
Chapter 114: return 'gift'

Chapter 114: return 'gift'

ARGENT furrowed her brows. She was in deep sleep. But because something kept poking her cheek, that sleep was interrupted. She irritably swatted whatever that thing was but it still continued. In the end, Argent could only reluctantly open her eyes. And the first thing she saw was Viper's mismatched eyes. He was squatting beside her, his finger raised and was about to poke her cheek.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Poking your cheek," he answered and shamelessly poke her cheek again.

This time, Argent successfuly swatted Viper's finger. "Stop." She slowly sat up and only just noticed that she was inside a tent. "How am I here?"

The last thing she remembered was of Lei Feng bringing her to the uninhabited island. Did she pass out?

"You fell asleep the moment that bastard general put you down. So, he decided to stay in this island until you wake up."

So, she fell asleep. That's not really surprising, considering she hadn't had any decent sleep these past few days. Finally getting the thing that could help her get her mother back, her body finally relaxed and probably just gave in to its need to sleep.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"It's already nearing midnight, so almost half a day?"

Yes, she was definitely tired. "How did you manage to sneak in here anyway?"

Because she was pretty certain Lei Feng wouldn't just let Viper enter her tent considering how the two kept fighting and bickering since the moment they met.

"I'm an assassin, it's my job to sneak inside different places," he said indignantly. "And I put the bastard general and the three stooges to sleep so I could easily get in."

Argent raised one of her brows. "Lei Feng will definitely be pissed at you tomorrow."

"Who cares about him? Just imagining his stupid face when he woke up and learned that a simple incense put him to sleep already makes me incredibly happy. He deserve it. He and his three stooges kept bullying me. He hurt my fragile feelings. Don't you feel sorry for me?" Viper said, his face full of grievance.

"No, not really," Argent said without hesitation.

Viper sulked and showed fake tears. "How could you? Your sweetheart has been bullied and you don't even care?"

"Okay. Stop. Just tell me why you're here in my tent. Surely, you're not here just to watch me sleep?"

"Yes, actually," he admitted quite matter-of factly. "But mostly, I'm here to say goodbye."

"Oh. You're already leaving?" She thought, with Viper's character, he would persistently attached himself to her until she left Xing.

"Sadly, yes. Master contacted me and told me to report to him everything that happened here."

"Can't you just call him and tell him those things?" Argent asked, a bit confused. If they both had sPhones, they could just talk to each other thru it. What's the need to report in person?

Viper's heterochromatic eyes suddenly brightened. "What's this? Do you actually not want me to go? Will you miss me?"

Argent gave him a look like he was stupid. "You think more. I'm just curious."

"I know you will miss me. No need to be shy," he said with a silly grin on his face.

Argent rubbed her temple. Sometimes, she seriously wondered how Viper's brain circuit worked. She sighed. And then she suddenly remembered the plan brewing inside her mind. "Can you arrange a meeting for me and your master?"

Viper stopped and suddenly looked thoughtful. "I can't promise you but I could try."

"That's more than enough."

"My master is a bit eccentric. No one never really know what he's thinking. So I suggest that you don't expect too much. I'll contact you immediately once I receive Master's answer. How should I contact you?"

Argent just simply gave him her [TalkUs] account.  Viper was obviously overjoyed by this. "If you're leaving tonight, then I have something for you."

Viper's eyes became even brighter. "Is this the present you said you'll give me?"

Argent nodded. She took the extra limiter bracelet from her space ring and gave it to Viper. "It's a limiter. It could stop the flow of your Mana which will allow you to freely touch others."

This was Argent's return gift for that head Viper gave her. Unlike the limiter that Aurum had, this one just had the simple function of stopping someone's Mana. There's no adjustment, no built-in GPS, or something that could produce an SOS signal.

Viper's bright eyes slowly dimmed. "I don't need that. I told you, being able to touch you is enough for me."

"Do you really think so? Because I don't. You've been deprived of human touch for so long that when you met someone that you could touch, you immediately thought that that person was special. Even if it's not me you've met, you'll probably still feel the same." Argent was not good when it came to emotions but people's psychology, she could at least understand. "Just use it. Try to touch others. It will be good for you."

Viper looked down. He could not deny what Argent just said. Because it was true. Up until the moment when he found out that he could touch Argent, he only thought of him as a stuck up know-it-all kid. Then after that, his perception of Argent changed. He became the best in Viper's eyes. His fascination with Argent was slowly engraved in his heart for the past seven years. But what if it was another person? Would he still feel the same way?

Viper didn't know the answer. And frankly, he didn't want to. What's the use of thinking about those things when it was indeed Argent that he met on that ship and not any other?

Argent looked at Viper's petulant look and helplessly sighed. She reached for his hand and personally put the limiter on his wrist. "Don't try to limit your world on me, Viper. Because at the end, you might discover that it wasn't worth it at all."

Viper sharply raised his head. "How could you not be worth it? You're worth everything."

Argent looked at Viper's serious expression and just shook her head. It's like he didn't understand a thing she said. "Go. Those four might wake up and they might beat you up before you could even manage to leave here," she just said.

"Are you worrying about me?" Argent just gave him an indifferent look which made Viper laugh. "Won't you give me a goodbye kiss?"

"I won't. And don't even try to sneak one on me because I won't hesitate to cut you up."

Viper pouted. "Fine." He stood up. "I'll leave then. See you later, Argent!" he said while happily waving his hand.

He walked outside the tent, the happy expression on his face slowly disappeared. Viper looked down at the bracelet on his wrist. He didn't like this gift at all. Why did he need to touch others? Argent was enough for him. But then, he still couldn't help but think if something would change once he knew the feel of other people's skin.

Viper silently laughed. Who cares? Even if something did change, the place of Argent in his heart was the only thing that would remain the same.

He looked again at the bracelet. "Even though I don't like you, I will still treasure you since Argent gave you to me," he said to the bracelet like a kid.

Then he walked while skipping towards the direction of the shore.

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