No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 362: A Nameless Tragedy

Chapter 362: A Nameless Tragedy

As I made my way to the infirmary, I began to think about the situation.

According to [Character Sheet], the girl I'm taking to the infirmary is called Saki Yoshida and she belongs to a story called Emergence / METAMORPHOSIS.

According to the categories in the girl's records, she is the spitting image of a woman who was born to be miserable and everything in her life is horrible.

Although the girl has had a horrible life, in her heart there is not a single trace of hate or revenge, but she still wants to be loved and even has a soul full of kindness and tragedy.

In short, she is a doormat that smiles when others step on her face.

Honestly, none of this matters to me and although she is beautiful, I find her personality boring. As for her tragic story, I am incapable of empathy or sympathy unless it is for a woman I am attracted to.

To tell the truth, I can't think of increasing my harem nor do I have any interest in Saki's feelings… the only thing I can think of is the group of idiots who almost made my silly sister cry…..

Those fucking pieces of shit were planning to abuse my sister and take videos of her and then blackmail her into a toy...…..

It's a tactic they've used many times and it's been useful because, during adolescence, for many girls appearances are more valuable than integrity, so they don't report a rape for fear of being labeled a slut.

This fact is stronger in this country due to machismo and other social factors, in fact, this is why every day there are cases of sexual harassment in public transport and people pretend they don't notice it.

In general, those pieces of shit wanted to hurt my sister and then play with her until she committed suicide....... To my sister...… those imbeciles...........

[System Notification: The entity 'Nia Teppelin has empowered the 'Anti-Rasen' energy to suppress the mental deterioration of the 'Reader's Madness' energy. The skill 'Mythomania' and the skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' have suppressed the destructive instincts of the title 'Outer God']

I sighed internally. – "Thank you, Nia"

Nia nodded with a sweet smile, although she is also very angry.

On the other hand, I had to force Ortro to hibernate since my fury caused her to lose self-control and she almost went out of her mind to try and destroy the humans on Gaia…

I looked at the girl who was still having trouble walking on her own and used a bit of Auriel's blessing to heal some of her injuries.

She showed a confused expression when her body stopped screaming in pain. I just fixed hers two fractured ribs of hers, injured vaginal tissue and inflamed muscle in her right leg so she can walk more easily.

To some extent, this girl reminds me of my childhood, except that the woman who raped me didn't put anything in my holes. In that aspect I had a little more luck.

Actually, I can heal the girl and pretend to be a hero who saves the princess and then punish the group of idiots, but there is something that caught my attention.

The Spiral Puppet only notified me that Umaru was in trouble when she was on the verge of an anxiety attack, so I quickly appeared in the hallway to help her.

At that moment I easily understood the whole situation even without using special skills since the situation was a typical case of bullying, but what caught my attention was that there was a woman watching the situation from a corner while she was taking pictures with her cell phone.

This school is large and has many teachers, plus there is more than one infirmary. The woman who was taking pictures was one of the nurses.

What caught my attention is that the woman had endless hatred and killing desire when she saw the group of idiots bullying Saki, but despite her hatred, she didn't intervene even when my sister was in trouble.

From what I could see, the woman hates the bunch of idiots to death, but her hate is not the kind of impulsive hate where one person hits another when she sees him on the street. It's the kind of hate where a person can spend several years planning a kidnapping in order to torture the person they hate in the most inhuman way possible.

Although that nurse didn't help Umaru, the overflowing obsession of revenge, utter hatred, and suffocating despair in her heart, were much more attractive to me than Saki's submissive and depressive attitude.

Something to clarify is that I'm only willing to talk to the nurse because she was about to intervene when she saw that Umaru was about to cry. If she had chosen to remain a spectator, then she too would be Ortro's chew toy..........

I got to the infirmary and knocked on the door.

The nurse had quickly returned to the infirmary after seeing how I was able to intimidate the group of idiots with ease. Another interesting thing is that she seemed to know my reputation as she seemed to have formulated some strange plan after seeing my actions.

The soft, gentle voice of the nurse told me that she could come in, so I opened the door and helped Saki to one of the beds so she could rest.

The nurse is a beautiful woman between 35 and 37 years old. She has a really attractive body and it shows how much she takes care of her appearance to maintain a high sex appeal, but she makes sure to wear simple clothes and maintains a gentle expression, so instead of looking like a promiscuous woman it is better to say that she looks like the ideal wife.

Despite her gentle appearance, everything is perfectly calculated so that men are attracted to her, but at the same time students feel a gentle sense of motherly care.

This is very interesting. His acting is perfect and there is not a single flaw in his body language.

She achieved a level of acting that many professional assassins would envy. This is not because she received training or has natural talent, it's just that she gave up all her emotions and desires in order to fulfill her greatest obsession; Killing the group of teenagers…

I suppressed the desire to smile. This school is getting more and more interesting.

"Poor girl" – The nurse sighed sadly while she cleaned Saki's wounds and then placed a bandage on her.

I remained silent as the nurse did her work. She didn't ask me to leave since she seems to want to talk to me, on the other hand, Saki looked a bit embarrassed since she had to open her shirt in front of me, but she blushed when I gently smiled as if I felt worried about her.

This girl doesn't even know my name, but she's already fallen for me because I'm the first person to treat her kindly without trying to abuse her body. Still, she won't try to have a relationship with me since she sees herself as a grotesque woman, so I'll have to work on her self-esteem if I want to add her to my harem.

Meh, I'll do it later. Now I have something more interesting before my eyes.

The nurse was very gentle in all of her actions, but her real attention was focused on me. She was trying to assess my personality and intentions.

The nurse has a wedding ring mark that is almost gone. If I'm not mistaken, she got divorced two years or a year and a half ago.

On the other hand, I can identify that she is a mother with a son my age, but here the interesting part begins.

A son who loses his parents is an orphan. A wife who loses her husband is a widow. A mother who loses her son... that has no name.

In a human sense, one of life's greatest tragedies is a mother watching her child die.

While a father may suffer unspeakable pain when she sees her child die, a loving mother will always feel unmentionable pain if she watches her child die.

This is because maternal love has a more affectionate sense, while paternal love has a protective sense.

To put it one way, a father with a dead son will feel that he failed in his greatest responsibility, so he will fall into a deep depression that could lead to suicide.

On the other hand, a mother with a dead child is more likely to sink into utter despair, and while she too will fall into depression, those emotions are more likely to degenerate into a severe case of psychopathy.

Historically, men are more violent and aggressive when they lose their minds, but women have a greater potential for revenge.

This is because the man tends to focus on physical violence while the woman focuses on feelings.

What I'm getting at with all this is that the nurse in front of me seems to have gone mad over her son's death, and if my guess is true, the bunch of idiots bullied the boy into suicide or maybe killed him and covered the crime as suicide.

… Interesting…

My bad mood eased a bit.

"Hey Listen! Fertilize this milf's womb so she's no longer a stupid avenging emo!" – Navi yelled my own thoughts into my mind.

"…Luis…" – Tsubaki sighed.

"Technically this is an act of kindness" - I smiled internally. – "I am helping a kind woman to continue with her life, at the same time, I will help to eliminate bullying in this school"

Yoko smiled wryly. – "There is no bullying if the bullies are dead…"

"You see it? Yoko understands" - I nodded internally with approval.

"Hey Listen! All the other kids with the pumped up kicks! You better run, better run outrun my gun!~" – Strangely, Navi is good at singing…

Ortro was excited since she has permission to chew all the people who die when I'm angry.

The nurse finished treating Saki's injuries. It was obvious that the girl had been the victim of a lot of abuse since her body had bumps, bites and even cigarette marks, but the nurse pretended that she didn't notice any of it. She still has kindness in her heart, but her desire for revenge makes her able to ignore her own emotions in order to accomplish her goals.

The nurse gave Saki a glass of water and told her it was better for her to rest, but she had put sleeping pills in the water when she thought I didn't see her.

Saki looked a little happy to feel my kindness and the motherly care of the nurse. It seems that she is also a victim of violence in her home, so this feeling of safety made her shed some happy tears.

The girl fell asleep with a soft smile that showed all the pain she has faced throughout her tragic life.

"Luis... Please help that unfortunate girl" – Tsubaki sighed with concern. She is very sensitive to the emotions transmitted by the soul, so she feels a lot of sadness because of the pain engraved in Saki's soul.

I nodded internally. At this point, I won't turn down a pretty girl who shows up at my door.

When Saki fell asleep, the nurse seemed to want to continue the act of kindness, but lunch break is going to end soon, so I want to get to the most important thing quickly.

"You don't need to pretend" – I stopped showing my fake friendly expression and spoke apathetically.

The nurse pretended to be stunned by my change in attitude, so I frowned slightly, but then gave a small mocking smile.

– "Are you going to keep pretending? It's fine, do what you want, although I admit that it is interesting to see a kind nurse who wants to kill a group of teenagers…"

The nurse slightly widened her eyes, but she quickly regained her calm, or it is better to say that she is always calm. It is as if all her emotions were almost dead and in her heart only sadness and hatred remain.

The nurse had been sitting next to Saki, but she got up and sat in a chair that was in a more private part, then gestured respectfully that I could sit across from her.

Unlike just now, she no longer showed her kind expression and now had an emotionless face while her gaze seemed to be dead. A clear reflection of her psychological state.

"That's better" - I agreed, but before sitting down I pointed to a shelf of medicines. – "But first turn off that camera"

The nurse didn't seem surprised that I noticed the hidden camera. She seems to have accepted that there is no way to manipulate me with hidden tricks, so she chose a more direct approach.

The nurse turned off the camera, then sat down again across from me.

"Did you see me taking pictures?" – The nurse asked me with a monotone voice.

Her expression, her voice, and her body language are emotionless like a puppet that has lost her strings, but the sick obsession with revenge in her eyes is enchanting. Her eyes are more beautiful than any jewel.

I didn't answer the question and settled back in the chair, then took out a butterfly knife from my pocket.

The nurse looked at the knife, but she wasn't scared or worried. She doesn't mind dying since her heart died when her son was killed.

I started playing with the knife like a gangster would in a gangster movie. – "Let's see… If I'm not mistaken, those idiots took away valuable, rather, someone you loved, your greatest treasure…"

The nurse's face finally showed emotions. A beautiful expression of hate.

Even though the nurse's emotions began to overflow from her heart, she remained calm, but now she was completely interested in my words.

One of the rumors going around the school is that I work for the yakuza and I'm willing to do anything for money.

Until now nobody believes that I am a murderer and they think that I am only willing to hit people, but my current attitude is to show that I am more dangerous and aggressive than the rumors say.

"Now you want to take revenge on them, that's why you were collecting evidence, so you could expose them for their terrible actions" – I kept playing with the knife. – "Although that is not enough… no, it is not… legal justice will not affect these children since they are minors, besides, it is possible that their parents protect them and move to another city, that way nobody will care what happened, anyway, in this society no one cares about bullying… especially no one cares about teen suicide…"

The nurse clenched her fists, but she remained calm, wanting to hear what I mean.

"So you chose a more... direct method..." – I smiled cynically. – "Justice into their own hands, you want to punish those idiots and then expose their crimes during their funerals, so everyone will know the garbage they were while they lived and no one will feel sorry for them"

The nurse agreed. She isn't worried that I might give her away, on the contrary, she seems expectant and interested that I decide to help her in her revenge.

"If I'm not mistaken, you investigated me to help you with your revenge..." - My smile grew, but now I also showed a mocking look. – "A violent boy who can beat a whole gang, besides, everyone knows that I am a perverted womanizer who can easily be influenced by beautiful women, so you only had to seduce me to manipulate me, that way I would take care of kidnapping the boys. idiots, then you would murder them and blame me for your crimes… an interesting plan"

It seems that my guess was correct, although the last part was just my invention.

She didn't plan to blame me for the murders, rather she plans to die when her revenge is complete.

I can not allow that. It would be a waste to let such an interesting woman die.

The nurse gently shook her head. – "You are right in everything except the last, I did not think to put the blame on you, I am willing to turn myself in to the police when everything is done"

That's a lie. She plans to commit suicide after going public with all the actions of the group of idiots.

To tell the truth, I can empathize a little with her. I too would lose my mind if something happened to my daughters.

"I see" - I nodded without showing that I believe her. – "In short, I am sorry to tell you that you will not be able to fulfill your wishes"

The nurse frowned and glared at me. She thought that I want to protect the idiots.

I smiled before she could attack me with the shot of sedatives in her pocket. Umaru has said that I'm scary when I show this smile since it shows my more violent side. – "Those pieces of crap intimidated my sister so I will kill them, I will also kill their parents for giving birth to those pieces of crap, also their friends… ah, I will be very busy, so you won't be able to take revenge with your own hands, but also my girlfriends will be busy, after all this is a family matter and it is normal for my lovers to help me eliminate those idiots"

At first the nurse seemed angry to hear me.

While she wished to see those idiots die, she wanted to torture them before killing them since death was not enough to quench the flames of hatred in her heart.

She doesn't want justice, she longs for revenge.

Although she was furious at the beginning of my words, her expression calmed down upon hearing the last thing I said. She is an intelligent woman and she was able to understand the meaning of my nonsense.

Without saying a word, the nurse stood up to head for the door, then locked it so other people couldn't get in.

The nurse remained looking at the door without looking at me and spoke in an expressionless voice. – "To get to this point I had to give my body to many men"

I thought so. In this society it is very difficult for a divorced woman with a suicidal son to find a job, especially in a school.

She doesn't seem to have a rich family or good support, so she could only use her body to carry out her revenge.

"What you did before is not my problem" – I spoke nonchalantly. – "You just have to remember something, I will not accept any kind of betrayal, in return I will help you in everything you need"

"…" – The nurse remained quiet, still having several doubts.

Although I showed my intellect and willingness to kill, she doesn't know my identity as a yakuza assassin, so she's worried that I won't be able to deal with the families of the group of idiots.

"We can do this" – I kept talking nonchalantly and put the knife away, then took out a pen and a piece of paper to write an address. – "Come to this place at midnight to check that I can help you fulfill your wish, until then you can think about what your decision will be"

My words weren't enough for the nurse to make a decision, after all she was putting revenge on the line for the murder of her son.

The nurse finally chose a path.

I'm actually a danger to her plans since I can rat her out, but even if I decide to report her, I don't have proof of her actions, so I'm not a real danger.

On the other hand, what I offer is a good opportunity for her plans since I can facilitate the process of revenge and the only thing I ask for is her body, which she does not care that she is already willing to give up her life in order to get revenge.

"I will follow your idea, I will only make a decision when you show what you can do…" – The nurse turned to look at me and began to take off her white coat, then she began to take off the sweater that covered her big breasts. – "For now consider this as an advance payment…"

I smiled. – "Good, by the way, don't worry about the principal and the other men you used to get to this point, you don't need to think that they might get angry if you no longer do them favors"

I can imagine that she slept with the principal so they would let her be one of the nurses, but that idiot would never dare complain to me, besides, he has been a good subordinate so far so I won't kill him.

The nurse only took off the top part of her clothes. It's almost over for lunch and having sex here could cause problems, so for now she will only serve me with her mouth and breasts.

I relaxed into the chair with my legs apart and put my hands behind my head carelessly.

The nurse went to a drawer to get a towel and a bottle of lube. She is well prepared.

She moved closer to me to crouch between my legs. She unbuckled my belt and opened my pants, then pulled out my dick and covered my pants with the towel so I wouldn't get my clothes wet.

"You can see that you are experienced" - I smiled slightly, not mockingly but with a certain level of appreciation and curiosity.

She didn't respond and grabbed my dick. By this point it was obvious that I have a erection, so she opened her mouth and swallowed my dick.

While my crotch isn't inhumanly big, it's still a decent size, but the nurse had no problem swallowing it all the way down her throat.

She began to move while her hands began to massage my testicles to enhance the stimulation.

This woman's sexual abilities are better than most married women, but they are still inferior to elite prostitutes.

Although it's not the best oral sex I've ever received, the look completely obsessed with revenge made me feel aroused. Without a doubt, I love mentally deranged women.

I don't have much time, so after five minutes, I ejaculated into the nurse's mouth.

Even though I did it without telling her, she managed to swallow it all without choking or complaining.

After drinking every last drop of my semen, she moved her mouth away from my dick, then used her tongue to wipe away the remaining semen and swallowed it all.

Without speaking, she put lube on her breasts, then gently held my crotch and placed it between her big breasts.

She started to move her breasts while she used her hands to put pressure and enhance the sensation, also, the tip of my crotch was sticking out between her breasts, so she licked my glans.

The service was decent, but there wasn't enough time to amuse myself.

Well, I'm used to sexual frustration, so it's no problem.

"I'm going to cum" – I spoke while my expression showed that I was pleased.

The nurse moved her breasts faster and managed to calculate the moment of my ejaculation.

Right at the moment I ejaculated, she stopped pressing her breasts and covered my dick with her mouth to drink all my cum.

Again she managed to take every last drop, then she went back to using her tongue to clean my crotch and even gave attention to my testicles.

Finished, she got up to get wipes out of a drawer and began cleaning my crotch.

The whole process was quite robotic and the lack of emotions was a bit boring for me, but hey, this nurse is the kind of woman who lives and dies for her family, so i will be able to have a better experience when she falls in love with me.

When my body was clean, I stood up and arranged my clothes.

The nurse used a disinfectant spray to remove any odor from my body and then quickly wiped herself clean so as not to leave any traces of her actions, though her flushed skin and the subtle dampness in her underwear caused a subtle erotic sensation around her.

She's good at what she does, but she still lacks experience in removing evidence.

"Then I'll see you tonight" – I nodded and went to the door, but I remembered something and pointed out to Saki that she was still asleep. – "Oh, right, the teachers will notice if that girl doesn't come back to class, so it's better if you look for the teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, tell her that this girl fainted suddenly and that the student Oosuki Luis brought her when he found her in the corridor, I'll take care of the rest"

The nurse nodded, but I remembered something else.

I approached the woman and extended her hand. – "My name is Oosuki Luis, just tell me Luis"

The woman looked at my hand and extended her hand. – "Nagare Mari, you can call me whatever you like"

(Author's Note: Mari Nagare from Mari no Danzai)

I smirked at the woman's response. – "Well, if things go well I will call you wife and you will call me husband"

Mari showed no reaction to my nonsense. She still doesn't trust me, but that will be fixed tonight.

I opened the door and was about to leave, but before leaving I spoke in a solemn voice. – "Seeing all that you are willing to do, I can say that you were a good mother, your son was very lucky"

"..." – Mari looked down as pain filled her heart.

I sighed softly. – "You are a beautiful woman so it would be better if you try to enjoy life a bit... I am not saying give up revenge, but I think your son would like to know that you are happy"

"….." – Mari began to tremble.

I left the infirmary and closed the door.

When the door closed, Mari fell to her knees and began to cry. She did her best not to scream, but she still heard the subtle sound of her sobbing.

"That was cruel" – Tsubaki frowned.

"That was necessary or she will continue to have stupid suicidal ideas" - I shook my head internally. – "For a good mother, her son is her world and without him, life is meaningless"

If my mother had had 10% of the maternal love that this woman possesses, I might not have turned into a complete psychopath.

Although I'm over my maternal abandonment complex, I admit I'm a little jealous of the dead boy.

I sighed internally. Human emotions are complicated, but I don't dislike them.

Speak softly. – "Akane, come down from the roof"

On the roof was a red-haired girl who was holding a knife. She had noticed when I headed to the infirmary together with Saki, so she decided to follow me while the Higurashi no Naku Koro ni girls were protecting my sister and her new friends.

(Author's Note: Akane Hiyama by Renai Boukun)

Akane was very jealous since she heard when the nurse gave me oral sex, but she held back her possessive jealousy and decided to make sure no one came to bother me.

I smiled and looked at my lovely wife. – "You have heard everything, so please capture those idiots and take them to the basement, Monika will give you all the information you need"

Akane didn't nod and continued to look at me as she frowned.

I sighed and used [Rasen] to remove any trace of the nurse left on my body, then stretched out my arms.

Akane sighed and hugged me, though the knife was still in her hand. – "You knew I was close and yet you did it with another woman….."

I stroked her hair gently and kissed her neck affectionately. – "You can stab me until you feel better"

"…" – Akane held the knife tightly and wanted to stab me, but in the end she sighed. – "Today you have to reward me, a lot"

"Of course, my wife deserves the best" - I smiled with sincere affection.

Akane spent a couple of minutes holding me while she rubbed her face against my neck. She was like a kitten trying to mark her territory.

Lunch time ended and I couldn't eat, but I had a good time, so I went back to the classroom feeling good.

"I'm better than you in literature!" – Not even the stupidities of the system user could ruin my good mood.

I ignored the jerk and sat in my place while my mind ignored the class.

Halfway through class, I received a text from Umaru.

Apparently, the brat and her two new friends of hers wanted to go to an anime store after school, but she wants me to accompany her.

I sighed and told him yes.

Umaru has a deep fear of people because of me, so I can't neglect her. In fact, sometimes I spoil her too much since deep down in my heart I feel a little guilty for all the traumas I have caused her.

Well, whatever.

I sent a message to the maids in my house to bring Arisa. This will be a good time for the noisy brat to become friends with my sister.

Arisa may be spoiled and conceited, but she has a strong temper and could help Umaru overcome her fear of people.

As for the group of idiots..............

".... Heads.... Meat...… Pain.... Hunger...." – Ortro was drooling.

I'm looking forward to the night.

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