No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 394: Lolis talking about unimportant things

Chapter 394: Lolis talking about unimportant things

(Miyu Edelfelt perspective) (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya)

After a day of classes, I spent two hours practicing with the basketball team since the game will be in two days.

After training, the coach accompanied my teammates back to the hotel where we stayed, although I didn't go with them since I'm going to the house of my new friend, Illya-san.

Father talked to the team coach to allow me to visit Illya-san. The coach allowed it because of the strange family relationship that formed now that Chloe-san is my father's daughter while she is Illya-san's cousin.

I still can't get used to the fact that Chloe-san is also Father's daughter... I don't like this, but I'm not going to complain. I don't want to cause problems for father.

I shook my head to ignore the bitter taste in my mouth and left the locker room. Chloe-san, Illya-san and her friends are waiting for me to go buy ice cream.

Today morning, Father said that it would be good if we played and lived like normal girls, especially Chloe-san and I, since we haven't had what he calls "a normal childhood."

I don't fully understand what a normal life is, but I want to do what Father says, so I'll go out with Illya-san and her friends since they are normal girls.

I'm still a little worried about all the magic and demon stuff that happened yesterday, but Father insisted that I shouldn't worry and my only responsibility is to have a happy life.

Thinking about father's kind smile makes my chest feel warm...

I just need my brother to be here for everything to be perfect.

Walking out of the locker room, I saw Chloe-san, Illya-san, and her friends, so I greeted them as I approached them.

The group of girls is very friendly and they have allowed me to call them by their names, although I have not talked to them much since my experience at school has shown me that people tend to move away from me when I talk a lot, so now I only give answers short and most of the time I just listen.

Father once told me that being a listener is just as good as being a good conversationalist. I just have to show interest every time someone talks to me and nod or deny when necessary.

Just like that, we left the school as we headed to the commercial district of the city.

On the way, I could only nod and listen to what they said since I couldn't understand most of the topics they talked about. I couldn't even understand half of what Illya-san said.

"And you, Miyu, what music do you like?" – Suzuka-san asked me with a kind smile.

I used 100% of my brain power to think of an answer as quickly as possible. – "I like a little bit of everything, lately I'm looking for new idol groups. Could you recommend some to me?"

Something that my father told me is that, to be able to socialize with a group where I have nothing in common, it is best to identify what tastes the members of the group share, then I must show that I am interested in the topic, and, finally, I should ask for recommendations and advice on the topic, since that will motivate people in the group to talk to me more.

Illya-san and her friends have been talking about different groups and singers they like. Even Chloe-san was able to talk about the different topics, but I think that was because she saw the same thing as Illya-san.

"Oh, so you are also interested in idols!" – Tatsuko-san smiled and seemed excited. –"Idols are great, I want to be one too! Dancing and singing is very exciting! Hey, we should practice to be idols too! You are very cute so you would be a great idol! There's a new agency that's promoting talented girls! I recently saw the debut of some girls our age, but they weren't as cute as Miyu, Illya and Chloe, so you guys could make a much better idol group! I could be the representative while you dance! It would be a great business!..."

From that moment on, I could only nod as Tatsuko-san overwhelmed me with her words and enthusiasm. I couldn't even understand what she was saying, I just kept nodding.

"That sounds exciting!" – Illya-san's eyes shone at Tatsuko-san's incomprehensible words.

Illya-san gets excited about things about magical girls, idols, music, anime, and handsome actors. Illya-san is the best example of what a normal girl should be like, so I want to learn to be like her, although Father has told me several times that I shouldn't try to be like other people, and he is happy when I am myself.

Overall the conversation was normal, or at least I think so since normal girls seem happy, but Illya-san and I were trying hard to avoid blushing from the embarrassment that Ruby-san and Sapphire-san's words made us feel. Only Chloe-san seems to be having fun.

"Magical girls dancing like idols while her tiny miniskirts flutter to show off the colorful panties that excite the perverted lolicons… That would be a bestseller" – Ruby-san…

"Ruby, stop talking nonsense, you're embarrassing the girls" – Sapphire-san sighed, and although I appreciated her support, she continued talking and made things worse… - "Besides, Miyu-san is not a perverted exhibitionist who wants to show her panties"

"Are you saying that my lovely Illya-chan is a pervert?! Just because she got her panties wet from watching a video of that blonde idiot doesn't mean she's a sexual degenerate! It's just puberty!" – Ruby-san, please stop, Illya-san is about to cry…

Yesterday, Father said that we don't need to worry about possible dangers since his dear friend would be protecting us, but Sapphire and Ruby insisted that they are more than enough to keep us safe.

Father was originally going to ignore Ruby-san and Sapphire-san, but Illya-san insisted that she wanted to remain a magical girl. I also want to have the strength to help father, so I also asked him to let me have Sapphire-san as my partner.

Father accepted our requests and made something so that Ruby-san and Sapphire-san could be by our side at all times, besides, normal people can't see them.

This is supposed to be a good thing, but Ruby-san keeps embarrassing us with every word she says…

At times like this, I appreciate the expressionlessness of my face, but Illya-san is too expressive, although that makes her quite cute.

"Illya, is something wrong? Your face is totally red" – Mimi-san asked seeing that Illya-san was shaking as she tried hard not to yell at Ruby-san.

Ruby-san and Chloe-san have been bothering Illya-san about something related to a blonde boy, although I don't understand what they're talking about.

"I-I'm fine, I-I just remembered something, haha…" – Illya-san let out a strange laugh and quickly pointed to an ice cream stand. - "Let's go for an ice-cream!"

Illya-san hurried to the ice cream stand, so we followed her.

Father gave me enough money to play with my new friends, so I bought ice cream for all of them.

I have been reading books on how to make friends and interact with normal people, and I read that small gifts help create new friendly bonds, but gifts must be simple things or instead of friendship, it will just be a materialistic relationship based on interests.

I still can't fully understand what it means to make friends, but it made me happy to see that my new friends smiled.

While we were eating ice cream, we again started talking, but I think Chloe-san noticed that I didn't know what to talk about since she changed to a topic that I could understand. I still get a bitter taste when I see her, but I'm starting to like her.

"So, do any of you have a boyfriend?" – Chloe-san asked with a smile.

"B-Boyfriend?!" – Mimi-san's face turned completely red. – "D-Do you have a boyfriend?"

Chloe-san continued smiling. – "Nope, I have never been with someone, but lately there is a boy I like, so I want to ask you for advice since you are very nice and intelligent ~"

Does Chloe-san like anyone?

Is he one of the boys in the class or is he someone she saw when she was trapped inside Illya-san's soul?

Before I have heard girls my age talking about love, celebrities and how they would like to go on dates with singers or actors. None of that caught my attention, but now I'm a little curious since Chloe-san is my sister now.

"I see" – Suzuka-san nodded. – "My older sister has said that it is frustrating when a romance does not progress because the seme of the relationship is too shy to declare himself to the uke, so the uke sometimes has to take the initiative, and I really think the same, it's boring when the uke is just passive and without personality..."

There was a strange silence as I tilted my head in confusion.

For some reason, Suzuka-san seemed to be embarrassed, although Chloe-san had a strange smile while Illya-san blushed more. The rest of us just bowed our heads without understanding what Suzuka-san said.

"Ahem" - Suzuka-san faked a little cough and adjusted her glasses. – "What I want to say is that sometimes girls should also take the initiative when expressing what they feel… Oh, right! Tatsuko, you said there was a cool boy you liked or something!"

I think Suzuka-san was trying to divert the topic, but Tatsuko-san's smile really caught our attention.

"Oh, that's right!" – Tatsuko-san screamed excitedly and devoured what was left of her ice cream in one bite, then took out her cell phone to show us something, although her face made a strange expression. – "Ugh, my head…"

Suzuka-san sighed and used a napkin to wipe Tatsuko-san's mouth that was covered in ice cream. – "Silly, don't eat ice cream like that or your head will hurt"

"I found it!" - Tatsuko-san ignored Suzuka-san's words and showed us a video. – "Look, this video has been going viral and it's really cool! And it's not just this one, there are more videos of how this Nii-san hits more people who are bigger than him!"

It's the first time I see Father wearing a martial arts uniform, but I don't understand why he is beating a group of boys inside a dojo.

Chloe-san and Illya-san also seemed surprised to see father in the video, although Chloe-san seemed to be having fun.

"Heh, that guy really knows how to show off" – Ruby-san murmured.

"Aren't you supposed to hate him?" – Sapphire-san sighed.

"And? This is still funny" – Ruby-san let out a small laugh.

"Isn't it great?!" - Tatsuko-san asked us with emotion.

I nodded. Father is always great.

"There are also videos of him practicing basketball and soccer, but the videos where he fights are the most entertaining" -Tatsuko-san seemed to be a fan of father.

"Actually, I know him" – Chloe-san's words made me panic for some reason. I don't know why, but I don't want my new friends to know my father's true face...

"Oh really?!" - Tatsuko-san shouted excitedly.

"He is my father's assistant, he also accompanied us during this trip, so you could meet him" – Chloe-san…

It's true that one of Father's assistants disguised himself as Father's real identity, but that doesn't change the fact that Tatsuko-san is interested in Father.

I have seen father with many women who are my mothers, but for some reason, it makes me uncomfortable to see girls my age near father...

"I-I d-don't think it's a good idea, maybe he's busy…" – Well said Illya-san, tell her.

"Oh, I don't think it's a problem" – Chloe-san smiled. – "Anyway, I will talk to him later so you can get to know him"

"Thank you!" -Tatsuko-san shouted excitedly, even Mimi-san and Suzuka-san showed interest in meeting father.

"This evil girl is on the side of the lolicon…" – Ruby-san sighed heavily. – "Illya, don't follow the example of the pervert, you must stay pure and adorable, it doesn't matter the obscene things you do when you think no one sees you, as long as there is no evidence then it's okay"

Again Illya-san looked like she wanted to scream, but she held back.

The girls seemed to be very curious about the so-called father's assistant as they started asking Chloe-san a lot of questions, but she said that she only knew him a short time, so it was better to ask me.

I had to say that I haven't talked to him much, I just know that he is strong, knows how to cook and is very kind.

I don't know if I said something strange, but Nanaki-san asked me a question that I didn't want to hear. – "Miyu-san, do you like that boy called Luis-san?"


My face felt like it was on fire, and even though I know I should shake my head, I couldn't help but nod even though shyness overwhelmed my mind.

Thanks to Arisa-san's words, I realized that I love father. It is a totally different love than the one I feel for my brother, although I am not sure if it is romantic love either. The only thing I'm clear about is that I like him...

"…Oh…" – Illya-san covered her face while Chloe-san seemed to be holding back her laughter.

The rest of the girls just looked at me with excitement and overwhelmed me with more questions.

I think I misunderstood Tatsuko-san since she was not romantically interested in Father, but rather she admired him and wanted to meet him because she loves strong fighters...

Each question made me feel more and more embarrassed, but I also felt a little happy to be able to express what I feel. Now that I have expressed my feelings in words, I realize that, even though I still don't understand what love is, Luis-san is the man I love.

We had sat on a bench to continue talking after finishing our ice creams.

While my friends kept asking me embarrassing questions, an adult noticed us and approached us.

The man was Honda-sensei, one of the teachers at Illya-san's school. I have heard that he is quite popular since he is very kind, intelligent, handsome and more, but I honestly don't know what is so special about him. Maybe it's because I haven't known him well enough, but I sincerely believe that Father is superior to him in every way.

"Oh, hey girls, taking a break after school?" – Honda-sensei waved his hand to greet us when he was a few meters away. It seems like he was passing through after doing some shopping, so he greeted us when he recognized us.

Illya-san and her friends greeted him with big smiles, but Chloe-san had an apathetic expression. Ever since she came to class, she seemed to get along badly with Honda-sensei, although I don't understand why.

Chloe-san told me that I shouldn't talk to Honda-sensei or Father might get angry, so I haven't interacted with him either, but out of courtesy I nodded respectfully.

"Hello sensei!" – Illya-san and the girls greeted Honda-sensei happily, but Chloe-san showed a strange smile.

"Hello, lolicon-sensei" – Chloe-san's voice seemed to be mocking, although she also seemed to show displeasure. – "Now are you also going to watch us outside of class? Should I call the police?"

Honda-sensei smiled bitterly. – "Miss Chloe, don't make that kind of joke or you could get me in trouble"

Illya-san and her friends had awkward expressions. Today during sports class, Chloe-san yelled angrily because Honda-sensei was near the locker room when we were about to change clothes.

Honda-sensei explained that it was a misunderstanding since he was carrying some things to the sports warehouse and had no bad intentions, but Chloe-san insisted that he has the face of a pedophile.

I don't know what a pedophile's face looks like, so I don't know if she's right.

Although the girls accepted Honda-sensei's explanation, they understood that Chloe-san perhaps had a big misunderstanding and preferred to remain silent rather than start an argument.

Despite everything, I don't want to cause trouble, so I lowered my head to apologize. – "Honda-sensei, I'm sorry for my s-sister's attitude… She's good, she's just been a little stressed from the trip"

I already talked to Chloe-san. She said that it is best for me to maintain my role as a good and obedient girl, while she will be more rebellious. That way I have to apologize if she does something wrong and she will help me if I have a problem I can't understand.

I don't understand what she wants to achieve with this, but this has helped me talk to the girls in the classroom. I even managed to have more conversations with my teammates from the basketball club.

"Don't worry, Miyu-san, these kinds of jokes are part of the job" – Honda-sensei smiled kindly and it seemed like he wanted to approach us to talk, but he stopped when we heard a loud bark.

I looked at the source of the barking, and I don't know when it came, but next to me was an adorable little black dog.

At a glance I recognized her. She was father's friend, Ortro-san.

"Is this your pet, Miyu-san?" – Honda-sensei looked at Other-san curiously.

Currently, Ortro-san has the appearance of an adorable little black dog. Her big eyes and small body made me want to hug her, plus her soft fur is very fluffy like a stuffed animal.

She doesn't look threatening, in fact, she's too cute, but I've heard that Father's wives have mentioned that Ortro-san is able to eat stars. I don't know if it's a metaphor or something literal, but she is definitely strong.

Chloe-san approached Ortro-san, crouched down and picked her up in her arms. – "She is our father's pet and she doesn't like lolicons, so, sensei, please go look for victims somewhere else"

Ortro-san looked adorable while she was carried like a stuffed animal, but she didn't growl, didn't move, and didn't blink, she just stared at Honda-sensei.

"She is an adorable pet" – Honda-sensei smiled and did not seem intimidated by Ortro-san's gaze, although it is understandable. She's too cute that way and it just makes you want to hug her. – "Well, girls, behave well and don't forget to do your homework, I'll see you tomorrow in class"

Honda-sensei said goodbye to us and left.

"Chloe-san, why are you so rude to Honda-sensei?" – Suzuka-san sighed after Honda-sensei left.

Chloe-san shrugged as she placed her chin on Ortro-san's head. – "I don't like the way he sees me, he is a pervert who only looks at my legs and I have someone I love"

That's true?

I didn't notice it. I'll have to tell father this.

"Sensei is a married man, I don't think he was really looking at you that way…" – Suzuka-san spoke quickly, although she seemed unusually angry.

Chloe-san and Suzuk-san stared at each other as if they were about to argue.

Illya-san noticed this and became nervous, so she spoke quickly. – "Hey, what do you think if we go to my house? Today a new magical girl anime premieres that I want to see and it would be nice to see it with you"

"Um, yeah, that sounds good" – Mimi-san smiled and nodded.

Chloe-san and Suzuka-san stopped staring at each other and nodded.

Making friends is complicated… I'm glad I have Illya-san, she's good at fixing these problems.

I really hope we can always be friends.




(Luis Perspective)

"Hey Listen! You fucking bitch, stop staring silently and go kill that piece of shit or he's going to defile your lolis!"

"Shut up" – I growled in annoyance as my fingers regenerated.

I started biting my nails to cope with my anger, but seeing that idiot looking at my daughters' legs made me angry to the point that I started chewing my hands until I calmed down.

"Why the fuck are you acting so passive?! Just go and kill them all!" – Navi threw an empty soda can in my face.

I grabbed the can and the flames of [Rasen] disintegrated it. – "I want that… I want to kill them all… I want to end this shit as soon as possible… But I can't do it, I must be patient"

The jerk who talked to my daughters was the other "prince charming" designed to seduce my daughters. He is a system user who belongs to the Free Agents, so he can be considered the strongest system user I have seen so far. The worst thing is that he knows the plot of Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya and already realized that something is wrong, since Chloe should not be free yet, Miyu should not have a foster father and things are strange, but everything can be justified with the fact that this World mixes several stories.

Despite this, he is beginning to suspect that the Hero of Harmony already knows about the invasion and is preparing...

His mere presence is a time bomb that can destroy several of my plans, but I still can't kill him.

First of all, hurting him will make the demons realize that plan A failed, so they will start the invasion and I still haven't finished my preparations for war.

On the other hand, there is a much more important reason why I cannot allow the war to begin immediately. I need two more days...

"The basketball game is in two days" –I sighed heavily. – "Miyu has worked hard for this day, I will not let her event be ruined"

"Tch, sentimental bitch" – Navi snorted disdainfully and continued eating. – "Hey idiot, if that cuck tries to touch your lolis, don't hesitate to kill him"

"I know" – I sighed as my gaze followed the fake professor.

"Do you still think torture is a waste of time?" – Navi spoke while she was chewing a hamburger.

"…." – I squinted as System Goddess's skills let me see the idiot's system screen.

{Domestication System

"Prisma Loli Quest" progress:

Identify the main objectives (Required): Completed 3 of 4

Vanilla Path. Obtain sincere affection from targets (Optional): Not completed

Mindbreak Path. Sexually corrupt targets (Optional): Not completed

Blackmail Path. Use threats to obtain obedience from targets (Optional): Not completed}

{Reminder: There are 49 hours 17 minutes 22 seconds left until the invasion. If the objectives have not been obtained by that time, the user will not receive the corresponding payment, but will be allowed to keep the objectives as a consolation prize}

I stopped looking at the screen and sighed as I looked at the sky. – "I am beginning to reconsider my beliefs"

Stupid attachment emotions. They just make me angry...




Author's Note:

Hello. Although it's a little late, happy start to the new year <3< p>

My idea was to do a chapter in December and a package of chapters to start the year, but since Christmas I was very busy due to monetary problems... Adult life is shit.

Anyway, things have stabilized for now, so here I am. A hug <3 <3 <3< p>

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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