No Time

Chapter 32: Di Li Feng

Chapter 32: Di Li Feng

My sister is so horrible! Why'd she have to reveal that I was in the capital?!

Hi, I'm Di Li Feng. I trained in South Korea, the land of stars, to become an idol and I'm still only 21.

My sister is Di Fangfang. She's a very famous actress even overseas and has done lots of movies. But she's actually my stepsister and doesn't really like me. I'm from my father's 2nd wife and she was from my father's 1st wife and born 7 years before me.

She knows that I strived to become an idol so she makes trouble for me all day. Although they're all petty moves, it seriously causes some damage.

So right now, I was currently running away from my fans. Can't I have just one, just ONE, day to relax?!

I crashed into a really sturdy thing and kind of bounced off, almost falling to the ground lest the thing I had bumped into grabbed ahold of me.

It was a super handsome person! Very handsome! He also had this undescribably aura of a superior. He looked confused and surprised.

I looked pitifully at him and grabbed his blazer and pleaded, "Help..."

The handsome guy took probably took pity and grabbed me. Next thing I knew, I was going at a very fast speed. Everything was a blur. Had I encountered a superman or alien in disguise? Wait, wasn't Superman an alien in the first place? The old film was a classic favorite of mine, but I could barely analyze it in this situation!

The guy I was being held by(what a weird thought), was shorter than me, so it felt kind of weird to be carried by a teenager. I was 188 cm.

We stopped very abruptly and I saw a sight I would never forget in my life.

"Xiao Yu, he asked for help," said the good samaritan to the person in front of us.

The person in front of us, apparently called Xiao Yu, was beautiful beyond compare! Even more beautiful than my sister and her famous friends! On Earth, plastic surgery had been banned unless it was for medical purposes. It was due to having been found that it was somehow bad for the next generation's health or something. So pretty faces like this were super rare.

But after scanning the person for a bit, it turned out to be a male! If this Xiao Yu was in the entertainment industry, he'd definitely be beloved by all.

"Ge," the boy called out. He has such a lovely voice too!

"You should give him back to those people. We don't know him." Ah... My heart just broke...

I didn't want to let this chance go. These people seemed very special, I wanted to thank them too. It's not like I didn't have any ulterior motives. Making connections was one of the most important skills for a person in the entertainment industry. But I did genuinely want to become their friends as they had helped me out a little. ...well, at least the older one helped me.

"Ah, wait! You really don't recognize me? I'm Di Li Feng!" I pulled down my mask and cap.

But... they didn't recognize me.

"I'm sorry. I don't recognize you. Do you go to our school?" asked the kind samaritan.

"I'm an idol! You guys really don't know me?" I asked with doubt. I should be pretty famous. I'm in the tabloid almost every week with my band.

The pretty boy didn't even say anything but tugged at his older brother and glared at me. Ah, wait, don't go!

As if hearing my cries, a call came to my savior's phone.

"Jing Ge, did you pick of Yu Ge yet? What kind of costumes did he buy? I'm finished with my mission, so I'll get going home now! And Yu Ge, if you're there, these abilities are super useful! My job was done in a jiffy!" an excited girl's voice came from the phone.

My hero, with the name Jing and an unsure surname, smiled and replied back, "Xiao Bing, do you perhaps know who Xi Li Feng is?"

"Ah, he's a super famous idol! All the girls in my school like him the best in his band, Nightcall! I really want his signature, but I'm getting so many job requests this month, I couldn't go see his concerts... So why are you asking me this?"

"Little sister, please tell your brothers to help me! I'll give you as many signatures as you want!" I cried out. People were starting to notice me and talked, so I quickly put back my cap and pulled up my mask.

"Wow! Jing Ge, you saved a super idol! Hey, help him out! I want his signature!"

Xiao Yu, still not sure of his surname, turned her down immediately.

"We can buy as many as you want."

"But I won't get to see or talk with the real person!"

"I'll buy you VIP tickets and even take over your job on the concert day."

"No! I can't let you do that!" The girl suddenly sounded frantic and cut off the conversation.

"Jing Ge, Yu Ge, just help him out? Please? I won't make dinner for the rest of the week!"

They both immediately agreed, ""Ok"".

The girl spat over the phone, "Pei!"

The call was cut off and the two boys started running as my fans found me and started chasing. I was grabbed by the taller boy again and had to suffer motion sickness once again.

We got into an expensive brand car and I was shoved in the back with Xiao Yu.

"So... what's your name?" I tried asking Xiao Yu.

The boy only looked at me and turned away. Dejected...

"Shui Yu." Oh! Finally a reply!

"Then your brother must be Shui Jing?" I inquired.


Hm, I was satisfied with just this for now. He seemed like a fairly nice person despite how cold he looked.

I fell asleep midway. I was pretty tired after all. We reached and I was woken up by a pat on my shoulder.

"We're here. Get off." Another cold reply from the cold beauty~

The house... No, the mansion... was very impressive. Nothing else could be said about it. I had an inkling that these kids were rich, but I didn't imagine that they would be this rich! Not even my sister's this rich!

"What are you doing? Come in," Shui Jing told me with a nice smile.

Even the interior of the building was too priceless.

"Male God!" a blur came rushing to me and I was tackled.

"Can I have your signature!" What an enthusiastic fan... The girl even prepared a huge signature cardboard.

"You are?"

"I'm Shui Bing! I was the one who told my brothers to help you!"

"Oh, thank you for that." I signed flourishingly, wrote a nice thank you message, and handed back the signature cardboard back to her.

I had dinner at the Shui family's house. I didn't see their parents anywhere, so I guess they were busy. I asked during dinner and they said they didn't have any parents! It's impressive how these children earned a fortune. By the way, how did they earn so much money, enough to buy this type of house? Did they inherit it maybe? Are they some aristocrats?

In the middle of dinner, a door opened and another kid came in. His name was Shui Lai and he had quite an attitude.

I didn't think just signing a signature cardboard was a price worthy of them rescuing me, so I asked them what favor I could do.

Shui Yu answered, "Get my Ge a job. Preferably being an idol."

Even Shui Jing was surprised by this.

"Xiao Yu? What do you mean?"

"Ge, Xiao Bing, and Xiao Lai have jobs, although they're not very distinguished ones...(the younger two stiffened up at this) I'm busy with some things these days, so you'll be the only one who doesn't have anything to do. And you've stopped going to martial art competitions. What else do you want to do? Train all day? Right now, that's not needed. Just get a job that you'd like and be good at."

Shui Jing nodded with a look of understanding.

I butted in: "I can introduce you to my company's president. He'll be happy with new talents. You look really good, we've figured that out already. Can you act, sing, and dance?"

Shui Jing nodded his head, "I don't know about acting, but I can sing and dance well enough. Dancing was taught by Shui Yu, and he's very good."

Shui Lai had come back very quickly with a laptop and turned on one of my band, Nightcall's song.

I was asked to dance by Shui Lai so that Shui Jing could copy it. It's not something a person can do in one try you know...

But still, I danced and sung. My body still remembered how the song went even after a few months. This song was filled with difficult techniques for moves and the song was really hard too. It took me several weeks to perfectly get all the notes right while dancing.

But who would have expected that all my pride would go down the drain when I heard Shui Jing sing so much better than me. And while dancing as good as me. But dancing that well... all memorized... Ugh, all my pride! Screw prodigies and geniuses!

I sniffled as I calmed myself and agreed to take Shui Jing to the company next week, on Monday. Shui Jing was happy when praised that he was a natural, he offered me one of the guest rooms they had and I accepted. While tabloids were reporting how I wasn't at my condo and was possibly in a scandal, I asked permission from Shui Yu to upload a picture of the Shui family and me. I only asked Shui Yu because he was like the head of the family in my opinion... And of course, I wasn't in a scandal! I was still a virgin! And on top of that, gay! Nobody knew this yet, not even my parents. I hoped, to one day, find a not much older man taller than me who would take care of me for the rest of my life. It sounds romantic, but I knew that I was wishing to stay a bum for the rest of my life. Hehe.

[I'm staying at my friend's house! So jealous of their mansion! The tallest guy next to me, Shui Jing, is going to be a rookie idol, so please give him some blessings!]

I took several good pictures of the mansion's interior and my guest room. I posted them and turned off my phone. If there are any troubles that come along, the agents in the company will deal with them. I barely cause them any trouble most of the time, so this one might as well be left to them for once.

I had a good night's rest after a bath in the large jacuzzi in the bathroom and the morning was great as well. I could smell the fresh fragrance of something wonderful. Led by my nose, I went to the kitchen where Shui Jing was making breakfast.

Shui Lai and Shui Bing looked tired and yawned to me as a greeting while Shui Yu said, "good morning". I guess the kid's gotten friendlier since I'm doing them a favor. But it was kind of depressing as Shui Bing's attitude towards me had completely gotten slumped and she no longer considered me her "Male God"...

There was tomato soup and garlic bread along with a light salad. It tasted good so I got seconds and eventually thirds.

It was a Saturday, so I had a weekly practice session with my 4 other band members. I asked if the others wanted to follow me and Shui Lai and Shui Bing were the only two who couldn't go. Shui Lai wanted to go over to his friend's house and Shui Bing had a job. What can a little girl do? And from before, it was some sort of a not-good-at-all job?

Shui Jing drove once again to the practice building. It was a modern looking building that would awe people, but I'd gotten too used to it. But Shui Yu's eyes widened and he took lots of pictures.

"Di Li Feng! Whose your friend that you stayed over at! His house looks like the president's! No! Even better!" Meng Duo, the youngest in our group, a guy who's still 19 yelled without even looking at the people I've brought. I cringed, this guy, he acts all shy and adorable in front of fans but in front of us, he's all loud and annoying.

"Oh, hello..." Now he acts shy?!

Our leader, Lai Fei brought snacks for us. He's not as handsome as me, but he's the most graceful and friendliest guy. Possibly one of the nicest people in the universe.

Su Fan and Fu Wen sat on the sofa at first but brought chairs and gave the sofa to the Shui brothers. At least they have some sense.

Shui Yu looked as cold as ever. It was like his natural temperament, he couldn't help it. And Shui Jing was earnestly asking and getting answers from the tech crew who would practice with us today. They liked his friendly attitude.

"Bros, this is Shui Jing. My savior. My step-sister's being petty again. Ugh, when will she ever stop?! And this is Shui Jing's younger brother, Shui Yu. He doesn't talk much, but he's a really nice person at heart. Probably," I jokingly said.

"What's with your introduction?" Su Fan ridiculed me.

"Shui Jing, how old are you? Are you still in school? If you are, there are many teenager stars so don't worry," Fu Wen told him.

Lai Fei asked, "Shui Yu, you also seem to be a good talent for an idol. You have the looks and temperament, why don't you try out?"

Shui Yu shook his head, "I'm busy."

"How tall are you?" Meng Duo piped up.

"182 cm and still growing."

"Wow! So tall!"

I was the tallest in our group, 188. Everyone else was 180-185. I stuck out like a sore thumb on concerts. Sigh, why is it so hard to find taller men? And everyone besides Meng Duo was either 21 or 20, but we just didn't add any formalities and just straight out called each other by full names. Lai Feng being 21 and Su Fang and Fu Wen being 20.

Meng Duo, cheerful as ever, asked, "Shui Jing, can you sing something for us?"

"Ah... I don't know any songs that are popular besides the one Feng Ge sang yesterday." Feng Ge. It sounded really nice! But, wait! Don't let him sing that song!

"Guys... that song... I don't think you want to hear him sing it..." I warned them with a cautious look.

"Ai, what's wrong? He shouldn't have that much of a bad voice if you approved him, right? Just let him sing!" Meng Duo, it's your loss. If you completely lose faith in yourself, it's your fault. I warned you.

Nightcall's song, Wolfhound, the song I sang yesterday was found online and turned on by one of the sound technicians.

The music blared from the speakers and we could barely hear what Shui Jing was singing. The sound technician in charge of the speakers gave us a look of apology and turned it down.

I was still amazed when I heard Shui Jing's voice. It was perfect and without any need for editing. Gosh, why are all the Shui siblings so talented?!

Let alone my wonder, all my band members were awestruck as well. Ha, beat that. Actually... we can't... T_T

"FUCK!" Meng Duo yelled out to end the loud silence after Shui Jing ended.

"Meng Duo! Vulgarities!" Lai Fei scolded.

"I-I-I-" Su Fang couldn't even properly get out a sentence from his throat.

"Well, shit." Wow. Just wow. Fu Wen, I never knew you could cuss.

"Fu Wen!" Our righteous leader shouted out once again.

"What? I don't think I can ever beat that. It just makes me frustrated." Fu Wen, you are absolutely, a 100% right. That's exactly what I felt yesterday...

Shui Jing awkwardly smiled, probably wondering what was wrong.

"Um... Yesterday, Feng Ge told me it was good. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Hell no!" Meng Duo, vulgarities!

Lai Fei just gave up on scolding the younger members and sighed.

"Shui Jing, you have incredible talent. Just by singing on the streets, you'll make hundreds each day. That's what I think. And if you're going to become a professional, you'll earn much more. Your technique is very above average, what I noticed from your singing was that you don't seem to have sung much before and the notes are raspy at times. You need to get more familiar with your own voice and your future manager can help you with that. These days, managers for idols have to study music theory and they're qualified at figuring out problems." As expected, Lai Fei is the one who's most proficient in this career out of all of us.

"Ok, Shui Jing, I'll pick you up after school and let you sign a fair contract and acquire a good manager. Where is your school? Text me the address and I'll go there tomorrow at 3 PM," I patted the kid's back to reassure him that nothing would go wrong.

After giving me the school address, Shui Jing and Shui Yu left. Our band members got to practice but we were all distracted and ended practice early.

I couldn't focus on anything for the rest of the day. Our manager dropped us off at our shared apartment and we just played virtual reality games, ate a bunch of snacks, exercised, and napped.

Ah, I really wonder how the president will look after I brought the new talent into our company. Maybe he'll give me a pay raise?

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