No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 398: Soulmate

Chapter 398: Soulmate

The woman in front of me is a bit similar to my situation with Ortro. She is only one third of Cerberus, so even if she dies, she will be able to be reborn through the other two thirds of the soul.

Well, it was obvious that each entity has its own tricks to avoid being destroyed by Devourers, so I didn't care about this. What's really important is that, somehow, Lucifer managed to ignore the barrier that covers the city to use Cerberus as a communication artifact. It's a very interesting method that I would like to study, but it would be rude to dissect a potential ally's pet.

(Author's Note: Lucifer from Helltaker)

In simpler words, Cerberus is a long-range phone and its consciousness remains silent as it looks at me curiously. While the dog remains silent, now I am talking to the King of Lies.

I relaxed my gaze and grabbed another piece of chicken. "Yes, impressive, but it would be more amazing if you were here instead of sending a pet"

Honestly I'm a little surprised and worried.

I know I'm talking to Lucifer, but that's just a hunch. The truth is that [Reader's Perspective] is unable to see any connection to Lucifer.

Since my skills evolved to conceptual levels, this is the first time that I am unable to see what is in front of me. I feel like I'm watching a book in a lost language with an incomprehensible plot.

This feeling of uncertainty, frustration, darkness, confusion and lack of vision is so exciting

Even though Lucifer began to awaken my fetishes, I maintained an apathetic expression and hid all traces of my emotions with [Mythomania]. Two can play this game.

Hilda gritted her teeth and wanted to hit me for my rude attitude, but "Lucifer" raised a hand to stop her from speaking.

"How disappointing, I thought you would be more surprised, you know, it's obvious that you can't contact someone who is outside the barrier" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, although not with anger, but with interest.

"This is my surprised face" I shrugged my shoulders apathetically.

The fact that Lucifer used her personal pet to contact me directly shows that I have something she wants, so she will look to make a deal.

Right now, my situation is very bad and I need Lucifer's ability to talk to other people from outside the barrier, but I can't show weakness or she might take advantage of the situation to scam me.

"Look, I don't have time, humor or patience for stupid puns" I pointed at "Lucifer" with the half-eaten chicken leg that was in my hand. "Just tell me what you want and what you can offer"

Again, Hilda looked like she wanted to punch me in the face, but Lucifer's smile only grew deeper.

"You know? In my experience, there are four types of people who would show this kind of unpleasant attitude" Lucifer raised her index finger. "First of all, there are the prodigal children who were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, children who think they are superior thanks to the legacy of their ancestors, but who themselves are just pieces of useless garbage that only serves to feed the dogs Although, well, I doubt that you are like that, after all you are what is usually called a street dog. Right?"

I finished the chicken leg and grabbed a thigh to continue eating while all my outer emotions showed apathy.

Lucifer didn't stop at my apathy and raised a second finger. "Secondly, there are people who pretend to be great and powerful, but it is all just a cover to hide fears, insecurities and lack of resolve But again, I doubt that is the case with you, after all, someone who is cowardly would not try to scam so many Higher Entities"

Oh, what a predictable and unpleasant surprise.

I continued eating in silence as Lucifer's cynical smile grew and she held up another finger. "Thirdly there are the manipulators and liars who pretend to be cold, only to give a false sense of detachment while internally, they are planning what will be the next move to manipulate or murder the person in front of them, sure, it could also be that this is the true face of the liar, but the trick is to show the truth since no one will believe the truths of a liar"

This is grotesquely funny...

Lucifer raised a fourth finger as her eyes looked like those of a wolf that caught a sheep. "Lastly there are the losers who confuse pride with arrogance, these cases mainly involve ignorant children who are a little stronger than ants, conceited villains with no personality, or my favorites, stupid children who became strong without effort, you know, system users"

Without surprise, without interest and without reaction. My face remained listless as I continued eating.

"Some time ago, a man offered me an interesting deal" Lucifer approached me and looked me directly in the eyes. She didn't use special skills, but her long life and experience in frauds made her eyes the best at evaluating people. "He promised me a pet and I gave him a way to travel through the multiverse It was a terrible deal, not because the pet was of poor quality, but because I didn't receive my cute puppy"

I used a napkin to wipe my mouth and smiled. "Heh, even you can be scammed"

"Yes, even I can be scammed" Lucifer didn't seem angry at that, but rather she found it funny. "It's a shame, I prepared a nice bed for the puppy, but now I don't know where to find it, I even have a Contract that allows me to take control of the puppy, but that would break the free will of the defenseless animal... That would be cruel, too cruel "

I narrowed my eyes. "Oh? Is the devil so cruel to take away the freedom of a foolish animal?"

"It may not seem like it, but I like to work professionally and nothing makes me more angry than an agreement that is not fulfilled" Lucifer had a mocking smile without a trace of threat. It was as if she was just saying meaningless nonsense. "Now I am in a big dilemma This dirty World is on the brink of war, but my dear friend lives here, besides, I haven't seen my cute puppy yet, so everything is bad, but I don't know, no I know if it is worth investing a lot of resources in protecting something that will not give me benefits"

I shrugged. "If you help us I can give you a cookie"

"HehhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Lucifer began to frantically.

I smiled. "Well, you win, it will be two cookies"

Lucifer's laughter grew until it shook the space.

At first it was the laughter of a calm person who heard a good joke, but slowly that laughter degenerated into a dark scream. It was as if the creatures lurking in the hellfire were crying and screaming from the endless suffering.

That laugh was the combination of Cerberus's roar and something similar to curses uttered by the ruler of the underworld. The combination of sounds was undoubtedly something splendid, even my eardrums melted from the interesting melody.

Hilda was pale and looked like she was about to faint, but it was also clear that she had been raised to serve Lucifer since the combination of sounds did not harm her mind, body, and soul. She was just dizzy.

"Ah, Yui said you have no sense of humor, but I think you are very funny" Lucifer managed to contain her laughter and wiped away her tears.

Maintaining her smile, she reached out and grabbed the collar of my shirt to bring my face closer to hers.

We were a short distance away where I could feel her breath hitting my face. Sulfur vapor is not as bad as I imagined.

"Do you think I'm a joke?" Lucifer had stopped smiling and her expression was now worthy of the greatest villain in the Bible.

"Well, you're threatening to take control of my wife" I smiled gently. "It is obvious that you are not an idiot, so this can only be a joke"

The multiverse already knows that The Harem King (Nyaruko) is the reincarnation of Orthro, so the idiots who made a deal with her father will want to take control over her through the Contracts.

According to what everyone knows, I am the heir of the Unbeatable Hero, I met the Harem King who is actually a woman and made her my wife.

It's a strange story, but it's not the first time a Hero and a System User fall in love.

Although this is minimally credible, the problem is that there is still a very small breadcrumb path that some observant people could follow to find the truth.

The fact that it was my father who made the deal is already somewhat suspicious, and if someone manages to piece together more clues, it will be a matter of time before people know that I am the real user of the system.

In fact, it seems that there is already someone who knows...

"Your wife?" Lucifer's face twisted in annoyance and she let go of my shirt and then crossed her arms while she looked at me angrily. "Boy, don't compare me with the rest of the idiots who are looking for you, I know that you are the dog I bought and that the girl who calls herself Harem King is a system user that you managed to trick in some unknown way"

I adjusted my shirt and showed no surprise. "Oh, well, I was discovered faster than I expected"

Now Lucifer raised an eyebrow in confusion, though I can't determine if she's honest with her reaction or if she's still acting. "Aren't you going to try to deny it or make some excuse? You know, this is your biggest secret"

It's likely that she wanted to use my secret to gain an advantage during negotiations, but in reality, my Outer God lineage, my obsession with stealing wives, and my weakness to alcohol are my biggest secrets...

I shrugged and sighed tiredly. "My life is shit, I am used to all my plans exploding in my face and nothing going the way I want"

"Oh" Lucifer smiled with a mixture of bitterness and sympathy. "I understand you, work is killing me, sometimes I feel like I am just surrounded by idiots and that only increases my work"

"Exactly" I sighed heavily. "Everything I do I must prepare with the mentality that everything will go to shit due to the stupidity of my colleagues"

Lucifer began to massage her forehead. "And then I have to repair the mess they make, but it is of no use since, when fixing one problem, ten more appear"

"And sometimes I can't even fix the mess since the situation is irreparable, I can only sigh while everything burns" Ah, I want a beer

"In short, we are surrounded by idiots" Lucifer sighed.

I sighed.

We both sigh.

We both looked at each other and could see the tiredness in each other's eyes. Work stress and fatigue from life allowed two idiots with emotional dissociation to empathize... Or that would have been ideal.

I smiled bitterly. - "Know? If it weren't for the fact that you are faking your mental weakness just to make me lower my guard, this would have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

Lucifer smiled bitterly. "If it weren't for the fact that you are acting to see if I am really willing to let go of any of my secrets, it would certainly be a beautiful friendship, but I think there is something that you and I agree on"

I nodded. - "You're right"

Lucifer looked me in the eyes. "You are a mythomaniac, manipulator, paranoid and it will be a miracle if you trust me"

I looked into Lucifer's eyes. "You are a pessimistic perfectionist who trusts no one and will never trust me"

We both nodded.

It was a strange feeling of understanding and trust.

We are both wounded animals who distrust the world. Life has shown us time and time again that people are idiots, we cannot trust others and we must solve everything with our own hands.

Lucifer doesn't know all my secrets and I don't know all his secrets, but the absolute distrust we both felt allowed us to know that we can work together without any obstacles.

Lucifer won't betray me if I don't betray her. I won't betray her if she doesn't betray me.

This is not a matter of honor, morality, friendship, love or ethics. They are just benefits.

For Lucifer, I am a system user with a brain, I managed to deceive the large organizations of the multiverse, I was able to seduce the most important woman in Paradise, I stole the heart of the daughter of one of the strongest immortal cultivators, I showed that I am not blinded for pride, and although it is clear that I am a lustful womanizer, I am not an animal in heat who only thinks with his crotch.

To me, Lucifer is a cunning and insidious woman who lies more than she talks, her intellect and wit allow her to see clues where there is no evidence, and most importantly, she prioritizes profits over feelings. .

I love my wives, but they are so impulsive that sometimes they can seem like idiots.

Lucifer values the friendship of her allies, but most of them are hedonists without common sense.

Indeed, we are so similar that we can only think of the best way to exploit each other. I can be the Trojan Horse she needs in Paradise, and she is the pair of eyes I need in Hell.

Maybe, if I do things right, she could be part of my harem and it's certainly something I'm going to do because I like her, however, our relationship will always be based on benefits, even if we get married...

A love that only exists for benefits Sounds good. I like it.

"Are you thinking about something very stupid in the long term?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow without stopping smiling.

"Yes, just like you" I maintained my appreciative smile.

She doesn't see me as a potential partner, only as a pet or a possible ally.

It's likely that she already guessed my intentions, and although at the moment she doesn't see it as possible, she won't rule out the possibility of us being together. I'll just need to show my usefulness That's enough for now.

"Well, I think we can start negotiating" I smiled with slight cynicism and an appraising look. I showed my sincerest expression of skepticism and manipulation.

"At the moment I will not ask you to sign a Contract and it will only be a verbal agreement, if you want you can keep your word or you can scam me like your father did, you are free to choose" Lucifer also showed a smile full of lies and tricks.

It only took us five minutes to close the deal. We both said what we wanted and what we could offer. We didn't try to haggle or negotiate, it was a straight deal where we both showed our disposable cards and offered them for a trade.

Lucifer didn't tell me the full extent of her military forces and I didn't talk about the Outer Gods, although she did mention something interesting to me.

When the Buddhist sect was attacked by Azathoth, millions of monks perished and many others were severely injured. The monk who kidnapped me was the strongest Buddhist monk in the multiverse, but now he was in a coma since Gogh ate two-thirds of that monk's existence.

Although the monk cannot communicate with others, some of his disciples began to spread the news that I was the culprit of the attack on the sect.

According to them, the monk captured me since I was making friends with Nyarlathotep and Yog-Sothoth. Unfortunately for them, only the shitty monk witnessed the moment when I saved Nyaruko and Abby, so there is no evidence of that and many people believe that this is a desperate attempt by the monks to tarnish Auriel's name and distract bad rumors about Buddhists.

Although this rumor is something that almost no one believes, there are still people like Lucifer who have paid attention to the rumors.

Lucifer was direct and said that he has a theory that I have some dealings with Dr. Madness, especially since it is already known that that criminal is actually Yog-Sothoth.

Lucifer did not ask me for explanations and she would not believe me if I told the truth. This was mainly a warning to let me know that there are more and more people watching my movements.

As a thank you, I told her that the Harem Emperor had placed spies within her territory and was planning to seduce Lucifer's close allies, subsequently, he would create the opportunity to approach Lucifer to make her his personal toy. I got this information from Eriko.

(Author's Note: Eriko Takeda from YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World)

Lucifer didn't seem surprised by this and just nodded. I don't know if she already knew this or if she is going to start creating countermeasures, but I am glad to help my future wife.....

Oh shit. I fell in love with the cynicism and pessimism of her. Stupid fetishes.

With everything agreed, we left the kitchen to talk to the other women and thus plan the defense of this World.

Lucifer's main role will be as a telephone. She will help me contact my wives who are outside the barrier, she will also send a message to Auriel to let her know that I am okay. Lastly and most importantly, Lucifer will contact Beast VII to show him that GAIA is alive and needs help.

Another important thing is that Lucifer will be responsible for suppressing most of the information about the invasion.

For now, only the Riders of Chaos (psychopathic demons), the Free Agents (system users and renegade heroes), and the Lucifer faction know about the invasion, so we must be careful. If Paradise, Eternal Heaven Immortal, and the Seekers of Truth hear about the crack in the barrier, then those morons will also join in the fun and that would be the true end of the world.

Even though everything seems to be about to explode, Lucifer showed me that, in other circumstances, she could be my true soulmate...

Lucifer was extremely efficient and in one day (according to the time on Gaia), she helped me prepare everything for the war to come.

Beast VII agreed to collaborate with us, although her personality is a bit Well, I'll just say that I don't want to talk to her again for at least a decade.

The most important thing is that, apparently, Shiki sensed the arrival of beings from other Worlds which were not hostile, so she came out of hiding to allow the reinforcements to enter, in addition to sending a group of Servants to talk with my wives and so I was able to talk to her.

Shiki became part of the plan to protect this World, and although she was worried that Beast VII was willing to return home, she was also happy that Alaya, GAIA, and Beast VII were together again. In fact, she cried with happiness knowing that GAIA was alive.

In a way, it's like Shiki is the babysitter to three dumb little girls.

With everything ready, a day and a half passed where most of the preparations were almost done. Now we just have to wait for the most important event, Miyu's match.

Lucifer had a fit of laughter hearing that I'm making a superhuman effort to postpone the war, not because I want to improve Gaia's defenses, but because I don't want to ruin my daughter's event.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, I didn't imagine that a supposedly calculating villain would have a heart covered in sugar" Lucifer wiped away her tears as she finished laughing. "I don't know if you're lying, but if you're serious, then it's doubly funny, heh"

I sighed and finished removing the small threads that were protruding from Miyu's basketball uniform. It's midnight and I'm fixing my daughter's clothes so that everything at her event is perfect.

I frowned. "You knit a blanket for your pet, you have no right to make fun of my stupid paternal instinct"

Lucifer shrugged as Hilda poured him another glass of wine. "I don't look like a tough guy, there's nothing wrong if I'm feminine"

"Hey Listen! The dog is such a good housewife that one day a blonde criminal will come to blackmail him hahaha! Typical Japanese wife!" Navi I'm going to vomit.

Lucifer is similar to me in the sense that work stress is destroying her mind, but there is one thing where we are alike in a different way. I enjoy teasing men with girlfriends, especially protagonists, while Lucifer has a hobby of teasing her friends.

It is a great achievement that, in such a short time, she is already able to see me as a friend, but the headaches that this brings make me question why the hell I like problematic women so much...

Stupid masochistic fetishes.

I covered my face and sighed. I hate my lust.

Although this is mentally exhausting, there is someone who suffers much more from all of this.

"That bitch is bullying my Senpai My role as adorable and annoying kohai is being usurped" From the stairs I could see a penetrating crimson gaze that gave off an intense murderous intent

Lately, BB has become more unstable, but I haven't had time to give her all the attention she wants.

Yesterday, she almost killed one of Chaldea's survivors because the girl called me Senpai. Now, BB seems to want to kill Lucifer since, in this short time, we both became good friends.

Although Lucifer's current body is actually Cerberus's body, she and I enjoyed the time chatting, especially since she and I suffer from burnout to the point that several times we have fantasized about sleeping and not waking up...

I sighed again when I saw BB's finger nails digging into the wall. When things are settled, I'll be sure to reassure her. I just hope she doesn't do something stupid until then...

[Paranoia: 0% chance of that happening]

I know, but dreaming is free... Although I can't dream anymore...

I miss sleeping and dreaming. There was a recurring dream that appeared every time I fainted from injuries or hunger. It feels nostalgic...

Ah, living is troublesome.




Author's Note:

Well, my life is a fucking manga, and not a shojo or comedy manga, but a fucking seinen...

Where to start

Well, last month I went to a club with friends. Everything was fine at first, but at some point, some motherfuckin' son of a bitch put something in my drink when I got distracted.

Apparently, giving adulterated drinks is not only done in doujins to commit rape, it is also done to steal the belongings of people who fall unconscious.

I don't know if it was the first time the person did that since the dose was not correct. Instead of just taking drugs to knock me out, I almost had a heart attack from an overdose

Like me, one of my friends also had something put in his drink and he had a worse reaction than me. Thank the God that I don't believe in, there were two other friends who don't drink and they quickly took us to the emergency room.

Fortunately the hospital was close and here I am, but my friend has a slightly weaker body than mine

My friend survived, but the doctor said he will be in intensive care indefinitely.

For my part, I will be under supervision for a while, but I was able to return home.

At the moment I'm a little weak from everything. I started going to the gym as part of my recovery, but I had to change jobs to something less demanding, so I will be short of money.

Lastly, I have been busy filing a complaint for what happened to us, but my country is a magical third world place and even the police officer in charge of my case said that it will most likely come to nothing, plus it will be very expensive going to take the bar owner to court, so it's better to move on with my life and forget about it...

Well, at least the police officer was honest. Bastard.

Anyway, all this made me fall into depression again, but the doctor told me that I cannot take antidepressants because of the risk of damaging my body since I am still sensitive.

Ah, I want to get drunk, but in my home In fact, I don't want to leave the house anymore

On the other hand, lately I feel like my writing is going nowhere, I feel a little confused with my stories and now I don't even have any strength or motivation left.

During this time in the hospital I became an old gossip and was listening to all kinds of stories from patients and nurses. The truth is that I got a lot of ideas for stories, but they are things that I don't know how to put into the plot of a multiverse with magic and fantasy things.

I thought I'd write a much simpler story. Something more like a real life story, but with anime touches. Something like a fanfic without supernatural themes, although leaving some of the absurd things of the anime.

Don't know. Sometimes I don't even know where I'm going with my writing.

I start with a lot of ideas, but quickly that excess of ideas takes me everywhere and I lose my way.

I don't want to keep making stories that I abandon halfway through, so I'll keep writing this story. It's not just because of commitment, the truth is that I have come to love this project despite how chaotic it has been.

I will do at least one chapter every two weeks of this story and see if I can develop the idea I have in mind.

I can understand if at some point you lose interest due to my lack of consistency and constant problems that prevent me from writing. The truth is that my life and myself are a mess, so my stories are a bigger mess.

If, despite all my flaws, you want to continue reading my work, thank you very much. I really appreciate your support with all my heart.

With that said, a hug <3< p>

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