No Time

Chapter 9: How good my brother is!

Chapter 9: How good my brother is!

My 2nd brother is very wise.

He was said to have an aura from the moment he was born.

Jing Ge said that Yu Ge never crawled. He just sat, sat, and sat, as if waiting for something.

He stood up and walked exactly when a year passed.

Jing Ge said that Yu Ge was special and very talented.

I always believed in it and realized it was much more than that later on.

When Yu Ge started going to school, he was found out to be a genius. But it was also found out that he had an IQ that was above average but not close to a genius's IQ. Yu Ge said that the true genius in our family is Lai Ge.

And it turned out to be true.

Lai Ge is now one of the most infamous hackers in China and in the International world as well. Yu Ge said that Lai Ge being famous meant that he wasn't as good as the hidden hackers, but I still don't know how Yu Ge knew... He must be some sort of alien, is what I thought at that time.

Yu Ge is very good at playing the piano, violin, and harp.

The first time he played, it sounded like he had played for many years already. Even the teachers said that this was their first time seeing such a prodigy.

I play instruments too, but I think it's a waste of time. I could use this time to go steal some diamonds and jewelry. Why should I waste time doing such stuff? Lai Ge agrees with me too, but Jing Ge says that music is a way to calm your heart and will help you sort out your mind. Such complicated stuff, why should I care? Yu Ge just sighed and told us to enjoy life. Yu Ge's so wise and nice, I'll always listen to him!

When I was much younger than I am today (I'm a big girl now!), Yu Ge brought me and my other brothers to a warehouse.

In the huge warehouse, there was a lot of grain and seeds.

Yu Ge said the warehouse and everything inside it were his.

At first, Jing Ge and Lai Ge didn't believe in it. I believed in it though. Yu Ge never lied. He's always so serious and quiet, but he cares for us very much and is very shy too! My Yu Ge, he could never bear to lie to us! Besides, it's very obvious when he's trying to hide something or lie.

Jing Ge, Lai Ge, and I always know when Yu Ge is trying to hide something or lie.

Yu Ge lies to Mom all the time. Mom always hit us when we were younger and it was very scary when Jing Ge or Yu Ge wasn't there.

I even got a scar from a glass cup or plate- I can't remember which, was thrown at me.

But it was always better when Yu Ge blocked Mom's hits for me. I felt special. I felt protected. I felt loved.

My parents aren't nice people. Dad has another woman now and Mom always spends her time outside of the house.

When Yu Ge told us that, we were surprised and instantly cried. We believed in it but really didn't want to. Yu Ge had to spend several hours persuading us that staying with our parents was no longer a possibility. I guess he had already made plans to run away at that time.

Now, I work as a thief and part-time assassin. Yu Ge doesn't know about it, and I don't plan to tell him until he finds out. Lai Ge already knows but he won't tell. He doesn't want Yu Ge to get worried.

When I first killed somebody, I felt awful, cried, and threw up. I lied that I saw somebody dying because I didn't want my brothers to know that I killed someone. Lai Ge ruined companies for the first time in his life during that period of time, so he felt guilty that time too.

Jing Ge was worried for us and consoled us, but Yu Ge shut himself away in his room and avoided us for many weeks.

We heard him crying softly every time we passed his room for a whole day once.

He really must've felt bad that he was the one who brought us into this kind of business.

But you know what? Life happens. That's what one of my thief friends told me. She said I'd get used to it.

Lai Ge and I felt worse than what happened with our occupations because we made Yu Ge this sad. If us being so guilty and disturbed made him this sad, we'd rather put up a front and get used to our jobs.

Yu Ge is our protector and caretaker.

Jing Ge, Lai Ge, and I love him very much.

We love our wise, kind, and serious Yu Ge, very, very much.

He always seems so distant, and we always try to catch up to him, but when we falter for even a little bit, he'll come running right over, help us up, and care for us inexplicably.

This kind of adorable person, who can't help but love him?

Our lovely Yu Ge, next time, we'll protect him.

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