
Chapter 126: back at the island

Chapter 126: back at the island

INSIDE the study of the Emperor of Xing, a certain conversation was happening. The youngest general of the country - Zhang Lei Feng - was kneeling in front of the Emperor. He just came back after more than a week of travel, the first thing he did was to report at the Imperial Palace.

"You may rise," the Emperor said. The young general stood up. "How come you return so early? Did Lord Blackbourne already find the location he's looking for?"

The two pretended that the Emperor still didn't know about Argent's departure. The moment he returned to the Zhang household, Lei Feng knew that someone would report to the Emperor and also tell him that he returned alone.

Because of the Emperor's information network, he told his dark guards to be careful when bringing Lady Aurum and Black out of the Zhang household and made sure that they wouldn't be followed. He also had to ask them to prepare a small ship where the twins would supposedly embark so they could leave Xing. It would just generate suspicion if they suddenly disappeared here without a trace.

"The duke had already left Xing. We were half-way to our first destination when he received a call. There seemed to be a problem in his company and he needed to go there to personally deal with it as soon as he could. So he needed to immediately leave from here. But the duke asked me to tell Your Majesty that your business deal will not be affected. He will send someone from his company to facilitate the project."

"This Emperor understands. It must be quite a big emergency. It's such a shame this Emperor wasn't able to meet him before he left."

"This general is sure that the duke felt the same way."

Li Wei stared at the young general. Lei Feng was looking down so he couldn't really see his expression. He knew about Lei Feng's little habit. The general was really bad at lying. But looking at him now, Li Wei could tell that he's really trying his best not to show that habit.

"What is your opinion of the young duke?" the Emperor thought of asking.

"Smart, brave, determined, and very protective to those he care about," Lei Feng answered smoothly.

"So many wonderful praises. You must really like him a lot," the Emperor commented, his tone a bit vague.

Lei Feng didn't answer which was like a default, admitting that he did like the young duke. The Emperor raised his brow at that. His fifth son was a cut-sleeve. If Lei Feng was one too, then he guessed they're much more common than he imagined. No wonder he rejected his daughter.

"This Emperor knows that the duke didn't come here just for a business transaction. Being with him, you must know what he really came here for." Lei Feng's pupils dilated when he heard what the Emperor said. The Emperor must have noticed his reaction because of what he said next; "Don't worry, this Emperor wouldn't care about the duke's purpose for coming here. As long as it has nothing to do with my Xing, that is."

Lei Feng understood what the Emperor was worrying about. The Emperor was the type of leader that only cared about the country he's leading. He wouldn't tolerate anything that would endanger that.

He raised his head and answered honestly, "The duke's business has nothing to do with Xing."

Li Wei observed the young general's expression. After confirming that Lei Feng was not lying, he finally let go of the small worry he had. "Good." If the reason why the duke came here had nothing to do with Xing, then he didn't care. It probably had something to do with the map that thief took 15 years ago. Li Wei certainly had no interest in some old legend. "If there's nothing else, you can go."

Instead of leaving, Lei Feng bowed and said, "Actually, Your Majesty, this general has a small request."


A flying vehicle was hovering above an empty sea located on the Western continent. The sea looked calm without so much as a wave. But when the flying vehicle started to descend, an opening appeared in the atmoshere and the vehicle directly flew down into it. When the opening closed, the vehicle also vanished.

The vehicle did not disappear but instead entered an island. The whole island was cloaked using a special technology that would make it invisible to people's eyes. Not only that, there's also a shield surrounding the island. If one didn't have a particular GPS tracker, it would be hard to find it. And even if one did manage to find it and enter inside, the whole island was armed with weapons that would immediately attack any intruders. Which meant, the only way that a person could go here safely was if Argent allowed you to.

Argent carefully landed the flying shuttle on the open hangar attached to her lab. Her sister and Black first went out and then she followed.

"Master, Black will go to White! Black has so many stories to tell her," Black said who didn't wait for Argent's answer and immediately ran inside the lab.

"He must really missed White. He didn't even wait for your permission," Aurum said.

"I made them as a pair. It's only natural for them to want to be together."

"Young Lord! Young Lady!" called a very familiar voice from the opened door of the hangar.

The twins both looked at the direction of the voice and saw Felicia who was excitedly running towards them.

"Welcome back, Young Lord, Young Lady," she happily greeted.

"Why Felicia, you're absolutely blooming," Aurum complimented.

Aurum was right. Felicia's auburn hair was arranged in a simple yet elegant style. She was wearing a very neat dress that not only looked comfortable but also showcased her curves. Her skin almost looked like it was glowing. She was even using a light pink rouge on her lips.

"Thank you, Young Lady. It's probably because I'm too happy these days," Felicia said with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oh? I bet it has something to do with Hattori. Are the two of you finally together now?" Aurum teased.

Felicia's blush intensified even more. "N-no, Young Lady. I-it's not like that."

"Come on, you don't have to hide it from us. We both support you and Hattori. Right, Brother?"

Felicia's face became even redder, if that was even possible at all.

Argent gently knocked on Aurum's head. "Don't tease Felicia so much."

"Fine," Aurum pouted. "I'll go ahead and rest then. I kind of missed sleeping in my room." Then she walked out of the hangar, most probably going to their villa.

Argent turned back to Felica whose face was slowly turning back to normal. "I have an important job for you, Felicia."

Felicia's face immediately turned serious. "Whatever it is, I'll do it, Young Lord."

"You should already know about the project our company was planning to do in Xing. I want you to go there and head that project." There wasn't a change in Felicia's expression which meant that she wasn't opposed to the idea of being a project head. If this was seven years ago, she'd definitely panic. Argent was glad to see her growth. "Contact Finn, he'll give you all the details you need. Also ask him for a competent assistant and make him arrange a security detail for you."

"About that security detail, can I do it myself?" a familiar voice suddenly said.

Hattori Shingen suddenly appeared beside them. Argent didn't even notice his arrival. He probably used [Mizukodo]. As expected of her master.

"Master," Argent greeted.

"Welcome back, kid," Hattori returned. "About that security detail..."

"Y-you don't have to. I mean, I know that there are people after you. I-it's safer for you to stay here," Felicia said cutting whatever Hattori was about to say.

Hattori turned to Felicia. "What's this? Do you think I'm weak or do you just not have any faith in my abilities?"

"No! How could I ever think that?" Felicia immediately said. "I'm just worried about you."

Hattori gently pinched Felicia's cheek. "Then let me go with you in this trip. Because otherwise, I'll be the one who will end up worrying."

Felicia touched her cheek that was pinched. She gazed shyly at Hattori. "Okay."

Argent stared at the two who seemed to have already forgotten her existence. How exactly did this development happen? She felt like if another minute passed, virtual flowers would bloom around the two. So she cleared her throat to remind them that she was still here.

Felicia was flustered. What was she doing, forgetting about her Young Lord? Her face reddened again from embarrassment. "I- I'll go and contact Master Finn," she said and didn't hesitate to run out of there.

"Cute," Hattori muttered while looking at Felicia's back.

He said it in a small voice but Argent still heard it. She raised one of her brows then she remembered Aurum's teasing. She's not really good with the nuance when it came to romantic relationships. So maybe Aurum was right, there was really something going on between her master and Felicia.

"Master, are you Felicia's lover now?" Argent decided to just ask instead of making assumptions.

She didn't think it was possible, but she actually saw her master blush a little. Felicia was also blushing constantly earlier. Did that mean that she could equate blushing with romantic feelings? Then Argent remembered Lei Feng and his ear tips that constantly turned red. Was that the same for him? She shook her head and immediately rejected the idea. She just couldn't imagine a person like Lei Feng liking her.

Hattori rubbed his nose as if embarrassed. "No, I'm not. But if there comes a time that I did become hers, would you object?"

"No. I don't have the right to object. But I think Master do need the approval of Felicia's parents."

"I'll get to that. Eventually."

"Are you really serious about being Felicia's security detail?" Argent asked.

"Of course."

"Xing is pretty close to Kano. Trouble might come Master's way if you go there," she reminded.

"Well, I can't run all my life. I have to face them sooner or later. But just to be safe, why don't you give me one of those choker thing that could change your face?"

"Okay. I'll let Black deliver it to you later."

After that, Hattori walked out of the hangar. And Argent walked towards the direction of her inner lab.

It's time to get to work.

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