No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 389: I hate speedruns….

Chapter 389: I hate speedruns….

I massaged my forehead to try to lessen the intense migraine that threatened to destroy my brain at a molecular level, but it was useless.

[System Notification: Auriel's Blessing and black blood have regenerated the user's brain]

Ah, how problematic…

"Luis…" – Tsubaki sighed softly, but I shook my head.

"I'm fine, actually, I feel like I managed to lift a big weight off my shoulders" – I sighed and stretched my arms.

One of the biggest problems with my skills like [Schizophrenia] and [Mythomania] is that they continually affect my body based on my perception and thoughts. Because of this, my worry about the issue of Umaru and my half-sisters had been generating a metaphorical mass of solid stress, which had been crushing my shoulders to the point of breaking my bones.

Well, I'm used to my body being treated like a log in a wood chipper, so it doesn't matter.

Although one of my biggest worries has been partially resolved, I still need a little moment of relief, so I headed to some coordinates that Abby gave me.

My wives have already found some of the dimensional rifts that connect the different timelines. I initially thought I would share this information with Zelretch and Merlin so they would follow me, that way I could start some of my plans for the war that will start in a few days, but right now I need to hit something that I can scream and cry.

I sent a mental message to Nyaruko to tell her to come with me while BB will stay near my sister to take care of her, lastly, Aotian went to the hotel where the basketball team stays to protect the brats.

This way, it will seem like only Nyaruko and I are heading to the dimensional rift. If an enemy appears, he will think that we are vulnerable because we are only two people.

I started praying to the plot that someone would ambush me…

"It's here" – Abby warned me when I arrived at the coordinates location.

I nodded and smiled. – "Thank you Abby, you are a good girl"

"Nn" – Abby smiled adorably when I stroked her hair.

"For now, stay close to Miyu and protect the little girls" – I took out a package of food for the racist brat.

Abby was reluctant to protect Chloe, but the thought of eating her favorite pancakes overcame her racism, so she nodded.

Abby disappeared, so Nyaruko started pushing me towards an old sewer that was in an almost empty area of the city.

"Come on, I want to see more Fate characters!" - Nyaruko opened the sewer and jumped into the hole. – "It's a me, Momo!"

Inside the sewer we only had to walk a couple of meters to find a multi-colored crack that rose into the air. The rift was covered by multiple stealth barriers and illusions to prevent anyone from finding it, but these kinds of things are easy for Abby to locate.

On the other hand, the smell of human waste mixed with garbage and rotting rat bodies made me feel nostalgic.

Sometimes I miss when my problems could be solved with a shotgun or a knife...

"Ah, damn feelings are a nuisance…" – I sighed, but at this point I don't even know if those are my true feelings or if it is a thought that [Mytomania] manufactured.

"Look on the bright side" – Tsubaki smiled affectionately like a loving wife. – "You have been worried for many years that Umaru might hate you for all the traumas you have caused her, you even refused to read her thoughts for fear of discovering that she hates you, but now you know that she loves you with all her heart… Although I am worried about her strange obsession with being your only younger sister"

I smiled wryly. – "We both inherited emotional dependence from our stupid mother, this was to be expected"

It's sad that I can't deny my possessive tendencies. It gives me peace to know that my silly sister is not willing to walk away from me even if she hates me. Now I won't have to lock her in a cage...…

"Oh, that gives me an idea for a novel" – Nyaruko was in a good mood. – "My little yandere sister wants to kill our sisters, but that's okay because I'm also a yandere… By the way, Luis, will you really succumb to the power of Alabama and get your sisters pregnant?"

"…" – I sighed as my migraine worsened. – "Please let's not talk about this…"

I explained Umaru's entire thought process to my wives, so they know what that damn brat wants as a form of apology.

I sighed again as I suppressed the desire to commit suicide and entered the dimensional rift. I don't want to think about my future family problems, I just want to test my new weapons.

"Anyway, I don't want to think about it, I just want to hit someone to relax" – I sighed and approached the spatial crack.

In the last few hours, Abby, BB and System Goddess managed to analyze the barrier that covers Fuyuki City, now Abby can create a similar barrier. When she found the rift, she put up multiple spatial barriers so that the barrier allows anyone to enter that alternate timeline, but only people with my permission will be able to leave.

"Abby is a good girl" – I smiled slightly. I'll give her pancakes later.

"Luis being a lolicon, nothing new" – Nyaruko smiled mockingly, so I hit her head, but the masochistic fool blushed. – "Stronger~"

I sighed and decided to ignore her.

I took a deep breath to forget my future family problems and spoke to my dear wife. – "Tsubaki, Blades of Chaos"

Red chains from the heat began to cover my arms causing my skin to burn. Compared to before, the pain I felt was truly heartbreaking and agonizing, but at the same time I felt revitalized and alive.

[Weapon Description: Blades of Chaos (Version: Sadism)

Blades wielded with the sole purpose of tearing the enemy apart in the cruelest and most painful way possible. They are not weapons, they are instruments of torture designed to satisfy the fetishes of a womanizer with a bad temper.


- Pain: Wounds will cause the 'Agony' status effect. This effect uses the 'Torture' Concept to generate endless pain that will increase with each wound the victim suffers.

- Suffering: The pain caused by wounds can ignore any mental and spiritual defense abilities. Only Conceptual skills can resist this effect.

- Cruelty: the pain caused by the wounds will be marked in the victim's records, so it will not be possible to forget or erase the pain unless the records are completely destroyed.

- Depravity: the 'Torture' Concept will prevent the victim's mind from being broken, it will also prevent the victim from enjoying the pain. Only Conceptual skills can resist this effect]

Eriko did a wonderful job of making my best weapons synchronized with my skills derived from my mental problems. Furthermore, each weapon is protected by [Mythomania] and not even Higher Entities at Auriel's level can see that this is the power of Madness energy, other people will only think that it is a cursed weapon created for torture.

With the swords in my hands, I moved forward to enter the spatial rift while Nyaruko walked beside me, although she was not holding a weapon but a camera. This girl treats everything like a game… Well, I love that about her.

Once inside the alternate timeline, I was a little disappointed to see that no absurdly powerful enemies were waiting to attack me from behind, but well, there are some decent punching bags.

I held the Blades of Chaos and began to walk without a clear direction. I just wanted to walk.

"Yay, it's the Singularity F! Let's go for the flat-chested maid!" – Nyaruko had eyes bright with excitement, but I honestly don't want to know what she's talking about, I just want to hit people.

The place I am is Fuyuki City, but it is a little different. The buildings are desolate ruins, there is fire covering most of the city and there was an intense smell of human flesh being cooked.

"…It smells like fried chicken…" – Ortro began to salivate.

"Not yet" – I had to stop the little glutton since it's not her turn to come out yet.

Ortro made sad puppy sounds, but she was not stubborn and she started playing with some heads to distract herself.

"This will always be disturbing" – Yoko shook her head as she saw how the adorable little girl used human heads to build a house.

I continued walking aimlessly. I can feel that the inhabitants of this timeline have noticed me and are starting to surround me.

This place is full of unintelligent monsters that seem to have been produced by an accumulation of magic corrupted by human sins and desires, but there are also intelligent entities that are beginning to move.

[Paranoia: The entire area has been scanned. No enemies have been detected that could pose a threat to the master, nor have Higher Entities from Hell been detected, although there are traces of energy that does not belong to this World]

Well, I can calmly test my new weapons.

At the best moment, a group of 200 skeletons appeared and pointed their bows at me.

Each arrow was covered in corrupted magic and had different spells that varied between disease curses, explosive spells, and attacks from different elements.

Although there are no Higher Entities nearby, I can see that the spies from Hell already visited this place and left many traps, plus they strengthened the natives.

This was a clear ambush, the problem is that it wasn't prepared for me.

"Paranoia, analyze the context of the ambush, but do it calmly, I want to relax a little" – I spoke internally and waited for the skeletons to prepare their strongest attacks.

[Paranoia: Order received. Starting analysis…]

"Wait a moment, I want to try something" – I spoke to Naryko while Paranoia analyzed the context of the plot, then I jumped towards the skeletons.

The two hundred skeletons shot their arrows and the different colored lights formed a wall of arrows heading towards me.

This level of attack could sever a limb from a rookie Hero, so the demons really put effort into this trap. Now I'm curious to know what the goal is.

When the wall of arrows was about to hit me, I performed a vertical slash with the swords at the same time as I activated [Sadism], which caused a fascinating phenomenon.

The magical energy lost stability when it came into contact with the red lightning bolts that represented the embodiment of suffering. The energy has no emotions, thoughts, senses or personality, but even so, the energy was suffering…

The magical energy could not withstand the destructive power of suffering and dispersed as the arrows made of special alloys shattered into dust and disappeared. It was a similar process to what happened to Leylin's son, but this time it happened to hundreds of inanimate objects.

With this I was able to calculate the approximate power of my new swords, so I stopped playing and waved my right hand to throw the sword. The chain holding the sword extended and in one move, the two hundred skeletons were completely destroyed.

Those skeletons were simple magical puppets without souls and it was only necessary to destroy their cores for them to stop functioning.

"No souls?" – Ortro made a sound of sadness as she saw that the enemies turned into dust without leaving souls to chew. My lovely friend hasn't had a chance to replenish her chew toy supply, which makes her feel a little sad.

"You can eat later" – I looked around and felt satisfied with my little experiment, so I walked again while the intelligent beings in this city watched me from the shadows.

I looked back to talk to Nyaruko, but she had disappeared... I have a bad feeling.

I'm not in the mood to babysit and I can feel that she's just playing, so I didn't think anything of it and started looking for good punching bags.

The group of intelligent entities could not sense the horrendous power of [Sadism], but they managed to confirm that I am dangerous, so they began to move to give me a final attack.

I pretended not to notice that the enemies were about to attack me.

I know Nyaruko and I know she will do something stupid, so I have to make the enemies attack me, that way I will have a justification to kill them before Nyaruko can do something stupid. I don't even care if there are beautiful women in the group of enemies, I just want to mutilate someone, I want to hear screams of pain...

Ah, the side effect of [Sadism] has already started. I'm starting to want to hurt sentient beings even though torture bores me.

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' screams while punching the walls and scratching the floor]

Shut up idiot.

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' stopped screaming and moving]


I crouched next to the corpse of a boy with an idiotic face and checked the wound on his neck. I acted as if all my attention was on the wound to look for traces of the enemy, which left my back unprotected.

The group of enemies was about to attack when they saw that I lowered my guard, but suddenly they stopped and moved away from the area….

Damn pair of idiots! I shouldn't have brought them...

"Hey Listen! You idiot dog, come here! I just negotiated peace! Muahahahaha, all the fucking mediators between international conflicts are pieces of shit compared to my greatness! Kneel before my greatness, bitch!"

…. I should have locked up that pair of idiots….

I bit my hand with all my might to suppress the desire to scream in frustration.

It took me two seconds to breathe enough to calm down, so I swallowed the piece of meat that was left in my mouth and headed to the location the damn idiot gave me.

I didn't use spatial skills and walked towards the place. I wanted to buy time to calm down or I'll start to really beat the two idiots until they cry.

[Paranoia: Original plot analysis completed. A possible contradiction was found in the plot. The title 'Editor' was used to understand where the error was]

Paranoia relayed the information to me about what happened in this place, but I lost my desire to maim every idiot, so I put away the Blades of Chaos and took out a package of hamburgers to calm myself down.

Ironically, meditating stresses me out, but it relaxes me to chew the meat of Buddhist monks… Amitabha.

I walked to where the forest should be on the outskirts of Fuyuki City, but I didn't find the scenery of the original city, there was no huge forest fire either, there was only a huge castle that mixed the architecture of two different European cultures.

The castle used to be guarded by dragons, skeletons, and other monsters, but now only mountains of corpses were seen decorating the castle walls.

I massaged my forehead and began to question why the hell I'm married to a troublesome idiot...

I entered the castle and what I found was… disappointing.

"Quickly, say it now!" – Nyaruko was sitting on a large black steel throne while she played with a banner that served as a spear and a black sword.

"…." – In front of me were two women with strangely pale skin, but somehow they looked healthy. The most striking thing was that both women were dressed in skimpy maid outfits that were more akin to erotic lingerie, but it was difficult to appreciate the eroticism of their appearances as their expressions showed a mixture of fear and indignation, although there was more fear than anger.

"Quickly, they are ruining the moment!" – Nyaruko shouted angrily, which made both women shudder and kneel…

Oh god, please let them not be who I think they are...

"W-Welcome master…" – The women spoke at the same time while they seemed to want to commit suicide due to shame and humiliation, but there was something that terrified them much more than death.


[Paranoia: Records indicate that the master's concerns are true. The woman with small breasts is King Arthur and the woman with large breasts is Joan of Arc]

(Author's Note: Artoria Pendragon Saber Alter from Fate Grand/Order)

(Author's Note: Jeanne d'Arc Alter from Fate Grand/Order)

…. The amount of disappointment I am feeling cannot be described in words.

"Ten minutes, I only lost sight of you for ten fucking minutes…" – I started massaging my forehead and looked at Nyaruko.

Nyaruko smiled wryly and tossed the weapons aside, then jumped and landed on the backs of the two kneeling women. Now she was at the same level as my eyes.

"Well, I did what was necessary" – Nyaruko shrugged and ignored the fact that the two women were shaking with fury. – "If I didn't intervene, then you would have skinned these waifus and that is a no no no no, you can't kill waifus"

I took a deep breath so as not to make comments that could seriously damage my foolish wife's heart. – "I want to hit someone… No, I need to hit someone… What made you think that I would like to enslave two historical figures for whom I have a little respect?"

Nyaruko smiled and gave a thumbs up. – "Because they are pretty!"


She has a point.

Nyaruko jumped a little to stop humiliating the two women and stood next to me as she patted my shoulder. – "Come on, I know you want to release stress, but violence is not the answer, love is better~"

...I held Nyaruko's face. – "You just want to make a collection of Fate women and you thought this was a good opportunity since my argument with my sister left me mentally exhausted, so you thought I will easily forgive you because I don't feel like arguing, right?"

Nyaruko looked away and started whistling.

I sighed and took out a fork, which made Nyaruko pale. - "Wait…!"

I ignored her desperate cry and stabbed the fork into her silly head while activating a weak version of [Sadism].

"AAAAHHHHHH!" – Nyaruko started squirming in my hands like a fish out of water, but she didn't try to fight and accepted her punishment.

The two women looked at the situation and smiled cruelly, although they were also scared by the ease with which I subdued Nyaruko…

What on earth did Nyaruko do to subdue these two stubborn and proud women? It was only ten minutes...

As Nyaruko screamed, I heard a subtle murmur of suffering and with my perception I analyzed the castle.

Oh, I see…

Besides the two women, there were also male Servants, but they are now impaled on the tops of the castle towers.

The worst thing is that it is not a simple impalement like the executions carried out by Vlad Tepes. The Servants' bodies had been altered with organic alchemy to... Ugh, no, I'm not going to talk about this, my homophobia prevents me.

I let go of Nyaruko and looked at her with a frown. – "You are my wife and I will not stop loving you, but sometimes you are disgusting"

Nyaruko massaged her head and looked at me innocently. – "It's not my fault, when we found the Taimanin I remembered several body deformation doujins and I wanted to do some tests to use in case a system user appears, you know, you have a bad habit of murdering idiots too quickly and that's not fun, you have to humiliate idiots"

Sometimes I forget that she is considered one of the cruelest and most insensitive creatures in the multiverse... The worst thing of all is that I still think she is cute.

"Hey Listen! She's right, SIMPS idiots should be humiliated until they spit blood and die of an aneurysm from rage! Pushing someone to suicide is the beauty of bullying!" – Navi showed up just to say fucking stupid things...

I grabbed Navi before the idiot could react. – "You also deserve a punishment"

"Oh fuck…" – Navi couldn't escape because I activated [Sadism]. Her scream was so loud and high-pitched that it was not audible.

Nyaruko gulped seeing that. She knows that I was nicer to her than to Navi and she felt a little afraid of this level of [Sadism].

"Come on Luis, don't be angry, look" – Nyaruko stopped massaging her head and grabbed the faces of the two female Servants. – "They are quite cute, they have a bad temper and are unnecessarily proud to the point of being a couple of headaches, we know you love them~"

Yes, but right now I'm not in the mood...

I exhaled deeply as I struggled to contain my tiredness and anger. - "We are literally on the brink of a war that will determine the future of this World, but instead of helping, you are…"

I stopped talking as I felt something.

[Paranoia: A group of entities were detected that entered the barrier. One of the entities was confirmed to be Koyanskaya. It was confirmed that the master's wife is not injured or in danger]

Why did Koyanskaya just enter this place?

"The canon!" – Nyaruko's eyes shone. – "Come on, I want to see Satan!"

...…. What?

Oh whatever. I already captured the two entities that were going to be the cause of this timeline becoming a threat. For now I want to see what's going on with my fluffy-eared wife.

"Hey Listen! Furry dog!"

…. Whatever.




Author's Note:

I am very sorry for the month of inactivity. It really was a difficult month, but finally all the effort, crying, frustrations and suicidal desires paid off.

I am officially a qualified psychologist and I managed to graduate with honors!

During this month I will be able to relax and focus on writing. Starting in January I will start working, but my position is part-time, so I will have time to write more often.

I am deeply grateful to you, my reader, for supporting me despite all my shortcomings as a writer. I know that I have been fickle and that is why I am grateful that you do not lose interest in my novel.

Achieving my degree has been a constant struggle due to various problems that I have encountered, but while the path was mentally, emotionally, and physically painful, the feeling of completing my degree has given me a sense of fulfillment and fulfillment that I had never experienced before.

I think it's clear that I have my emotional problems, and honestly, I never thought that I would be able to achieve anything in life, I am even surprised by the fact that I am still alive.

Despite everything, I wanted to share with you the deep gratification and sense of fulfillment I feel.

I know that having a degree does not make me better than others and it does not guarantee me a good future, but at least I no longer feel that my life and existence is a waste of time. At least I accomplished one thing in my life and that makes me feel at peace.

For all this, thank you very much for continuing to read my work. Thanks for being here.

A big hug to anyone who reads this and I will continue to strive to bring an entertaining story <3< p>

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