No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 372: Daddy's Daughter

Chapter 372: Daddy's Daughter

(Miyu Edelfelt Perspective) (Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya)

I opened my eyes looked at the clock next to me. Again I woke up before the alarm went off.

I got up and picked up my futon to place it in the window so that it would get the sun. Nii-san taught me that doing this prevents bad smells.

I feel like it's been a long time since I saw Nii-san and I miss him, but I've started to enjoy my life in this world.

In this place there are many unknown things and every day I can find new things, which has been exciting.

I don't know if this is what they call fun, but I like learning new things.

After hanging my futon on the window, I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom for a quick bath.

The hot spring baths are shared, so it's not uncommon for me to run into the other residents of the inn.

Arriving at the baths, I saw Ameno-san which has become normal since she also wakes up early to take a quick shower before going to school.

(Author's Note: Sagiri Ameno from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

"Hello Miyu-chan" – Ameno-san greeted me with a smile.

I nodded and greeted politely. – "Hello, Ameno-san"

Ameno-san sighed. – "I already told you that you should tell me onee-san"

"I'm sorry, but father said that Ameno-san is Ameno-san, I shouldn't be disrespectful" – I lowered my head as an apology, but Ameno-san frowned.

"Tch, that guy again…" – Ameno-san always frowns when someone mentions father. – "Listen to me Miyu-chan, you shouldn't do everything that guy says, he's a bad and dangerous man, so you shouldn't trust him, it doesn't matter if he makes delicious food, he's a bad man, very bad …"

Father and Ameno-san always argue when they see each other, although more than arguing, it seems that father only wants to annoy Ameno-san.

According to Nonko-san, they are both tsunderes and that's why they always argue, but deep down they love each other.

(Author's Note: Nonko Arahabaki from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

I don't know if Ameno-san will be another of my mothers in the future, but I like her even though she always talks bad about father.

"Besides, he never listens to me when I want us to talk about a possible alliance between the Okawa family and Ichijo, he always comes up with the silly excuse that he's on vacation..." – Ameno-san kept complaining about the lack of attention my father gives her.

This has become an everyday thing, so she washed my back and then we dried off before getting dressed in the dressing rooms outside the bathroom.

I feel comfortable in this place since all the people are friendly, plus father asked Chitose-san that no man be allowed in the inn, at least for as long as I live in this place.

(Author's Note: Chitose Nakai from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

Nonko-san joked that father turned the inn into his personal harem since he's the only man allowed inside. Although it was a joke, father did not deny it and only smiled wryly.

As we headed to the dining room, Ameno-san continued to complain about father, but suddenly asked me a question.

"Do you really like that guy?" – Ameno-san looked at me with what seemed like curiosity. I don't know how to see people's emotions, so I'm not sure.

I nodded. – "When I arrived here I felt scared since I did not know anyone and I did not have my Nii-san, but I was lucky to meet father since he has taken care of me since we met, he gave me a home, he let me try the most delicious food and it allows me to learn new things, I am very grateful to father"

Father has given me so much that I don't know how to thank him.

Father's friend, a fairy named Navi-san, once said that if I want to thank father, then I should let father eat me at night.

I don't understand what Navi-san meant, but judging from his laugh, it must not be a good thing.

Amano-san sighed and put her hand on my head. – "When you say it like that, you make me think that this guy is not as bad as he seems…"

I felt a bit strange that Amano-san put her hand on my head. When father does it, I feel very comfortable, but for some reason, I don't like other people to do it.

"Even so" – Amano-san frowned again. – "Adopt a girl when he is still a teenager… Tch, damn lolicon, that's why he likes to talk to Chitose-san and ignores me…"

Father is the same age as Nii-san, but father is very mature for his age, so it's not hard for me to see him as an adult I can trust.

As Amano-san continued to complain, we reached the dining room where most of the inn's residents were already seated.

Breakfast time and dinner time is highly anticipated by all. Although father only visits me in the afternoon, he always brings food that we can enjoy, although Chitose-san seems a bit jealous that father is better at housework than her.

"Okay, time to eat!" – Nonko-san used to wake up at noon, but now she always wakes up early just to enjoy the food made by father.

"Nonko-san, it's not good for you to drink so early" – Chitose-san sighed when she saw that Nonko-san was holding a bottle of saké. I think father gave her that bottle.

"No problem, with our adorable hero's food I can be functional all day" – Nonko-san had a big smile and took a drink from the bottle. – "Ah, this is really great! At this rate I will be able to finish my manga one day before the final date, I must thank our cute hero hehe"

In my previous home, Nii-san many times talked about his ideal of becoming a hero. Now most of the people I know say that father is a hero even though he denies it.

I still don't understand the magnitude of the word 'Hero', but I feel a warm feeling in my chest when I hear that word. The two most important people to me are my heroes.

"Nonko-san, stop making that expression" – Amano-san frowned and sat down to eat.

Nonko-san didn't answer and started to eat. We all imitate her and stop talking to enjoy the delicious food.

Father is really amazing.

When we finished eating, I went to brush my teeth and grabbed my backpack to go to school together with Chitose-san.

On the way to school, Chitose-san smiled at me and started talking. – "Miyu-chan, Seiji-san sent me a message early and told me that new girls will be arriving in your class today, so I hope you can talk to them since they will also move into the inn with us"


Are they father's daughters?

Navi-san has mentioned that father has many daughters, so it must be them.

I felt a little nervous. I want to get along with them so I don't cause trouble for father.

"Don't worry, Miyu-chan" – Chitose-san put her hand on my shoulder. – "Seiji-san must have asked them to come because they are good girls, so you shouldn't feel nervous, surely they are kind girls"

I nodded, feeling a little calmer, although I'm also a little embarrassed that father is so considerate of me. Sometimes it's hard to look into his eyes without my cheeks feeling like they're on fire.

At school, I got separated from Chitose-san since she is in the classroom next to me.

I went to my seat, sat down and took out a book to start reading while waiting for classes to start.

Over time, students began to arrive and chat, and as always, no one approached me, leaving me to read in peace.

The first few days of school, several of my classmates tried to come up to me for a chat, but before long they started to drift away even though I did my best to talk to them.

I really don't get it. We are students and we are in a school, so it should be normal to talk about math and the topics that will come up in our exams, but they got away from me when I started talking about algebra and things that will help us when we enter high school.

I don't understand why people avoid me, so I talked about this with Chitose-san. She just told me that it's okay if I like to study, but children should also play and not just study.

Chitose-san's answer didn't seem enough to me since she didn't tell me where I was wrong or what I did wrong, so I talked to father.

Father said I didn't do anything wrong, it's just that people tend to be afraid of what's different, even if that difference is a good thing.

According to father, I am special because unlike other children, I am not noisy, I do not do mischief and I like to study, besides that I am too cute.

I wish father didn't say that last thing because it was embarrassing.

In the end, I understood that I didn't do something wrong, it's just that all people are different, but most people prefer to pretend that they are the same to form groups and not feel alone.

According to father, it's normal for special people to feel like they don't fit in with other people, but that's not because I'm unpleasant, it's because I need to find people who are just as special as me, so I can make friends.

This is something that I have not discussed with father, but since I came to this world I have had an inexplicable feeling.

I don't know why, but I feel there is someone I need to meet. I don't know who is, what is his or her name or where that person lives, but I feel that he or she is an important part of my life.

Despite this feeling, my desire to stay together with father is greater, so I feel a little uneasy about the clash between the two feelings.

Although the unknown feeling keeps growing every day, the warmth I feel next to father is higher than anything else, even higher than the feeling of safety I had with Nii-san. Because of this, I decided to ignore that strange wish and just want to be father's daughter.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard the bell ringing that marked the start of classes.

Sensei entered the classroom and greeted all of us.

Normally she would start the class, but this time, she said that we have new classmates. They must be father's daughters.

Four girls entered the room and as expected of father, the four girls were very polite when introducing themselves to the students.

The four girls were Ichijo Arisa, Houjou Satoko, Furude Rika, and Furude Hanyuu.

It didn't seem strange to me that they had different last names despite being father's daughters. Navi-san said that father's daughters keep their mother's last name since he doesn't like his real last name.

Only the pink-haired girl had the surname of the second identity of father, so she must be closer to him.

Father let me keep the last name Nii-san and Emiya-san gave me to hide my identity, but sometimes I wish I had the same last name as father. Maybe that would make us a real family, although I would also like Nii-san to meet father.

Just as Chitose-san said, the four girls sat near me while smiling at me.

I tried to smile back, but I still don't know how to do it. People say that my smile looks very tense and forced, although when I'm with father, sometimes I smiled for no reason.

At break time, my classmates approached the new students to meet them, but the pink-haired girl walked up to me and extended her hand.

"Hello, I'm Arisa, let's be friends" – Arisa-san smiled at me as she extended her hand.

I nodded and shook her hand. – "Nice to meet you, I am Edelfelt Miyu, please treat me well, Arisa-san"

"Miyu-chan is so cute, long live the kuuderes!" -Arisa-san had a big smile and her look seemed too excited, which made me feel a little embarrassed.

Arisa-san and her friends are very good at socializing, the complete opposite of me. In a matter of minutes they were able to talk to my classmates and it seemed like they became friends.

At first I thought that they would stop talking to me now that they were friends with most of the class, but Arisa-san constantly asked me questions that allowed me to stay in the conversation.

It's the first time I've been able to talk to my classmates for more than five minutes without them wanting to get away from me.

"Oh, Miyu-chan can smile! How cute!" – One of my classmates yelled excitedly as she pointed to my face.

I'm smiling?

I see, so I'm happy to talk to my classmates. I like this feeling.

During the rest of the day, I was able to enjoy a new and pleasant experience. It's the first time I've been able to talk so much with people my age.

Even though it was a lot of fun, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something.

Arisa-san and her friends are very nice and I'm enjoying every conversation with them. They are very intelligent and they told me things that I did not know, which I liked.

Even so, the feeling of emptiness did not disappear from my chest, although they were two feelings that something was missing.

I want to talk to father, I like to be with him and I like to tell him how my day was. My favorite time of the day is when I can be with him, even reading next to him while we are silent makes me happy.

I know I'll see father later, but I like it when he pats my head.

In addition to my desire to see father, the other feeling of emptiness continues to bother me since I don't know who I want to see, but I feel that he or she is a very important person to me.

I tried to ignore the growing feeling of emptiness for the rest of the day. The fact that Arisa-san always had something to say helped distract me.

The rest of the day went by as normal, only now I was able to chat with my classmates, which was something new and fun.

At the end of classes, I grabbed my backpack and headed to the school gym.

"Where are we going Miyu-chan?" – Arisa-san walked next to me.

Rika-san, Satoko-san and Hanyuu-san didn't come with us as they said they wanted to go around the school to locate all the blind spots. I don't know what they mean, but Emiya-san used to say something similar every time we came to a new place.

"Yesterday they asked me to join the basketball team, so I must meet the rest of the team" – I answered clearly.

Although I couldn't make any friends, many students and teachers invited me to different clubs and teams.

According to sensei, I'm a talented girl and many teams want to recruit me, but I shouldn't feel pressured and I should only participate in the things I like.

I don't particularly like anything, so I joined the basketball team after the team adviser told me it was a waste not to take advantage of my talents, plus it would make dad proud of me.

I already talked about this with father and he said that I can do whatever he wants, but if I don't like basketball, I can leave the team whenever I want and no one can make me do something I don't want.

Father is too nice to me and that's a bit embarrassing.

"Oh, basketball?" – Arisa-san tilted her head, then smiled. – "That sounds good, the prodigious Miyu-chan could surpass the great Hanamichi Sakuragi! The power of magical girls can beat the spokon genre!"

Arisa-san says a lot of things that I doesn't understand, but it's fun to see her excited.

I got to the court and greeted the coach. She told me that she should go to the locker room to put on my uniform so I did.

With everything ready, I headed to the playing field and saw that Arisa-san was sitting in the stands while she was cheering me on. That made me smile.

The team was female and there were only girls close to my age.

That didn't really matter to me since I can outperform the boys in my group in sports class, but Navi-san said that I shouldn't let other men touch me or it will make father angry. I don't want father to hate me, so I stay away from boys.

Even though the basketball team was all girls, the coach introduced us to a man who was her nephew. That was a bit surprising since the trainer looks almost our age, but Nii-san and father have taught me never to underestimate someone because of her looks.

The coach's nephew was a college student who played competitive basketball, so he would be a good teacher for us.

Hasegawa-san showed himself to be quite professional as he gave us good advice.

I was playing in a team for the first time, but it was fun.

Hasegawa-san and my teammates said that I am amazing and talented, which made me happy. If I try harder, father will be proud of me.

At the end of practice, my teammates and I were about to head to the showers, but the coach stopped us for a moment.

She gave us some permits that our parents had to sign since in a week we would have our first friendly match in another city, so we had to ask for permission to be allowed to travel, plus we would have to stay in another city for five days.

This surprised me and I didn't know what to say. I do not want to go…

I don't know if the coach could read my thoughts, but she mentioned that if necessary, we could talk our parents into coming with us on the trip and the school would cover the cost.

This made me feel relieved, but again I felt distressed as I remembered that father is too busy and he may not be able to come with me.

I want to travel with him...

After I took a shower together with the other girls from the basketball team, I returned home together with Chitose-san, Arisa-san, Rika-san, Satoko-san, and Hanyuu-san.

As much as I tried to think, I couldn't find a solution, so I talked to them for help.

Father has told me it's not bad to ask for help and no one can do it all, so I should seek help if there is something I can't fix on my own.

"Don't worry Miyu-chan" – Arisa-san smiled. – "Onii-chan loves you very much and if you ask him he will not hesitate to accompany you"

"It's true" – Chitose-san smiled at me. – "Seiji-san takes care of you and values you very much, he will look for a way to accompany you if you really want to go on a trip"

Again I have that warm feeling in my chest.

Father is too good to me...

I felt calmer and began to look forward to the trip.

I'm interested in the chance to win a basketball game to make father proud of me, but there's another reason I want to go.

I don't know why, but my heart started to race when I read the name of the city where the basketball game will take place.

Maybe it's because the city has the same name as the place where I lived with Nii-san, but I also have a strange feeling that there is a person I need to meet in that place.

I felt very excited, but Chitose-san and Arisa-san's conversation caught my attention.

"By the way, Arisa-chan" – Chitose-san looked at Arisa-san's hand. – "P-Please tell me that is not what I am thinking…"

I looked at Arisa-san's hand and saw a ring on her ring finger.

It is a discreet ring and it looked like a fashion decoration so I didn't pay attention to it before. I don't understand why Chitose-san seems so worried.

Arisa-san showed a big smile as she raised her hand to show her ring. – "That's right, I'm Onii-chan's wife!"



When she says Onii-chan it's because she means father, but it's impossible. She's my age so that's not possible... I thought Arisa-san was father's adoptive sister, but I didn't think she was his...


"Oh, Luis…" – Chitose-san sighed heavily, but I couldn't pay attention to her since my mind was in chaos.

"I know what you think, and yes, Onii-chan is a lolicon, we even already did it…" – A-Arisa-san had a strange and unpleasant smile…

They did it?

What did they do?

It just can't be…

T-They kissed?!

"... Ah, I didn't imagine that from you, Luis..." – Chitose-san sighed again...

"Onii-chan didn't do anything wrong, I'm a reincarnated so mentally I'm an adult, besides, my body can't age so I'm a legendary legal loli" – Arisa-san smiled…

"Eh?... Ah, I see, so it's like that" – Chitose sighed in relief, but for some reason, my chest hurts...

"Heh, don't feel relieved, Chitose-chan~" – Arisa-san held Chitose-san's arm.

"Eh?" – Chitose-san tilted her head in confusion.

"I know that Chitose-san is a legendary legal loli, so it's only a matter of time before you'll be devoured by Onii-chan~" – Arisa-san's smile is unpleasant…

"W-W-WHAT?!" – Chitose-san's face was totally red…

C-Chitose-san will k-kiss father?

…The pain in my chest increased…

"I want to do it with Onii-chan too, but he said he'll only do it with me when I'm 15, tch" – Satoko-chan frowned, but then sighed. – "Well, it doesn't matter, I can wait, anyway, I will also be Onii-chan's wife"

W-W-Wife… father's wife….

My chest hurts...

They will be with father, they will be a happy family... And I... I will not be part of that family.

It's the same as with Nii-san.

Just when I think I've found a family and I'll be happy, something happens that takes everything away from me...

No, I don't want to go through that again.

I don't want to be alone in that dark room again...

I don't want to feel that pain again...

I do not want to be alone…

"Don't take my father away from me!" - I don't know why I screamed, but I couldn't contain myself.

I stood still as my body trembled.

I don't want to cause trouble and I don't want father to hate me for being a troublesome girl, but I don't want to be pushed aside and forgotten in a dark room.

I want to continue enjoying my life with father...


"Please... don't take away my father... please..." – I don't know why I started crying...

"Miyu-chan, we won't take your family away from you, he will never abandon you and no one can change that, come, let's go home" – Chitose-san san hugged me and caressed my back...

I was able to calm down and we went back to the inn.

When we got to the inn, I bowed down to apologize for my bad behavior, but Chitose stroked my hair.

"Miyu-chan, you are intelligent, mature and obedient, but you are still a child" – Chitose-san's voice was very kind. – "It's okay to be afraid, it's okay to cry and it's okay to yell if you don't like something, you didn't do something wrong, this is normal, Miyu-chan didn't do something wrong"

Again I wanted to cry, but this time I don't feel pain or fear. I do not know why I want to mourn.

I managed to calm down and Arisa-san apologized to me, but I told her that I should apologize since my behavior has no justification.

Arisa-san still seemed to feel guilty, so she gave me some advice.

In the short time that I have known father, I can feel that he will not abandon me or forget me, but I live in fear that something bad may happen.

I'm afraid that what separated me from Nii-san will happen again. At any moment some kind of danger or enemy can appear that will separate me from father and that possibility alone scares me.

The thing that hurts me the most about parting with Nii-san is that the only thing that connects us are my memories, so Arisa gave me some advice to have something that would always unite father...

This is shameful.

It was time for lunch and father appeared. He said that he could only stay for half an hour since he had business to attend to, but even seeing him for a minute makes my chest feel warm.

When father appeared, I nodded towards Arisa-san and approached him.

"How was your day, Miyu?" – Father showed me that gentle smile that always makes me feel embarrassed, but also makes me smile.

I took a deep breath and grabbed father's hand. He is very observant and smart, so I have to act fast before he can stop me.

"Father, I want us to always be a family, I want you to do to me what you did with Arisa-san" – I spoke seriously while holding back the desire to run away due to embarrassment.

"......" – Father blankly looked at me, then looked at Arisa-san.

"Nigerundayo!" – Arisa-san ran out.

"Father..." - I spoke in a low voice when father did not answer me...

Father sighed. – "Miyu, I have seen you as my daughter since I adopted you, we are already a family…"

I squeezed father's hand. – "I read that in many cases men do not feel true attachment to their adopted children, I have also experienced it…"

When Nii-san and Emiya-san found me, Emiya-san never met my eyes and seemed desperate that I couldn't fulfill what he wanted.

Nii-san was very good to me and really treated me like his sister even though we are not related by blood, so Emiya-san was technically my father since he was Nii-san's father, however, he never looked at my eyes, not even in his last moments of life.

His last words were that it was a waste to save me because I can't create the just world he wanted.

Remembering those moments, I felt something wet in my eyes…

"Miyu, we are a family, no one and no one can change that" - Father he hugged me and carried me while he gently caressed my back...

I usually don't like it when he hugs me because he's so embarrassing, but this time I hugged his neck and put my face on his shoulder.

"... But..." – I spoke with a trembling voice.

"Miyu, I think you misinterpreted Arisa's nonsense, so I'll tell you directly" – Father spoke seriously, but I felt a strange gentleness in his voice. – "I do not care what happens or who appears, no one will take me away from you because you are mine, I will always protect you and I will not allow anything to take you away from me… anything"

I pressed my face harder into father's shoulder.

I think I feel happy...

But now I have another question.

Did I misunderstand Arisa-san's words?

So what was she referring to?

Did father and Arisa-san do something other than kiss?

"…. Fuck…" – Father sighed, but I don't know why.

It doesn't matter. Father won't let me and that's all that matters to me.




(Shiki Ryougi Perspective) (Fate/Grand Order)

I looked at the countless threads of fate that were moving in front of me.

I had to expend a lot of resources just to make a minor change in the path of destiny that rules this World, but that imperceptible movement has started to create satisfying results.

Although I am almost invincible within the Core World, my ability to influence the way the World works is practically nil, so making even a small change consumes too many invaluable resources…

I can't believe I had to make a deal with those two idiots… The mage is already a pain in the ass, but the vampire is totally unbearable. I hope I won't have to speak to that old man again for at least a hundred years.

This is all a total disaster and the worst thing is that I had to act rashly, so it is likely that Luis will be very angry with me.

Ah, this will be bad.

The Outer Gods obey him, the best weapon to face the Madness is now in his hands and he is more intelligent than I would like... It is only a matter of time before he realizes the danger that is approaching.

I only hope that Luis is not too impulsive and that he is willing to listen to my explanation.

If necessary, I will give you ten Servants according to your taste, but this cannot be stopped.

I already tried to beg Luis to take Miyu to her destination, but he keeps saying that he is on vacation, so I had no choice…

Now things have reached this point, so it only remains to wait.

I just hope that Luis can see the big picture or Fuyuki won't survive... No, it's possible that all the time lines related to that city will be destroyed and I can't send the Servants or Guardians...

Ah, dammit… Alaya, why did you have to give such stupid mages authority…

"Hehehe, I made another drawing…" – Alaya, or what's left of her, was happily drawing while eating cookies.

If it weren't for the fact that she now has the mind of a child, I would like to hit her and yell at her for causing so much trouble...

No, it's not just her, this is also Gaia's fault...

Ah, Gaia, I hope you're really alive because I really need to hit you…

Everything is horrible and it will only get worse…

What scares me the most is that the only hope of this World keeps refusing to help with the excuse of being on vacation.

I know that Luis' vacations have a deep meaning. It's impossible for him to ignore the danger just to relax with random women, but even if he has a good reason, we can't keep postponing the danger...

Ah, Luis, I hope you don't hate me too much.




Author's Note:

After thinking about it, I decided that I will use Honkai Impact's Prometheus (0017) for Paranoia-chan's appearance.

I like the Honkai designs, but I don't know the lore, so this way I can use the Honkai waifus, also, it opens the possibility of having more mental illnesses as Honkai waifus~

It's not decided yet, but I want to know what you guys think.

A hug <3

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