No Time

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

On the day that Xiao Yu gave the announcement about variable things, Lu Han gave me a deep kiss in which we exchanged our blood with. With that, by apocalyptic standards, we had become a married couple.

I thought it was too impulsive of him but he proposed and coaxed me by saying that we could hold a wedding ceremony. Of course, I agreed.

He specifically said, "You're accepting my proposal a year later. I don't know what to think."

I remembered back to the time I turned 18 and could only give a wry smile and kiss him out of thanks for waiting for so long.

So, it was decided that we would hold a small wedding ceremony in the Lu clan's mansion. 'Their mansion was bigger' was the reason Lu Han gave to hold the ceremony there.

Actually, not all of Lu Han's clan members had come into the base yet. Many were still overseas, doing some shady business probably. They had private jets and were currently coming over.

I've actually seen them. They came quickly and went back to go get the other clan members and things. All of the clan members, even toddlers know basic fighting methods, it's ridiculous.

It would take around two days to retrieve everything from overseas, so during that time, I gave Xiao Yu the task to bring our ex-parents back.

He looked reluctant. I still chuckle when remembering his face at that time.

Maybe it's because I was his older brother, but Xiao Yu only showed his childish self to me. Otherwise, he was always the exemplary leader.

Xiao Yu told me his worries: What if they made a mess out of the wedding ceremony? What if they discriminated against me and Lu Han? And a lot more other relevant and irrelevant questions.

Of course, I was worried. And scared.

But it was my future, and I didn't want to regret anything. I would be sad if the wedding was messed up, but I probably wouldn't regret it.

Around lunchtime, Xiao Yu called me out to the gates of the base along with some medics. Some officials and representative leaders came as well.

"Chief, we should use water-squirting toilet seats instead of regular toilets! They save toilet paper considerably! And handkerchiefs instead of tissues will save on supplies as well! And where should we put the garbage?" was one of the things a representative said.

Xiao Yu handed over our ex-parents to the medics and dusted his hands off, all while explaining, "Sure, we have to save on supplies as best as we can. Should I issue a mission for acquiring more supplies? But about the waste thing, for plastic, the researchers made the decomposer machine that I don't properly remember the name of. They can break down garbage into compost and we can use that to grow crops or make other things."

Xiao Yu really is amazing, he had the foresight and could compromise with everyone easily. Xiao Yu knew many terms from medical issues to construction issues, to just regular slang. He could easily explain so that even elementary students could understand it. It was pretty impressive in itself, and more so when he gave speeches or explanations that everyone could easily bond themselves with.

"Oh, Ge, I brought them back. I'm going to go shower. And have you prepared your outfits for the ceremony? We have plenty of designers on base, pay them a lot of points, get whatever you need."

I smiled at his concern and waved him away to let him go shower.

To the medics, I asked them to call me when the two outsiders woke up.

I turned around but bumped into a sturdy chest.

"Wife, you shouldn't run around so much. Let the assistants take care of the preparations. And our suits are finished."

I frowned and replied, "Lu Ha-"

"Call me 'Husband'."

I stiffly stood, ignored that comment, and said, "I just wanted to check on Shui Wang and Fan Ling."

"I really wonder why you invited them."

"They were my parents after all."

He looked towards the vehicle that drove the two away and turned back to me.

"Wife," Lu Han called.

"Hm? What are you calling me for?" I asked.

"I just wanted to get used to calling you this. You should start calling me 'husband' too."

My lips twitched and I told him, "Why don't you call me 'husband' instead? I'm a man and you are one too. Why don't we just be a pair of husbands instead?"

"We are, but I just want to call you wife. I'm taller than you. And stronger. And most importantly, I'm on top," he showed a refine smile and grabbed my hand.

I could only stay silent as my cheeks dyed red and turn my head away. I couldn't run because Lu Han was tightly holding onto my hand.

"Stay still, I'm not done yet. I'm older. I take care of you. You cook for me. And I was the one who initiated chasing you. But, I think it makes sense to call you wife because you-"

I cut him off and cheekily smiled, "Is it because you'd be mistaken for my boytoy since you're so beautiful? You want to make your status clear"

Lu Han pinched my nose gently, "No, you are more beautiful compared to me. The fact is, I was the one who proposed. And now you're mine."

"I know, but can't you call me husband still?"

"No, 'wife' sounds better."

"...Have you ever been told you are very childish? But I will be gracious and permit you to call me 'wife'."

"Thank you, dear wife."

"Anyway, you said our suits are ready?"

"Yes, as you requested, they have traditional patterns sewn into the seams with gold thread. Both are a nice shade of red."

"That's good. It was based on one of Xiao Yu's designs that he made for me. They were in a stack and I counted 37 designs. I liked that one the most out of all of them. You know, Xiao Yu is actually quite shy sometimes and I had to erase all traces of seeing them so that he wouldn't be embarrassed. I wonder how he'll react on the day of the wedding?"

"Your brother cares for you a lot."

"Yes, and I care a lot about him too."

"For and About are two different things."

"I know. He cared for us when we were younger and still to this day. We can only care about him but rarely for him."

"I have a lot to thank him for."

I looked up at him, confused.

"What for?"

Lu Han chuckled and replied, "He's the one who let us meet. And he protected you when you were young. He even trained you to become the person today. Don't you think I should thank him for raising up my wife?"

"You make him sound like my parent. ...Which he basically was. And, yes, we have a lot to thank him for."

I thought back to the past and mom's screaming fits. If it weren't for learning martial arts from Xiao Yu, I wondered if it would have been like what he described our previous lives.

Apparently, Xiao Bing had a bunch of scars on her back, while Xiao Lai had a scar hidden with his hair on the back of his head. Xiao Yu and I didn't have scars but we would have bruises from being beaten harshly.

As if noticing my forlorn eyes, Lu Han held my hand tighter.

"Stop being sentimental. Let's go try the outfits on."


This man, although a little shameless at times, is really good. He gets jealous easily and whines about it, but it makes him more adorable. And he's patient with me and supports me in everything I do.

What better man could there be that suits me so perfectly?


The next day, everything from Lu Han's England-side family arrived.

I saw priceless artifacts, weapons, and foreigners. I even saw the Duke of Lennox! There were other famous people as well, like actors, politicians, and Olympians.

"You didn't tell me that your household had such impressive people!"

"Aren't I impressive?"

I gave up trying to reason with him and helped out my future in-laws by moving furniture and handing out translator devices and core devices.

By the afternoon, everything had been placed and everyone was assigned rooms.

The patriarch of Lu Han's clan, not the Duke, but another old man, invited both of us to his study room.

The patriarch looked serious but as soon as Lu Han introduced me, his eyes glistened.

"It's good that you haven't picked a sissy! This boy looks comely and patient, he must be taking care of you!"

You could hear affection even while the old man was scolding. I smiled in relief that the patriarch was not against me.

"Eh, grandson-in-law, come here, let me have a look at you."

I went forward smiling at the address and the old man grabbed my hands.

"Please take care of my grandson. He's a good young man and he has a good head. If he ever troubles you, just come to me and I'll knock some sense into him."

I smiled and thanked him.

"Alright, go see your parents now. They wanted to see your man. Your father's side is already here I noticed, did you tell them earlier about the apocalypse?"

Although this old man cared about his grandson, he was strict with caring for his clan.

But Lu Han wasn't worried and told him, "Of course, my father's side's family isn't as strong or big as ours. Many of them would have died if not for getting 'treatment' early in this base. And all of our family members are trained, and I didn't notice anyone turning into a zombie."

"Hahaha! You still know how to talk well boy! We'll have to get that treatment soon enough, but go ahead and see your parents. Come again later to lead us to the treatment center!"

We left the enthusiastic old man sitting on his chair and quietly closed the study's door.

"Your grandfather is nice."


"What are your parents like? I only know that your dad is a politician."

"My mom was a lady-in-waiting and private bodyguard for one of the princesses. She quit that role after she had me."

"Oh? How did they meet?"

"My father, he's well-versed in martial arts and acupuncture. He had a mission to assassinate a lawyer who ran away to England after getting some information on my father's clan. My mother knew his identity and since he was close to where she and the princess were, she went to fight him. After she found out his true motives, she had already broken his arm. So my mother had to help out with my father's mission. My father said he fell in love with her after she beat him up and chased after her even after the mission was finished."

"So... your dad's a masochist?" Xiao Yu had told me I lacked some sense before. It was probably true since I didn't really get the whole story.

"Pft! Hahahaha!" Lu Han had never laughed as hard as he was doing so currently. My eyes widened as I saw him clutching his stomach and laughing out loud. He had a big grin on his face and traces of tears starting to come out from his eyes.

His smile really was beautiful. I thought to myself how lucky it was for me to be able to see such a sight and how I would be able to stay with this silly person forever.

"My stomach hurts from laughing too much... Haha, if my father heard that-"

"Hear what?" a deep voice came from behind us.

Lu Han immediately calmed himself down and asked, "What?"

"Lu Han, what did you hea-"

"What do you mean?" Lu Han gave a perfunctory smile that hid his thoughts completely.

"...Fine, is this our new addition to the family? He looks good."

My chin was grabbed.

I was forced to look up until I saw dark eyes that held humor.

Lu Han quickly pulled me away and I could now see who had grabbed me.

It was a handsome Chinese man who had slicked back hair and lustrous skin. He looked no more than his early 30's, but I had a feeling it wasn't like that.

"Father, this is Shui Jing, my wife," Lu Han introduced me.

So it really was his father! My husband's family really had good genes! I've never heard of a man in his 40's look this young!

But his looks weren't anything like Lu Han's. He looked handsome, but the sort that had authority. He had lustrous skin and completely black hair that made him look young. And his facial features were sharp and cold while Lu Han's was cold but silent and solemn.

Maybe Lu Han inherited his beautiful looks from his mother? That was it probably.

I greeted the elder, "Hello, I'm Shui Jing."

Lu Han's father nodded slightly and asked, "How old are you?"

"I am 19 years old."

"That's when I had Lu Han. He's very behind as he's only marrying now and at the age of 25," he commented. Isn't it that I'm marrying too young and the same for him?

Then he turned towards his son and patted him on the shoulders, "I expect you to adopt a cute grandkid soon. Preferably a girl."

I blushed as Lu Han told him back, "We're going to work hard on it. How many grandkids do you want?"

"What are you saying? Mingming, we agreed to have the grandson first!" a beautiful voice echoed back as Lu Han's father looked confused.

The beautiful voice belonged to an equally beautiful woman. I suspected that this was Lu Han's mother since she was calling Lu Han's father with such an intimate nickname. Lu Han's father's name was Lu Ming.

"You're really a beautiful child! My son is very lucky to have you. I'm going to be your mother-in-law, and my name is Irene Valen."

Lu Han's mother smiled brightly and hugged me tightly.

The woman was of average height so I wondered if Lu Han drank a lot of milk to grow taller than his father. Irene had lovely blue-green eyes and flowing golden locks. Her skin was smooth and was the healthy color of wheat. She had a mole under her lips and it accented her thin pink lips.

Lu Han was their mixed child. With his light brown hair and green eyes, he really was a perfect in-between of the two distinctive heritage.

"Mum, this is Shui Jing, my wife."

"Yes, I know. He looks nice."

Lu Han seemed to be bragging and I couldn't help but smile at the woman who was praising him like he was still a child.

The four of us went out for lunch to the cafeteria.

As it was 11:30, lots of people were there. Many noticed us and tried to give their spots away but I refused them. Maybe I should have packed lunch instead?

After 5 minutes of waiting, the line still seemed to go on.

Fortunately, Xiao Lai came at this time and led us home.

I cooked steak and made some small side dishes.

Lu Han's parents and I talked a lot and I learned about his childhood. It was sad how I didn't get to find out about his black history but his parents were very nice and enjoyable to converse with.

After they left, I asked, "They don't seem to know about the things for the apocalypse?"

"They do know more than others, it's just that the base has advanced a lot further than the outside for information. The Valen clan already has a lot of ability users. They can only regrettably gain 2 more powers if they go through the zombie trial. And I don't think anyone outside the base knows about ability users being able to pair with other ability users and reproduce. I'm going to go tell them about this during the reunion dinner banquet with your family and my two clans. I'll also introduce you formally to both clans."

At this time, Xiao Lai's head poked upstairs, "Jing Ge, bro-in-law, I'm going to go see Xiao Bing, so can you take care of giving these files to Yu Ge? Thanks!"

Lu Han went to go prepare for the rest of the wedding preparations while I went to Xiao Yu's office.

I could hear voices from the opposite side of the door before I even entered.

When the door was opened after I knocked, I saw Xiao Yu discussing matters about the job situation and point system. There were still many flaws within the base's system, but it was good to see that these men and women were striving to improve the conditions.

I only slipped in and placed the file into Xiao Yu's secretary's hands. I don't think Xiao Yu even noticed me come in as he was going against more than 40 representatives crammed into the room. The secretary looked tired as well, so I gave him a sympathizing smile. The secretary was invited to the wedding so he knew that we were all busy and smiled bitterly.

"Ganbate!" was what the Japanese kids told me to say to cheer on another person. But it seemed kind of pointless now due to the translator device.

My shoes clacked on the floor making rhythms that I hummed along to.

Dingding! You have a call!

The core device lit up and I could hear loud crashes from the other side.

"Mr. Shui Jing! Your guests woke up but they are causing trouble! Can we get your permission to handle them with force?"

The nurse sounded like a military officer as she inquired this.

I was stunned at the situation and could only choke and cough out, "Yes, but to the minimum as they are still regular humans."

"Yes, thank you for your permission!"

The nurse cut off after saying a polite goodbye and I could only sigh and run towards the small hospital.

Our hospital was small because we had stronger bodies and regenerative abilities after going through the zombie trial and gaining water abilities. It was only for the seriously wounded which hadn't happened yet.

What was going on there now?

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