No Time

Chapter 7: Which abilities?

Chapter 7: Which abilities?

How should I get some zombie meat?

Following rumors and trying to catch them is doable but hard...

And who would take care of my siblings when I'm gone?

...Fine, I am a little overprotective but I'm just worried about them.

I'm fairly confident that Ge can protect them if they're in danger, and they can always run into the warehouse.

Rumors of zombies started popping up when I was 13 years old.

Maybe, just maybe, Ge, Xiao Lai, and Xiao Bing are fairly competent with their weapons, so I might take them with me.

We can just run away I guess? We'll buy a huge truck that we can store our stuff and supplies in the warehouse with. 3 years from now, Dad would already have completely cut off his relationship with us. Our half-sister is in Xiao Bing's grade and even goes to the same school.

The only thing to be said about that girl is that she's a green tea bitch. Forcing a smile on her face whenever we pass by and sneering when we turn our back to her. She thinks we don't know that she's our half-sibling but I've already told my family! Not mom of course, but the rest already know that Dad's not going to care for us anymore.

When the apocalypse started, stepmom turned into a zombie. Dad and half-sister ran towards our home to take cover.

It was that girl's idea to push away Xiao Lai as bait. It was that girl's idea to sell away Xiao Bing. It was mostly her fault that we had to suffer. When the time comes, I'm going to push her down with my parents. Then they'll become zombies that we can kill as targets.

Anyways, back to the main point. I'll somehow have to get zombie meat and make us all pass the zombie trial successfully, by force if I have to.

I've decided on the powers to get for each of us.

Ge would still touch Pico, our white dove, but there are still other powers that would benefit his strength. Earth, Metal, and Air. They would be useful since Earth can be raised as a wall to block incoming attacks; an impermeable defense. He can even disintegrate it farther and create sandstorms or block the opponent's sight with sand. It would act as a good cover and he can provide us with salt when we need it to cook as a bonus.

Metal can be used so that he can mold a weapon into what he needs, a staff, spear, sword, or whatever else that I'll teach him to fight with.

Air is so that he can move better in the air. It was pretty hard for him to fly when there was bad weather so he can clear away the area around him with the wind he can produce.

So, for Ge, I would have to find dirt, metal, and make him blow on his hand.

I am also thinking of getting him to touch a wolf since there were many canine groups during the apocalypse that were huge and terrifying. They were very strong, traveled in packs, and had very sharp claws and teeth. They fought very well and were quick-witted and fast. I think this would suit Ge really well.

Xiao Lai is our thinker in the group, so he'll have to have some pretty special powers. I'm thinking of getting him to touch a spider, mushrooms, a zombie core, high voltage electricity from a plasma globe, and a kite.

The spiders in the apocalypse are huge. They set up invisible and steel-like threads to capture their prey and drag them away. They were one of the most feared mutants until fire users properly got how to use fire and escape from them. But see, it's escape, not kill. Spiders were still feared even after everyone got full control of their powers. He can have an affinity with spiders so they won't attack us and he can also gain information passed by them. Besides, Xiao Lai can be like a certain spider hero, shooting webs out and using them to do acrobatic moves while fighting.

Mushrooms are so that we can poison mutants or make it grow on mutants. Poisoning mutants are easy. Just make some mushrooms sprout on what they're eating and BAM! They'll die immediately. Xiao Lai can grow the mushrooms on mutants and kill them off by making the mushrooms eat off the nutrients and squeeze the life out of the poor mutant. For a bonus, we can eat them and use them as our bed when they're grown huge and soft.

A zombie core would be so that Xiao Lai can have control over zombies. It's similar to mind control but it'll only affect zombies. Controlling zombies is no easy feat. I heard tales of mind controlling humans who tried to control hypnotic zombies and failed. The ones who perfected the technique got better and better at defeating hypnotic zombies but the ones who failed immediately died.

It's said that a zombie's mind is absolutely blank and hard to find a connection to control them with. Wouldn't that mean controlling hypnotic zombies are much harder? Yup, but I'm going to train Xiao Lai into becoming the most amazing mind controller there is!

The electricity is so that he can use lightning powers. It's very powerful and would be even more when he combines it with his double swords. Striking an enemy with it would be pretty amazing. And he can also charge his electronics this way.

The kite, the bird not the toy, is for Xiao Lai to gain affinity with birds and gain wings to fly with. A kite is very fast and swift. Although small in size, it's strong with its lithe body. I'm going to focus on teaching Xiao Lai acrobatics so he can use his spider powers and wings to fight elegantly and powerfully, and, like Ge, he can also gain information from birds who fly by and ask them to go and find out something for him just like he'll be able to do with spiders.

For Xiao Bing, she'll keep her plant affinity and growth by touching the pencil. She'll also have to touch an owl, cat, gecko, and fire. The owl is so that she can have an affinity with birds, exchange information, and lastly, gain night vision!

Since her main profession is going to be a sniper, she needs to have perfect eyesight. The cat is for gaining affinity with felines, being able to gain information from them, also night vision enhanced, being able to move silently, and gaining excellent acrobatic senses. Her night vision would be enhanced twice and make her accuracy that's already good, perfect. She'll also have to perfect her methods of using knives and other weapons when she gains a silence and acrobatic sense that only cats have. Even falling, would do her no harm. She'll be a perfect assassin! Not that I'm going to make her become one.

The gecko is so that she can stick to any surface and have excellent recovery skills. Sticking to anywhere would make her the best sniper there is. To a sniper, having the best position for a shoot is evidently important. Recovery skills are important for Xiao Bing since she'll be fighting along with us. She's the youngest and a little girl, of course, I worry about her the most! If she was weak, she could have gotten kidnapped and used by horrible people. If not for her great affinity with plants, she would have been sold away much quicker. I'm not going to see that happen again.

Anyways, about the recovery thing from the gecko. It makes it that even if you lose a limb, it'll grow back almost instantly, just like how a lizard's tail grows back, but much faster. So, if Xiao Bing ever gets harmed, she'll be healed instantly! This doesn't work with poison, but I'm going to use my water powers to fix that up if the situation calls for it.

Fire is for extra assurance of her weapons. A whip on fire being hurled around looks and sounds cool. It'll easily melt the zombies and she'll have less trouble with hordes of them coming at us. It can also keep us warm during cold nights and be used to cook. I'll go through the zombie trial first so that I can regain my water powers and heal her after she touches the fire.

Lastly, me. I still plan on touching water and my peridot ring. Water for healing and attacking. Water users seem weak, but in reality, it might be the most brutal. 70% of the human body is made out of water. If water users make a person blow up, what can they do? Well, I'll also be able to let my siblings drink clear water instead of the contaminated ones they get at the start of the apocalypse. The water was infected so some people unknowingly turned into zombies at the start.

My peridot ring is priceless since it holds all of our future. A huge space is necessary for our travels if we want to go out and leave society behind.

Besides that, I'm planning on touching a raven, a cheetah, and bones.

A raven so that I can have an affinity with birds and fly like the rest of my siblings. In this case, having an affinity with ravens the most is a very good thing. Ever since the apocalypse started, ravens started appearing out of practically nowhere and ate a lot of zombies. Scavenger birds like crows, ravens, and vultures ate zombies and were very powerful. They traveled in packs and went everywhere searching for food. Therefore, they had the most experience, strength, numbers, and information out of all the birds.

For the cheetah, I guess I'll have to borrow it from the zoo for one day when I get ahold of a lone zombie. Its speed is definitely the best and will help with my martial arts a lot. Being silent, having an excellent acrobatic sense, and having night vision is also great additions. Also, cheetahs can look into the sun because of the black lines that go down their noses. So if I happen to encounter an enemy or trouble while the sun's glaring, I won't be too distracted and will still be able to fight or protect properly.(A/N: Thank you Sento for that anti-sun glare fact!)

Oh, and the reason why Xiao Bing and I can't touch the cheetah together. You won't gain the power if you're the second person to touch that item or animal. It was tested and tried by power users and regular humans who went through the zombie trial.

If Xiao Bing wants to go touch a cheetah, I'll let her do that after she's done training all the martial arts I can teach her and then she can touch it during the red phase.

For bones, it's to make our weapons stronger. If we combine metal with bone powder, the weapons would be more durable and flexible. I can also use it to heal bones since my water power only heals internal and external injuries, not broken bones. Bones can also act as a replacement for plastic material and can coat anything to make it smooth, sturdy, and strong.

Plastic is also a greatly needed material but bones are better, right? It might seem cruel and disgusting, but during the apocalypse, there even were cannibalistic people! So, I think bones are justified. Besides, I'm only going to use animal and mutant bones not human or zombie ones.

For the things I haven't thought of to use as powers yet, I'll probably think of them when the red phase comes. I wonder what abnormal powers we'll get?

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