Medaka: She's right, we shouldn't act rashly, even if you're a vampire, that thing could affect your mind, we don't know what other abilities it has]

Kiss-Shot frowned in annoyance but did not approach the creature.

The creature seemed to be tired as it slowly closed its hundreds of eyes again.

Suddenly, the chat room issued a new notification.

[The anomaly has been identified in the world Infinite Stratos]

[Anomaly: Presence of unknown energy that does not match the plot]

[Chain quest has been triggered]

…I like chain quests within RPG games, but now I can only think that this is a nuisance.

Most likely, the chat room will require us to destroy the source causing the anomaly, but this just gives me a bad feeling.


Identify the anomaly: Success.

Identify the source of the unknown energy: Pending.

Eliminate the source of the anomaly: Pending]

This is so annoying...

[The danger level has been registered as being too high for current members of the chat room]

[A space will open for another member of the Multiverse Chat Room]

…Is there an OP waifu coming or is it just an excuse to expand Hiroki's harem?

[Jade_Skin has connected]

Waifu cultivator?!

Oh shit, those are the most narcissistic and insufferable waifus, I don't want to hear about frogs in wells…

[Jade_Skin: This venerable demands the elixir that was promised to this venerable]

I sighed deeply. – "This will be a bother…"

[■: :^) ]

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