No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 351: (1): Milfsekai 3

Chapter 351: (1): Milfsekai 3

(Mamako Oosuki's perspective) (Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?)

I can't think straight... I don't know what I'm doing… I don't know what I should do….

"Stop being distracted!" – My friend Cha Heera grabbed me by the head and forced me to duck to avoid a giant sword that was pointed at my head. – "Stop thinking about nonsense shit and fight you damn idiot!"

(Author's Note: Cha Heera of Regressor Instruction Manual)

My friend's vocabulary reminds me of him....

I shook my head. I'm not good at thinking about complicated things, for now, I'm just going to fight.

I nodded and forced a smile to no longer think about things that bothered me. – "I found the alchemist's trail, I need two minutes to concentrate and make a direct hit"

"Okay, I'll buy time" – Cha Heera smiled and lightly hit me on the head, then yelled to give instructions. – "The fool needs two minutes!"

Our allies agreed. I'm used to that nickname.

Cha Heera's body was covered in a red aura that reeked of blood. Any trace of rationality in her gaze was replaced by violence and bloodlust. She was no longer a violent and rude lady, but a killing machine.

Our team began to use their best skills to deal with the army of stone giants that were blocking our way.

It didn't matter if we destroyed a hundred, a thousand, or a hundred thousand enemies, they kept showing up and overwhelming our soldiers.

Enemies don't feel pain, they can regenerate if their magic cores aren't destroyed, they can use military tactics, they don't get tired, and they can learn our combat techniques. As expected from the boss of the 30th floor.

"Unnie" – My adorable adoptive daughter Jung Hayan approached me with a worried expression. – "Should we retire and try again another day?"

(Author's Note: Jung Hayan of Regressor Instruction Manual)

That's one option, but that will cause millions of people to die, although it's true that I don't feel well enough to fight...

If it wasn't for the time limit of my quest to improve my class, then I would have liked to take a break to collect my thoughts.

I smiled softly at how adorable my girl is. It's been seven years since we came to this place, but she still looks exactly the same as when we first met – "I'm fine, let's eat something delicious when we're done with this"

Hayan nodded and began to prepare powerful magic. – "I will protect unnie"

Hayan is the most talented mage in our guild alliance, but instead of joining the attack against the enemy army, she concentrated on protecting me while I focused on channeling my special skills.

This is not the time to think about things I can't understand. I need to eliminate the enemy in front of me to go home and get answers…

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Enemies are puppets with basic intelligence, but they are not capable of tactics without the help of a puppeteer.

This is an endless fight as the puppeteer can endlessly spawn enemies, the only limitation seems to be that the enemy can't control more than a million puppets at a time.

According to the tactic designed by my children, I just need to find the enemy and kill him while our allies distract the enemy.

Each puppet emits a light trail of energy. It's so subtle that other people can't see it, but my eyes seem to be special.

I can't see magic power, but something called 'Energy of Destiny'. I don't fully understand what this energy is, but it seems to be what composes and guides all things.

I focused on my eyes and looked into the distance.

[You activated the skill 'Eyes of Destiny' (Legendary): Your eyes can see the path of Destiny of all things. The more energy you put into your eyes, the clearer the path of Destiny will be]

Each stone puppet has a blue thread that stretches out like a spider's web. Now I need to follow the path of all the threads to find the target…

Ugh, my head hurts. I have always hated riddles and puzzles.

No, I can't be weak, I need to find answers. I need to go home…I must go with him...

I concentrated more and found the point where all the threads connected.

The boss rooms vary in size. In this case, this boss room is as big as Tokyo and as tall as a skyscraper, so it was hard to find the enemy, but I was able to do it, even though my head hurts now... I want some honey tea.

I didn't directly attack the enemy or he might escape. I've already had a lot of bad experiences with being too hasty, so instead of attacking head-on, I learned to use my full strength in a sneak attack.

I stopped concentrating mana on my skill and used my sleeve to wipe away the blood coming out of my eyes. I don't like this skill.

I transferred all my magical power to my swords, drank various elixirs that temporarily boost my stats, and spoke to my lovely girl. – "Hayan, mom needs support magic"

My lovely girl nodded and channeled various spells to improve my strength, stamina, magic power, attack damage, and a boon for my attacks to deal fire damage.

My little Hayan has grown so much… It will be nice when she becomes friends with my little Umaru.

I unconsciously smiled and activated my best skills for a direct attack.

[You activated the skill 'Will of Destiny' (Legendary): Destiny will support you in your actions so that you can achieve what you want. Your energy will be consumed rapidly every second]

[You activated the skill 'Path of Destiny' (Legendary): You can follow the path that ensures you a 99.9% chance of achieving what you want. Your energy will be consumed rapidly every second]

[You activated the skill 'Embodiment of Destiny' (Legendary): All your actions modify the flow of Destiny so that you get what you want. Your energy will be consumed rapidly every second]

[You activated the skill 'Rampant Genocide' (Heroic): Your attacks nullify healing abilities of Heroic level and below. Your attacks generate a state of fear that decreases stats by 40%. Your attacks have a 0.1% chance to cause instant death]

[You activated the skill 'Demon Slayer' (Heroic): Your attacks will do 300% additional damage against demons and beings that use demonic arts]

[You activated the skill 'Sneaky Assassination' (Heroic): When you attack the back of an enemy, you will deal 200% additional damage to them that ignores Heroic level and lower defensive skills and artifacts. The damage increases to 500% if the enemy is attacked by surprise]

[You activated the skill 'Ambush' (Heroic): You can perform a space jump to appear on the back of your prey as long as you can see it]

In less than a second, my magical energy reserve was nearly depleted, but it was enough.

The space around me suddenly changed and I appeared inside a hole in the wall.

The place is dark, but the enhancements I got from bathing in the Dragon King's blood allowed me to see in the dark.

The puppeteer was a thin man wearing an elegant gray robe.

I didn't have time to appreciate the quality of his wardrobe.

With the help of the blue threads, I was able to see the location of the enemy's magic core.

Instead of the heart, the puppeteer had the core of it in his stomach.

I quickly attacked his back while my sword aimed at his core.

[A successful sneak attack has been carried out. Damage is increased to 500%. An instant kill has been achieved]

Although my sword managed to destroy the core, I had a bad feeling since the threads of Destiny were still connected to the enemy's body…

Oh, I think I get it. He is another one of those enemies that does not die unless his entire body is destroyed. I hate these kind of monsters.

The puppeteer's arms twisted strangely. Although I am behind him, his arms stretched out and his hands managed to attack me.

I no longer have the energy to use my defensive skills and the enemy's hands were so sharp that they managed to pierce through my defensive artifacts.

The right hand stabbed into my heart and the left hand ripped out my intestines.

This hurts a lot, but there are much more painful things. Thinking of him hurts more than any wound...

I had already prepared myself for this, so I gathered what little energy I had left, then concentrated that magical power on the jewel that was hidden next to my liver. Little Lee Kiyoung will be angry when he finds out that I stole the Dragon King's core to use as a bomb.

The jewel began to emit an intense heat that destroyed my bones and flesh. The feeling of my body being burned was a pain that I can't describe in words, but the smell of my cooking meat made me hungry. Today I want a steak...

The intense magical power consumed my body and I lost the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. I was left alone with my thoughts.

[You have died. Love of Destiny skill has given you another chance]

[Congratulations. You defeated the boss of the 30th floor, The Demonic Alchemist]

[Access to Floor 31 has been unlocked]

[Accomplished the quest to improve your class: Defeat the boss of the 30th floor before the boss can invade the lower floors

Remaining time: 2 days

You can choose one of the following options:

- Sword Saint (Heroic Rank)

- Queen of Assassins (Heroic Rank)

- Hero (Legendary Rank)]

I managed to complete the quest, but I'm not happy.

The endless darkness and silence of death is the only thing that covers me. That makes me feel lonely and sad.

No matter how many times I've died, this is something I can't get used to… I need a chocolate cake.

In no time, I was able to hear, smell, and feel again. I didn't open my eyes or stand up as I need a moment to fully regain my consciousness. Reviving makes me feel very dizzy...

"Unnie!" – I heard little Hayan's voice and felt that something warm and soft enveloped me.

I think Hayan covered me with her cloak and now she's hugging me while crying.

"Tch, damn it, you should have told me you were going to use a suicide bomb" – I heard Cha Heera's voice full of anger.

I sighed and massaged my forehead. – "Scold me later, right now my head hurts"

"I'll scold you when I fucking feel like it!" – I felt Cha Heera hit my forehead. – "You did the same with the Sovereign of the Dead and the Dragon King, it doesn't matter if you can revive, stop doing these stupid things"

"That hurts" - I opened my eyes and pouted in anger. – "I told you my head hurts"

Cha Heera rolled her eyes. – "Stop complaining or I will hit you until you vomit"

... It's hard to have such a violent best friend.

I sighed and was about to stand up, but I could see why Hayan had rushed to cover me with her cloak.

"Little Jihye is going to scold me for destroying my clothes" – I sighed when I noticed that I'm naked. Again I destroyed my artifacts...

(Author's Note: Lee Jihye of Regressor Instruction Manual)

Cha Heera looked at me mockingly. – "Are you a perverted exhibitionist? Why do you always destroy your equipment?"

"I'm not an exhibitionist, it's not my fault that my items are so weak" – I pouted and quickly opened my inventory to put on clothes before the rest of our guild comes.

"Weak? Damn, some of your artifacts are better than mine" – Cha Heera started to laugh. – "By the way, you did not deny that you are a pervert and I really do not care about your fetishes, but stop masturbating every night, it is annoying having to listen to you when we have to sleep in the same tent"

I looked down in shame. Normally I can maintain my self-control, but recently I feel an insatiable itch running through my body. My nocturnal fantasies have become uncontrollable, especially since I read that letter....

Cha Heera sighed in annoyance. – "Seriously, you need a man…"

"Don't say it" – I frowned angrily.

Cha Heera smiled wryly. – "Yes, I know you have someone, don't look at me like that"

"Hmph" - I snorted with annoyance.

"You're a fastidious child…" – Cha Heera sighed.

My little Hayan helped me to my feet, and Cha Heera handed me my swords. I am happy that my beloved weapons were not destroyed in the explosion, they are a gift he gave me so I don't want to lose them.

Now that I look around me, I am in a deep crater while a dark barrier covers us. My little Hayan must have put up the barrier to prevent a curious man from seeing me naked. My girl is adorable.

We came out of the crater and I saw the members of the guild alliance. The people in better condition were helping the wounded and moving the corpses of our comrades who fell in combat.

Again we will have to make a funeral for our companions. Funerals always make me uncomfortable...

I think I was unconscious for two hours since the cleaning agents started to arrive.

Each guild sent a cleanup squad to collect the materials left behind by the monsters. After collecting the resources, it will be time to divide the resources based on the contribution of each guild.

Sometimes there are Players who try to steal materials as they feel that the guild system is unfair to lone Players, which is true, but managing resources is the right we earn by facing the greatest dangers of this tower.

"You dealt the final blow, so our guild will have the greatest benefits" – Cha Heera patted me on the shoulder proudly.

When we first met, she was the leader of her own guild and technically we were rivals, but the disasters and dangers we saw after completing floor 6 forced us to unite our guilds in order to survive.

In our guild, Cha Heera is one of the five leaders and is in charge of the elite troops focused on taking on the floor bosses.

I sighed. – "Although I couldn't help much…"

My skills have grown and I am now in the Top 10 Strongest Players, but my specialty is assassination and not large-scale combat.

I have good swordsmanship and some of my skills are useful for dealing with large groups of enemies, but my true strength is when I have to kill individual enemies.

So far, there are only five players who can take me on in one-on-one combat, but when it comes to sneak assassination, I'm the best.

"This is life" - Cha Heera shrugged. - "Some die and some live, stop worrying about insignificant things or you will die and be naked again "

"…." – I scratched my cheek. – "You are right, there is no point in worrying"

We kept silent as we waited for the leaders of the other guilds. Before our meeting, they are organizing their soldiers, so they are busy.

Cha Heera, Hayan, and I have high ranks in our guild, but we hate things like paperwork and administration, so we leave that to more capable and patient people.

"Hey" – Cha Heera put her hand on my shoulder. – "Lately you have been acting strange, tell me what is wrong with you or I will hit you until you speak up"

I smiled bitterly. – "This is not how you should help a friend"

Cha Heera raised her fist so I raised my hands in surrender. – "I am very worried, a few days ago I found a letter with information that makes me feel very uncomfortable… I… I don't know what to think…"

Hayan grabbed my hand and looked at me with concern, which made me smile. – "I'm fine, I'm just a little distracted"

"Is it about your boyfriend Seiji?" – Cha Heera looked at me mockingly.

"You're only supposed to think about fighting, when did you get smart?" - I looked at my friend in surprise.

"…" – Cha Heera hit my head which hurt. – "Tch, your boyfriend is the only thing you think about"

I looked down.

Normally those words would make me happy, but now I feel very strange and I'm a little scared.

"What did the letter say?" – Cha Heera looked at me threateningly to tell her the truth. She doesn't know what it's like to respect privacy.

"..." - I looked down without wanting to speak.

I usually like to talk about all my thoughts and problems with her, but this time I don't want to talk about what's bothering me.

"Hoo, I see" – Cha Heera had a dangerous look, then began to crack her fists. – "Then I will have to make you talk"

Hayan was worried. She always gets mad when someone insults or attacks me, but she knows that my friendship with Cha Heera is full of these kinds of situations. In fact, she's broken more bones in me than any monster we've ever faced.

To my good luck, Cha Heera couldn't hit me as the leaders of the other guilds closed in on us.

"That was a good hit"

Uh, no matter how many times I read the records of the other guilds, I can't remember most of the names, especially the men... Well, I'll call them leader 1, leader 2, and leader 3.

I smiled. – "Thank you, you also did a great job"

"Madam, you are too kind, without you, we would have had many casualties" - Oh, I haven't seen this adorable girl for a long time!

She is a girl I met four years ago when we reached the 20th floor. On that floor, the real danger began as an endless army of monster insects flooded the lower floors.

At that time millions of people died in a matter of days. We managed to survive with many difficulties, but it seemed that all hope was useless.

Although the situation was desperate, a special event occurred that helped us survive.

Portals to other worlds filled with new resources, civilizations, people, and skills were opened in various regions. The bugs couldn't get through the portals, so we managed to escape to other worlds to survive.

The first contact with other worlds was dangerous as some people treated us as invaders, which caused a lot of conflicts. We managed to make some allies, but most of the inhabitants of other worlds treated us as enemies, plus each world already had its own problems.

After two months, we received the warning that the insects could go through the portals, so the inhabitants of other worlds had to cooperate with us even if they didn't want to.

After six months of endless fighting, we managed to advance to the 25th floor where the Parasite Queen, a demon that controlled carnivorous insects, was located.

That battle was a desperate time, but we managed to survive with the cooperation of all the worlds.

Now, the strongest worlds joined us in the quest to complete the tower as those worlds will still be attached to this place if the tower is not completed, or so we heard.

When we defeated the Parasite Queen, an angel similar to the one we met in the tutorial appeared. She answered a few questions for us, but it was very little information, although she told us that we could ask new questions after we clear the 30th Floor.

The reason why we are gathered is to select the people who will open the door to the 31st floor.

The angel told us that after beating the boss, we must choose ten people to open the door. Those people will be taken to a special place where they can ask any question.

Each person is allowed to ask three questions, so we must choose carefully, as it may help to face future dangers, but there is something I still can't stop thinking about and want answers....

"Something wrong?" – The adorable girl asked me with concern while the alliance leaders discussed who will open the door.

The girl is called Altair Justina Cayenne. She is the princess from another world and we became friends since I helped her when we got to her world. Sometimes we share letters, but we haven't had time to get together and drink tea with cookies.

(Author's Note: Altair Justina Cayenne from Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God)

(Author's Note: I'll call her Justina since putting Altair will make me think of Assassin's Creed...)

"I'm just tired" - I smiled. – "By the way, did you get my present?"

"Oh, yes" – The young Justina showed a beautiful smile. – "I really find it hard to think that cookies could be so delicious, they even helped me increase my magical power, although now any food tastes tasteless to me…"

"Then I have good news for you" – I opened my inventory and took out an aluminum box. – "Here you go, here are enough snacks for you to enjoy for a few months"

Justina's eyes lit up when she received the box of cookies. I can understand her desire to eat this delicious food, I couldn't live if he would stop cooking for me.

…Uh, I feel worried again…

I couldn't help but sigh.

"Madam, if you have a problem I hope I can help" - Justina spoke to me kindly, which made me smile because of her tenderness.

"I'm fine… although…" – I thought of something, but I don't want to cause trouble for others.

"Is there anything you need?" - Justina looked at me seriously. – "Madam, you have done a lot to help me, if there is anything I can help with please say so and I will do everything in my power to help"

I scratched my cheek awkwardly and told her I'm thinking about it. – "I want to use three of the questions to answer a personal question"

Justina's eyes widened in surprise, then she showed concern. – "This is unexpected, normally you do not ask for anything and you always give up your wealth… Well, it will be complicated, but I will talk to the others"

"W-Wait" – I wanted to stop her since I don't want to cause trouble after the battle we just had, but she was already talking to the leaders.

I sighed and looked at Hayan who had been silent by my side. I hugged my girl and sighed. – "My obedient Hayan is adorable and she does not cause problems"

"Unnie, I will always support you" – Hayan had a bright smile.

Hayan's smile makes me happy, but every day I miss my daughter Umaru more… I hope she's okay.

After a few minutes, Justina and Cha Heera approached me.

"If you wanted something, you just had to say it" – Cha Heera snorted with annoyance. – "You made the greatest contribution, so it is okay if you are more selfish"

"It's true" - Justina agreed. – "Madam, you are always in the lead when we face the strongest bosses, so it is okay if you ask for special treatment sometimes"

I scratched my cheek awkwardly, though I smiled very happily. It makes me happy to have such good friends.

Some other guild leaders didn't seem happy with my request, but the majority of the votes allowed me to be a bit selfish. I don't know why he always says that democracy doesn't exist, voting is important.

We opened the door to the 31st Floor and a golden light covered us. This was the same as when we beat the Parasite Queen, so we weren't worried.

We appeared in some kind of white temple while a beautiful woman with wings floated in front of us.

"Hello, Miss Mercedes" - I greeted out of habit, I like to be friendly with people.

(Author's Note: Mercedes from Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God)

One of the alliance leaders seemed extremely upset to see Miss Mercedes, but he's Justina's friend so he must have his own motives. She would not be friends with a violent and unreasonable man.

The angel looked at me indifferently and then ignored me. I think she doesn't like me.

"Despite the fact that you are inferior beings, you have done a good job" – Miss Mercedes spoke with boredom. – "As promised, each one can ask three questions, but remember, there is some information that you still cannot access, so think carefully about the questions you are going to ask"

The first to step forward was a Korean guy. I don't remember his name, but he is one of the strongest players in the entire tower.

"Will more enemies appear in the future that can invade the lower floors?" – The boy asked calmly.

Miss Mercedes nodded indifferently. – "Yes, every five floors there will be bosses who can leave their floors to invade the lower floors, the boss will lose all restrictions if you can't defeat him in a certain time"

The guild leaders frowned.

"Next question" - Miss Mercedes spoke with boredom.

The Korean guy pointed at me. – "The description of his world is similar to mine, but there are many differences… Are there different versions of planet Earth?"

Oh, I didn't think of that.

We shared information about our home worlds a long time ago, so he must have listened to me when I talked about my world.

"Yes" - Mercedes agreed. She doesn't seem to want to talk to us, so we need to ask for more specific answers.

In this way, each person asked their own questions, which allowed us to better understand the place where we are.

There was a lot of information that I cannot understand, the only thing that caught my attention was knowing that the Constellations that sponsor us live in a place called Paradise. That place is not like the paradise of the bible, but a kind of organization with a power beyond our imagination.

Miss Mercedes didn't specifically tell us the reason why we were put to the test, but she did say that we can get more answers after completing the 50th floor.

Another thing is that we confirm that there are a total of 100 floors. Although that sounds like a lot of work, at least we know there is an end.

Lastly and most importantly, Miss Mercedes said that time flows differently in this place. It doesn't matter if we are a hundred or a thousand years here, at most it will be two years in our home worlds.

That brought me immense peace of mind. I have tried hard not to think about the weather, but it was a restlessness that was causing me terrible insomnia.

Finally, it was my turn to ask.

"Ahem…" – I took a deep breath. – "Is the Constellation that sponsors me the Hero of Harmony?"

"…" – Miss Mercedes' expression changed for the first time.

"…You… Wait… Is your sponsor the Hero of Harmony?" – Miss Mercedes' face showed many emotions. Somehow, her expression reminds me of my daughter when she would talk about her favorite cartoon characters.

I nodded.

"Kyaaa!" – Miss Mercedes yelled strangely. – "I already confirmed it, you really were chosen by the super rookie! This is great, I'll be able to show off with those fools!"

Miss Mercedes is adorable when she looks so happy.

They all looked blankly at Miss Mercedes. She noticed this, so she regained her composure. – "Ahem, as I said, yes, the Hero of Harmony is your sponsor… It is surprising that you know his name"

I took a deep breath and tried to contain my anxiety.

This confirms the first point, now there is something more important.

"Who is…, no, what is the real name of the Hero of Harmony?" – I clenched my fists waiting for an answer.

Miss Mercedes stared at me seriously. – "It is forbidden to reveal the personal information of the great lords, but you are lucky, the Hero of Harmony did not make a request to restrict his personal information, so I will make an exception just for this once…"

My heart began to pound wildly.

Senorita Mercedes's expression was filled with emotion like a child talking about her favorite actor. – "From what I know, the Hero of Harmony has more than one name; The Heir to the Unbeatable Hero, The Oracle of the Archangel of Hope, The Knight of the Holy Lady Auriel, The Defender of the Wretched, The Martyr of Hope, The Womanizer Hero, Seiji Ichijo, Luis Santos and Luis Oosuki... To tell you the truth, my favorite is the Womanizer Hero, he makes him sound like a bad boy, and he even started appearing merchandise with his face… Hey, do you think you can get me his autograph?"







I shook my head and realized that I am in my room.

Was it a dream?

Where did the dream start from?

It's not my room in Japan, but in the guild base, so the world with magic is real...

I looked to my side and saw that Hayan was reading a book while she was sitting by my bed. She noticed my movements and quickly closed her book to hug me.

"Unnie!" – Hayan seemed very worried, so I stroked her back.

"What happened?" – I spoke softly for my girl to calm down.

"When you came out from seeing the angel, unnie was lost in thought and then fainted, we quickly brought unnie to the base for medical treatment, but the doctor said that unnie had received a mental shock and needed to rest…" – Hayan kept crying. – "Unnie has been asleep for three days…"

Three days... A long nap...

No, there is something more important.

I let go of Hayan and quickly stood up to remove a painting that decorates my room. Behind the painting, there was a secret compartment where I keep secret things.

I opened the compartment and took out a letter.

A few days ago, this letter appeared on my bed. There were no traces that someone had entered my room and no matter how much I used my skills to see threads of Destiny, I did not find the traces of the person who left the letter.

Out of curiosity, I read the letter, but that was only the beginning of endless worries.

Does he love me?

Does he hate me?

What are his true thoughts about me and what is our relationship?

Questions overwhelmed my mind and Miss Mercedes' answers only increased my doubts, although I also got the answer I was looking for.

{Hello, Mamako Oosuki, or should I say, hello, mother.

There are so many things I want to tell you that a simple piece of paper is not enough to describe all my feelings.

To tell the truth and to sum it up, I hate you. I hate you with all my heart, I hate you with all my body, I hate you with all my soul, and I hate you with all the pathetic crap my mind is supposed to be.

In the entire multiverse, you are the creature I hate the most. The disgust I feel for your existence cannot be described by human language, indeed, not even the heretical language of the abyss could describe the infinite contempt I feel for your filthy existence.

I, Luis, your son, hate you.

For a long time, I have thought about why I hate you so much, why I want to kill you, and why I want to vomit every time I see you smile.

To tell the truth, life is complex. I hate you more than anything in this pathetic multiverse, but I'm always there to take care of your stupid life.

I learned to cook so that you would have a good meal, I learned to knit so that you would have nice clothes, I learned to build houses so that you would have a roof over your head, I learned medicine so that you would always be healthy… I learned everything I need to give you a good life, but it was not enough, for you nothing was important.

No matter how hard I tried, you never thanked me or cared. The only time you showed me the slightest bit of affection was when I cleaned up the vomit from that disgusting piece of garbage I call father. Only he mattered to you.

Every day my life shortened, my wounds grew larger, and my desire to die increased, but none of that mattered to you. You never looked me in the eye and when you did, you weren't looking at me, you were only looking at what connected you to that man. For you, I was just a product of your love for that man, I was never your son or a person.

I cleaned up every mess that could affect you, I killed every person who wanted to hurt you, and I committed every crime imaginable to put food on your plate, but even so, you didn't look me in the eye.

As a child, I faced deadly dangers and even joined the mafia. Fuck, I even built a fake identity just to protect you from any idiot who wanted to take advantage of your stupidity.

You're the stupidest creature I've ever had the misfortune to meet, so I built Seiji just to keep idiots away.

Can you believe it?

I became the heir to the mafia just to protect you.

Not only that, I became a hero who saves the world to protect you, faced monsters beyond human comprehension, and my body was torn to pieces to the point that my mind was broken.

I screamed I cried, I suffered, I wanted to die, I tried to commit suicide, but I still managed to stand my ground. I did everything to make you happy, but it wasn't enough either.

After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that I hate you because I love you.

I don't love you as a mother since you were never my mother. I love you as a woman because I can only see you that way, although, at the same time, you disgust me to the point that I want to stab my eyes every time I see you.

My mind is a mess, I'm a hopeless masochist. I hate you so much that I can't stop loving you, and I love you so much that I will continue to hate you.

Mother, I hate you more than anything and I love you more than anyone.

For all this, please don't come home.

You fell in love with Seiji, the character I creates to protect you, but that made me realize that no matter how hard I try, you will never look me in the eye or acknowledge my existence.

You chose to love a lie instead of me. I have accepted it and I understand it.

You're an idiot and you'll never stop being one, but I'm also an idiot for not stopping loving you.

In the end, nothing matters. The best thing will be that you have your own life.

You are a pathetic woman who forgets everything when falls in love with a man, so you find a man, fall in love, start a new family and ruin the sanity of your new children. I can no longer bear you.

Looking at you is painful to the point that I want to die. Physically you are at my fingertips, but emotionally we are in completely different universes.

Mother, forget Seiji, forget Luis. If you want, you can see Umaru since she loves you, but I don't want to talk to you again.

I will make sure you have a good life, money, food, and everything you need as I will not stop loving you, but please don't come home, I beg you.

I hope this is goodbye.

With contempt; Luis, the Hero of Harmony}

I held the letter as tears welled up in my eyes.

I fell to the ground and started crying.

When I first read the letter I was very suspicious.

The letter smells like a hamburger with bacon. It's the same smell of the food my son makes...

The food I have been getting from the Constellation has subtle changes, so I didn't recognize the taste before, but now that I know the truth, I can tell that my son's food and Constellation's food are the same.

He has always been protecting me and I have always hurt him…

I kept crying without knowing when I will be able to stop.

While crying, I hugged the letter to my chest.

I'm a failure as a mother, I'm a failure as a human, and I'm a failure as a living being, but he doesn't stop loving me.

Luis, my boy… his love is so strong that it hurts, it's too painful, so painful that I can't stop crying.

I want to see him…. I want to give him what he has always wanted...

I failed as a mother, but he doesn't see me as his mother. Where the mother failed, the woman will make up for it.

Luis, wait for mom… Mom will make you the happiest child…

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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