No Time

Chapter 30: Li Hua

Chapter 30: Li Hua

I'm told that I'm unique. I think it's a very nice way of saying I'm weird. But who's weirder? The girls who put makeup on themselves and fool around or a chaste young lady like me who's still looking for her prince charming?

To society, the slutty girls are normal. What has society turned into?

I'm a Taurus. My birthday is 5/5. I like things precise and according to what I want. I'm slightly OCD. I like beautiful people only by admiring them. I've never had feelings of love what so ever. I never tried to beautify myself but rather wanted to see others as beautiful, so I learned how to apply makeup and choose clothes properly.

If I ever do get a boyfriend, I'll only have them for completely perfecting my standards.

My standards are:

1) No leg, arm, or chest hair. And hopefully no facial hair either. I just find beards or goatees weird.

2) Must look absolutely handsome and cool

3) Must be taller than me even when I have high heels on. I'm 183 cm. And I like wearing at least 5 inches high heels.

4) Must not be a gentle guy but rather a cool aloof dude

5) Should be easily embarrassed

6) Must know how to cook and bake

7) Must like birds

8) Must be intelligent

9) Must love reading

10) Must have gentlemanly skills(manners I guess?)

11) Must have child caring skills

12) Must be able to take my "vulgar jokes"(I'm just blunt and honest)

13) Must tolerate my eating habits. I eat. A lot.

14) Must have an artistic sense

15) Must have musical skills

16) Must be able to play the piano

17) Must console me if I'm in a bad mood

18) Must be athletic at least even a little

19) Must chase away all love rivals

20) Must buy me snacks often. In return, I guess I'll buy snacks for him too.

21) Must have a good voice

22) Must not smell stinky when sweating

23) Must be a virgin

24) Must know how to swim

25) Must like sweets

26) Must be able to sew


Yea, so I thought I would only be able to dream of such a perfect guy and not marry and instead adopt a kid. And I don't really want to get married anyway. And I might even have genophobia... But it turns out, there's such a human being so perfect enough to blind me!

His name is Luo Zhen. Doesn't that sound cool? He's not in my grade, he's in A11. Lots of girls like him but he's very aloof! I only noticed him after he was in the talent show last year. He sang very well and I was instantly in admirance of his wonderful voice.

I, as the headmaster's adopted niece, skipped class and secretly followed him around. I think this is the only use for fencing skills I've learned over the years... Sneaking around quickly and retreating quickly.

He cooks very well and is great at drawing. He plays the piano and viola. And I saw him roll up his shorts during his military training. He has no leg hair and barely sweats! Jackpot!

I really want to approach him, but I don't like him completely. So far, I only have admiration for him. I've never properly liked a person before. I was wondering how to chase that perfect senior of my dreams when it became recess.

I draw quite well, so I sat in class and got out my tablet to draw Senior Luo Zhen.

I was drawing his eyes when a somebody behind me commented, "Wow! You draw so well! I have failing grades in art..." It was a really sweet and nice voice to listen to.

I turned around to see a boy with messy hair and thick glasses. He would have looked cuter if he had a proper stylist. Next to him was the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. If he weren't shorter than me, I would have totally gone for him.

"Hello, sorry to disturb you. I'm Mo Yun and this is Shui Yu. We wanted to talk to you." What a polite person.

"Ok, let's talk. I'm Li Hua. What are you guys here for?" I got out some snacks and a milk carton and started eating.

This time, the beautiful boy answered, "I want you to be my friend."

This... was very abrupt. I choked on the chips for a moment until Shui Yu patted my back gently. Ah, seriously, this guy, if only he weren't so short...

"I know I'm very blunt. But I want to try making friends and you seemed cool." I'm cool? First time hearing that.

"You sure?" I could feel the stares of fellow female classmates as I was talking with these two fellows.

"Yes, I'm very sure. I've heard about your high standards. You even made a post containing a thousand of them. I'm shorter than you and not easily embarrassed, so you wouldn't be interested in me." Oh, well, true. But you still look so good that I'm tempted...

"Um... ok."

Huh, I would never know that in the future, I would deeply regret becoming friends with this terrifying demon.

Shui Yu smiled. Ohmygod, he looked like an angel.

"You can call me whatever you like. I'll call you Hua from now on," said Shui Yu. Mo Yun also squeezed in and said, "You can call me whatever you like too! Can I call you Hua as well?"

"Then I'll just call you Yu and Momo." They both nodded. Momo had a slightly befuddled face while Yu didn't have a change in his facial expressions from the start.

I started the conversation again, "First off, I'm a Taurus. I'm slightly OCD. And I'm superbly lazy. I just really have high standards for everything besides myself."

"As long as you don't care about my parents' status, I'm fine with anything," chuckled Momo.

"We have many things in common. I'm sure we'll be good friends," replied Yu.

I got right into the gossip, "Hey, why did you guys really become my friends?"

"I was interested in what you were like. In rumors, you're just said to be a mediocre lazy girl." Momo, you unexpectedly have a sharp tongue.

"I was curious since Yun mentioned that there was a mediocre lazy girl. I only have Yun as my friend so I wanted to make some more. It wouldn't hurt to make friends with a loner, right?" Huh, you both have scary mouths.

"Well, I'm probably not very interesting. But I do have set priorities. Momo, you should get a stylist! You could look so much better than what you look right now! Get your hair styled. Get contact lenses, who wears glasses these days? Stop slumping. You need to have confidence, stand up straight!" I've also never had friends, so I might have been crossing many boundaries by trying to straighten them up immediately. Actually, I probably had friends before, but since I was a kid when I properly had friends in the past, I barely remember their faces, let alone names.

"Ah, ok. What about you guys help me style? Yu Yu has a good sense of style and Hua, you seem to be able to have a good eye. Why don't we go shopping in the new mall built in the capital? They have the newly uprising brand names and have popular stylists there." Momo, you might just be the god of girliness.

"Ok. I want some more clothes anyway." "Ok."

"Hey, do you know senior Luo Zhen?" I asked them.

"Oh, he's famous in all grades! He's practically the dreamboat in every girl's eyes." Momo how do you know all this? =-=

"I found out from Xiao Lai that he is allergic to dogs and cats. He also is deathly afraid of spiders and insects," Yu told me.

That, makes him cute! And as long as he likes birds, I'm fine with anything.

"He does qualify for most of your listed qualities. But are you sure that he hasn't had girlfriends before?" Momo scooped for some gossip.

"Yeah, he has sis-con tendencies." Hearing that from Yu, I cringed. Maybe Senior Luo Zhen wasn't the right one for me.

"Ah, maybe I should list that too... I want a guy to be focused only on me, not his sister."

"I can find out all the people that fit your descriptions in the school and you can try seeing if you want to chase them. How about that?" Wow, Yu, you're such a great person, helping me fulfill my love life...

"Oh, dear guardian angel, that'd be great!" I exclaimed. Was this how normal people function? Giving out favors for free? Well, as long as it benefitted me, I'd pay the other back twofold.

"Then let's go shopping tomorrow. It's a Friday, so it'll be fine, right?" Yu asked Momo and me.

So, recess ended and we made plans after exchanging numbers. I think this day was quite abrupt and somewhat exciting.

The day ended peacefully but very boisterously as my female classmates asked me too many questions about my new buddies. I ran away like lightning and made it into my uncle's office.

"Uncle, I have friends now. You won't be able to guess who they are," I proudly put my hands on my hips and harrumphed.

"Oh? Is it Student Mo and Student Shui?" my uncle barely looked up from his papers as he answered me.

"Ah, uncle if you're not giving me any chance to get some suspense, you're going to become a boring old man. Then you won't be able to find an aunty for me." Uncle still hadn't married. He's a handsome looking man who has lots of money and power, what's there not to like? Yeah, he's so great, but he turns down every marriage offer. He's still in his early 20's! Exactly 24 years old! My uncle's so smart that he graduated college and graduate school at the young age of 19. Ah, sadly my new parents which were his sister and brother-in-law died so he had to take over being the principal that his sister was to become at first. And I don't have grandparents from either side. It was very hard for uncle to raise me up.

"Don't talk to me about that," uncle sighed.

"Fine, I'll go see my birds now, has the Anhinga I ordered come yet?"

My uncle had a frown and rubbed his glabella.

"...That bird... Its screeches are too horrifying. Why don't we return it and I'll get you a smaller, cuter bird instead?"

I pouted, "No! The zoo workers in that district were saying how they wanted it gone! I can't just let it go die! Besides, it'll be cute after a while."

"Fine. Anyways, just watch out and don't make any troubles with your friends, alright? Mo Yun has a very high status and Shui Yu is quite dangerous. You've probably haven't heard about the incident that happened at "The Forest Orchid", that restaurant you like. I heard from Mo Yun's father that the kid is very powerful, the strongest person he's ever met. Shui Yu was cruel to his own father and broke some ribs. I honestly think it's justified if his parents were jackasses. Student Mo's father didn't completely research on them and spout of shit about them. It's Mo Yun's choice to make friends, I don't know why he just doesn't get it. Just give the kid some warning and see what happens."

"Uncle, don't curse. You're ruining my pure mind," I singsonged.

"With all the vulgar sayings and jokes that you say, ha, I don't think your mind is pure. Who taught you that kind of stuff anyway?" Uncle asked.

"Uncle, the internet is very powerful these days. It sucked me in and gave the greatest pleasure known to mankind."

"There you go again," Uncle muttered.

"Ai, Uncle, you're destroying the weak and pure image the students have of you. They would surely never be able to guess that you're our nation's greatest secret!"

Uncle cringed and told me, "Don't say it like that."

"Fine, our nation's greatest secret superhero, Ying Xuan! The greatest secret agent boss in history!" I declared.

"That sounds too cheesy. Let's go home, you can see that horrible bird that was brought to us. Don't let him near the fish pond ok?" Uncle grabbed his car keys and coat and opened the door for me.

"Yessiree!" I bounced out of the office and wondered which type of fish the Anhinga would like to eat. Surely not the koi in the fish pond, right?

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