
Chapter 103: more beautiful than anything else

Chapter 103: more beautiful than anything else

THE SUN was setting on the horizon. Over the ocean surrounding the fishing village of Hangzhou, unbeknownst to all, an invisible vessel was flying around. It was, of course, Argent's flying car on stealth mode.

They've been searching on the left side area of the sea surrounding Hangzhou all through afternoon but the Mana detector Argent attached to the flying car was still not showing any signs of change. Even Lei Feng's dark guard who could transfer his conciousness to animals hadn't found anything. His conciousness was now inside a fish swimming under the sea at the same area the car was travelling to make sure that Argent's Mana detector hadn't missed anything.

Argent clenched her teeth. They're getting nowhere and it's just making her more and more frustrated. She suddenly felt a gentle pat on her shoulder. She turned to her right and looked at Lei Feng questioningly.

"Don't feel frustrated. We'll find it. Rushing things will only get us nowhere. First, we'll have dinner, then we'll rest a little. After that, we will continue our search. Is that okay to you?"

The three dark guards immediately lowered their gazes. When did their master become so gentle? Was this still the spartan general who almost trained themselves to death?

Argent didn't know what to say for a second. It's amazing, how Lei Feng seemed to always know what she felt. Then she nodded. Because he was right. Nothing would come up with her feeling frustrated. She might even missed some important detail if she didn't keep her calm. "Okay."

Argent drove and landed the flying car to the nearest uninhabited island. Once it safely landed, Argent turned off it's stealth mode. The first ones to go out was An Qi, followed by An Liu. Looked like the two were still not used to travelling inside the flying car.

Once they all got out, the three dark guards immediately went deeper into the forest. They would probably search for firewoods and hunt wild game. Leaving Argent and Lei Feng alone. Argent didn't bother to turn back the car into its capsule form since they would use it again later anyway. And according to An Si - who searched the island by transferring his conciousness to a bird - the island was uninhabited. So no one would see her flying car.

She sat in a lotus position on the ground. Lei Feng followed suit.

"The people who took your mother, they're dangerous, aren't they?" Lei Feng suddenly asked. Argent only nodded. "And these people... their real goal was you. They wanted to use you to get that sacred artifact, am I right?"

Lei Feng also saw that decoded cipher. Since then, he had been worrying. Worrying about Argent's safety. He'd been constantly plague with negative thoughts and ended up thinking of the worst possible scenarios. What if those people got to Argent? What if he didn't manage to protect her? What if, at the end of all this, he would lose her again? Thoughts like those almost made him want to go crazy.

He even thought at one time that he should just take Argent far away from here. Far away from any danger. But Lei Feng knew he couldn't do that. Because Argent would just hate him for it. And that's one thing he couldn't afford to happen. Argent hating him would be even worse than a death sentence.

Lei Feng already promised himself that he wouldn't be an obstacle for Argent. That instead of keeping her inside a safe bubble, away from any harm and threat, he would stay by her side, fighting beside her, supporting her and any decision she made.

So he couldn't let these negative thoughts cloud his mind. Letting himself drown in this possessive desire would only hurt one person. Argent. He'd rather die than for that to happen.

Because in this lifetime, he would never ever hurt her again.

He would do everything to mend the broken promise he made to that little girl. On that one cold night, when the snow was falling and he could hear the cry of that little girl calling his name and shouting for him to come back.

Argent was a bit surprised that Lei Feng actually asked her about that. She actually thought he never would. It's been already three days since they left the capital. He hadn't ask her any details about her mother's abduction. Even after he saw the code and heard the legend, he still didn't ask. If it was any other in his position, they would probably already be dying of curiousity.

"Yes. For some reason, they think that my blood could help them get the dragon king's sword," she answered.

Lei Feng looked straight at her. "Then please, don't hesitate to use me. I'm strong. Really strong. If you wish it, I could kill them for you."

Argent raised one of her brows. One look and she could tell that he really was serious. And here she thought, he was too straightlaced to kill people he wasn't supposed to kill. Though it was still a big mystery why he was so dedicated on helping her. He told her that there was a reason for it that he couldn't tell her yet. She was not one to pry. But now, she couldn't help but really wonder.

"You're an SS level double Gift user. Of course, I would use you. It would be stupid of me not to," she just said.

Then a small smile appeared on Lei Feng's face. Making his usual serious face appeared younger and brighter. "Okay."

"You should smile more often. All the ladies would surely flock to you if you do," she thought of saying. Because Lei Feng did look more handsome when he smiled, even she could see it.

She saw his ear tips turning red and then he immediately glanced away. "I don't want any ladies."

He's probably being shy again. And then Argent remembered that there was already someone he liked. So she just shrugged and no longer commented.

She looked up at the sky. The bright sunny day was already engulfed by darkness. In the gathering gloom, the stars and the moon started to shine brighter. As if to remind her that even in the darkness, there was light.

"The night sky, it's beautiful, isn't it?" she said still looking at the sky.

"Yes. Very beautiful indeed," Lei Feng agreed. But he wasn't looking at the sky, instead he was staring at Argent's side face. [More beautiful than anything else.]


It was already dawn but their search still hadn't bore any results. Argent was starting to feel anxious again. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. And that's when an alarm from her Mana detector sounded. She immediately stopped the flying car and looked at the radar. A blaring red dot suddenly appeared. Which meant there was a Mana activity in the sea below them.

"It's here," she told Lei Feng.

Lei Feng then turned to An Si. Whose eyes were both white. Apparently his eyes turned like that whenever he used his Gift. "What do you see?"

"Nothing, Master. I tried to go forward but there seems to be something hindering me."

Argent and Lei Feng looked at each other. They seemed to really find the right place.

All the anxiousness that Argent felt was replaced by excitement. Finally. If this was the place, then those Apostles as well as her mother were probably somewhere around here. Probably on one of the uninhabited islands lying around. Since they really couldn't enter the Temple of Tian Long without Argent's blood.

"What should we do first?" Lei Feng asked her. "We'll follow whatever you decide."

Argent clenched her fists, a violent glint appeared on her purple eyes. "First, we're going to hunt for the enemies."

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