No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 339: Visit to Paradise

Chapter 339: Visit to Paradise

Tsubaki, Ortro, Nia, Yoko, and Navi entered my mind and I left the hot spring inn.

The women at the inn are still a bit afraid of me, but they showed concern when I left the place without saying goodbye.

They seemed to think that I'm leaving because I felt hurt by their scared looks or something. The truth is that I don't have time to tell them that I'll only be out for a couple of hours, my mind is hanging by a fragile thread that has begun to break. I need Auriel as soon as possible.

Umaru knows me well enough to know that I'll be back in no time, so she should be able to talk to women so they don't feel worried.

I don't have time to go to the Ichijo residence to use the dimensional transport circle and Abby is busy, so I contacted Shiki.

"I need a safe place to travel, I'm about to go to Paradise" - I massaged my forehead, the damn migraine is getting worse.

"You start to worry me, do you need help?" – Shiki spoke kindly, but I'm not in the mood for drama.

"No, my mind is breaking and I need to go to Paradise to receive Auriel's help" – I used [Masochism] to try to strengthen Auriel's blessing, but that blessing is incompatible with Madness so it was a waste of time, just Auriel herself could make both contradictory energies synchronize.

Shiki said no more and transported me to the berry field where Mumei rests.

Shiki frowned upon seeing me since I still have my eyes closed.

"Don't ask, just open a space channel to let me go to Paradise, I'll give you the coordinates" – I spoke with annoyance. – "After I travel, make sure to close the spatial link, I will return on my own"

"…." - Shiki sighed. – "I would like an explanation, but I have no choice but to trust you… Be careful and try not to get into too much trouble"

In front of me, a Dimensional Gate opened.

I placed the coordinates of the temple where I met Sword Maiden and was sent to that place.

Nia is using [Mythomania] and [Anti-Rasen] to hide my [Reader's Madness].

Yoko and Ortro are manipulating my body to prevent my unconscious acts from harming my loved ones, for example, they are preventing my black blood from starting to generate fangs that will destroy everything around me.

Tsubaki is using her soul frequency to stabilize my mind. Although it's a paltry effort compared to my migraine, it's helping me prevent another panic attack.

Lastly, Navi is eating pizza while he remains silent. It's a big help not to hear her stupid voice.

After passing through the Dimension Gate, I appeared in the temple that serves as a medical area for veteran Heroes.

Normally, there should be a squad of elite soldiers guarding the entrance to prevent spy infiltration, but this time there were only two women.

I am currently limiting my senses as the smallest of stimuli can make me lose my mind, but I can feel presences nearby.

"Long time no see, hero" – Sword Maiden spoke softly. I can't see her face, but she must be smiling.

"…." – The other woman remained silent.

We haven't met in person, but I recognize this spiritual presence as it is similar to one of the puppets I met in the magic world. Seraph.

There was no exchange of words between us. Seraph feels hurt by my lies, but she is willing to give me the chance to make up for my mistakes, besides, she loves me so she wants to hear my explanation so she can forgive me.

Sword Maiden sighed as she realized that she would be the go-between. – "Come on, I have prepared a private place where we can talk"

I'm not surprised Seraph decided to discuss this with Sword Maiden. Most likely, my wife wanted some advice, so she consulted Sword Maiden.

After speaking, Sword Maiden also wants to see if I am a friend or an enemy, although not only her, there is another woman Seraph trusts, a renowned alchemist who......….


Shit, my head....

[Reader's Perspective] is taking in too much information even though my eyes are closed.

Sword Maiden started walking to lead me to the second place where we could talk, but after three steps I tripped and fell to the ground.

My legs are not working properly, nothing in my body is working as it should…..

There's no one around which was good since I lost a bit of control over [Mythomania] which showed my injuries.

Not having self-control is so annoying... My head hurts........

"…." – Seraph couldn't hide her concern, she approached me and put my arm around her shoulders to help me get up.

Sword Maiden grabbed my other arm and helped me to my feet as well.

"Thank you" - I sighed.

Both women did not speak and took me to the safe place.

Upon entering the room, I could detect various spirit formations and isolation artifacts used to prevent spying, but I sensed a third presence.....

[System Notification: The skill 'Hero's Destiny' has detected the energy trace of a system user]


[System Notification: The stat 'Obsession: Anti-Spiral' has prevented the user from being controlled by the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God']

….. Everything is a fucking nuisance....

I managed to walk on my own and made my way to the sofa across from the unknown woman.

I sat up and opened my eyes. The only thing separating me from the woman was a small table normally used to strain snacks and tea.

In front of me was a woman I have never seen, but I can recognize her from the reports I have been reading to understand the structure of Paradise.

Eriko Takeda, the greatest alchemist in Paradise and one of the best inventors in the multiverse. Even Leylin recognizes this woman's intellect and creativity.

I have researched her since she can be useful in case I make an enemy of Paradise, but I didn't think that she would have traces of the Harem Emperor in her soul.......

"My name is Luis, my last name doesn't matter because I don't use it" – I started to speak while my gaze was still glued to the woman named Eriko.

Seraph and Sword Maiden seemed confused by my behavior but decided to sit next to Eriko to listen to my explanation.

Both women have absolute trust in Eriko and she seems to love both women as if they were her sisters, but something bothers me.

I can't see all of Eriko's information, she has a high-level skill capable of hiding her information. If it wasn't for [Hero's Destiny], I wouldn't have been able to know that she is related to the Harem Emperor….

I don't know if she's an enemy or why she seems to look at me with meaningless gratitude and affection, but I'm trying really hard to suppress my desire to kill her.

According to Leylin's guess, the Harem Emperor is planning to get Auriel, and in order to achieve that, he might be looking for a way to get the person Auriel has the most trust, my wife Seraph............


Seraph will hate me if I rip off her friend's head without explaining the situation, so I need to stay calm...

The bones in my fingers turned into sharp fangs. – "I am the reincarnation of a mythological creature called Ortro, that dog used to be a Devourer and I inherited the power to destroy souls, but there is something more important"

I can't see the whole context and plot involving Eriko, she is very good at hiding her information and can even hide from [Reader's Perspective]. It's similar to the situation where I couldn't read Leylin's thoughts even when I used the full power of [Reader's Perspective]................

What a fucking nuisance...........

My mind isn't working properly, so I left my verbal process on automatic.

I'm going to be completely honest with Seraph since Auriel will know the secrets in my body when she helps me suppress the dementia attack, so I'd better be honest now so Seraph doesn't feel betrayed anymore.

On the other hand, my mind will be occupied with something more important.

"I am a system user and originally my system was based on increasing my combat power to become an unstoppable warrior, even a Superior Entity called Beast VII appeared and modified my system to become her puppet and so she thought to invade my home world. , but their plans went wrong when my system crashed and I ended up getting a system based on getting a harem" – I started talking about my life as a system user.

I talked about Navi, about who I am and what I have become.

Just like the time when I spoke with Umaru, I was completely sincere.

This brought complex reactions from Seraph and Sword Maiden, but all my attention was focused on the woman named Eriko. More specifically, in her soul, her mind, and the context of her records.

I tried to increase the power of [Reader's Perspective] in my eyes, but that woman is very good at hiding her information…. An excellent spy...

No, I can't see Eriko's information, but I can see his emotions and I know that his gratitude is sincere...…..

Even when I'm talking about all the murders I've committed, she doesn't feel the slightest disgust towards my actions….

There is something else...

The Harem Emperor's influence on Eriko's soul seems flawed, it's as if he had put some kind of seal or restriction on the woman's soul, but that seal was destroyed and now only the remnants of the seal remain…

I think I understand what happened...

The ring I gave Seraph contains a fragment of my Stand….

Maybe Eriko touched that ring which activated the Stand and thus broke the seal that controlled her soul and mind.....

I see.

I already understand it.

Eriko is grateful to me because I freed her from being a puppet. Her brotherly love for Seraph and Sword Maiden is real and she wishes to protect her two best friends.....

She is not an enemy, but she is not a direct ally either….

So to speak, she sees me as a possible ally, but she is prepared to kill me if I show the slightest hostility towards Sword Maiden or Seraph.......



I like the mind of this woman .......

So twisted...…. It's something beautiful...


[System Notification: The stat 'Obsession: Anti-Spiral' and the entities 'Nia Teppelin' and 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa', have suppressed the clutter of the stat 'Obsession: Yandere']

... oh, whatever.

"From this point, things only got more chaotic… I met Daoloth and was tricked by her into letting her live in my mind, she originally intended to use me as material to rebuild her body, however, she fell in love with me and I hers, we started a relationship and to date, we take care of each other" - I sighed in relief as I felt my mind relax a bit.

Eriko is not an enemy so my instincts no longer want to kill her. – "Daoloth discovered that I have a special ability that can regulate the self-control problems of the Outer Gods, so I am a treasure for the bearers of Madness, thus, I was able to meet other dangerous entities which are my wives, for example, the Harem King is not a system user, but Nyarlathotep and she is also my wife… By the way, I also became an Outer God, although thanks to one of my skills I can suppress most of the negative effects of Madness, the problem is that a few days ago a problem occurred and now my mind is falling apart"

"…." – There was a deep silence when I finished speaking.

I massaged my forehead. This doesn't lessen my migraine, but it became a reflex every time the migraine became unbearable. – "I will answer any question, but please, be quick…"

"Do you need Auriel is it because you have a dementia attack?" – Eriko asked with great curiosity.

"Yes" - I sighed. – "I can retain enough of my sanity to speak and not attack my loved ones, but slowly my obsessions and fears are devouring my rationality…"

"I see, so you think Auriel can help you?" – Eriko only showed the curiosity of a scientist who doesn't care about innocent lives… I like her more and more….

"Under normal circumstances, I could suppress my own injuries, but right now my soul and mind are seriously injured, there is even damage to my lineage and that's why I can't use the full power of my black blood" – I sighed and raised my hand to emphasize my bones. – "Auriel's blessing is helping me maintain my rationality, but the fight between my rationality against my lack of control is what is destroying my mind and body… ugh…"

My pineal gland just exploded and I have two strokes at once...…..

… damn headache.......

I had to close my eyes and limit my senses again. Too much context is making me lose control...

"You don't deserve the title of Hero" – Seraph's voice was full of complex feelings. – "Honestly, I shouldn't trust you, but I want you to answer a question honestly"

I nodded.

My throat hurts and I'm thirsty… it had been a long time since I felt so thirsty…..

"When you started talking to me, were you planning to seduce me in order to get closer to Lady Auriel? Was I just an opportunity for you to meet her?" – Anger, sadness, expectation, despair, disappointment, hope… so many emotions in so few words.

"When I met you I only wanted a ticket to be part of Paradise since I was thinking of leaving my home world, at that moment I didn't think about Auriel or the implications of meeting her, I just wanted a new refuge… After, well, we started talking, I started to meet you and I honestly fell in love with you…" – I sighed, stupid feelings of attachment. – "The sincerity with which you have helped me, your constant need for approval, your adorable attempt to hide your feelings… Even if this is the first time we meet in Persian, I love every part of you"

It's amazing how stupidly cheesy I get when I'm drunk or with so much migraine that a third of my brain is melting...

I don't know what expression Seraph has or what she's thinking, I just felt the warmth of her arms helping me stand up.

"I already spoke with Lady Auriel, she agreed to see you, and don't worry about what other people say, we have made sure that nobody knows about your meeting with Lady Auriel" – Seraph was trying hard to hide the emotions in his voice…. how adorable….

I felt a little calmer, but with a new concern.

I sighed and opened my eyes.

I looked at Seraph with sincere gratitude and affection. - "Thank you for trusting me even though I don't deserve it..."

Even now, I continue to express emotions that will help me to make her fall in love…. My mythomania has reached the point where I myself don't know when I'm lying and when I'm telling the truth...............

I looked at Sword Maiden with equal gratitude, though with less romantic affection. – "I also thank you for giving me this opportunity"

She smiled kindly.

From what I've seen, the three women complement each other.

Serafín is the utilitarian thought that seeks benefits and can plan betrayals for the greater good.

Sword Maiden is the emotional thought that believes in emotional value over utility.

Eriko is a critical thinker and scientifically curious who evaluates things based on cause and effect.

Together, the three of them form a rational, ambitious, and sentimental group that can achieve great things, but there is a problem….

I looked at Eriko.

I don't feel hostility, but I can't fully control my emotional state, so I showed slight anger, just a little bit.

"First of all, tell me one thing… What relationship do you have with the jerk named Harem Emperor?" – I did not speak with disgust towards her, but towards the idiot who wants to harm my wife...…

"…." – Eriko widened her eyes in surprise, but then smiled wryly. – "Well, this may be a long story that I really don't want to tell…."

"Luis" – Tsubaki spoke with concern inside my mind. – "Your mind is breaking, there is not much time left"

I see, I'm on the brink of another panic attack...

It doesn't matter, I need information.

Even if Eriko isn't an enemy, I need to know what's going on.

I sat down again. – "I would appreciate it if you could tell me that long story"

Sword Maiden and Seraph were concerned at Eriko's reluctant expression, but she sighed and nodded. – "Okay, it's the least I can do after hearing your story"

Eriko sighed heavily and covered her face. – "It all started when I met a system user…. I let my guard down and that bastard took advantage of it to control my mind with some stupid aphrodisiac ability…."


[System Notification: The user's destructive impulses are increasing]

This will be a problem...

Also… there is a spy trying to break through the barriers that protect this room…

I'm not as skilled as Abby when it comes to spatial skills, but I can feel something sneaking up on me...

No, they are two people.

One appears to be Auriel, but she is entering a door specially prepared for her.

The problem is the spy….


I used [Mythomania] to hide my [Anti-Rasen], then I used the purple energy to cover this room…

When the spy enters here he will not be able to leave….

My mind is a mess right now, but I'll be able to use my analytical skills when Auriel helps me rebuild my self-control...

When that happens, I will be able to extract all the information from the spy.....

Living is complicated.

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