No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 376: Ah, Shit......

Chapter 376: Ah, Shit......

We had arrived 30 minutes before the agreed time, so we had time to eat and talk while we waited for Umaru's friends to arrive.

Now that we were seated, Umaru began to explain what her project was.

The girls had already heard a cursory explanation of what Umaru does, but their eyes seemed to sparkle when she mentioned something about creating her own anime, video game, and manga studio.

Monika has already filled me in on Umaru's projects, but I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when she mentioned all the projects she has.

Now I know why this brat lives glued to the computer and cell phone...

"That's great, I'd like to make my own manga too!" – Sylphynford was very excited. – "For years I have prepared several drafts, but I have problems making the waifus designs…"

Umaru showed a big smile. – "Ina-chan is very good at drawing, besides that Ero-chan is very good at drawing waifus, especially the thighs, she loves thighs"

"Do you know sensei?!" – Sylphynford and Marin were very excited.

Umaru smirked smugly as she looked up. – "I know many people, for example, I helped Kasumi Utako-sensei to publish her new book"

"Incredible!" – Sylphynford and Marin continued to feed my sister's narcissism…

One moment…

I opened my backpack and took out the book that helped me discover a way to increase my Outer God power.

"Do you know the writer of this novel?" – I showed the book to the brat.

"Eh? When did you buy that novel?" – Umaru looked at the book in surprise.

"I bought it when you were throwing a tantrum about buying the same game" – I answered listlessly and tried hard not to remember the blonde girl with blue eyes...

What a headache…

My silly sister didn't mind being treated like a spoiled brat, she just nodded with a smile. – "I see, well, Onii-chan is lucky, Utako-sensei will come to the meeting since we are working on a script for a visual novel, although it will be the first time we will meet, so I don't know what she looks like, although she she always claims to be the most beautiful... Oh, right, Onii-chan is ignorant so I'll explain, the term sensei is usually used for authors of novels, manga, video games and movies, they're not teachers, but it's a way of showing them respect and recognition…"

I ignored the explanation of the ridiculous otaku culture while restraining my urge to smile wryly.

When Umaru's plot armor is combined with my own plot armor, everything becomes so convenient that it's a bit ridiculous...

Well this saves me some time. Now I can focus on my journey with Miyu.

Before long, Misaki brought us our food.

"M-m-master, here is your coffee, n-nya…" – Misaki blushed with fury and embarrassment when she gave me my food.

I smiled mockingly. - "How cute"

"…" – Misaki wanted to hit me, although her heart also had a complex emotion of gratitude and empathy.

From what I see, she used the money I gave her to pay off part of her family's debt instead of buying clothes or things that teenagers like.

Although she seems to have a bad temper, I like her responsible mindset that prioritizes getting out of debt over having fun.

On the other hand, it's fun to see her angry face.

The girls next to me started saying how cute Misaki looked.

The grumpy girl couldn't get mad since they meant it, even Marin invited her to cosplay together.

Misaki was totally embarrassed, but she had to stay to write down the other girls' orders.

At first they didn't want to order food since they didn't want to abuse my kindness, but I insisted that it's normal for the man to be the one who pays, besides that this is good for me since I get to spend time with a group of beautiful women.

They blushed at my cheap seduction and agreed to order something to eat, though I had to speak in Shouko's place since she is totally incapable of saying a single word out loud.

By the way, Misaki looked at me with disdain and disgust when she saw Shouko. She thinks I cheated on another innocent girl and I'm the worst piece of trash, yet she doesn't voice her thoughts out loud as she still feels complex towards me because of the money.

Misaki was about to leave after writing down our order, but I spoke up before she could walk away. – "By the way, in a few minutes more people will come, so you will have a lot of work, good luck kitty"

"..." – The veins on Misaki's forehead stood out as she held back the urge to hit me right in her face.

Misaki left quickly or he couldn't contain her fury.

"Luis-senpai is a shoujo manga villain" – Marin shook her head.

"Onii-chan is an evil CEO with a cynical attitude" – Umaru shook her head.

"W-Well, I think senpai is just playing and actually he's nice…" – Sawako spoke in a low voice.

"Luis is just bored and he's looking for something to play" – Ina smiled wryly.

"Um, that makes sense" – Sylphynford nodded.

"…" – Only Shouko didn't comment. Good girl.

The minutes passed and the brat's first friend finally arrived.

As expected, she was another brat…. It's sad that this has become predictable.

The door opened and a small black haired girl peeked out of the door opening nervously.

"H-Hello...Hams-san?" - The girl asked with a nervous voice and a little expectant.

"Kuro-chan?" – Umaru seemed to recognize the girl's voice, so he smiled and stood up to approach the girl.

By the way, Umaru's online pen name is Hams Suki. The brat's favorite animal is hamsters and our mother's last name is Oosuki.

She is creative in many things, but not in names.

"Hey Listen! Young Master Lu San!"

… Idiot.

Umaru introduced the girl and she managed to blend in with the group of girls.

The girls present are not part of Umaru's project, so the new girl was a little nervous about meeting new people, but Umari, Marin, and Sylphynford's social abilities helped make the girl feel comfortable.

Again, Ina recognized the girl and was very happy to see another character that she loves, but she's too shy to greet the girl, so she just smiled shyly.

At this rate, this is going to become an introverts' club.

Umaru introduced her friends and lastly me. – "And this is my Onii-chan, don't pay too much attention to him, he's a bitter bore who doesn't know anime because he lacks culture"

I rolled my eyes and just nodded at the girl. – "Nice to meet you, I'm Luis, I hope my silly sister hasn't caused you too much trouble"

"N-No, not at all! I-It's the opposite… "– The girl was very nervous since she seems to have no social contact outside of the internet. – "Hams-san has helped me a lot, she even taught me how to monetize internet content which has helped me a lot…"

Umaru smiled at me as the girl started mentioning all the good my silly sister has done. Umaru was looking at me as if she wanted me to congratulate her, so I ignored her and smiled at the girl.

"I see, I'm glad that this brat has such nice friends, come, sit down and order something to eat" – I smiled. – "And don't worry about the food, you are the guest, so you can order whatever you like"

The girl was very nervous, but she managed to calm down a bit to sit down and join the useless anime conversation.

It seems that the girl has financial problems, but she has a respectful attitude and she doesn't like to take advantage of the kindness of others.

The girl was just about to order some orange juice, so Umaru had to convince her to order a nice meal.

Umaru said that she would pay, although in reality the brat will make me pay when we finish eating... Well, whatever, I have a lot of money and I don't need to save anymore.

The girl's name is Ruri Gokou and her pseudonym is Kuroneko. She happens to be in our school and she's the same age as Umaru, but she's in a different classroom, plus Ruri seems to have no friends, so it's the first time they've talked.

(Author's Note: Ruri Gokou from Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai)

It's strange that Ruri is so shy despite wearing too flashy clothes. A gothic black dress is very eye-catching… But well, she showed to be a good girl, although her passion for anime leaves me speechless.

"Your brother cosplays?!" – Ruri yelled when she saw the photos on the brat's cell phone…

Now Shouko is also interested in cosplay, although her motivation is the idea of making friends.

Well, they're all pretty girls, so it doesn't matter.

I enjoyed my coffee while pretending not to exist.

Although they are all pretty girls, the topic of conversation is something I don't care about, so I opened the book and continued reading while drinking coffee.

I'm done reading the novel, but this will come in handy when Utaha comes along.

As the useless conversation continued, the next person arrived. A girl in a strange outfit who seemed to want to keep people's eyes away, but her good figure stands out in her misaligned clothes.

"Saori-chan!" – Umaru yelled excitedly when she saw the girl and ran to hug her.

"Hello!" – The girl hugged Umaru as if she were her younger sister.

From what I see, Umaru sees that girl as her best friend on the internet, plus it seems that both of them know their true faces and names, so Umaru must trust her a lot since my sister has a strong trauma of mistrust towards people.

The girl greeted the other girls and upon seeing me she showed a particularly friendly smile.

"So you're the famous Onii-chan" – The girl smiled as if we were long-time friends. – "Little Umaru-sama has talked a lot about you and I feel as if she already knew you"

I raised an eyebrow and smiled wryly. – "I hope the brat didn't say something annoying"

The girl smiled in a friendly way as her gaze was soft and gentle. – "She always talks about how much you take care of her, that you are an excellent cook and that you have a horrible temper, but that is because you are a siscon tsundere who loves her little sister and that is why you always pamper her"

"Do not tell it!" – Umaru yelled with a bitter expression and all the girls laughed at her expression, but I just wanted to vomit.

I sighed and didn't comment further as Umaru began to talk to her two friends about the contract offered by Lin Ruoxi.

The girl's name is Saori Makishima.

(Author's Note: Saori Makishima from Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai)

She also goes to our school, and although her current appearance is a bit ridiculous, she's actually very attractive, so she's a popular girl and that's why she hadn't met Umaru even though the two of them already knew each other.

It's not that Saori was ashamed of Umaru, but that Umaru didn't want to get involved with a girl who was too popular as that would make more guys want to talk to her and she's still a bit scared of men.

Such worries are unnecessary since most men don't dare talk to Umaru for fear of me hitting them, and although she has a few suitors, they are not suicidal and have not tried to get close to my sister.

Saori turned out to be the most mature minded girl in the group and was the only one who asked objective questions about the contract.

She read the entire contract to make sure it wasn't a scam and asked several questions about privacy and security.

I like that girl.

They chatted happily, but I felt uncomfortable using [Character Sheet] to check the stories the girls belong to.

Ruri and Saori belong to the same story, which is not so strange.

If that story is about otakus, it's possible that the plot flow was altered because of Umaru. After all, the mere existence of system users affects how the plot works, so coincidences become the norm.

What really made me uncomfortable was that I recognized the name of that story. It is the same story that the blonde girl from the game store belongs to…..

Ugh, just thinking about her makes my stomach acid destroy my esophagus.

I tried to pray to Auriel that my fear would not come true, but someone came to the restaurant...

"Hey Listen! Your life is Murphy's Law!"

Tragically the idiot is right...

The door to the private room opened.

"Hi, sorry for being late, but… huh?! It's you!" – A blonde girl yelled as she pointed at Umaru.

"Oh, it's the siscon!" – Umaru pointed at the girl.

"You're the siscon!..." – The girl yelled angrily, but she stopped talking when she saw me reading while drinking coffee.

[System Notification: The energy 'Anti-Rasen' has prevented the activation of the skill 'Intermittent Explosive' and skill 'Phobia']

I calmly put my coffee cup down and looked at the girl.

I showed a slightly surprised look, then smiled kindly. – "Oh, it's you, hello"

"H-Hello…" – The totally unknown girl with whom I am not related blushed…

"Hey Listen! Your sister's panties are wetter than a third world house in a deluge! Wincest!"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has been activated to hide the activation of the skill 'Sadism']


"Tch, hey, dumb blonde, stop eating my Onii-chan with your eyes " – Umaru frowned.

"I'm not a pervert, shut up!" – The unknown girl whose name is not Kirino shouted with a flushed face… - "Wait, are you Hams-san?"

Umaru looked up from her with narcissistic pride. - "Yes I am!"

The girl rolled her eyes. – "Stop making JoJoreferences to everything, it's annoying… Anyway, it's good to see you, although I always knew you're a spoiled brat who depends on her brother"

Umaru frowned as she smirked. – "Huh? Are you jealous because my Onii-chan is cool while yours is a loser?"

Kirino… that nameless girl frowned. – "Tch, I'm not jealous…"

"It's not convincing if you say it while looking at my Onii-chan with interest" – Umaru began to smile like a little idiot. - "What's happening? Did so many eroges turn you into a pervert who desires my Onii-chan?"

"..." – Kirino... she started to blush with embarrassment and anger. She was feeling very bad and seemed to want to leave, but her pride prevented her from escaping.

Saori sighed. – "You are always fighting, but now that we finally meet, we should be friends and not fight anymore…"

Ruri nodded, she seemed to want everyone to be friends, but Umaru and the blonde girl's attitude is too stubborn.

What a fucking nuisance.

I sighed. – "Brat, don't be rude to your friends"

"Are you going to ignore your cute little sister to defend that fake gyaru siscon?!" – Umaru looked at me resentfully.

"Umaru, you've been wanting to see your friends for a long time, so you should enjoy this moment instead of fighting over meaningless things, then I'll get you the game you wanted" – I sighed again and gently placed my hand on the head of my silly sister.

…Why are there breadcrumbs in her hair?

Oh, whatever.

Umaru pouted, but nodded and looked at Kirino resignedly. – "I'm sorry, I don't want to fight with you, so let's talk, Ero-chan won't be able to come, but he sent me the sketches for our game and we would like your opinion since you are the best at analyzing eroges"

"…" – Kirino… she seemed happy to hear Umaru's apology and at first she seemed to want to make fun because Umaru gave in first, but she looked at me and restrained herself since she doesn't want to show me the unpleasant side of her personality. – "Ahem, I also apologized for my childish attitude, let's not argue again"

The girl sat across from Umaru and they started talking about porn games, which made Shouko and Sawako blush.

"I'll be back in a moment, you guys keep playing" - I stood up and smiled slightly.

"Don't take too long Onii-chan, lunch is coming and if you take time I'll eat your ice cream" – Umaru smiled at me mockingly.

I didn't answer and left the room to go to the bathroom.

In the men's room, I opened one of the doors to enter one of the toilet stalls.

I closed the door and covered the small space with [Anti-Rasen], then lifted the toilet lid and started to vomit.

"Hey Listen! You only vomited up your liver, you're getting better hahahaha!"

"Shut up…" – I sighed after vomiting.


That damn girl keeps giving me discreet looks while she talks about pornographic crap…

Fuck fuck fuck....

The worst thing is that I just realized that several of my passive skills and titles can also affect that girl.

My skills that foster love and lust don't affect Umaru since she loves me with all her heart, but not in a romantic way and she doesn't see me as a sexually attractive man either. In a way, she sees me more as a father than a brother.

But Kirino is different.

That girl seems to have some dad complex that has generated a disgusting incest fetish, albeit focused on brothers and sisters.

The worst thing is that that girl seems to know me since we are in the same school, only before she didn't pay attention to me since she thought that I'm trash who takes advantage of naive women, but my attitude in the game store made her think that maybe I'm not trash, just a rude boy with a bad reputation, but a good heart...

Shit, the propaganda Marika put out got into the wrong hands…

In fact, she was one of the spectators who saw me at the Judo fight.

Before I didn't give her importance since I wanted to pretend that she didn't exist, but I can't deny that I saw her.

Girls in their teens are easier to impress and therefore more likely to be attracted to older, rude, stupid and strong guys.

I put all those traits together, so I'm a magnet for naive teens with parental attention issues.

Considering that she is a pervert addicted to pornography, it wouldn't be strange if she had masturbated at least once while thinking about me…

Agh, shit, sometimes I hate my capacity to analyze information…

Ah, I threw up again. This time it was my esophagus.

I managed to calm down after rebuilding my organs, so I removed the evidence of my mental decline, washed my hands, and went back to the girls for another cup of coffee.

While I was throwing up my organs, the rest of Umaru's friends arrived at the meeting, so I greeted the new girls.

Several girls were teenagers, but there were also girls older than me, so some of them treated me like a little brother.

Well, Chiyo isn't here to cause drama.

Apparently, Umaru has talked a lot about me with her friends, so most of them acted like they already knew me, which helped me stay together in the group without causing a feeling of awkwardness since I'm the only man in the gathering.

Kurara Hoshino, an event host and voice actress for animated characters. She already has a professional job with a good salary, but she joined Umaru's project since my sister has a great talent for convincing people. She is a minor character in Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai.

Kirara Hoshino, is the sister of the previous girl and works as a maid in this place, so she took advantage of her break to join the meeting. She is not professionally engaged in the anime and video game industry, but she seems to be interested in cosplay, so she wants to be a model. She is a minor character in Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai.

Kanata Kurusu, she is a well-known mangaka with several series published in good magazines, but she was also convinced by my sister to join her project with dubious potential. She is a minor character in Ore No Imouto Ga Konnani Kawaii Wake Ga Nai.

Kazuko Hashima, one of the few adults here and she is extremely attached to my sister since according to her, my sister saved her from depression by her novels and internet streams, so Kazuko is willing to support Umaru's project despite that she is already a famous writer with many awards. She is the main heroine of Imouto sae Ireba Ii.

Hana Oshiroi, a rookie writer of pornographic stories about gay sex between men… Ugh… I honestly don't want to get involved with her, but she reminded me that I haven't talked much with one of the first women I met when I came to Japan. She is a supporting character to Ben-To.

Nakuru Narumi, another sick woman who likes homosexual love between men… ugh, yuck… She is a minor character of Mayo Chiki!

Shirokusa Kachil, a prodigious writer, but I can see that there is some kind of stupid resentment in her heart that motivates her to stand out. She is a heroine of Osananajimi ga Zettai ni Makenai Love Comedy.

Utaha Kasumigaoka, the woman I'm most interested in at this meeting and a talented writer starting a professional career. She is one of the heroines of Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata.

The interesting thing is that Utaha has been looking at me since I appeared and she seems to want to talk to me, but she wants to discuss the contract with Ichika's agency first. Another point is that she seems to know my bad reputation, but she doesn't look at me with too much disgust.

It seems that she has seen my displays of strength in my competitions with the system user, plus her impression of me improved because I bought her book.

I would sincerely like to talk to her, but right now I need to close my mouth to scream with all my might...….

The last person is a young girl with purple hair and a cute face….

The problem is that she has the same smell as Kirino, Umaru and me.......



[System Notification: The energy 'Anti-Rasen' and the entities 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' and 'Nia Teppelin' have prevented the skill 'Intermittent Explosive' from being activated]

Ah, my head….

At this rate I'm going to need vacations from my vacations...

Anyway, the last girl is Suzuka Nagami, a novel writer who recently won an award. She is the main heroine of Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai.

Apparently, she is very embarrassed about receiving attention and did not want to accept the award, but Umaru convinced her to accept credit for her work, although for now she is hiding her identity and is a writer working under a pseudonym while being part of the Umaru's project.

Anyway, I don't want to talk to her.

To keep from throwing up in frustration, I concentrated on thinking about how interesting Umaru's plot armor is.

It's like she's a girl magnet with the 'Otaku' and 'Digital Content Creator' categories.

Maybe, she was meant to be the provider of women for the chat room owner, but now Umaru's luck is helping me meet useful women to develop my [Reader's Madness].

I just wish I didn't meet any more members of my stupid family….

The girl group already knows each other quite well due to their interactions online, so they fully immersed themselves in the conversation.

Marin and the girls from school also easily joined the conversation and in a matter of minutes they were all friends, only Shouko and I remained silent.

Shouko is the personification of anxiety, but sometimes Marin would ask her questions to join the cosplay group, so she would sometimes nod, which made her happy since it was her first time spending time with friends.

Ina was also very shy, but she and Sawako were happy to be part of a group that didn't treat them like scary monsters.

For some things I had to act as an interpreter since Shouko, Ina, and Sawako couldn't speak out loud, but I could easily understand them, so I helped them express what they wanted.

This made the three shy girls grateful to me, which was more meaningful to Ina. She really enjoys her life as she plays with my wives, but she really wants to have a normal life with no supernatural themes, so she was happy to talk to normal women who aren't looking to murder every annoying person.

Also, Ina was very happy to talk with characters from series that she likes. Later I'll let Arisa and Nyaruko join this group or they'll make a lot of noise to annoy me.

While the girls were having fun, I acted like a deity would as I remained silent while pretending to be non-existent.

My body was temporarily being suppressed by [Anti-Rasen] chains to prevent me from doing something stupid, so I pretended to read Utaha's novel while the girls chatted.

Utaha noticed this and her gaze towards me gained more interest, but this was also noticed by Kirino…..

Apparently, Kirino was the second most troublesome girl in the friend group as she has an overly competitive and stubborn attitude that has led her to argue with several girls.

In case anyone's wondering, my silly sister is the most stubborn girl in the group.

I haven't even had a formal conversation with Kirino, but she was jealous that I was reading Utaha's novel.

Apparently, Kirino has also written several novels on the internet, but she hasn't gotten one of her novels officially printed.

Technically Utaha can already be considered a professional writer while Kirino is still a rookie and that makes my silly half-sister angry.............

........ agh...… I'm going to vomit.............

As time passed, the girls enjoyed their meal as they continued to discuss the proposal to join Ichika's talent agency.

My wife's agency isn't as big as the top agencies, but my wife did an excellent job building a good reputation in her agency, so the girls felt comfortable with the contract.

Actually, the contract is quite good and he shows a genuine interest in building a good working relationship in the future.

Most importantly, it has already been announced that Yu Lei International, Lin Ruoxi's company, will be the sponsor of the talent agency, so the girls will have bright futures.

Most of the girls are still minors, so their parents will have to talk to the agency's lawyers to sign the contracts, but for now the girls are excited at the idea of being part of an agency.

Importantly, most entertainment agencies in Japan are exploitative and squeeze talent dry, then discard it like trash, but the contract shows a genuine desire to support the girls and not just treat them like disposable products.

There is even a clause where they can leave the agency with a good monetary settlement if they are no longer comfortable.

The only one who seemed worried was Suzuka since her father is very strict and he doesn't like that his daughter is a writer, but Umaru said that he will accept when he talks to the lawyers to see the benefits of this, and if necessary, she can trust me as I am a trustworthy brother….

Agh, the lilac-haired girl is now looking at me expectantly…. Shit. Damn Umaru.

"Hey Listen! Your sister wants to give you a harem of little sisters! Let the moans begin to the rhythm of Onii-chan Kimochi~!"

...I'll pretend I'm deaf.

So time went by and now the girls are talking about anime.

While the girls were having fun, Utaha turned her attention to me. – "So, I did not imagine that the infamous violent boy would be interested in the world of anime"

She had her arms crossed under her breasts while she had a slightly haughty and cold look on her face.

Utaha looked like a woman with an ice princess complex and a sharp tongue, but she really wants to hear my opinion about her novel, at the same time, she is nervous since it seems that she has not seen the reviews of her novel and wants to hear directly from a reader if her work is good or bad.

Utaha was sitting across from me while the girls were talking about anime, so it's a good chance to get this beautiful writer.

"In fact, I don't know about anime, videogames and stuff" – I shrugged apathetically. – "I bought this book because I found it interesting, and in fact it is"

Utaha did not mention her pseudonym so it would be normal for me not to know that she is the author of 'The Metronome in Love'.

"Oh?" - Utaha raised an eyebrow as she pretended not to be interested in my opinion. – "Do you think it is a good book?"

I nodded and smiled as I looked at the book in my hand. – "To tell the truth, I don't know why my sister likes anime so much and there are many references that I don't understand in this novel, but the general idea is very good, I also like the way the author delves into the thoughts of the characters to build a complete psychological profile, and honestly, I love the pessimism of the story, the author did an excellent job to make a story that could appeal to anime fans and people who do not know about the subject"

It was a completely honest opinion. Frankly I did not think that a novel about a school romantic comedy could be so interesting, especially since the novel focuses on insecurities, internal conflicts, unfounded fears, social exclusion and pessimism towards life, besides, Utaha detailed everything without reaching an unnecessary drama, which is wonderful.

Utaha smiled unconsciously, and her posture relaxed completely. She was very satisfied and happy with my answer, especially since my opinion is based on the objectivity of the writing and not on references to already known stories.

Utaha put her elbows on the table and leaned forward as she rested her chin on her hand.

Externally it might seem like a posture that a girl would do when she talks to a person she likes, but in reality it is a posture used to focus all the attention on one person.

"Is there anything you would change about the novel?" – Utaha she asked me with a subtle smile and slightly narrowed eyes.

Here comes something important.

She really wants my opinion, but she'll get mad if I say there's something I want to change about the novel since that would be the same as detracting from her effort.

On the other hand, if I only give positive comments, Utaha will not be satisfied as she wants to know where she can improve as a writer.

Basically, criticizing or complimenting will only make her angry.

Utaha isn't trying to put me in a sticky situation, but that's life.

I shook my head slightly and smiled calmly while slightly shrugging my shoulders. – "Honestly, I wouldn't change anything about the novel, I even enjoyed the references that I can't understand, perhaps my only observation would be to increase the dialogues of the characters and not always focus on the interpretations of the protagonist, also, it would be good if the author takes more advantage of the supporting characters in future works, but in this novel, I liked the way she developed the interactions between characters"

In this way I showed that I like the novel and I would not like to change any aspect of the plot or character development, but at the same time I was able to point out the aspects that can be improved in future projects.

Thus, Utaha will feel that her work is recognized and appreciated, as she feels the sincerity of my perspective for showing areas where she can improve.

Utaha stared at me for several seconds as she thought about my words.

Utaha was about to say something, but she was interrupted by Kirino as she noticed that Utaha and I were in our own world.

"What are you talking about?" - Kirino raised an eyebrow as he entered the conversation. Spoiled brat.

Utaha adjusted her posture to return to her haughty appearance and smiled up at the blonde girl. – "Adult things, nothing that matters to a child like you"

"Hey Listen! She makes up for the sarcasm you lack because you're a submissive bitch who lets dickless jerks insult you! Now you go and fill her womb to mark your territory!" – Navi continues to prove that stupidity has no limits.

"What?!" – Kirino yelled and seemed to want to fight, but he quickly suppressed his anger as he looked at me.

This fucking brat wants to appear to be a perfect and demure girl, but she keeps talking about sibling incest themed porn games…Disgusting.

The food continued and the girls continued talking, but Misaki asked me to accompany her because she needed to talk about something with me.

Again, this made the blonde brat look jealous, something Utaha and Umaru took advantage of to tease her about.

"Onii-chan is a womanizer, even the waitress has fallen into his hands" – Umaru sighed with false sadness.

"As expected of the most infamous womanizer in the school" – Utaha smirked as she looked at Kirino.

Kirino was angry, but the most damage was taken by Misaki. She was so angry and embarrassed that her face was red as a tomato.

I smiled. – "So I'll come in a moment, the pretty waitress seems to want to talk to me"

"Okay" – Umaru shrugged and looked at her cell phone. – "Shinobu-sensei said that he had a problem, but he is about to arrive"

"Oh, I want to talk to her" – Utaha smiled strangely. It seems that she and that Shinobu girl have a strong rivalry.

I looked at Misaki and smiled. – "Then let's talk, my pretty maid"

"..." – Misaki looked at me resentfully, but she didn't say anything and led me to the corridor outside the private room.

In the hallway, both of us were silent for a moment until Misaki finally sighed heavily and bowed deeply.

I can sense that the blonde protagonist who was meant to be with Misaki isn't around. Looks like my plot armor has started blocking that idiot's advances, but just in case I'll have someone keep an eye on him.

"Thank you" – Misaki's voice showed a lot of discomfort, but she no longer showed the disgust that she had when we met for the first time. – "The money you gave me really helped my mother and me, I really appreciate it… and, well… this…"

Misaki was getting more and more uncomfortable.

I sighed and spoke understandingly without showing mockery or disdain. – "Do you need more money?"

"..." – Misaki clenched her fists as she nodded. – "I will pay you, I swear…"

Borrowing money was painful to her pride and asking a womanizer for help was painful to her heart.

Maybe in the original plot she would never have borrowed money from the blonde protagonist, but recently the bank has been putting a lot of pressure on her mother, so Misaki is very worried about her mother's health. The anxiety of having debt is really bad for the mind and body.

By the way, the bank started putting pressure on Misaki's family because of Monika's intervention.

I was silent for a few seconds and then I sighed. – "You don't need to beg, just tell me how much you need"

"…" – Misaki bit her lip as she tried hard not to cry. – "50 million yen…"

And to think that that is an insignificant fraction of the debt my father left me...

"Do you have an account number to deposit?" – I spoke calmly without showing surprise at the debt.

"..." – Misaki looked up and looked at me in disbelief. – "H-How much will the interest be?"

I smiled wryly. – "You ask me for money and now you are worried because I agreed to give it to you?"

"…" – Misaki didn't know how to respond.

"Ah, it doesn't matter" – I shook my head. – "You do not need to pay me back, I already told you, I just want you to have a good life and not end up like me"

"..." – Misaki didn't know what to say, she could only look at the ground while her heart turned into chaos. – "You… I will not sleep with you…"

"…" – I blinked several times in disbelief and then I started laughing.

"What are you laughing about?!" – Misaki looked at me with a lot of anger and embarrassment.

"Hey Listen! It's funny because in the future she will be moaning for more!" – Navi telling facts.

"No, it's just... You're funny" – I started to hold back my laughter as I looked at Misaki with a smile. – "I'm not helping you because I want to sleep with you, yes, you're pretty, but let's be honest, with so much money I can get a magazine model"

"…." – Misaki clenched her teeth furiously. – "Are you saying that a bitch is better than me?!"

I shrugged. – "At least I can sleep with the bitch"

"…." – Misaki couldn't contain herself anymore and she punched me in the face.

Misaki stood still after hitting me. She was mad at me, but she didn't really want to hit me.

I smiled as her fist remained on my cheek. – "Do you feel calmer now?"

"…" – Misaki removed her fist from my face and sighed in relief seeing that I'm fine and I didn't get angry, but she quickly got angry seeing that I'm fine and I didn't get angry. – "Can I hit you again?"

I smirked. – "I didn't know you had a fetish for violence, but I'm sorry, you're not my type"

"…" – Misaki hit me again.

In the end, Misaki managed to calm down and gave me her mother's account number.

Misaki thought that I gave her just a little money so that she and her mother could eat, but she will be surprised when she sees that I just gave her the money she needs to pay off all her debt.

Of course, this will raise her suspicions and cause her to have very complex thoughts.

Everyone knows that I am an errand boy who works for the yakuza, but with this, it will be clear that I am much more involved with the yakuza, it is even possible that I am a real criminal.

The idea is to start giving clues that Luis is the serial killer Kuro since I have some ideas for the future. Anyway, the police now have my back thanks to the Tachibana family.

After the drama, I was about to go back to the girls, but we heard a commotion at the entrance of the restaurant.

Misaki went to see what was happening and out of curiosity I also approached. I don't want to go back to the girls as I hate the idea of having two extra sisters…

"Call the police, this idiot is dangerous!" – A girl with black hair and red eyes entered the restaurant while an idiot followed her.

She had been yelling for someone to call the police, but people thought it was a couple's fight and didn't want to intervene.

"Shut up bitch!" – The idiot was screaming like a psychopath while he had the expression of an jerk.

At first glance, it looks like a lovers' quarrel that got out of hand, but the jerk has a guitar case on his back where a rifle is hidden.

Great, Japan is one of the strictest countries on gun control, but now there's some psycho asshole who has a rifle. I feel like I came back to my country.

As expected, the idiot closed the restaurant door and opened the guitar case to take out the rifle.

The girl knew the jerk was dangerous, but she didn't think the jerk would pull out a gun and she just believed he was a stalker.

What followed was a pathetic mugging attempt where the idiot threatened the waitresses and customers to get their money. The idiot didn't even hide his face and the rifle can only take one bullet at a time, so he can be easily subdued if someone can distract him.

Even though the idiot was a complete newbie, people were terrified as it was their first time seeing a weapon.

Ah, plot armor, sometimes you do annoying things…

The black haired girl fell to the ground because she was too scared. The idiot pointed his gun at her since he was angry that she yelled.

Misaki was terrified and couldn't move even though she wanted to help the girl.

I sighed and grabbed a knife from a table, then tucked the knife into my sleeve and raised my hands as I approached the idiot.

"Do not move!" – The idiot yelled when he saw that I was approaching him.

"C-Calm down, we'll give you what you want…" – I showed a scared expression and a trembling body.

Let's see.

"Do not move!" – The idiot was shaking. It's the first time he's done something like this and he's scared, which makes it more dangerous since he can shoot by accident.

Maybe he has personal and financial problems that forced him to do this, but it doesn't matter. The food does not need justification.

Well, actually this is useful.

The tactic of the hero saving the princess not only serves to conquer the princess, it can also influence the hearts of the viewers, so helping this girl will be useful to influence the hearts of Misaki and Umaru's friends.

I can only display humanly possible skills, so I got close enough to put the knife through the idiot's head, but the black-haired girl made the mistake of trying to run away.

That's understandable. She was scared and didn't want to die, so she tried to get away from the scene, but this made the idiot lose his patience and he tried to shoot the girl.

As the idiot was about to pull the trigger of the rifle, I stopped acting like a coward and ran towards him while throwing the knife into his hand to change the direction of the shot.

I made the shot go through my left shoulder and towards the ceiling so that only I was hurt.

I showed no pain and punched the idiot's face.

The blow destroyed his nose and damaged his brain, but he didn't die since that would make me look like a murderer.

The idiot's body hit the door as the rifle fell to the floor.

I quickly stepped on the rifle to damage the trigger so it couldn't fire again. I just did it out of habit.

The people went silent in fear, so I ignored them and looked at the girl who had almost peed herself in fear.

"You're hurt?" – I asked softly as I bent down to check that she was alright.

The girl had tears in her eyes from fear and the tears increased as blood began to cover my clothes.

She felt guilty as if I had died because of her, but this doesn't matter.

The shot was superficial and did not damage my bones or nerves. Before the awakening of my system, these types of injuries were my daily routine.

I pressed my fingers into the wound and the bleeding stopped, then smiled gently at the girl. – "Everything is fine, don't worry"

"Call an ambulance!" – Misaki finally got over the shock and ran towards me while she held a clean cloth to press my wound. - "Are you fine?!"

"I have a bullet hole, I'm great" - I rolled my eyes.

Umaru and her friends heard the shot and went outside to see what happened. Normally Umaru would run away if she heard a commotion, but she's confident that I'm here and therefore there's no real danger.

Walking out, Umaru saw me crouching down while Misaki pressed on my wound and the other maids called an ambulance.

"Onii-chan!" – Umaru yelled and ran towards me while she cried.

She hugged me and began to cry dramatically…

She's partly acting, but she's also scared… Umaru seemed to have remembered the times where I came home covered in blood and now she's scared…..

The jerk made my sister cry...…

I had to calm down to prevent Ortro from coming out to destroy the place.

I sighed and patted Umaru's head. – "I'm fine, don't worry, I'm not going to die for something like this"

"..." – Umaru continued crying while her friends looked at me with concern.

I was finally able to sit while the customers left as they lost their appetite.

I had to stay to give statements to the police and in the end only the maids, Umaru and her friends stayed in the restaurant.

The maids were much nicer to me and some of them were affected by the effect of the suspension bridge. The stressful situation made them feel safe with me, so they started idealizing me as a brave hero, so it's only a matter of time before they are part of my harem.

Even Misaki was affected by this and now she sees me with different eyes. Now she thinks that I am really a heroic and kind person, but I hide my inner kind for fear that people will take advantage of me, plus I need to be strong to protect my sister.

As for her relation with the blonde protagonist... Misaki seems to be forgetting that such a guy exists.

My idea came out as expected. The girls now saw me as some kind of hero, but two girls in particular felt too much admiration for me...

Kirino and Suzuka keep looking at me like girls in love.... Shit.

"You're tougher than I heard" – Utaha spoke cynically to hide her concern.

"It was just a scratch" – I shrugged, but Misaki scolded me.

"Don't move or you're going to bleed!" – Misaki looked at me with anger and a lot of concern while she kept pressing on my wound.

She used a little more force for the pain to make me stop flirting with Utaha, but I just smiled in amusement since I've stopped feeling this level of pain since I was six years old.

I already used acupuncture, but I'll let her feel useful.

"…I'm sorry…" – The black-haired girl had been crying as she apologized and bowed in front of me.

I sighed and reached out my right hand to stroke her head. – "I already told you that I am fine, you do not need to apologize"

"I'm sorry…" – It's the twentieth time the girl has apologized.

By the way, she is part of Umaru's group and she is also a famous writer, so she can be useful to me.

The girl's name is Kirihime Natsuno and she belongs to a story called Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou….

"Hey Listen! The dog met a zoophilic and seduced both of his sisters in one day! This is Disneyland for degenerates hahahahaha!" – Navi has not stopped annoying me…


Monika informed the Tachibana family what happened, so the police quickly let me go and made sure the criminal was sent to my basement.

The ambulance confirmed that the wound was superficial and I could go home, so the girls went back home after I paid them some taxis to travel safely, plus they were still in shock from what happened.

The good news is that now I have an additional excuse to miss school again.

Now I have to go home to pack my bags since tomorrow we will go on a trip for Miyu's match.

"Onii-chan, is it necessary to store so many clothes? Can't I wear the same clothes every day? Anyway, I always smell good" – Umaru said something disgusting that I can't deny.

"Umaru, it's important to take care of hygiene" – Medaka sighed as she put away her suitcases.

"What's wrong with always wearing the same clothes?" – That was said by one of the beautiful women I have seen. – "Appearance is an irrelevant banality, under heaven only strength matters"

"Uh, yeah, I don't know what she said" – A woman with rabbit ears shrugged. – "Hey, Luis, why do you have so many feminine clothes?"

"I have too many wives" - I shrugged.

"My cute boy wants the best for mommy" – A woman who is an insult to historical records hugged me as she pressed her big breasts against my body.

The women from the chat room and the female Servants are also packing their bags.

The punishment should last another month, but recently I have a bad feeling.

A few hours ago, Koyanskaya sent me a message to let me know that the mages are doing strange things.

Koyanskaya, Reines, and Gray are supposed to come to Japan in two days as Koyanskaya has been making preparations to leave spies among the magicians, but there was a change of plans.

Koyanskaya received a request for weapons from Chaldea, which gave her the opportunity to infiltrate that location and obtain classified information, so she informed me that something was not right.

Recently, the wizards seem to have obtained some kind of high level ritual. The information is not clear, but it seems to be a sacrificial ritual to access a forgotten magic.

Honestly, that doesn't matter to me since the magic of the Age of Gods is insignificant compared to the power of the Outer Gods, but the feeling that something is wrong doesn't leave my head. It's like having thousands of ants digging through my brain to warn me that an earthquake is coming.

Just in case, I let the girls from the chat room and the female Servants come out of punishment and accompany us to take care of Umaru and Miyu.

Additionally, the women of Gantz and Infinite Stratos will also join us.

In case of emergency, I made my army in my personal world ready for a war.

I really hope my bad feeling is just a paranoid outbreak caused by my stress and boredom…

While I was preparing my suitcase, I received a message from Seraph to tell me that I must go to Paradise. Apparently the alchemist Eriko finished building custom weapons for Tsubaki to evolve, so I have to go pick them up, plus Auriel wants to tell me something.

I told the girls to wait for me for a while since I will go to Paradise for a few seconds, but before I could establish the spatial connection, a dark keyhole-shaped portal appeared in front of me…

"SEN-PAI! We need to talk~…"

I am in trouble.

I couldn't speak as tentacles, chains, masses of energy, and hands reached out of the portal to drag me into the darkness.

This is going to hurt… but I'm glad to see them again.




Author's Note:

I was finally able to save up to repair my laptop and was even able to buy a Nintendo Switch, now I'm saving up to buy Persona 5. YAY!


My cell phone died and I'm depressed...

The worst thing is that now I don't have money for another cell phone and it's horrible to travel on public transport without listening to music...

Anyway, I won't get tired of saying it, life is a tragedy...

A hug <3

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