No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 396: No time for dinner

Chapter 396: No time for dinner

After a few hours, I took a deep breath and tried my best to maintain my patience.

"So, let's go over…" – I used [Mythomania] to hide my frustration and smiled kindly. - "What's your name?"

"Oh, I know, I know!" – GAIA raised her hand while she was sitting at a desk as if she were a student. – "My name is Tanaka!"

"Good" – I nodded and put a cookie on a plate that was next to me. - "What else?"

"Ehh…" – GAIA tilted her head as she stared at the cookie. – "Oh, yes, I know, I lost my memory in the middle of the forest and Seiji-san found me, gave me clothes, food and took me to the police station, but they were very busy, so Seiji-san decided to take care of me until for my family to appear… Emmm, do I have a family?"

"Concentrate, we already talked about this" – I felt my head pounding with stress.

Educating a brat is a pain, but educating a mentally disabled brat is insufferable… Now I understand why so many families abandon children with mental retardation.

"Oh yeah!" – GAIA nodded quickly. – "Seiji-san is my family because Seiji-san gives me delicious food!"

…. Oh, whatever.

"Well, just remember that and everything will be fine" – I sighed and grabbed the plate with cookies to give it to GAIA.

"Yay!" – GAIA celebrated and started eating.

"Well done Luis, you showed a lot of patience" – Tsubaki spoke softly inside my head to try to comfort me.

It took me more than six hours to get GAIA to remember that simple story… Ah, I need to contact Beast VII or Shiki to have one of them take care of this headache.

GAIA's situation is much worse than Mumei. During the war between the two entities, Alaya lost almost all of her mental capacity, but the few fragments of her mind were enough to build a new personality. On the other hand, GAIA basically lost her entire mind except for language ability and knowledge of some words.

To give an example, Mumei is like a 10-year-old girl with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, while GAIA is a five-year-old girl who was run over and is slowly dying, so someone gave her a sedative that prevents her from feeling pain, but it also makes her act like she's high.

In short, the originals Alaya and GAIA are dead and there is no chance of bringing them back. Now only Mumei and Tanaka exist.

Anyway. With everything ready, we leave the pocket dimension that Abby built to return to Illya's house. It's already night, so I missed lunch and dinner.

Once at the house, I thought I would face some annoying arguments since I was gone all day, plus I brought an unknown girl, but what I found was something... well, not so unexpected.

I sighed when I saw a girl with light purple, almost white hair, who was tied on the floor. The girl was Sakura Matou, Rin's half-sister and Shinji's main victim. By the way, I already separated Shinji's soul from Shirou's body, so now I just need to find Shirou's soul to revive the boy. As for the Shinji soul, well, Ortro says it's crispy and tastes like grilled pork.

(Author's Note: Sakura Matou from Fate)

Skaura's purple pupils had turned red, her long purple hair faded to almost white, strange blood-red marks had begun to cover her face, and her previous clothes changed to a long black dress with Red lines. The most striking thing was that her gaze seemed lost, not because of some hypnosis effect, but because her mind was totally lost as if she were trapped in a hallucination.

I sighed and looked at "Luis" who was casually eating a bowl of ramen. – "Did anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

BB, who was disguised as Luis, shrugged her shoulders. – "The original Sakura-face woke up from a coma, but she went crazy and tried to eat your waifus, so I hit her a little and tied her with the chains you left"

I looked back at Sakura. She was bound in a bondage style that erotically accentuated her curves. Her dress clung to her body making her look attractive, and the fact that I have a fetish for deranged women didn't help… Still, I'm not in the mood for this.

"I left a security system in case she woke up, this shouldn't have happened" – I sighed, imagining what happened.

When I captured Shinji, I realized that Sakura was affected by the merging of multiple timelines. Her mind was drowning in chaos as she was absorbing the memories, experiences, abilities, traumas, feelings and personalities of the multiple versions of Sakura that exist in the different Fate timelines.

This could destroy the mind of the current Sakura and in the end the stronger, but also the most dangerous version of Sakura would win. A Sakura where she became a monster controlled by hatred and the desire to kill.

That world was born from a bad ending that was altered by demons, so Sakura destroyed that entire dimension and devoured all beings in that timeline.

Additionally, her mind was modified so that she saw humans and Servants as food, so she will not attack the demons during the invasion. If that wasn't enough, Shinji followed the demons' instructions to perform a ritual that awakened Sakura's greatest potential, while also helping her ignore the restrictions of the World. Now Sakura is a Devourer...

I sighed again and gestured for GAIA to sit in the dining room. She looked curiously at Sakura, but was more interested in eating her cookies.

BB looked at GAIA and smiled. – "Oh, well, it turns out that she is still alive… But I feel like something is wrong with her head"

I nodded tiredly and headed to the kitchen to make my dinner. – "Her mind no longer exists, she has no abilities left and now she is completely useless, I even have to use part of my energy to seal her Core and thus prevent her soul from breaking"

GAIA is dying, so I sealed the Concept of Time to prevent her soul, mind and body from disappearing. This is the same thing I did with some of my wives who were already on their "expiration date" according to their origin stories.

"I see, then we wasted our time" – BB shrugged without much interest. – "Well, another plan in the trash, now what?"

Now I'll have to stick to the suicide plan... But it's something I can't say, not even Paranoia and Tsubaki know what I plan to do.

"Now we must find a way to contact Beast VII, we will show her that GAIA is alive to obtain her cooperation and we will make a temporary alliance, then we will keep an eye out for her to betray us, which will give us the opportunity to capture her" – I spoke with resignation while I started to prepare a tuna sandwich.

"Hey Listen! Bitch, I want a sandwich too!" – Navi appeared above Sakura's head. – "And while you're at it, open your pants to feed this yandere your salami!"

I looked at Sakura. She was looking at me as if I were a delicious candy… Putting my member in that mouth would be like having sex with a meat grinder. No, thanks.

"Mmm, the best option is to wait for the invasion to start" – BB finished eating and stood up to walk towards me. She stopped next to me and smiled strangely at me, which was awkward since she currently looks like Luis. – "When the Dimensional Door is open, the racist loli can open a small spatial channel to open communication with the stupid narcissist, although this will take time and means that she will send reinforcements when at least half of the city is destroyed"

Yes, I thought the same.

Beast VII loved GAIA as her younger sister to the point that she has been planning to kill Alaya without caring that she can destroy humanity in this World.

In that sense, it is possible that Beast VII will be willing to send the forces it has gathered in other Worlds to protect Gaia, but that will bring other problems, for example, it is very likely that my identity as a reincarnation of Orthro will be revealed to the multiverse, which will make me the target of harassment from all the entities to which my father sold my soul, in addition to everyone knowing that in addition to being a Hero, I am also a system user...

Ah, what a bummer.

Each of my choices will cause me to lose something, but I will always choose the path where my wives are safe. It doesn't matter if I have to die a few times.

"People will die, but it's not our problem" – BB shrugged and leaned on the table while she watched me cook. – "By the way, your lolis were disappointed that you weren't home, so I talked to them~"

…I looked at the troublesome woman. – "Did you talk to them or did Luis talk to them?"

BB's smile grew worryingly. – "Senpai, your Lolimancer title will continue to grow~"


I sighed heavily. I don't even have the strength left to complain...

"Oh, one more thing" – BB let out a small laugh at my expression of resignation. – "Accidentally, someone left a cell phone in the dining room and the homunculus milf found it. There was nothing important on the cell phone, but the lonely wife's curiosity made her find some videos of Senpai spending time with his milf wives~ She saved the videos before going to her room, heh, I think she won't be able to see Senpai's face without blushing and getting angry~"

I smiled bitterly. – "We are on the brink of a world war and you only think about ruining marriages…"

BB smiled with amusement. – "I don't see that that bothers you~"

"It doesn't bother me, it just makes me tired" – I shrugged. My fetishes are clear.

"Well, Senpai has great stamina, so everything should be fine" – BB started pressing my cheek with her finger as I headed to the dining room for dinner.

I sighed and let BB tease me. I still have to visit the alternate timelines Abby found, so I just want to eat something before I go back to work.

I grabbed the tuna sandwich and was about to take the first bite, but I received a sudden message from Abby at the same time that Auriel's heart started pounding in my chest...

"Luis, a group of entities from other worlds have just entered the barrier, one of them seems to belong to Paradise and there is a group from Hell, but they do not seem to be enemies…" – Abby quickly showed me the coordinates and seemed to be waiting for for me to decide what to do with the new visitors.

Since things have become complicated, my wives helped me place multiple sensors to detect if a supernatural entity entered the city. I did this to detect if new enemies appeared, new problems or if Auriel's reinforcements finally arrived.

From the feeling in my chest, I can tell that Auriel's reinforcements have finally arrived, although the fact that only one person arrived makes me curious.

Auriel is in a difficult position and can't send her army to help me, so she should have sent her most trusted soldier, although that doesn't mean he's the strongest... Ah, it's better than nothing.

On the other hand, I am curious about the fact that Auriel's soldier is together with entities from Hell.

I can make some guesses, especially since Yui is good friends with Lucifer, but it would be best to investigate this topic thoroughly.

(Author's Note: Yui Kanakura from Nisekoi)

Even though this should be good news, I looked at my sandwich and sighed heavily. I can't even dine in peace...

[System Notification: The skill 'Burnout' opens the eyes]

I sighed and stood up.

In an instant, Nyaruko and Abby appeared next to me. Aotian is not here since Umaru and her friends stayed at our new sister's house, so someone had to protect them.

I first looked at Nyaruko. – "You come with me and remember to maintain your role as a system user, we still don't know what Lucifer's intentions are, so we must be careful"

Nyaruko nodded, but then bowed her head. – "Luis, it's not to contradict you, but I don't understand why you're still so paranoid, we currently have a strong group, now that we found GAIA we can turn this World into our base, besides, Anti-Madness weapons are no longer a threat, so there is no need to be so careful"

Abby and BB seemed to think the same thing, but they looked at me silently to hear my response. Luckily, Abby put up a barrier, so Sakura can't hear us even though she's still writhing on the living room floor.

I massaged my forehead and sighed. – "Nyaruko, how many entities can defeat you in a one-on-one fight?"

"Eh, just the yandere painter" – Nyaruko raised her chest proudly.

It's true that only Gogh can beat her in combat, but that doesn't reassure me.

I nodded. – "Well, how many of the leaders of Paradise can you fight at once?"

"Mmm" – Nyaruko seemed confused by my question, but she still responded proudly. – "I once fought three of them and won, but I had to escape when they gathered their armies… With my new PowerUPs, I think I can beat five of them even if they bring their armies~"

"And you can fight 10 of them? Or how about 20?" – My expression became serious.

"Eh…" – Nyaruko tilted her head. – "Well, maybe I can, but after a few days fighting I will have to escape or they could capture me"

Seraphim told us that Paradise has a total of 30 leaders who are almost as strong as Auriel or even more powerful. At the same time, Paradise has something similar to the Senate in Rome, since there are between 300 to 500 entities that represent different military, economic, social groups and there are even representatives of high-level Worlds.

Added to all this are more than 10,000 generals, each commanding an army capable of conquering Worlds.

Additionally, there are Heroes, independent Higher Entities that act as mercenaries, system users that were approved by Paradise, allies from other Worlds, and the endless common soldiers that Paradise can draw from countless Worlds.

I sighed. – "It is true that we are strong, but we are not invincible"

Thanks to [Anti-Rasen] and [Rasen], the Outer Gods lost the only weakness that could threaten their lives. Anti-Madness weapons can no longer harm my wives, but I don't know how long that will be the case.

Magus Leylin invented the base formula for damaging Madness, and although he now works for me, the multiverse is full of intelligent people.

What if there are other mad scientists who have developed weapons that can hurt my wives?

What happens if I'm not careful enough and one of them dies?

In the fight against Leylin, the Anti-Madness poison almost destroyed my body, then the Alchemy Guardian almost permanently sealed my mind and soul. The first Luis practically had to commit suicide to defeat him, so I can't let my guard down.

If Nyaruko had fallen into that trap, it wouldn't matter that she was stronger, she would be defeated for the simple fact that she doesn't take anything seriously.

The multiverse is in a constant war where everyone is everyone's enemy, but if a common enemy suddenly appears, then the multiverse will be forced to forget its differences to eradicate us.

Maybe I'm being too paranoid and pessimistic, but the thought that one of my wives could die terrifies me too much. I would rather die a thousand times before allowing one of my wives to be in danger...

I tried to quickly explain all this to my wives, but they just kept looking at me like I was crazy.

This really wasn't unexpected to me. In fact, that's my wives' biggest problem. The Outer Gods do not take anything seriously and therefore fall into obvious ambushes.

"Ah, whatever, let's just do this" – I sighed and shook my head. – "BB, take care of this place, Abby, stay alert to activate the dimensional labyrinth in case this is a trap"

BB nodded nonchalantly as she ate my sandwich and Abby nodded seriously like a child who doesn't want to disappoint her parents.

"Let's go" – I gestured to Nyaruko to direct us to the coordinates that Abby gave us.

Before we left, I could only watch as BB finished eating my dinner…

[System Notification: The skill 'Burnout' opens the mouth]

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