No Time

Chapter 97: From here on

Chapter 97: From here on

I was still feeling giddy from the confession.

The preparations were hard to assemble in such a short time, but it worked fantastically!

I knew that the red theme would be great, it always did wonders in dramas and web novels. Hopefully, Shui Yu got it.

Ah, I'm so excited for our future!

Do we ride off into the sunset now?

Ah, I didn't prepare a car!

Also worse than that... I don't even have a license!


The confession was sweet.

A bit overdone, but considering that he only had ideas and examples from media sources... it was the best he could do.

The effort he put in was adorable really.

And now, if this is going the way that movies do... we're supposed to ride off into the sunset.

...Which is not going to happen.

But we could go on vacation some time outside the base.

That could count as "riding off into the sunset."

For now, the best we could do was go home and have a nice meal.

We walked home together silently, both giddy.

I grabbed his hand but he took it away quickly.

"My hands are sweaty! Sorry!"

I thought that was it, but he wiped his hands and stuck them back on mine.

"I-I'll be good to you Shui Yu."

"Mm, I'll be good to you too."

"Then, should we come up with pet names now? Or does something else comes first?"

"Things can come as they come. You can call me whatever you'd like."

"Ok, you can too. But nothing like honey pot, pumpkin, cupcake, that stuff..."

"Pft, alright."

I sniggered at his shivering of nauseatingly sweet pet names and thought of something to continue the conversation.

"Ah, that's right. We can call each other this at the very least."




Seeing the light blush creep up his ears was more than enough to make this day even better.


Although we knew we liked each other, there was much more we didn't know.

For example, birthdays.

I hadn't realized that his birthday had passed a few weeks ago.

He hadn't realized that my birthday had passed a few weeks ago either.

My birthday was just two days after his.

His being June 4th and mine June 6th.

"I used to celebrate my birthday. But people wanted to make it a holiday, so I decided to forget about it."

"I just forget about mine. Unless someone tells me, I don't really remember."

"So I'm 19, and you're 16."

"Yeah. But I'm still growing, I'll be taller, don't worry!"

"Hahaha, ok, ok, I won't," Shui Yu laughed.

Urgh, I looked mature enough, but I was shorter than Shui Yu.

I couldn't provide him that "sense of security" that people wanted in boyfriends.

So I'd eat a lot, drink lots of milk, and actually exercise from now on!

"Shui Yu, can you help me exercise? I don't know where to even start."

"Of course, boyfriend," he replied with a refreshing smile.

I didn't realize that he would have such a teasing side to him... but it wasn't bad.


As I was slaving away at the butler academy, I heard the news that a certain someone had hooked up.


This kind of demon-like human being could also find love, so why can't I?!

At least I got a laugh out of how that kid confessed with such "extravagance".

I'd share that video with the young master later, he always liked to know what Shui Yu was up to.

My heart wasn't hurt anymore, I could only recall fondness for Shui Jing, no regrets either. I was truly glad that he was happy.

But really, I wanted to find a lover too, someone who I didn't need to hide anything against.

Someone I could care for and be cared by.

It was hard for me to trust people easily in the first place, so I didn't know about it though.

I could have acquaintances, but anything closer than that made me suspicious of their motives.

Trauma probably, or maybe even before I was sold away, I couldn't trust people.

Ahh, but I still want to find somebody that will understand me!



My brother got a boyfriend.


I only found out from the gossip news!

I mean, sure the confession happened today, so they're new to this, whatever.

But couldn't he have texted me?

[We're dating now.] For instance???

I'm happy for them. I really am.

But also. Very miffed!

Romance wasn't working out for me, so at least having Yu Ge be happy was great.


Could it be?

I'm the only one in our family who's alone!

Even that brat Shui Bing has a boyfriend!

Although I hear things aren't really good, even she has one!

Ah, I was getting angry now.

Calm down, calm down, you're still young, the future is vast, there are tons of people out there with good specs.

Just nab yourself one and if things don't work out, move on to the next.


What was I thinking?

I couldn't think so lightly about this.

I shouldn't use people like that.

Sigh, I'll just take care of Zhang Xing for the rest of my life.

He's starting to remember things after taking in loads of nuclei.

Not a nice feeling that he's so loyal but alienated, but he may be warming up to me who knows.

It's not a bad idea, living in peace and harmony with a talking zombie.

He doesn't take much to care for either, just a place to live and some nuclei every few days.

Why was I even thinking about this, might as well go over to Shane's and game.

I packed some snacks, pajamas, and a toothbrush and headed out.

"Shane, are you home?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can I stay over?"

"Sure, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be there soon."

"K, bring some snacks!"

"Already am."

I drove my precious Goldie out of the garage when something went smack.

"Are you ok?!"

"I'm fine, are you-"

"Goldie! Oh no, a dent! Ahahaha... what do I do?! Ok, ok, I can call Mr. Tremaine to fix you up, but what if he doesn't do well? Then I can call Mr. Spraggens, he does equally well and his daughter is great with vinyl wrapping, I can even give you a makeover! But no, I like the way you are right now... what should I do?!"

I took out my Goldie, who I don't take out for 364 days a year, but alas, something had to happen to her.

In my distress, someone called out with a comment that saved me.

"I know someone who can revert time on objects. I'm sorry for the dent, can I take you to them?"

"Yes, please do! And I'm sorry for hitting you."

"No worries, I'm not hurt at all."

Oh, I recognized that voice, it was Jing Shao.

"Sorry, Jing Shao, please take me to that ability user. Also, what are you here for?"

"My dad forgot to give Chief something, I'm here to deliver it. And I forgot but the ability user I mentioned has plans today, but I'll take you to them tomorrow, I promise."

"Ok, as long as they exist... Hey, then are you free?"


"Come with me then, there are several four-person games I've been wanting to play, we're just lacking one!"

To get him on my good side and to keep him until tomorrow to meet the ability user with the miraculous ability I would take him to have fun.

I wasn't just wanting to play four-person games.


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