No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 344: Dreams Are Valuable

Chapter 344: Dreams Are Valuable

(Perspective Ichika Nakano) (The Quintessential Quintuplets)

I still can't believe all the good things that have happened in my life in such a short time.

Luis's life is no longer in danger and he even agreed to have an official relationship with me.

Since we met, I always felt that emotional barrier that separated us, but now I can feel his sincere love.

I really trust him, but I know him well enough to know that he can disappear at any moment, so sometimes I feel a slight fear that he will decide to end our relationship. Therefore, I have made sure to prepare enough ties so that he cannot walk away from my life. Therefore, I have made sure to schedule enough ties so that he cannot walk away from my life.

I've been planning for a long time for my sisters to have a relationship with my silly husband, that way, we can all be together without going through the conflicts we had when we fell in love with Fuutaro.

I am aware that my way of seeing life is wrong and even twisted, but I just want my loved ones to be happy, even if it causes other people unhappiness.

Although my husband's life is no longer in danger, I am concerned that his mental health seems to be hanging by a very thin thread. It's like the stress is slowly consuming him.

The suicide rate in Japan is very high, so I'm worried about Luis having an accident.

I know that Luis has the inhuman mental strength and can bear all the problems in the world, but that is not healthy for his heart.

For this reason, it makes me very happy to see that many people can help him deal with the stress.

I was really surprised to see so many women willing to participate in the orgy, especially since some of them were married women, but well, Luis has always been the natural enemy of men who spend little time with his family.

On the other hand, I'm happy that I'm closer to my sisters now, even though it's been tiring to comfort Yotsuba and Miku.

According to my initial plan, Nino was the first to give her body to Luis, after all, she always had a particular taste for juvenile criminals and Luis fits her preferences, besides, she always admired Luis's cooking skills even if she did not admit it.

What was a surprise was that Miku happened to be the next to fall.

I thought Itsuki would be the third of us to be with Luis since they both have a strange friendship. Luis often acts as a single father frustrated with life since he had to take care of his sister and mother from an early age, at the same time, Itsuki many times took the role of our mother and that is why she is very mature, although she also has her naive side.

I didn't think that Miku would look for Luis due to the frustration she felt from seeing Yotsuba with Fuutaro. I underestimated her jealousy and loneliness, but in the end, everything turned out well.

With Itsuki and Miku on our side, it was easy to bring down Yotsuba. I love my clumsy sister, but she worries me about how naive she is.

It was easy to convince her to have an affair with Luis, the difficult thing has been to prevent her from approaching Fuutaro to apologize, and I also have to prevent my dear sister from falling into depression.

Luis left town for a week as he needs specialized care to deal with his emotional problems.

I'm not a mental health specialist so I can't help you directly, but I love my silly husband so I've focused on helping in any way I can.

I made sure my sisters stayed at my house and every night I talked to them to convince them to have an official relationship with Luis.

Nino accepted it easily. Miku reluctantly accepted it. Itsuki accepted it with resignation. Only Yotsuba had trouble accepting since she's still deeply in love with Fuutaro, but I've already worked with that.

Fuutaro is a kind boy, but he is too dense and too square-minded. He's too busy studying for the college exam, so he hasn't thought about Yotsuba's recent strange behavior.

Whenever the two of them are meeting, I have made sure that one of my new friends is around to prevent them from going on a romantic date.

Luis told me about some aspects of the supernatural world, plus he permitted me to direct the women of his harem.

Luis did not establish an official hierarchy among his lovers, but any woman with half a brain can see that there are women with greater authority.

It is obvious that some women are not happy with this and feel very jealous, but the fear of being abandoned makes them very obedient.

When Luis went to China, I took a long time to create a solid friendship with much of the harem.

Now that Luis has gone to another city, I made sure to unify the group to avoid internal conflicts.

I can't help Luis with his physical, emotional, and mental health problems, but I have done my best to keep his harem stable.

That fool will have to reward me when he gets back. This has been exhausting.

Luckily for me, some of the women who help me are quite intelligent and cruel, which has been a great help, although they have also caused a lot of problems.

For starters, Kotonoha-san turned out to be more dangerous than I thought.

(Author's Note: Katsura Kotonoha of School Days)

She had not only beheaded her ex-boyfriend, but she had also even brought the corpse as a show of sincerity for Luis.

My husband took it upon himself to eliminate the evidence and used his yakuza connections to prevent future problems, but he left before solving other problems.

Luis seemed to have lost control during the orgy, so he didn't think about everything he was doing.

Among the women who participated in the orgy, there were women with flashy backgrounds, but that is something that Luis will have to fix. For now, I am checking another problem.

I sighed and drank the cup of tea in front of me. – "So… How many women do you have in the basement?"

"That matters?" – Kotonoha-san looked at me with confusion.

"Not really, you just have to eliminate the ones that cause problems" – A green-haired girl smiled without a trace of cruelty or malice.

Among the women who are helping me, Shion has been a great partner since she is very intelligent, although her idea of her using murder to fix every problem is something dangerous. I can't let her cause trouble for Luis.

(Author's Note: Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni)

I sighed. – "We cannot depend on violence for every problem, that will cause problems for Luis"

When I started an official relationship with Luis, he told me about a strange phenomenon called Karma. According to him, using cruel methods will cause a person to gain Negative Karma, which affects luck, attracts danger, and causes hostility from troublesome people.

Luis told me that I must limit my actions that cause direct harm to innocent people, so now I am looking for methods more focused on manipulation instead of violence.

"Tch, what's the point of the force if I can't use it?" – Shion sighed with annoyance, although she is not stubborn and knows when to stop. - "So what will we do?"

The whole problem is because Kotonoha has very low self-esteem, so she thought that Luis had abandoned her because he was disgusted by her.

Luis had a big change in his heart a short time ago, so most of the women he interacted with in the past think that Luis is still a man incapable of genuine affection, some of them even think that the whole thing about his harem is part of a job and he doesn't love us. I have worked hard for them to change that point of view, but Luis will have to do the most important work.

The point is that Kotonoha thought that Luis would only accept her if she brought a great gift that he couldn't refuse.

Kotonoha thought Luis was a pervert, which is true, but she thought my husband's depravity was on the level of a Hollywood director.

When Luis visited her city, he did not interact with other people and only focused on his mission, but Kotonoha thought that Luis had taken an interest in various girls from her school.

I honestly don't understand Kotonoha's way of thinking, but she kidnapped several women to give them to Luis.

Kotonoha is dangerous as she has no moral limitations or perspective of right and wrong. For her, everything is fine as long as it is done out of love.

That is no longer a simple problem of perspective, it is totally a mental disorder, and from what I have read about psychology, mental problems are often hereditary.

"I brought snacks" – An elegant woman approached us with a tray of snacks.

She put the food in front of us and sat down next to Kotonoha, then she smiled at me expectantly. – "Do you happen to know when my adorable boy will be back?"

She is the mother of Kotonoha and another of the women who participated in the orgy, Manami Katsura.

(Author's Note: Manami Katsura from School Days)

Kotonoha is very impulsive and she couldn't kidnap several women by herself since the police could easily find her, but her mother is different from her.

Manami-san is very intelligent and kind, but she has a great loneliness complex due to her husband's infidelity.

Luis easily manipulated the lonely woman, but he didn't think she would become obsessed with him to the point that she would help her daughter commit a crime.

Kotonoha had kidnapped several women before leaving her town, then left to find Luis while Manami-san made sure the women didn't starve.

When Kotonoha found Luis, she called her mother and she prepared everything to move to this city.

Manami-san's family isn't a recognized family, but they do have quite a lot of money. She bought a big house in the city and left her 'luggage' in the basement.

Manami-san gives the impression of a beautiful mature woman, a perfect wife, and a loving mother, but she is just as dangerous as Shion and Kotonoha.

From what I've researched, she became a widow a couple of days ago. More specifically, she was widowed one day before moving to this city.

Her husband committed suicide due to personal issues that aren't clear, but I have a theory that Manami-san set things up to make the ex-husband look like the culprit behind the women's kidnapping. It will tarnish the reputation of Manami-san and her daughters, but it will also help her to go unpunished even if the crime becomes known.

I love Luis, but I can't help but think that his fetish for crazy women is something very dangerous… Well, I'm not normal either, after all, I can accept all this as something normal.

By the way, Manami-san has a younger daughter, Kokoro Katsura.

(Author's Note: Kokoro Katsura from School Days)

She also moved to this city and also seems to be in love with Luis, although she did not participate in the orgy as she did not feel emotionally ready yet, plus Luis keeps insisting that he is not a pedophile even though I saw some little girls during the orgy.

Well, little Kokoro is very adorable so it won't be a problem, besides, she already knows about the madness of her mother and sister, but she doesn't dislike these actions. Like her sister, she thinks everything is fine as long as she does it for love.

I smiled softly. – "Luis said he would come back early tomorrow"

"Oh, that's good" – Manami-san smiled happily. She is an adult with two daughters, but her smile has the innocence of a little girl in love.

"Yes, yes, it's good that that fool will come back, but we still haven't decided what to do with the women in the basement" – Shion smiled wryly and amused.

From what I've seen, she enjoys other people's pain too much, although she doesn't want to cause Luis too much trouble either.

On the other hand, she has something called magic, so she can eliminate various nuisances on her own. Just yesterday, she and her sister took it upon themselves to silence a girl who was spreading nasty rumors about Luis.

It's good that the yakuza and the police are on our side, or things would get very annoying.

"Luis-kun can choose what to do with them" – Manami-san spoke affectionately. – "If he doesn't want them, we just have to get rid of them"

Shion had a big smile. – "Minami-san, I think we will be good friends"

"Ara, I would like that" – Minami-san also smiled.

I resisted the urge to sigh. It would be nice if Luis stopped seducing mentally deranged women, or at least it would be better if those crazy women had more self-control.

Akane is also impulsive and dangerous, she has even shown a lot of hostility towards some of the harem members, but she has enough self-control not to cause trouble.

(Author's Note: Akane Hiyama from The Very Lovely Tyrant of Love)

In the end, we decided to wait for Luis to decide what to do.

I know Luis won't be too upset even if we decide to eliminate those women. He enjoys that we make our own decisions, but it is one thing to have autonomy and another thing to be inconsiderate. We love the same man, so we want to see him happy.

I said goodbye to mother and daughter. Little Kokoro went out with her new friends so she couldn't be there during the conversation.

Leaving the house, Shion said goodbye and left on her own. From what I've heard, the women who obtained magical abilities have been training to become stronger.

I have the option of learning to fight on a level beyond the human, but I'd rather not. Even if I get strong, Luis won't let me fight, so I can be of more help to him by helping him run his harem, plus I have to run my talent agency.

Being so busy is nice. All this work makes me feel that my effort is worth it, although it is a bit sad that my acting career seems to be dying due to the scandal that arose from my relationship with Luis.

Well, you can't have everything in life. I have a husband who loves me and that makes me happy.

"Are we leaving yet?" – In front of Manami-san's house was an orange-haired woman who was dressed as a bodyguard.

Luis left a group of amazing women to take care of the city while he was away.

This woman is a Dragon God of immense power, although contrary to dragon stories, she is very nice and we became friends, although her obsession with yakuza is a bit strange.

(Author's Note: Coco Kiryu of Hololive)

"Yes, thanks for waiting, Coco-san" – I smiled and got into the car.

Coco-san got in together with me and the driver started driving. I don't fully understand what is the driver, but Luis mentioned that he is a disposable puppet, so I can ignore him.

"So now you're dedicated to trafficking women, worthy of a yakuza's wife" – Coco-san nodded approvingly.

I'm not surprised that she would have heard us, she is a God so her hearing is very good.

"We are not trafficking women since that would mean selling them to other people, this is kidnapping since there is no monetary gain" – I took out my laptop and started working.

"Oh well, it's still a very conspicuous crime" – Coco-san shrugged and took out a portable video game. – "By the way, can we go buy Yakuza 3? I'm about to finish 2"

"We can order it online" - I smiled, it's interesting that a Goddess capable of destroying islands is a fan of video games.

"Umm, that sounds good, video game stores fill up with strange-smelling people" – Coco-san nodded. – "By the way, what makes you so sad?"


"What are you talking about?" – I bowed my head in confusion, I don't feel sad.

Coco-san paused her game and stared at me, then sighed. – "Did you not realize that you have a slightly sad look?"

Uh? Oh really?

I took out a pocket mirror and looked at myself, but I didn't see anything wrong with my expression… No, there's a slight melancholy in my gaze, but it's very subtle.

I took a deep breath and managed to recover my energetic gaze. I have a lot to improve in my acting skills, I'm still not able to fool myself completely.

"I think I'm a little discouraged by my career as an actress" - I shook my head and continued working.

"How bad are things?" Coco-san raised an eyebrow. – "I thought you were one of the four most popular rookie actresses"

"That's how it was a few days ago, but a photo was leaked where I'm hugging Luis" – I shrugged and took out my cell phone to show it to Coco-san.

"Let's see… Rising star Nakano Ichika disappoints her fans… Talented Nakano is seen with her boyfriend… Actress Nakano Ichika is rumored to be pregnant… Who is Nakano Ichika's boyfriend? Click here to find out… Fans Organize File for New Actress Nakano Ichika to be Banned from Show Business… A Group of Fans Threaten to Murder Actress Nakano Ichika for Daring to Have a Boyfriend… What the Fuck is This?" – Coco-san's mouth trembled as she read the news on the internet.

"My private message tray is worse" - I sighed. – "I had to disable notifications because they kept ringing even at night"

Coco-san entered my profile and saw my messages. – "... Wow, these idiots are very creative with insults, it seems they want to push you to commit suicide"

"That's the life of the show, many fans are obsessed with celebrities and believe that by buying our merchandise they have the right to control us" - I shrugged. – "If we do something they don't like, they will attack until we have a nervous breakdown"

I know some talented girls who were harassed until they broke down due to pressure from fans, some of them even committed suicide.

Originally I made my talent agency to make money, but now I want to use that agency to support young talents who have been attacked for ridiculous reasons, although I also plan to get more cute girls for my dear husband.

"Do you want to talk about this?" – Coco-san looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine" - I smiled with sincere gratitude. – "I have my dear sisters, I have good friends and I have a loving husband, I do not care what strangers say or what the press says, the only thing that saddens me a little is that I will no longer be able to continue making movies and series"

A couple of days ago, the producer of the series where I am working called me to cancel my contract, also, the projects where I already had a guaranteed place began to cancel me and now nobody is willing to hire me.

"…." - Coco-san sighed. – "You should talk about this with Luis"

"It is not necessary" - I smiled. – "He already has many problems and I am not a helpless girl, even if I lose my career as an actress, I still have my talent company and thanks to Luis's support, my company will only continue to grow"

Thanks to my family's money and my husband's support, I will never have money problems and I can have a good life without working...

It is just that…

I wanted to continue acting...

"Ichika…" – Choco-san spoke with concern.

"I'm fine" - I smiled again and focused on my work.

We made it to my talent agency building with no problem, so I headed to my office to make preparations. Coco-san stayed at the reception to wait for her game to arrive after buying it online.

I lied to Minami-san when she asked when Luis would arrive. The truth is that he will come in the night.

When he contacted me, I asked him to meet me at the agency as I have a surprise for him. I have four to six hours to prepare everything.

I entered my office and was about to call my assistant, but I froze when I saw a man sitting in my chair while reading a document. - "Really? A catalog of women? This looks like something done by a pimp"

... I sighed with disappointment. – "You said you would arrive at night"

It made me very happy to see my dear husband, although I am disappointed that I could not prepare the surprise gift.

"I thought I would travel calmly, but I had to hurry after Monika showed me the chaos on social networks" - Luis spoke with annoyance and showed me his cell phone. – "Why didn't you tell me that you were fired?"

I smiled wryly. – "Things were easier when you didn't know how to use the internet"

"Do not evade my question" - Luis looked at me seriously.

I sighed. – "It is not something important, besides, I already have a lot of work and I thought to give up acting"

I'm still a student, I have to run the talent agency, and now I have to supervise the harem so my husband doesn't have too much trouble. I don't have much free time to continue my acting career.

Luis sighed and put the files on the desk, then walked over to me. – "Ichika, you don't need to give up your dreams to make me happy, you are my wife, not a slave"

I couldn't help but let out a smile. – "Hearing you talk about dreams is very strange, you are the most pessimistic person I know"

"Well, I've thought a lot of things" – Luis sighed. – "Having a dream is something beautiful and you should not give up yours, you have talent, money, opportunities, and support, you have everything to follow your dream"

I laughed a little. – "So I should follow my dreams just because I have more opportunities than other people?"

Being a major actress has always been my dream. I fell in love with the world of acting when I was a child, but now I have responsibilities that I need to fulfill, I have a husband that I need to support, and in the future, I want to start my own family.

To achieve that goal, I can give up my dream.

Luis lifted his hand and gently caressed my cheek. I'm still not completely used to the change in his attitude, but his kindness and affection make me very happy.

"Ichika, you decided to love me even though I had nothing and my attitude was worse than shit, my problems were overwhelming and I was literally dying, but you still stayed by my side" – Luis smiled affectionately at me.

I felt a nice warmth on my chest. – "Seeing you smile like that makes all my effort worth it"

"You are a wonderful woman, but sometimes you are too stubborn" – Luis sighed.

I raised an eyebrow. - "And that is bad?"

"Yes" - Luis frowned. – "Ichika, you have given up too much for me and I thank you, but I don't want you to sacrifice your dreams"

… I sighed and looked down. – "I appreciate that you worry about me, but really I'm fine, anyway, you already have many problems and I don't want to increase your work"

It makes me happy to know that Luis cares so much about me, I don't need anything else…. Ouch!

"Why are you pinching my cheek?!" - I yelled angrily as I rubbed my cheek.

"That's what you get for saying stupid things" – Luis sighed. – "Ichika, you are my wife, your desires and dreams are not a burden or a problem, if there is something you want then I will help you achieve it since I am your husband and your happiness is my happiness"

I pouted in anger. – "It was not necessary to pinch me, now my cheek is going to swell"

He's a violent fool, but I still love him… Does that make me a masochist? I hope not…

Luis smiled wryly. – "It is pain without real damage, the pain will disappear in a few minutes"

My mouth trembled. – "Every day you are more like a madman from the inquisition"

"Well, technically I'm a terrorist" – Luis shrugged and then smiled at me mockingly. – "On the other hand, it seems that you want to become the godmother of a brothel"

The list that Luis was looking at was the original project that I prepared for the young girls of my agency.

Originally I thought to prostitute them with important people and thus get money, besides, that would give me material to blackmail them in the future.

Now my plans have completely changed. I didn't discard the list as I thought to gather the most obedient and cute girls, then I thought to manipulate and threaten them a bit to turn them into the welcome gift for my husband.

"We are not good people" - I smiled.

"In fact, we are the kind of villains that are killed by a hero" – Luis agreed.

"Were you watching a series with little Umaru?" - I let out a small laugh. – "It is rare to hear you talk about heroes and villains"

Louis sighed. – "My daughters love generic stories, so I have been reading children's stories"

Daughters….. I also want to have a daughter.

I hugged my lovely husband and looked at his face. – "If you want to make me happy so much, then there is something you can give me~"

Luis's mouth trembled as he understood my thoughts. It's nice that he's not dense and he can understand my hints.

"Fine, but it will be later" - Luis sighed. – "But first you need to fulfill your dream"

... I sighed. – "Luis, I already told you that I'm fine, you don't need to worry, besides, at this point, it is almost impossible for someone to want to hire me"

The Japanese entertainment market is too aggressive. The only way to get back into show business after a scandal is if I make deals with big names on TV, but that would mean giving up my body and I'd rather die than be unfaithful to my husband.

"As far as I know, these kinds of dramas are used as advertising in the film industry" – Luis seemed doubtful.

I smiled and caressed his face. – "You know a little about the western film industry, but here things are different, the fanaticism of the Japanese can become dangerous, a short time ago there was a case where an idol was tracked down and raped by a fan who was enraged when she got a boyfriend, the worst thing is that many fans supported the rapist and things escalated to the point that the idol committed suicide"

Louis sighed. – "Without a doubt, the Internet is the cancer of society"

"Don't blame the internet, society has always been a disaster" - I smiled at how cute my husband is when he shows that face of disappointment towards humanity.

Luis smiled wryly. – "I think the bombs damaged much more than the infrastructure of Japan"

I pinched his cheek and feigned anger. – "Hey, don't make jokes about it"

"As if you care about innocent lives" - Luis rolled his eyes.

"Well, I have to keep my image, after all, I'll be an actress again" – I smiled.

I can't think of options, but I know Luis well enough to know that he will use any method to make me happy, even if it destroys the lives of innocent people.

Actually, I desperately want to get my acting role back.

I don't care about fame, attention, and money, I don't want people's recognition and admiration either, what I really enjoy is playing characters, being part of a story full of emotions, and being able to convey my feelings through acting.

My love for acting doesn't outweigh my love for my husband, but I'll feel a little sad if I have to give up my dreams of being an actress.

My greatest desire has always been to appear in an international award-winning film, although what I have researched about the film industry is not very encouraging.

"…" – Luis looked into my eyes and then smiled. – "A woman who knows what she wants is beautiful, and right now you are more beautiful than usual"

I blushed a little, but feigned anger. – "Your simplistic language can work with naive women, but not with me"

"Certainly, my wife is too intelligent to fall for the lies of a womanizer" – Luis smiled wryly.

"Good, it's good that you know" – I looked up proudly.

We hugged for a moment.

There were no words and they were not necessary. Silence can say more than words.

"Luis, don't worry about my career for now, I won't give up my dream, but right now it's not necessary to rush things" - I exhaled deeply feeling a burden disappear from my heart.

I can postpone my dream without giving up my acting career. No need to rush, for now, I can enjoy my life while looking for options.

"Fine" - Luis hugged me gently. – "I plan to be on vacation for a couple of months, but if something occurs to you, do not hesitate to tell me, you are my wife, and your happiness is my happiness"

… He is so cute.

I smiled feeling great happiness in my heart. – "Are you going to leave school?"

"No, my vacation will consist of having a normal life" - Luis began to caress my hair affectionately. – "I will try to live without committing murders or something similar, you know, like a normal person"

"Ummm, you will have a hard time, there are many people who hate you," – I smiled imagining how difficult my husband's life will be. – "While you were out of town, Nino boasted at school that you are her boyfriend, this made other girls feel jealous so they also said they had a relationship with you… Now you are the enemy of almost all the men in the city"

"... That girl..." – Luis sighed.

"It is her revenge because you left without saying goodbye" - I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the hug.

"... I'm not surprised" – Luis sighed again.

"You get what you deserve" – I let out a small laugh.

"It seems so" – Luis also seemed to find Nino's actions amusing. – "Later I will punish her"

"I have the handcuffs and the whip, do you need anything else?" – Nino will have problems~

"No, that's enough" – Luis looks expectant.

I never tire of saying it. - "I love you, Luis"

"I love you too, Ichika" – Luis kissed my forehead.

My dreams are valuable because I have someone to share them with. Mother, I am very happy.




Author's Note:

The laptop that I currently use is garbage that restarts every so often and closes my documents randomly.

Anyway, the frustration is strong, but my need to write so as not to have an existential crisis is stronger.

A hug <3

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