No Time

Chapter 14: A normal school day

Chapter 14: A normal school day

As a 12-year-old, I am limited to the things I'm allowed to do. Fortunately, I'm tall and people won't notice me much if I drive.

Recently, I've been worried. Miss Irene came and I don't trust her. Just my intuition, but still. She knows too much already. We're billionaires, that information alone is enough to make a downfall.

Today's a Monday, a school day. Calix is going to register for Ge's school. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong. Oh, I can call him Calix because even though he's a part of our family right now, I'm still not too sure and technically I'm his master.

I don't like school. I remember the past and realize how stupid I was. CONSTANTLY, and that just makes me feel like I'm cheating life.

Although I can't feel much guilt because I came back from a world where only the strong lived, I do feel a little sorry for the kids in my class. But I really do wonder why I don't have any friends right now.

Today, we have to go to the school auditorium to hear the principal's speech. After that, we have physical education in the gym. And then, a Math quiz right before an English test. There are some classes in between but it's not like you'd be interested.

For two hours, the principal droned about the horribleness of drugs, smoking, and alcohol. Actually, besides drugs, smoking and alcohol don't affect the bodies of those who gained powers during the apocalypse. It did affect those who didn't gain powers, which was the majority of the living population, amounting up to 80%.

I liked wine and used to raid wine storages whenever I got the chance. The slightly bitter but sweet and tangy drink was a delicacy during those times.

Anyways, gym time is as boring as always. Since our world is peaceful after both Koreas united, Russia stopped sending threats, pollution and global warming was slowly being fixed with many people starting to go environmental, and tiny wars all died out due to other powerful countries' influences, like a century ago, China is pretty peaceful. Military training was still advised but schools had a choice to inflict it or not in middle schools.

My school didn't do early military training, but we were required to have gym class. I have to tone my strength down and act like I'm average during gym class. Just like how I pretend Ge is stronger than me. I'm toning it down so that I can keep some secrets to myself. I still have many things I haven't told my siblings. My visits to training places, about the whole apocalypse, and about my reincarnation. Anyways by keeping my strength in check, I get passed by so many pipsqueaks...

Dodgeball, a game brought over by Americans, is a great game to be used for training. But for regular students, no. Definitely not.

Out of habit, I threw all the balls I could pick up at the kids on the opposite side of the gym. They cried out as they failed to dodge and was hit by the fast-paced balls. One lucky guy fell on his butt before it hit him. But he was soon hit by another ball that I threw.

My class has a lot of kids, 42. We were evenly divided. I had so far gotten 13 kids out from the other side. My side had 14 kids left while the other side had only 8.

I felt like the others needed a chance, so I went to the back of the gym where none of the balls could touch me.

After 5 minutes, it turned out that my side was losing even with all the people we had. Well, my side was full of girls who were trying to act like this was stupid and instead talked with other girls. Of course, they'd get hit. The other side had 6 while my side was now a measly 5 including me.

I had no choice but to go up again and paddle those kids again.

While I was walking forward, another kid on my side got hit. With this kind of physique, they're definitely not going to survive the apocalypse.

Another kid got hit and yelped. =_= Too weak...

I started throwing and they ran away. Another person on my side got hit. I hit 3 back. It was now 2 to 3. Except, the person on my side got hit in one blow.

It's me against the world I guess.

The 3 boys who were left were those sporty jock type kids. They could dodge, not easily, but they could still do it with some effort.

Not long after, I had no balls left in my side. Haizz, I shouldn't have gone too easy on them.

The 3 boys noticed that I was left "defenseless" and gathered a bunch of balls into their arms. If this was a battleground, they would have already died because they were so cautious and slow gathering supplies.

They really are noobs.

As soon as they gathered their arms full of balls, they started pelting them at me. I expertly dodged. I danced, weaving through a set of the incoming balls.

But as expected, they changed orders and kept flinging balls. I decided to not retaliate and see what they were up to.

They only changed positions, picked up stray balls and threw.

This game was getting boring. Dodging was getting boring too.

I proceeded to catch the balls that they threw, this was they'd be out.

Each of the boys made surprised faces when I caught all the balls they threw and began juggling them very high in a bored fashion.

The gym teacher who was out for a bathroom break came in and saw my performance. He began clapping as if forgetting about making us play dodgeball. The other kids started clapping too and gym class ended soon enough. I got a chocolate bar as a prize.

Math was fairly easy and I turned in my quiz fast. I was dismissed early from class because our math teacher is a bit too lax.

I disappeared from the hallways and only my shadow was seen as I jumped out of a window. 40 minutes till the next class, enough time to go visit my siblings.

All of our schools were closely connected. Xiao Lai and Xiao Bing went to the same elementary school and it was only a block away. Jing Ge and Calix's school was the same as mine since we were all in junior high.

I first went to the elementary school. Currently, it was recess-time for them and everyone was out playing in the schoolyard.

I spotted Xiao Lai with his friends laughing and joking around. I wonder how he befriends people so easily... Xiao Bing was playing soccer with the boys in her grade. I guess she really doesn't fit in with girls? It may be because she only has brothers, not sisters.

"Xiao Lai," I called out. The little brother of mine turned around and gave a bright smile.

"Yu Ge! Did you get out early?" he asked.

"You already know, so why do you ask?" I already knew that he installed cameras in my school, so I wondered why he was even asking.

"Hehe, don't say that. But are you just visiting? Here, meet my friends!" Xiao Lai drew the conversation away.

His friends were the so-called "popular" kids. Hm, it's reassuring that he's fitting in.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Xiao Lai's older brother, Shui Yu. Sorry, but I have to get going. Goodbye," were my sentences as I turned away to face Xiao Bing who was constantly flickering her excited gaze towards me.

"Yu Ge! How are you here?" she asked in a happy voice.

I smiled lightly as I rubbed her head.

"Yu Ge, you're messing up my hair!" she complained.

"Yes yes, I'll fix it up for you." Over the years, I learned how to tie hair prettily, cook, sew and do a bunch of other things. So, I had been tying Xiao Bing's hair every morning.

After unraveling her long dark hair that reached to her bottom, I asked, "Which style do you want milady?"

"A flower bun!" she exclaimed.

Xiao Bing showed me a picture from her new phone she got for her birthday. I easily memorized the steps and quickly braided her hair the way it showed me how to.

Taking a picture, I got a cheeky smile as an approval from my little sister.

Handing a piece of chocolate over to her, I whispered into her ear, "Xiao Bing, don't tell Xiao Lai that you got some. He has a toothache right now, but he won't admit it."

Another cheeky smile came onto her face as she answered, "Ok!" But she continued with a worried expression right after, "Shifu said that chocolate and coffee would dilute my sense of taste and smell... A little won't hurt, right?"

In the end, she took half of the bar and gave back the other half for me to eat. Typical adorable little sister behavior.

With only 5 minutes left, I hurried back to my school.

Just as I got back, the class was dismissed and everyone transitioned to their next class. I saw Jing Ge leading Calix around the school in the hallways. Handing the rest of the chocolate bar to him by putting it in his pocket silently, I walked past and hurried to my English class.

The English teacher is a very young college graduate who studied overseas. He's not an inch close to being as handsome as my brothers, but girls still squeal over him. Honestly, he teaches properly but our class' grade is low because the girls don't pay attention.

Foreign languages come easily to me just like Chinese. This is probably because I had a language transmitter attached to my head during the apocalypse. The language transmitter is an advanced version of the chip in Calix's head that'll allow you to learn any language fluently, and it's just attached to your ears. Calix's is easily damageable and will even mess with your brainwaves and alter your memory and personality. With it, any language could be "downloaded". Even speaking to agreeable zombies who evolved, mutated beasts and plants was possible. After several years, I could easily speak any language without the language converter since it was all stuck in my head. The language converter could be bought from the "Merchant" a group of traveling psychic power users. They were the only ones who knew how to make it. I found it by accident and after the group knew what it was for, we had to chase them for 2 days to buy more of it. But only 17 more people got it as it was out of stock by then.

Anyways, yeah, English was easy. I turned mine in early and waited till the school bell rang to indicate dismissal.

I wonder how everyone's day went?

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