No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 349: Hot food is wonderful

Chapter 349: Hot food is wonderful

We arrived at the simple udon restaurant and I sat next to Sayu to eat.

The owner of the place recognized me from the time I accompanied his daughter Rizu Ogata after we had a study session, so he gave me a good meal, although he showed some concern since it is not good for two young people to be on the street at this late at night, especially since I haven't been to school for over a month.

(Author's Note: Rizu Ogata from We Never Learn: Bokuben)

After the Arifureta incident I went to China using the excuse that I was injured in the earthquake, so it was strange to see myself again at this time and being accompanied by an unknown girl.

Despite the strangeness of the situation, the man did not ask about my personal life and he only advised me to go home after eating. I appreciate that he is a kind man and not too nosy. I will thank him for treating his daughter well.

By the way, I didn't see Rizu since she's already asleep because she's a responsible girl. This is the hour when there are only drunk workers, so the father is in charge of serving drunk customers.

"Thank you" – Sayu smiled happily and began to eat. The hot food and my sweater on her back gave her a nice warm feeling that made her smile unconsciously. – "By the way, your pet is cute"

There weren't many customers so we were able to grab a table for ourselves. In front of me was Sayu and to my left was Ortro.

The owner of the place didn't mind that the little dog sat next to me, but he told me that the dog can't lick the dishes.

Well, Ortro showed disgust for the food in this place, so the owner doesn't need to worry.

Ortro ignored Sayu and continued to eat Buddhist meat happily.

"She is not my pet, she is my friend" - I smiled when I saw that Ortro was waving her dog's tail when she heard my comment.

Sayu was in a better mood thanks to the food, so she tried to start a conversation with me.

"So, Luis, is it okay if I ask what you do?" – Sayu asked me with slight curiosity.

My attitude has shown that just like her, my personal circumstances are complicated, so she is curious about the fact that I have enough money to feed an unknown girl.

"You don't need to be shy, you can ask whatever you want" – I shrugged and ate a bite of udon. I swallowed the food since it's unpleasant to talk with your mouth full and spoke with slight irony. – "Let's see, where to start… Technically I am a normal student, although people often say that I am a bum, a criminal, and an idiot, although I have a job and my own house, so I have succeeded in life, I even have several beautiful wives and with a lot of money"

"…." – Sayu looked at me blankly. – "It was not necessary to invent something so absurd, if you don't want to say it then don't say it"

I shrugged. – "If you come with me you will see the truth"

Sayu smiled provocatively. – "Oh, then I will know since you gave me a good meal, so I will accompany you~"

I shook my head and smiled slightly. – "Are you a stray dog that follows the first idiot that feeds you?"

"Hey Listen! Hahaha, said by the idiot dog who falls in love with every woman who treats him slightly well!" – Navi appeared in my mind to say stupid things and disappeared again.

I can't get mad since the idiot told the truth…

"…. Woof" – Sayu and Ortro barked at the same time which almost made me laugh.

This girl acts cute and awkward, but it's all an act to see my reactions and judge my tastes.

She is very astute at judging people so she can seduce men efficiently, though her low self-esteem makes her see herself as a disposable piece of meat, so she continues to prostitute herself instead of using her talents in something more productive.

The store owner is taking other customers' orders, so he didn't have time to see our nonsense.

I sighed and reached out my hand to pat Sayu's head. – "Okay, good girl"

Ortro made angry noises so I also patted her little head. The brat is turning into a spoiled child.

Sayu smiled seductively with a trace of tenderness, she is skilled at encouraging men's lust. – "Should I wear a necklace and a headband with ears while I reward you for feeding me?"

"Not everything in life is sex" - I rolled my eyes. – "For now eat or the food will get cold"

Sayu showed an exaggerated expression of surprise. – "Don't you want to jump on me despite how pretty I am? Don't tell me you like…"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" – I frowned, although I didn't show complete anger and it was something more like tiredness. – "Listen, sex is great and I love it, but right now we are eating and it is a sin not to enjoy food when the food is hot"

"…" – Sayu stopped acting seductive and looked at her plate of food.

She remained silent for a few seconds, then went back to eating while her gaze showed complex emotions.

People who have never suffered from hunger and cold could not know how important a bowl of hot soup can be. For people who have lived destitute, eating something hot while sitting at a table can bring more happiness than having beautiful women and fancy clothes.

"Eat slowly, you can ask for another dish if you're still hungry" – I spoke slightly kindly when Sayu began to eat hurriedly. She was too hungry.

Sayu downed her soup in one gulp and let out a long contented sigh.

She was so satisfied that she stopped acting cute and attractive, she was too engrossed in the food that she didn't notice the noodles left on her lips like a mustache.

I gave a small laugh and gestured to point to the space above her lips.

Sayu touched her face and noticed her noodle mustache. She hastily grabbed a napkin to wipe her face as there was a small blush on her cheeks. She was embarrassed for showing such a comic appearance.

We both continue to eat without talking much.

Sayu measures each of her own actions to try to seduce me, but I showed that I can easily see through her actions, so she stopped trying to seduce me.

"Just so you know, you're beautiful so I'd like to spend the night with you, but I don't have one-night stands" – I wiped my mouth with a napkin. – "If you are willing to be my lover, I promise that I will give you food, a place to sleep and I will make sure to cover any need you may have"

Sayu looked at me with a mixture of skepticism and irony. – "It sounds like you want to buy me"

"You rent your body, but I want to buy it" – I looked into Sayo's eyes and showed sincerity in my words. – "One-night stands can be fun for some men, but I find it more pleasant to have a permanent relationship, even if that relationship is based on benefits and money"

Sayu was stunned for a few seconds as she didn't know what to say to my words, then she looked at me strangely. – "I don't know if you are a jerk or just too honest"

"I'm a jerk" - I smiled and took out my wallet. – "But I am not the kind of jerk who sees women as disposable objects, to put it another way, I see them as priceless treasures that I hate to share"

Sayu kept looking at me strangely.

For a normal girl, my attitude would be unpleasant since my actions show that I see Sayu as some kind of prostitute, but for Sayu, I'm a strangely honest person.

She seems to have a lot of experience with different types of men. Whether it's perverts pretending to be nobles or shameless jerks just talking about sex, she knows both extremes of nasty male behavior.

Unlike other idiots, I'm a pervert, macho, materialistic, and a jerk, but at least I'm honest.

Something important is that a person who says everything he thinks is not necessarily someone honest but is a jerk who does not know about the basics of social interaction. Small, harmless lies are important to human interaction, as being too honest can also be seen as vulgarity.

To give an example, perverts who drool and hiss when seeing beautiful women are not honest people, they are just idiots who have no self-control. It's not bad to show interest in another person, but it's unpleasant to act like an animal in heat.

In that sense, I am a pervert with a minimum of manners since I do not hide my desires when a woman asks me my intentions, but unless the woman asks me directly, I will not make sexual comments as that would be unpleasant.

In Sayu's case, she constantly tries to seduce me, so it's better to make it clear to her what my thoughts are regarding relationships based on money and benefits.

As a last bit of advice, it's for this kind of thing that most perverted women hate perverts.

If a person is a pervert it does not mean that they will sleep with anyone, for example, I am a womanizer, but I will not sleep with a visually disgusting woman who looks like a man.

The Envy homunculus is biologically a female, but I don't have relations with her as she is more like a man than a woman. In my group, she is more of an assistant or helper rather than a lover.

I took out a large amount of money and put it on the table. – "I am not an altruistic idiot, I am interested in you because you are attractive, but if you do not want to get involved in a permanent relationship with me, then you can take this and go, I will not force you into something you do not want and you are not indebted to me, you are free to choose what to do with your life"

The last thing I said made Sayu's heart flutter.

She didn't pay attention to money, her mind is alien to greed for riches and she doesn't mind having a lot of money, what really caught her attention was what I said about her freedom. Apparently, I'm the first person who hasn't taken advantage of her or criticized her for the harmful lifestyle she decided to have.

Even though she took a bad path, I am showing her that I will respect her decisions since she owns her own life.

On a pedagogical side, this is horrible as Sayu needs stern guidance so she doesn't completely ruin her life, but I'm not her father so I don't have any obligation or responsibility to guide her life. In fact, I'm already being kind enough to give her two options that will help her avoid starvation.

There are two easy ways to seduce Sayu. Take advantage of her emotional emptiness to treat her kindly and thus generate emotional dependence on her, or help her overcome her own complexes by rebuilding her self-esteem.

I'll start by making her emotionally dependent on me, then I'll make sure to rebuild her self-esteem. This is like the grooming, but we're the same age, so it's not illegal, just morally disgusting.

Sayu's hands were under the table. She clenched her fists tightly as she tried hard not to show her chaotic emotions. She has a heavy emotional shell and is not willing to open her heart easily, even though she has a great need for acceptance, so my words made a small crack in his emotional barriers.

"That's a lot of money for a simple student who used to be a bum" – Sayu forced a wry smile. – "I don't think it's right that you waste so much money… Aren't you worried that I decide to leave with the money without sleeping with you?"

"I told you, I was lucky and got a good job" – I shrugged. – "Don't think about it too much, money exists to be spent and it was nice to eat with such a pretty girl, you may think that this is a payment to accompany me to eat"

I heard once that there are losers who pay women just to have someone to date, but not have sex.

It is incredible how loneliness has made many people hire women just to pretend to have a girlfriend, although it is also incredible how intelligent the women who provide these services are. That way they can take advantage of the beauty of their bodies without the need to become prostitutes.

Sayu looked down. – "I have slept with many men… I don't think you want to be around someone like me"

And there is the first emotional crack in her emotional armor. She has started to show the vulnerable side of her.

"Oh, look what a causality" - I spoke apathetically. – "I have slept with many women, we have a lot in common"

Sayu gritted her teeth thinking that I am making fun of her. – "… You don't understand… I have sold my body many times…"

"Another coincidence" - I yawned. – "There was a time when I was a gigolo to get food"

Sayu looked up and looked at me in disbelief. - "It's true?"

I nodded without interest. – "I told you, I respect your decisions since you did what you could to survive… Maybe it was not the best choice, but I am not going to judge you, everyone has their way of thinking and their own limitations"

In the United States, I slept with many women to earn money. There are many perverts willing to pay good money to spend a night with a cute boy, although some of them were too depraved and tried to bugger me like a toy, so I had to kill them.

Whether I'm a contract killer, a cheap labor clerk, or a gigolo, I've done a lot of pitiful things to get food. That's why I don't dislike prostitutes.

Perhaps the only thing I have not done to survive has been to have homosexual relations. In that sense, I am grateful that my father raised me to be a homophobic jerk.

Sayu stared at me for a couple of minutes. She was too stunned and she didn't know what to think.

She will spend some time immersed in her thoughts, so I covered the money with a napkin and called the owner of the place to bring more food.

I don't really like udon as I feel it lacks flavor, but Rizu's father makes decent food.

The owner was busy so he couldn't serve me right away.

It was already the time when the drunks left the bars to look for small restaurants and food stalls. In this country it is normal for workers to drink until they pass out, so it is not uncommon to see people asleep in the street, although some drunks decide to go eat to reduce their drunkenness and thus be able to return home.

The restaurant was getting busy, so we'd better leave before something unpleasant happens. I have too much plot armor so a drunk will do something stupid around me and I don't feel like emasculating an idiot.

I was about to call Sayu to tell her that we should continue our conversation in another place, but I felt a familiar scent approaching.

Damn my luck, this is going to be loud.

"Hey boss, give me the usual!" – A noisy woman entered the restaurant cheerfully.

"Hiratsuka-san, don't be so noisy" – A tired woman sighed as she walked behind the noisy woman.

"My head…. Ugh…" – The tired woman was helping a drunk woman who was about to fall asleep to walk.

Shizuka Hiratsuka from Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru.

Kyoko Hihara from Nisekoi.

Mafuyu Kirisu from We Never Learn: BOKUBEN.

The three beautiful teachers were here and judging the smell on their bodies, they come from a meeting where they were drinking.

The plot armor is doing its job...

I quickly put the money away and touched Sayu's hand to get her out of her thoughts.

"They are my teachers so let me talk, just play along" – I made a gesture with my eyes to point out the three women who caught the attention of several customers.

Sayu nodded in understanding, though her gaze was fixed on my fingers that were touching her hand.

Seriously, the Japanese obsession with hand contact seems absurd to me.

We're sitting near the entrance so they'll notice me in no time.

I started talking to Sayu about random things and pretended not to notice the three women.

Hiratsuka is drunk, but she's a perceptive woman so she was the first to notice me.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she showed an expression of joy and relief when she saw me. From what I heard, she has been trying to visit me at the hospital to check on my health, but the hospital staff always prevent her from seeing me.

Actually, most of the teachers in the school are happy that I don't attend classes since they see me as trash that pollutes the reputation of the school, only these three women have been concerned about me. Well, the principal is also worried, but it's out of fear and not out of being a kind teacher.

The relief on Hiratsuka's expression quickly turned to anger at the sight of me talking to Sayu. She had been very worried about me, but I am happily talking to a cute girl very late at night. Hiratsuka is angry at my lack of responsibility as a student and she is jealous since her love life is more dead than Navi's rationality.

Hiratsuka approached me with heavy steps. I haven't done anything to her, but she's going to scold me for no reason since she wants to vent her frustrations and I'm a good scapegoat. The irrationality of this woman is immense, but I have more irrational wives, so there is no problem.

In my mind, I prepared a script to seduce the grumpy teacher, but as always, an unexpected variant emerged.

[System Notification: The skill 'Lucky Pervert' has been activated]

It had been a long time since I saw that notification. How nostalgic.

Totally absurdly, Mafuyu tripped over her own emotional insecurities, and completely conveniently, she fell on me.

Her slim but soft body knocked me to the ground as her firm breasts pressed into my face.

She normally wears clothes suitable for a teacher so she doesn't look revealing, but she was hot from drunkenness, so she took off her jacket, leaving only her white shirt.

Inside her shirt, her bra had come undone, exposing her perky breasts. In some way that even I can't explain, her right nipple ended up pressing against my mouth when my mouth was open, so my tongue touched her nipple on top of her shirt. Only the thin fabric prevented me from tasting her delicate skin.

Everything had happened in an instant, so Hiratsuka and Kyoko didn't know that Mayufu's nipple was in my mouth, but they saw that my right hand was hugging the strict teacher's waist while my right hand was holding her shapely buttocks.

No matter how hard I tried to analyze this to make sense of it, it was all so absurd that it seemed like one of BB's or Nyaruko's skills.

No doubt, [Lucky Pervert] is a stupid skill, but I'm not complaining.

I very gently bit Mafuyu's nipple. I did it very carefully so she wouldn't get hurt, but it was enough for her to let out a strange moan.

Mafuyu was still drunk, her eyes were glassy and her breathing began to shake. Under normal circumstances, she would have run away in a panic as she hit me or something, but this time, she subconsciously pressed her breasts into my face.

Yes, it will be fun to go back to class with this cute teacher.

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