No Time

Chapter 23: The Shui Siblings

Chapter 23: The Shui Siblings

Today, I was feeling a little sick and tired, so I dozed off in class but tried my best to stay awake!

The classmates didn't talk to me again. There were a couple of male classmates who talked to me at first but were taken away by others. Am I being bullied? I don't think so... At least I hope so...

Maybe it's because I look nerdy? I've been told that by my little cousin. She was asking why I was looking so nerdy and that she didn't want me as her cousin. That seriously hurt at that time...

I'm technically the only child of the national military advisor, who is known to be one of the most powerful and influential men in China, but I don't know why I'm so weak. My mother is a boxing champion who won the Olympics twice with gold medals each time. My parents are very strong, so I still wonder why I am infused with Hemophilia, Erythremia, and a weak body to boot!

Well, they are still very caring people who spend time with me whenever they're free. I think my classmates avoided me because they know how high my dad's status is.

The bell rang and everyone dressed up in the locker rooms for the military training class. I still had to dress up even though I didn't participate in their activities. The black military uniform is quite stylish but it made my skinny body that I usually covered up with a little too big uniform even more stick-like looking. I wish I was tan and strong like my dad...

Everyone else complained that they were too fat or that they didn't have abs. When we went outside, the sun was blazing, so they complained about the uniform being black. It was really hot and stuffy in the uniform. The principal said previously that it was to make people sweat off some flab. Seriously though, wasn't this a kind of torture? Flaying student in the heat like this?

By the way, our principal is a very interesting person. He has a weird sense of humor and his designing skill really sucks. But no matter how weird he is, everyone knows that he cares for the school deeply and that he knows everyone in the school almost personally. He's more visited than the counselors themselves!

Our principal even knows the new students very well and seem friendly with them too! The new students are from the Shui family, and nobody knows much about them. They made theories that they might just be from a prestigious martial arts master's family. After all, they showed very cool and terrifying skills at the introduction. They are very good looking and are all beautiful and handsome! Apparently, they have a sister named Shui Yu, who is sickly and in our class. Some people saw her and said that she is like a goddess but sadly she is sick and her voice is damaged.

I would like to see her one day. They said that Shui Yu is many times prettier than the school beauty, Ming Cheng. Maybe if she gets better, she'll come to class. Right now, Shui Yu's siblings are very popular. The oldest, Shui Jing is very popular with the boys and girls and became a class president. The younger brother, Shui Lai is a genius and beloved by all teachers. The youngest sister, Shui Bing, is adorable and admired by many girls for being heroic and dashing. I really don't know what to think about Shui Bing, but they are all somehow chick-magnets according to what I heard in the hallways.

Military Training classes start today, so I was a bit gloomy. On usual days, we got to have longer recess and just do whatever we wanted. I just usually stayed in my seat and read online novels, but it was still better than getting jealous of strong kids who could run around freely without having to worry about bleeding to death with just a scratch.

At the start of the class, every person from grade 10 gathered and had to perform basic martial art stances. After that, they got into a huge group and began to run 30 laps around the huge racetrack.

The instructor is my dad's friend and was a fellow army officer. He knows me well so he greeted me with a wide grin and asked me to take precaution and stay on the bleachers. Besides me, there weren't many who sat on benches this year. That's because this year, the principal urged the parents to send their kids off to this brutal class so that they could take care of themselves whenever they were attacked. I think that's a perfectly fine idea, and the parents probably thought so too.

In the middle of the running, a small figure from a little away came to the training grounds. Looking at the figure, he or she was extremely tall, probably about 180 cm. For a 15-year-old, I think that's very tall.

I couldn't see clearly, but the instructor scolded the skinny looking person and told him to run along. The skinny person tied up her long hair(it's probably only girls who have long hair, right?) in a high ponytail that swished as she went past the instructor and said something into the instructor's ear.

After that, the girl ran very fast, too fast for me to see clearly except for blurs! She simply wasn't human!

The girl didn't even seem to sweat or falter as she grabbed a towel and some fruit and made her way over to the bleachers. I blatantly stared at the person.

It turns out that it wasn't a she but a he! And extremely handsome with feminine beauty! I could tell because his uniform fit tightly and he had a very slim body, but his slight abs clearly showed with the tight material of the uniform. The boy didn't have an Adam's apple, but it was probably just very small like how some people have it. Actually, the main reason was that I didn't think a girl would be that flat. Plastic surgery is banned now, but people still had other ways to beautify themselves. And I heard that having a "big rack" was pride to girls. I honestly wonder if it's heavy and uncomfortable to have that extra layer of fat around though, Mom told me so.

The boy went up to the top of the bleachers and laid down as if the activity tired him. But he obviously wasn't tired, rather probably annoyed looking at his crumpled brows. He closed his eyes and his long eyelashes fluttered. The wind blew lightly and his ponytail swung. It was a very pretty and calming sight until he tied his hair into a bun. The boy chewed on his fruit gracefully and savored the taste.

For some reason, I felt like this person wouldn't avoid me. Maybe I could try making a friend!

I got very excited and went up the metal stairs which made loud noises, making some people look over.

The boy noticed my presence but didn't open his eyes. Nevertheless, I excitedly and kind of foolishly asked him how fast he went. He only asked, "Who are you?" Well, it is understandable since I was a stranger.

I introduced myself as Mo Yun and I found out that he was the rumored sickly beauty, Shui Yu! Wow! He asked to be my friend and I was delighted! Since it was my first friend, I didn't know what to do and quickly talked about nicknames.

Shui Yu let me call him Yu Yu and decided to call me Yun! This was very exciting! I wanted to talk with him a bit more but the instructor gathered up everyone while looking suspiciously at Yu Yu. It was probably for running too fast...

I had to wait an hour and a half to talk to Yu Yu again. But this time, the class was over and everyone crowded around Yu Yu. Ah, well, it was inevitable that Yu Yu was going to be popular... but would he still be my friend?

While I was worried about this, a shadow loomed in front of me and uttered, "Yun." Oh, it was Yu Yu!

I asked him, "Are you not going to talk to those people?"

He replied, "They are curious but don't want to get close until they know who I am. They aren't my friends anyway." His secret meaning was clear: They had ulterior motives.

This made me very happy so I smiled very brightly on the way to class. It was lunchtime, one of the very hours I usually stayed alone in the classroom, but this time Yu Yu decided to eat with me. He didn't bring any lunch so we went to the cafeteria to get him something to eat. He repeatedly told me that he wasn't hungry, but I chided him for going on a diet when he was already so skinny.

All grades eat together in the cafeteria at the same time. The cafeteria alone is three floors and from above, would be shaped like a traditional tavern, with the main floor and surrounding higher floors that looked down upon the lower floors. Usually, high schoolers sat on the highest level and middle schoolers in the middle, with elementary and younger taking the tables on the main floor.

It wasn't prohibited to sit anywhere else, but students rarely did since everyone had practically claimed their seats on the first day of school. But I hadn't been in the cafeteria for so long and didn't know if there were any empty seats for us.

Due to my urging, Yu Yu helplessly bought a vegetable salad and some boiled eggs. He really shouldn't starve himself! He also got mango water, which was a favorite drink of mine and the younger children... I guess he had a sweet tooth too.

I was worried about seats, but Shui Yu took out his phone and turned it on, immediately it started buzzing.

"Yu Ge! I told you to keep your phone on! I made lunch for all of us today! It was in the kitchen, did you see it?" came a childish voice of a girl.

Yu Yu paused and slightly frowned, "Xiao Bing, I didn't notice it, I was in a rush in the morning and still half-asleep. I'm sorry, I didn't notice it and it probably spoiled. What about letting me cook something you want to eat for today? I'll eat your food next time, just tell me when you want to make it and I'll help you."

"Hmph, fine! I want fried rice, beefsteak, flan, and red velvet cupcakes! And where are you at, Yu Ge? Do you want to sit with me? I've made lots of friends! You still have to keep the promise of trying to make some friends! I know you won't be able to make as many friends as I have, but please try to at least find a best friend who you can trust, ok? Anyway, where are you? Oh, wait, I see you, let me come over!" The call ended and almost immediately, a commotion arose from the two lower floors.

"Yu Ge, come to the second floor and sit with me!" a cute voice demanded.

And soon after, another voice sounded out, "Yu Ge, this girl's cooking got worse! I almost threw up after eating all of it!"

"But you still ate it, good job," commented Yu Yu.

The two voices were the younger Shui siblings, Shui Lai and Shui Bing.

Shui Bing pulled on Yu Yu's arm, trying to drag him to the main floor. Actually, it was quite dangerous, but since she was able to successfully come up here with just jumping, wouldn't Yu Yu be able to land safely?

"Yu Ge, it's embarrassing to sit with little girls, you should sit with me. Xingxing is still waiting for me, so let's all eat together!" complained Shui Lai.

Yu Yu shook his head and told them, "I'm eating with my friend. This is Mo Yun, introduce yourselves."

The two bickering siblings turned to look at me and scanned me from top to bottom, making me feel as if I was on display.

"Don't be rude," Yu Yu scolded, and they shrank back and introduced themselves.

"Hello, I'm Shui Lai, nice to meet you Senior Mo, please take care of our brother."

"Hi, I'm Shui Bing, you're my brother's first friend, so take care of our brother please and be good friends!"

They seemed to be concerned for their brother as they enthusiastically greeted me.

From behind us, another voice sounded, "You're Xiao Yu's friend? Thank you for being his friend and please take care of him."

Yu Yu voiced, "Ge."

It was the popular Senior Shui, Shui Jing. He was very handsome and looked very soft, but he wasn't as beautiful as Yu Yu!

"Yes, nice to meet you too," I responded and also added, "Yu Yu is also my first friend, so I also have to trouble him to take care of me."

"Alright, you guys go back. Ge, are there any empty tables on the third floor?"

Senior Shui pondered and asked a fellow high schooler who spread the question to everyone else.

"There's a spot at the corner, but are you sure you don't want to sit with me?" asked Senior Shui. Ah, his aura was really bright, as if seeing a smiling angel.

"I'm perfectly fine, Ge have you eaten Xiao Bing's cooking yet?" Yu Yu asked.

"Un, I think her cooking skills improved, the mushrooms tasted pretty good," Senior Shui commented.

"What do you mean mushroom? I only cooked beef, strawberries, coconut, BBQ sauce, ketchup, octopus, and pickles!" cried out Shui Bing in injustice.

"Oh, well, it was quite tasty this time, thank you for putting effort into making our lunch," Senior Shui gave a dazzling smile.

But I couldn't even begin to imagine how that weird list of ingredients would have tasted like. Just by hearing, I was about to barf. It was a wonder that Senior Shui could actually bare to eat such a thing and say that it was delicious.

The Shui siblings left and Yu Yu and I found the small table at the corner of the third floor with windows letting light through.

We could see outside and the famed glass garden in the distance. The glass garden was also designed by the principal. Only the top of the cream students could get in and they had to be in the student council. Each student who got picked could get two guest passes and invite two people to go along with them.

Regular students like me could only hear about how beautiful the glass garden was and couldn't hope to even see it.

"Yu Yu, isn't that glass dome pretty? Only the student council can get in apparently. And it's rumored to be very beautiful even if the principal designed it. They say that it's a miracle."

"Ah? I've been there before, the glass dome is pretty, true. But the inside is a mess. There's tropical flowers, trees, shrubs, and even common weeds in there."

Actually, now that I think of it, there's no way the principal could have designed a pretty garden... but wait-

"Yu Yu, you've actually been there?" I asked with wide eyes.

"I got lost and found it. And because I spent too much time wandering around, I missed my introduction."

Oh, no wonder he wasn't there. Everyone didn't believe in the talk about the second Shui child getting lost.

They always believed that Yu Yu was sick or didn't come to school because he was busy. But in reality, Yu Yu wasn't sick and he only seemed to be busy sometimes!

I wondered if Yu Yu would come to class from now on.

"Yu Yu, are you able to come to class now?" I asked hesitantly.

Yu Yu looked troubled, but replied, "I should be able to, but maybe a few months later. I'll still have to attend military training courses. I have a very important thing to find, and before finding it, I can't do anything."

What could be so important? Although curious, it seemed to be too much of a serious matter, so I kept my hands off of it.

"Ok, but after you find it, you must come to class and be my partner in group projects!" I exclaimed without showing any dissatisfaction. This was my first friend, I couldn't lose him due to my selfishness.

"En, I won't have anyone else to do it with."

For the rest of the day, Yu Yu sat by me in the classes left for the day and stayed with me till school ended.

I said goodbye to Yu Yu and reluctantly was led away by my butler who drove me home.

At dinner, I started a conversation.

"Dad, Mom! I made a friend today!" Ah, that sounds like something a preschooler would say...

"Oh, what's his name?" my dad asked.

"His name is Shui Yu. He was rumored to be the sickly beauty from the newly transferred Shui family, but he's actually the strongest out of all of them and even trained his siblings! And in reality, he's just very busy."

My mom asked, "Sickly beauty? Is he very pretty?"

"Yes, but just like how I don't like being called little, he doesn't seem to like being called pretty. But he is also very handsome!"

After dinner, I went back to my room and finished homework. I began reading the chapters of the web novels that updated today.

At 9, knocks came from outside the door. I opened it to see my father and worried mother.

"Son, I don't think you should hang out with this Shui Yu anymore. He's very dangerous," my dad said. Well, I didn't expect that to pop out all of a sudden.

"Xiao Yun, Shui Yu is very, very, dangerous. You could even get killed if you hang out around him!" came from my mother.

I wondered, what could possibly have happened? And why did Dad get somebody to research on the Shui siblings?

"Son, Shui Yu is the mastermind behind Ragdoll and Delta. You must've heard about what they've done. Ragdoll and Delta are already terrifying enough but being stronger than them and even training them... think about it."

I retorted, "Dad, how do you know this? Although it might be true, you don't have any right to get their information! And Yu Yu is very nice, he isn't evil!"

"This kid ran and took his siblings away from his parents, he might have something wrong with his mind! He is undoubtedly a genius and has earned billions from crashing companies and killing and looting from very influential powers! And Delta and Ragdoll are precisely his siblings who do the work for him!" yelled my mom.

I yelled back, "He's my first friend, I don't want to lose him! Go away!" and slammed the door at them. No matter how they yelled, the room was soundproof, I couldn't hear anything. My parents could have ordered to break the door down, but they didn't. They endlessly called for 10 minutes and only stopped after not getting an answer from me.

Why did this happen to me? Can I not make friends? Am I so weak to not be able to do anything? Just please leave me alone...

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