No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 330: (2): The Madman's Daughters Couldn't Be Normal

Chapter 330: (2): The Madman's Daughters Couldn't Be Normal

(Perspective Rubia Kisaragi / Rubia from Grandia la Luxen) (The Lady Needs a Break)

I sighed with complex feelings.

I was once a sorceress looking to help people, but the church marked me as a witch and I was burned alive by the people I helped.

I was once a talented warrior and made it into the king's personal guard, but he marked me as a traitor after I refused to sleep with him. On that occasion, I was killed by my comrades in arms that I once called friends.

I have lived 53 lives and have always been through exhausting, tragic, and upsetting situations.

After so much time of absurd things, my only wish was to rest.

For my 54th life, I decided to be a useless lazy, I just wanted to have a moment of peace before my next life.

I honestly thought something ridiculous would happen and my rest would be ruined, and I was right, but I was also wrong.

In this life, my father turned out to be a complicated person.

In several of my lives, I have witnessed religions that worship faceless gods, I have also witnessed powerful warriors who can shake the heavens, but this is the first life where I am sure that God exists and is my father.

To say that my father is a God is very strange, no, what is truly uncomfortable is to say that that man is my father.

It's hard to explain my feelings, but I think the best way to sum it up is that I hate being his daughter.

From what I have heard, that man is one of the cruelest and most selfish tyrants I have ever met in all my lives.

His sense of value is focused on his benefits and family, while the rest of the living things are disposable products.

That man is aggressive, perverted, a liar, and dangerous, but he is the man I fell in love with.

Throughout my lives I have had many types of parents. Abusive and violent parents, kind and overly loving parents, perverted parents who are trash, distant and busy parents, parents who abandoned me at birth…

I thought I had seen every type of father there is, but this man showed me a new type of father.

Affectionate but strict, kind but moody, rational but unhinged, loving but possessive, gentle but manipulative... he's too complicated a man.

Despite his obvious flaws, he has given me the life I've always wanted.

I can eat delicious food without fear of being poisoned.

I can sleep all day without worrying about a pointless war.

I can walk through the city without being seen as a heretic.

I can enjoy time with people my age without fear of being betrayed out of jealousy.

My current appearance is the most beautiful I have ever had, but no one has tried to harm me to take advantage of my body, on the contrary, people look at me with respect, admiration, and kindness. It's like everyone in this world sees me as the daughter of God, even though that makes sense.

The only people who sometimes make me uncomfortable or a little scared are some of that man's wives.

That man has extravagant and showy taste in women. Some of his wives are women who smell of blood and death, it's like the world turns to hell just because they exist.

The fear I feel towards them is because I have met many horrible people who enjoy hurting defenseless people, but the truth is that they are also kind to me. Actually, I feel guilty for avoiding them.

In general, I have a good life, a life so beautiful that I could not even imagine it in my wildest dreams.

It is because of this life that my heart feels a strong conflict.

I have lived many lives and I have fallen in love many times, but the absurd amount of disappointments made me give up on love.

In most of my lives, the men I have loved have betrayed me.

Whether it is infidelity, scams, or murder, I have experienced all kinds of betrayals and I no longer believe in love. At least that was what I thought when I was reborn.

One important thing I have come to understand about that man is that he is crazy, not in the sense that his intellect is below normal, but that he literally has various mental illnesses.

The most obvious is his possessive and overprotective attitude.

From what I've seen, he's willing to destroy the world to make one of his wives smile.

I know he would do the same to protect his daughters, but I don't want to be protected because I'm his daughter, I want something more, I need more.

Since I was reborn, I wanted to be a useless woman who only sleeps and eats, I didn't even want to be loved, I just wanted to live in peace.

When I finally got my biggest wish, I realized how boring that lifestyle is.

After four years of acting like a plant, I got bored of being useless.

My sisters are obsessed with martial arts, so I started training with them to kill time.

In my past lives I learned all kinds of martial arts and went through many battlefields. I thought my experience and knowledge would be superior to my sisters' talents, and it was, if only at first.

During the first few days of training, I was able to easily beat all my sisters, I was even able to beat that man's weakest wives.

I thought that everything would be boring because I was too strong, but that boredom disappeared after a week.

My sisters are childish and impulsive like any girl at that age, but they have something that no child has. Unstoppable willpower.

It didn't matter if they broke their bones, tore their muscles, or lost their eyes, they continued to train with joy until they fell unconscious.

Boredom became motivation. The attitude and determination of my sisters motivated me to continue improving.

Many times, that man had to intervene so that my sisters agreed to rest. They don't know how to give up and neither do I.

I talked to them to understand why they try so hard and they all said the same thing. They want to be strong to protect that man.

It's a simple and childish wish, but it stirred something in my chest.

In my 20th life, I lost the motivation to fight and strive since I always lost what I loved, but now, I have something to fight for.

That man is strong, much stronger than I can imagine. I don't think even calling him God would be enough to describe his strength, plus some of the women around him are even stronger.

Objectively, I will never be able to protect him because he doesn't need it, he will always be the one to protect me, but that's why I have to work hard.

Someday, even if it's a futile effort, I want to be able to help him.

I sighed heavily after finishing training. No matter how many times I use my sword, I am no longer improving.

"What's wrong onee-chan?" – My little sister asked me curiously while she held her right arm to rejoin it with her shoulder.

That man is kind and overprotective of us, but he says that the best training is real combat where death is a constant.

That man's wives built this arena of combat where fatal wounds become irrelevant. Here no one will die even if they lose their head or heart, so we can use our best skills without holding back.

At first, I was worried that my sisters would turn into genocidal psychopaths due to the brutality of the training, but our minds stayed healthy. I think this is because of the food that man makes, but I have no way of verifying it.

I sheathed my sword and sighed. – "Don't worry Haruko, I'm just thinking about something"

(Author's Note: Haruko Amaya of Maken-Ki)

"Oh" - My cute sister nodded adorably.

Although we are the same age, my sisters treat me like the older sister which I find cute.

"Are you done training?" – My older sister approached us with her usual friendly smile.

Rosemary and Alma are the real older sisters, but Alma is usually together with supernatural beings like a green-haired goddess of death, on the other hand, Rosemary is usually busy as she has started training alongside the rookie soldiers. Because of this, I am treated like the big sister as I focus on taking care of my cute sisters.

(Author's Note: Rosemary Winters of Resident Evil Village)

(Author's Note: Alma Wade of F.E.A.R)

I nodded and sighed. – "I am in a bottleneck and I don't know how to overcome it"

"I see" – Rosemary nodded. – "Have you already discussed it with mama Shigure or mama Aoxue?"

(Author's Note: Shigure Kosaka from Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple)

(Author's Note: Long Aoxue / Long Aotian from My Girlfriend is Long Aotian)

I sighed. – "Mama Shigure is busy and mama Aoxue… well, she will only cause me more doubts"

Shigure isn't one of the strongest wives, but she has the best understanding of sword techniques. The problem is that she is always busy at the forge since she is the best blacksmith in that man's harem.

On the other hand, Aoxue is one of the strongest wives and her specialty is the sword, but she is a terrible teacher since she knows how to fight, but she doesn't know how to teach.

Rosemary smiled wryly. – "That's true... Oh, I know, let's talk to father, he is an excellent teacher and he will be able to help you perfect your sword art"

My mouth twisted.

Rosemary sighed. – "Do you still not want to see it?"

I looked down with a mixture of anger and sadness.

A couple of weeks ago, I tried to talk to that man to express my feelings.

One thing I've learned throughout my 53 lives is that life is fleeting and unpredictable, so it's foolish to let fear stop us from doing what we love.

Trying and failing is better than not trying and regretting it. Failure helps us learn while fear only prevents us from living.

From the beginning, I knew what that man's response would be and I don't regret expressing what I feel to him, but that doesn't lessen the pain in my heart.

"I'll make it clear, I love you, but it's the love a father has for his daughter, not the love you're looking for" – That man told me directly.

At that point, I lost control a bit and said something I didn't mean to.

"You are not my father! You will never be my father!" - I yelled furiously and walked away.

Since then, I have avoided talking to him.

That man tried to talk to me and show me that he is not mad at me, but that only made me avoid him even more. I feel too ashamed and regretful to look at his face.

I know he is not mad at me and will continue to love me, but I want him to love me as a woman, not as his daughter.

Now I'm trying to calm my emotions to talk to that man again. He is extremely intelligent and seems to know what I am thinking, so he gave me my space so that I can reflect on my emotions.

His kindness and consideration make it impossible for me to abandon the growing feelings in my heart…

Rosemary sighed and put her hand on my shoulder. – "Although you are very mature for your age, you are still a child so don't worry, it is normal to be impulsive"

She is older by a few years, but sometimes she acts like an adult.

I can't think that's funny since I'm hundreds of years old, but I'm acting like a spoiled child…

I sighed and looked up to see my sister. – "Thank you, big sister"

"Don't worry" – Rosemary smiled kindly at me.

This is the first time that I have had a united and conflict-free family. Normally, families with great wealth are filled with conflict and cruel machinations as greed corrupt the purest of hearts, but that man made sure that every one of his daughters is happy, so there is no need to fight for attention or inheritances.

I love being part of this family.

"Hey Listen! Hello, brats!"

… As with everything, there is always something unpleasant.

Rosemary looked at the blue ball and frowned. - "What do you want? I won't give you my snacks"

"Muahahahaha, that's what you say now, but look what I got!" – Navi spat out a small glass box.

"What is this?" - Rosemary grabbed the box and frowned. - "A world?"

I frowned and looked at the box.

Some of that man's wives prefer knowledge to strength. I understand the importance of knowledge, so I have studied with them about many complex concepts such as Dimensional Travel, Worlds, the Will of the World, and other aspects that make up the Multiverse.

From what I know, entities with control of space can move to other Worlds by means of spatial coordinates, which works like a treasure map marking the objective. Entities without mastery of spatial laws need special artifacts, which is very expensive since special materials are needed.

That man has a great advantage compared to other powerful groups since two of his wives are the entities with the most control of spatial laws.

Despite that, we cannot travel to other worlds since we are in a dimension isolated from the rest of the multiverse, so dangerous beings cannot invade this place.

What Navi brought back was not spatial coordinates or a Dimensional Gate, but an entire World.

I've heard that some entities store Worlds to sell or protect.

I looked at the glass box and noticed a small symbol.

That symbol belongs to one of that man's wives, Nyaruko.

"Did you steal this from Mama Nyaruko's depot?" - Rosemary looked furious.

"Hey Listen! I made a deal with that stinking otaku! She gave me this because I saved several of her waifus from becoming dog food!" – Navi shouted with joy. – "Muahahahahaha, now let's go for those lolis!"

…I am a woman who has read all kinds of books and I have extensive knowledge, but many times I cannot understand the nonsense of this fairy.

Rosemary and I understood what this meant. We can go to another World without leaving this World, so that man will not notice that we left….

Rosemary has an adventurous heart and loves new experiences, she has often asked that man to let her travel with him, but he has refused because the multiverse is too dangerous.

On the other hand, traveling to another world can be a good opportunity to gain combat experience to overcome my bottleneck.

Although the idea was tempting, there was only one answer.

"I'll tell father" – Rosemary took out a device to call that man.

"Hey Listen! Do it!" – Navi shouted with joy.

"…" – Rosemary and I frowned.

The fairy should be begging to keep the secret, this is not normal.

Rosemary called that man.

Normally, he would answer immediately since he would never ignore one of his daughters, but this time the call didn't connect.

My concern increased so I called him too but there was no answer either.

I quickly gathered my sisters together and we all called out to that man.

Finally, one of them managed to contact him.

The video call showed that he was submerged in hot springs while a towel covered his face…. He is naked…. Only his chest, shoulders, and arms are visible, but he is naked...

Navi has shown us many videos of that man so it's not the first time I've seen him naked, but it's the first time I've talked to him while he's naked….

"Father, Navi brought us a pocket world..." – Rosemary tried to explain the situation, but he interrupted her.

"Talk about this with Yuriko, now I'm on vacation" – He closed the call after saying that.

(Author's Note: Yuriko Takagi from Highschool Of the Dead)


What has happened?

This is not normal, he would never ignore us…

Wait, there was something strange in his arms...

During training, he has received many injuries, but he always regenerates immediately. It's the first time I've seen a scar on his body...

Something must have happened and we didn't know about it...

That reminds me, a few days ago the army was mobilized.

My mother said that they were collecting resources in another World, but maybe there was a battle….

He is hurt…..father…..

I felt Rosemary's hand on my shoulder.

Looking at her, she was smiling at me, but I can see the concern deep in her eyes.

She also noticed the abnormalities, but she is trying hard to stay calm since my sisters are too young and don't understand the situation…

I am an adult with decades of life experience, but a young girl has to help me not to panic… I still have a lot to learn.

"Hey Listen! The dog will be busy for a while, so it's better if you guys go on a trip!" – Navi shouted with joy, then I heard her voice in my head. – "Brat, my partner needs to rest and your sisters are too noisy, he won't be able to rest if you girls are calling him all the time, so take your sisters on a trip to leave him alone"

I looked at the fairy without knowing what to think.

We all know that the fairy is a complete idiot and is always pestering that man, but it is obvious that both of them are good friends.

It seems that Rosemary received the same telepathic message as she nodded and gathered my sisters.

We talked to Yuriko and she allowed us to travel, but there were several conditions.

During the trip, we will be protected by the group of goddesses, ten elite squads, and some strange creatures that appear to be black shadows.

The bodyguards will be hidden so my sisters can have fun, so Rosemary, Alma, and I will have to guide them out of trouble.

Yuriko said that we are free to destroy or save that world. We can also make new friends and recruit them to help our world, but we are forbidden to get close to strangers, we can't receive sweets from strangers either, and if someone looks at us unpleasantly, that person will be eliminated so we must be careful when interacting with other people.

Morality doesn't exist in this family, but that's part of its charm.

"Hey Listen! I'll go see what stupid things you've done so don't cause trouble or I'll tell the dog and he'll take your treats!" – Navi said goodbye to us when we were about to travel.

"…" – We all nodded, losing our food is a terrifying punishment.

Rosemary activated a Dimensional Gate so we could travel to the world in the crystal box.

The box had a label that said 'Black Bullet', so that must be the name of the world we're going to.

I'm a little excited about the possibility of traveling to another world, but more than anything, I want to become strong.

I don't know what trouble that man got himself into, but I want to help him.

I won't let anyone hurt him, I'm going to protect him... father...




Author's Note:

I get threats to do a loli chapter, but when I do, most of them don't like it Q-Q

Living is depressing...

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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