No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 325: Reunion with someone peculiar

Chapter 325: Reunion with someone peculiar

I arrived at the building where Ichika lives and the receptionist let me in without any problem, although in the distance I noticed that a man was watching me with a camera.

There's no trace of hostility and I'm not in the mood to investigate the situation, so I sent a Spiral Puppet to follow the man, then went to Ichika's apartment.

When I pushed the button to call the elevator, Ichika got out of the elevator and smiled at me.

"Hello dear" – Ichika held my arm like a loving girlfriend and led me into the elevator.

When the elevator door closed, I kissed Ichika.

After parting our lips she smiled, although she seemed a little confused. – "Usually you are not so hasty"

I sighed. – "I am very tired and I just want to relax…"

Ichika showed concern and hugged me gently. – "Another complicated mission?"

I think this is the first time I've shown my exhaustion and weak-mindedness, so it's normal for her to be worried…

I hugged Ichika and didn't want to delve into the subject or she might get very worried.

The migraine is killing me...

"By the way…" – I sighed. – "I think a paparazzi photographed us when you hugged me… I can send someone to take care of it"

Ichika is beautiful, talented, and has a father with money, so she has everything to be a highly regarded celebrity, but she has turned down many scripts as she doesn't want to have romantic interactions with other men, even if it's just acting.

Despite that, she has been very popular by playing villainous roles in some dramas. In fact, she is currently participating in a series where she is the evil sister of the protagonist.

I don't care about the series, but I'm proud to know that she became more popular than the female protagonist thanks to her manipulative villain charisma.

Because of this popularity, she has a huge fan club, so the news that she has a boyfriend could be detrimental to her career, especially in Japan since in this country, many people lack a social life and celebrities are the only thing that gives meaning to their pathetic lives.

If the pictures spread, wouldn't it be strange if some idiot shows up wanting to stab my wife...…

Too many morons in this world...

Too much trash….

[System Notification: The entities 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' and 'Nia Teppelin' have suppressed the user's mental instability]

I sighed internally. - "Thank you"

"Luis, just try to relax" – Tsubaki sighed with concern.

I need vacations…

In the past, I didn't care about Ichika's life as she was just one of the tools I used to deal with stress, but now I have a deep appreciation for her loyalty and dedication.

I need to compensate her...

"It doesn't matter" – Ichika smiled and took her phone to show me her social media account.

Ichika made a post where she says that the reason she has turned down the leading roles is that she doesn't want to be unfaithful to her boyfriend.

"I posted this a couple of hours ago" – Ichika smiled. – "That paparazzi must be looking for my boyfriend's identity, but I really don't care if this is known"

… I see… I understand…

I sighed and caressed her cheek. – "Ichika, I already told you that I will not abandon you"

She was worried that I would change my mind and decide to break off our relationship, so she made this relationship public so that I can't leave her easily.

To tell the truth, I understand her paranoia. In her eyes, it has been less than two months since I changed and became capable of feeling affection toward other people. It's normal for her to be afraid that I'm still an idiot with no emotional attachment.

Ichika smiled to hide her emotions. – "I believe you, I will always believe in you, but having stalkers bothers me so this is the best… Although there will be many idiots who will want to hit you"

I smiled. – "Then nothing will change, I will only hit them harder"

Ichika smiled and we started talking after considering that this matter is of no importance.

Just in case, I had Monika track down people who made offensive comments toward my wife.

Freedom of expression is dangerous and suicides in Japan are common…

"Hey Listen! You could be president of a Latin American country!"

…. Actually, this happens in first-world countries too, but I'm not in the mood to criticize the stupid society.

We arrived at Ichika's apartment and I sensed a smell that shouldn't be there.

Coagulated human blood, decomposing meat, chlorine…. All in a cover to insulate odors... Someone was hiding a corpse.

Ichika's four sisters were in the apartment and they were all fine, but there was one additional woman who had a faint smell of dried blood.

Before entering the apartment, I looked at Ichika. – "Did you bring a friend?"

Ichika pouted. – "It is not fair, I wanted to surprise you"

I sighed. – "I am not in the mood to deal with problems…"

Ichika smiled softly. – "This can be a bit troublesome, but you will be happy… Do you remember the group of dangerous women that I gathered to kill each other?"

Right, I had already forgotten about them...

In fact, there are too many women I've forgotten about because they were just one-night stands or tools to achieve a specific goal.

Now that Mumei has made me the protagonist of Gaia, it wouldn't be strange if those women appear in my life again.

My head hurts…

I nodded and sighed.

"One of them really wants to talk to you" – Ichika smiled wryly. – "I could not refuse since she is a bit… well, peculiar"

"Is she dangerous?" – I asked, although I already know the answer.

I don't recognize who the woman in the apartment is, but I can feel her mental state.

She is worried, anxious, expectant, happy, and motivated. She doesn't want to cause harm, but it's likely she'll kill herself if I reject her feelings.

Ah whatever, if she's cute then no problem.

"She's dangerous to herself" – Ichika sighed. – "Although she brought a very striking gift… It will be better if you talk to her"

We entered the apartment and I saw a scene that brought me some peace of mind.

A group of beautiful women my age was playing a video game while yelling and fighting like rowdy sisters.

Simplistic and mundane problems are relaxing…

"Uh? L-Luis?" – Yotsuba was the first to notice me.

Hmm? Something seems wrong with her gaze.

Unlike her usual cheerful attitude, she seems embarrassed and worried when she sees me.

I'm not sure, but I see hints of sexual frustration in her movements...

Oh right, I upgraded my title [Protagonist Netori] when I was in China…

Well, whatever the plot requires... I don't care.

Itsuki and Miku were not at all happy to see me, especially Miku, she seems to want to hit and bite me, but there were other emotions in her gaze, which caused her confusion and frustration.

Nino wanted to stand up to greet me, but another girl was faster.

"Are you here!" – A beautiful girl with long black hair and big breasts ran to hug me.

She's the woman who smells of murder, and now that I look at her up close, she looks familiar.

[Name: Kotonoha Katsura

Origin: School Days

Categories: Woman. Waifu. Main heroine. Yandere. Big breasts. tragic heroine. Schoolgirl. Airhead. Makoto Itou's Harem (Spoiler)]

Oh, I remember her.

Kotonoha lives in another city, and I met her while on a mission to gather information on another yakuza group.

Back then, Mr. Ichijo gave me money to sleep in an internet cafe, but he wanted to save that money, so I looked for a naive woman with emotional problems to sleep at her house.

Kotonoha fit that description perfectly since she had boyfriend issues, plus she had just been sexually abused by one of her classmates.

Kotonoha had pretty much lost the will to live, so it was easy to manipulate her into letting me live in her house and give me free food.

A teenager's problems mirror the problems at home, so her mother is also an emotionally wrecked woman.

Kotonoha's mother is a beautiful, big-breasted woman with low self-esteem, so it was easy to sleep with her.

Kotonoha got too attached to me since I showed her minimal attention at her weakest emotional moment.

I wasn't interested in a relationship with her, so I left the city without saying goodbye to her, although before leaving I left her a thank gift for hosting me.

Kotonoha's boyfriend was an idiot, but she still loved him so I ignored it, but the idiot who raped Kotonoha had a tragic accident. I also slightly hurt a girl who had seduced Kotonoha's boyfriend.

I honestly forgot about her since she was very attached to her boyfriend and I had no time for stupid teenage dramas, besides, her personality is boring and what I enjoyed the time together the most was her mother.

I think something happened after I left that city since in her mind I can see signs of antisocial personality disorder, bipolarity, and other types of psychosis, as well as a deep emotional dependence that reaches homicidal obsession.

If it wasn't for the migraine, I'd like to hear what happened to make Kotonoha into this mental mess.

I sighed and gently patted her shoulder. – "Long time no see, Kotonoha"

Kotonoha's body shuddered as tears fell from her eyes. – "You did not forget me…"

I actually did, but my memory has improved a lot and I can now remember things that used to be irrelevant.

"What did you do to this pretty girl?" – Nino crossed her arms and asked me angrily when she saw Kotonoha crying.

She knows I'm trash and seems to think that I tricked Kotonoha and then ran away… Well, that's what I did.

"He didn't do anything bad to me" – Kotonoha kept crying, although they were tears of happiness. – "I am just very happy to see him…"

Nino and Ichika seemed to understand Kotonoha's feelings, they were very worried since I went to China after the earthquake that killed several of my classmates.

On the other hand, Itsuki was relieved that I didn't do something horrible to Kotonoha. She really thinks I'm a bastard… Totally understandable.

Yotsuba is simple-minded so she was happy that Kotonoha was happy.

As for Miku… She seems to hate me even more, although she is also jealous… What a troublesome woman.

"Hey Listen! Drop this shitty drama and start the orgy!" – I ignored Navi's voice inside my head and started talking to the group of women.

Apparently, Kotonoha came to town yesterday and met Ichika, so she made friends with the quintuplets since they've been sleeping in this apartment.

They don't know that Kotonoha murdered someone a couple of days ago and now she has a piece of a corpse in a bag that is in Ichika's room.

Ichika must already know about the corpse, but she hasn't disposed of the corpse for some stupid reason.

The women were wearing pajamas except for Kotonoha, so Ichika joked that we should both take a shower to change into more comfortable clothes.

Kotonoha was very happy with that idea.

It seems that Ichika already talked to Kotonoha about my harem, and considering Kotonoha's emotional dependency, it's obvious that she agreed to be a part of my harem without caring that I'm a ladies' man…

I'm a magnet for emotionally unstable women… Well, my current mental condition is a mess so I can't fault them.

"You can't do that!" – Itsuki scolded us like a mother punishing her naughty children. – "It is wrong for a woman and a man to bathe together when they are not married, besides, both are still in school, so it will be very bad for you if a pregnancy occurs at an early age"

I rolled my eyes. - "Okay, Mom"

Kotonoha smiled like a loving wife. – "You seem very close, I would like to have five daughters"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has suppressed the desire to scream in horror]

… Fuck.

"…" – We all remained silent.

Nino's mouth twitched, but her competitive look let me know something very stupid was coming. – "Then I will have six daughters!"


"Why do you like to compete in stupid things?" – I sighed tiredly, but no one cared about my opinion.

Kotonoha doesn't have a competitive attitude, instead, she smiled and held Nino's hands while smiling. – "That would be wonderful, we can take our daughters to school together"

"…" – Nino is a bully who kicks people when they are down, so she didn't know how to respond to Kotonoha's positive and friendly attitude.

I shook my head and went to the bathroom while the women were having an argument that I don't want to hear.

"Ara" – Ichika, stop… - "It would be wonderful if we all have many daughters and build a family as big as a city~"


[System Notification: Initiate Random Dimensional Travel?



It's hard to be a responsible man...

I went into the bathroom and saw that Ichika had prepared the bathtub, she even left one pajama for me.

This woman is so cute...

Although my body is clean, I went through the whole process of washing my body, and then I entered the bathtub with hot water.

I wet a small towel and put it on my face to cover my eyes.

This is relaxing...

Tsubaki's gentle voice began to sing a soft melody.

It seems like a lullaby for brats, but it is relaxing…..

"Luis, I'll wash your back"

"Hey, I'll do it!"

"You two get out of the bathroom!"

"We can all go in and wash Luis's back~"

"Damn degenerates..."

"W-What should I do?"

Well, I had 45.739 seconds of peace, that's more than I expected.

I didn't remove the towel from my eyes and sighed. – "Don't fight in the bathroom, you could stumble"

"Tch, don't try to act like an adult" – Nino snorted with disdain and washed her body to get into the bathtub.

The bathtub is as big as a jacuzzi so the six women could easily fit in with me.

I hate excessive luxuries, but this bathtub is comfortable.

I did my best to relax, but the rowdy group of women did what they wanted and now I'm in a bathtub surrounded by beautiful women.

Nino, Ichika, and Kotonoha showed no shame, they were completely naked.

Ichika was leaning on my right arm while Nino was on my left arm. Kotonoha didn't need physical contact to be happy, she was fine as long as she was close to me so she didn't fight Nino to hold my arm.

"Uh? Eehh?! Since when do you have these scars?!" – Nino noticed the marks on my arms.

I originally intended to leave burn marks on my arms as a characteristic feature of the Blades of Chaos, but now my arms have marks that I can't erase.

The wounds caused by the 731 poison are healing very slowly so my arms and half of my face are just bones, but even [Mythomania] can't completely hide my wounds.

Just below my elbows, there are suture-like marks. It looks like my arms were cut off and sewn back together by a doctor.

As for my face, there is a cut that covers half of my face as if half of the skin on my face has been torn off and then sewn up.

With [Mythomania] I can make those scars very inconspicuous and only people with improved eyesight can notice them, but losing my concentration makes the scars visible.

Since I tried to clear my mind, I lost concentration so my injuries are a bit visible.

I don't look like a mutilated soldier with war wounds, but I do look like a troubled teenager who got into a gang fight.

I sighed wearily. – "I will talk about it later, for now, I just want to rest"

The women were concerned but did not insist on getting answers. They know me and they know I've been in a lot of fights so these must be the marks of another fight.

My scars made the situation a bit awkward, so we left the bathroom and I headed to the kitchen to make something to eat.

While I was eating, the women returned to the living room to continue playing.

Although they were worried about my injuries, before long they were cheerful and noisy again.

Normally I would take advantage of self-victimization to gain more control of these women's hearts, but now I'm grateful that they can have fun without worrying too much about me. Listening to their laughter is relaxing...

Normally Nino would be the one to help me in the kitchen, but she was insistent on competing with Kotonoha. It seems that Nino is jealous of my relationship with Kotonoha would have started before my relationship with her, but objectively before I only saw Kotonoha as a wallet that I could sleep with.

I have become very soft... This is not so bad.

The door opened and the most troublesome quintuplet entered the kitchen.

"I don't need your help Miku, I want to make food, not poison" – I spoke with a slight mockery.

"…" – Miku remained silent as she looked at my back.

I'm so tired that I didn't even try to assess her emotions and thoughts. If she wants to stab me I don't care, I just hope she doesn't ruin the meal.

"Aren't you going to turn around?" – Miku's voice contained many emotions, but mainly there was anger.

"Why do it?" – I shrugged and continued cutting the vegetables. – "If you want to hit me then do it and stop bothering me, if you want to stab me then use the knife that is on the table, do not dirty the clean ones"

"…" – I heard how Miku clenched her teeth with extreme anger.

Miku came up behind me. She didn't hold the knife so she doesn't seem to have gone crazy, although her mind must be full of stupid thoughts.

"Why..." – Miku's voice trembled from the mixture of conflicting emotions. – "Why did you start a relationship with Ichika? Why did you have sex with Nino? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The kitchen doesn't have good sound insulation, so that scream was heard all the way to the room where the women were playing video games.

"Something happened?" – Itsuki asked us with concern.

"Miku tried to burn the rice" – I answered sarcastically.

"... I'm going there" – Itsuki doesn't trust me.

"It's not necessary" – Miku contained the anger in her voice. – "This idiot keeps saying that my food is poison…"

"Heh" - Nino's laugh was heard.

"Okay" – Itsuki spoke with resignation and continued playing with her sisters and Kotonoha.

I put the knife down on the table and grabbed a rag to clean my hands, then turned to face Miku.


Miku had teary eyes. She was trying hard not to break down in tears as frustration and confusion covered her gaze.

"Why did you have to do it with Nino?" – Miku looked at me with a lot of hatred, but there were other emotions that she herself didn't seem to understand. – "I didn't want to see something like that… I didn't want to see Nino like that…."

I see…

Miku is furious because, seeing me have sex with Nino, she imagined herself in Nino's place. Disadvantages you have almost identical appearances.

Miku seems to have been thinking about that scene and she can't stop visualizing herself having sex with me. If I'm not mistaken, she has been masturbating while she thinks about my dick.

Miku doesn't love me, she doesn't even like me a bit, she really has disgust and contempt towards me. For this reason, she feels a lot of hatred and frustration, for her, it is humiliating and desperate to feel sexual desire towards the man she hates.

The reason she hates me isn't that I did anything to her, it's just that our personalities collide a lot like oil and water.

In the time that I was the quintuplets' bodyguard, Miku always hated me since she always compared me to the boy she liked.

Fuutaro is responsible, relatively kind, and was the first person to appreciate Miku's hobbies.

On the other hand, I was totally apathetic towards the quintuplets and only cared about fulfilling my mission, besides, I always criticized Miku's spoiled and childish attitude. Her attitude of blaming others for her stupidity was annoying to me since she reminded me of myself.

The only reason I hooked up with Ichika was that she was heartbroken and I had beers.

Miku thinks I'm a bastard who only takes advantage of his sister's naivety. She's smarter than she looks and she knows I'm a horrible person, she even seems to suspect that I'm the serial killer Kuro.

If it wasn't because she's too stubborn and has a skewed outlook, I'd like her because of her intellect and hypocrisy.

"Hey Listen! Seize the moment to show her real pleasure! You enter her virgin hole while you make her moan to make her regret looking down on the Harem King! No woman can despise my partner, they will all be inseminated by my dog muahahahahahaha!"

My migraine is proportional to the stupidity of Navi…

If I want, I can use an aggressive approach to make Miku agree to sleep with me, then make her feel regret destroy her self-esteem, and thus make her an obedient woman.

Another option is to go the long way and show kindness to win her heart, so she will leave her feelings of love for Fuutaro and start loving me.

Actually…I'm not in the mood for this.

I sighed with annoyance. – "Miku, your problems are not my problem"

Miku widened her eyes in dismay.

I rolled my eyes. - "What? Did you expect me to pity you and apologize to you? You are an idiot? Wait, you don't need to answer, you're not an idiot, you're just a spoiled brat who blames others for her own mistakes"

"…" – And again she will cry. what a nuisance

"If you're going to cry then get out of here, I have to cook" – I ignored Miku and continued cooking.

"You're not like Fuutaro, he would be nice to me…" – Miku sounded like she wanted to make me jealous.

"Then go annoy him" – I answered apathetically.

"…" – Miku wanted to cry out of frustration.

"You spend so much time reading books that you don't know the real world" – I didn't hide the boredom in my voice. – "Oh, sure, you are intelligent, you are the most intelligent of your sisters, but you are also the most idiot"

I again heard Miku grit her teeth angrily. – "Why do you always call me an idiot? Since we met, you always call me an idiot, at every moment you call me an idiot…"

"It's because you're an idiot" – I interrupted the drama of the idiot. – "You are always feeling sorry for yourself and you act like a wounded animal that needs care, but you do that because you are afraid of being rejected, you are afraid of making an effort and failing, you simply prefer to say that the world attacks you and thus justify your mediocrity"

I can already imagine what her reaction will be, so I covered the kitchen with [Anti-Rasen] so Itsuki doesn't think that I'm bothering her sister.

"...You're a..." – Miku couldn't contain the emotions in her voice. – "So you say that I am disgusting because I am afraid? Am I an idiot for being scared?! It's normal to be afraid! This fucking world is scary, the people are scary!"

"Yeah, yes, the world is to blame for your problems, we are all bad and you are the victim" – Let's see, I'll make Ichika's favorite soup and Nino's favorite stew, as for Kotonoha, I don't know her favorite food like that I'll make you some sushi.

"Are you making fun of me?!" – Miku was screaming again.

"I'm just playing along with you" - I feel like I'm lecturing one of my daughters... - "Blaming others is easier than accepting your own responsibilities, the world scares you because you're not willing to make an effort in life, you just want people to pity you and give you everything easy, which is not a bad idea, you're beautiful so you can be a parasite without worries "

I feel so tired….

And again Miku was crying. what a nuisance.

Miku kept crying while I was cooking, but she noticed that I'm not going to look at her so she stopped crying. She's just a spoiled brat who wants attention.

"...Am I unpleasant?" – Miku asked with a mixture of frustration and sadness. She no longer tries to win my sympathy, she really wants to know if she is unpleasant.

"You are not unpleasant, you are just a traumatized girl because your mother died at an early age and your father did not give you the attention you wanted" - I spoke without interest since this does not matter to me. – "You and your sisters are all girls who didn't receive adequate care, but you are the most immature since you are the most cunning and you think that the world should compensate you, but the truth is that the world doesn't care about you"

"That was cruel" – Miku spoke angrily, but she wasn't throwing a tantrum like before. - "But it's true…"

"Accepting it is the most difficult, congratulations" – I spoke listlessly.

"But you're not better, you're also a disaster" – Miku tried to make fun of me.

I nodded. – "I have many problems and I am an idiot, I am also rubbish and all kinds of insults"

"... It's not fun if you accept it so easily" – Miku was angry again.

"I'm not three years old, I can recognize my flaws and thus improve for the sake of my wives" – I finished making the sushi, so I started making the dessert.

"Wives…" – Miku muttered bitterly. – "I never thought that a womanizer could become minimally decent by having a harem"

"And I never thought that a scholar could be as childish as an elementary school brat, but here you are" – I shrugged.

"..." – Miku came closer and stood next to me. – "Are you always going to treat me like an idiot child?"

"That depends on you" – I stopped cooking and looked at Miku. – "When will you stop acting like an idiot child?"

Miku's eyes were red from crying, but her gaze was no longer that of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. For the first time, she finally showed emotional maturity.

"You're right about many things" – Miku frowned. – "But you are still an idiot, no, you are a bitter and idiotic old man, Fuutaro is much better than you"

"Good for him" – I answered apathetically.

Miku frowned further. – "You are supposed to get angry, where is your male pride?"

"It's dead, just like your neurons," – I smiled wryly seeing the angry look of the brat.

"…" – Miku's mouth kept twisting with bitterness, but he stopped fighting and just sighed. – "I hate you, but I hate more that you are right… I can no longer act like a child"

"Congratulations, you just matured, have a sweet" – I smiled and grabbed a spoon to take some of the chocolate mousse I'm preparing, then I put the spoon in Miku's mouth.

Miku couldn't get angry as her gaze was filled with joy as she savored the delicious dessert.

I smiled wryly. – "You are a brat"

Miku frowned, but she didn't stop savoring the dessert.

"Go call your sisters, the food is ready" – I shook my head because of how childish Miku is and began to arrange the food to take it to the table.

Miku put the spoon in the sink and went towards the living room with a complicated expression, but before leaving the kitchen, she gave me one last look. – "You are less hateful than I thought, but you are still an idiot"

"Thank you" - I smiled.

Miku sighed and left the kitchen.

"Hey Listen! What was that damn shit?!" – Navi appeared in front of my face. – "You should teach that damn tsundere that she shouldn't talk stupid in front of the King of the Harem! All women must submit to the almighty self-insertive machismo! You should go and put that bitch in her place!"

I sighed. – "Navi, please, now I'm not in the mood…"

"…" – Navi stopped yelling. – "Hey idiot, do you want a beer?"

I rolled my eyes. – "I will not fall for your shit, I will not get drunk, my mental stability is on the rocks, and drinking alcohol could cause me a problem"

Navi disappeared and reappeared, but this time the idiot was holding a pack of cheap beer that looked familiar….

"Did you just go to the United States to bring this?" – My mouth trembled.

Navi put the beer in front of me. – "Hey, look, my purpose in life is to screw up your pathetic existence because you are my bitch, but you worry me, you look really bad and you need a drink"


"Luis" – Tsubaki sighed in my mind. – "Just this once I agree with Navi, for now, don't think about the consequences and just relax"

I raised an eyebrow. – "It is strange that you say that, you are supposed to be the voice of reason"

Tsubaki smiled softly. – "My priority is your well-being, you are the man I love and I just want you to be happy"


My migraine lessened a bit.

"Fine…" - I took a can of beer. – "Yoko, if I do something stupid stop me"

Yoko raised an eyebrow. - "Because I?"

I smiled. – "Because you hate me and do not think about my well-being"

"…" – Yoko had a complex expression and she didn't want to continue talking, she just nodded.

Navi also opened a can and drank with me.

"This tastes like urine" – Navi finished the can in one gulp.

"I know" - I nodded and drank the can.

"Why do you like this garbage?" – Navi drank another can. – "You can make better liquor, we can also make the stupid elves make us fruit wine"

"Living surrounded by luxuries is boring" - I sighed, this really tastes horrible. – "Suffering allows us to enjoy the good things in life"

Now I can access an extremely luxurious life, but I will live for eternity, so I don't want to go overboard with the luxuries or I will quickly get bored of immortality. It is better to enjoy the little things in life instead of drowning in luxuries.

"That shit was said by a Buddhist" – Navi drank another beer.

He hates Buddhists, but many of his teachings are useful.

People drowning in luxuries tend to get bored with life and that is why they commit depraved acts such as orgies with children, murders, or cannibalism.

I'm trash, but I don't get sexual pleasure from committing murder, so I prefer to keep a minimalist life.

We finished our beers.

I don't feel bad and I remain sane.

I think the excessive migraine is suppressing the effects of the alcohol… I don't know if I'm relieved or disappointed.

I sighed and took the food to the dining room.

The beautiful women gathered together and enjoyed a delicious meal.....

Now that I see her up close, today Ichika looks more beautiful than usual....

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